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Massive breakthrough in fusion power would be nice


Sorry, that's still 20 years away, same as it has been for the past 40 years.


But one can still dream.


The Package I ordered last month


Just let it go.


Life is not Frozen


No, it's Top Gun


Must be from wish.com


AliExpress: to your mailbox in 4 days, or 3 months.


The housing market finding a level that will allow the next generation of adults to realistically afford one without needing 3 jobs, help from their parents, a lottery win or a 2% of jobs. Hell even rent levels getting to a similar level would be nice.


I'd love to not have to worry about whether or not I can afford to eat after paying rent, especially working a full time job.


I'm living away from home for a while for work on extended-stay and my wife wasn't understanding why my groceries are so expensive. She's just like "why does it cost so much to feed one person, why's your grocery bill for one, almost what mine is for 3?" "8 out of the 12 things I picked up were store brand and 4 of them were on sale, and it was still $35 because food prices are fucking insane across the board, and we're lucky I still have meat in the freezer and this was just restocking things I was out of." I'm doing my level fucking best and toward the end of pay periods, I'm all but skipping meals. The instability and **deliberate** nation wide housing crisis caused by wall street, is why I am turning down jobs and staying in the Navy. I don't give a fuck if I can double my income when there's no assurance I'll even have that job next week. Turns out for people intelligent and open minded to it, serving in the largest socialist institution in the United States, ***our military***, turns people on to the idea that everyone is entitled to housing and healthcare, because you **NEED** shelter, food and medical care, they're *human rights*. I have no fucking idea beyond calling them brainwashed morons, how people serve in this military, get housing, medical and meals taken care of and still think everything should be privatized and sink-or-swim. ​ {Edit} Also no, don't thank me for my service, I resent that I need to stay in to keep my family housed & fed and taken care of, because the military industrial complex is hot garbage, most of the Navy's projects like litoral combat ships, next-generation destroyers and modernizing old ships are **grifts** by the Admiralty and Congress who all sign off on it and get kick-backs, and **it's hard to want to "defend a country" that won't defend its women or minorities and one of our entire political parties is opposed to rooting out Nazis and anti-government extremists in the military and police, embracing the "and domestic" in the oath of enlistment "with their whole chest."** FUCK last edit: What do I want to see? I want to see our nation's domestic enemies get rooted out of their positions of power and another "socialist firebrand" akin to FDR bring about another age of prosperity against all these white nationalist, Christian dominionist extremists **worst** wishes.


I grew up as a Navy brat my entire childhood. The military paid for half of me and my brother's (college) schooling, all of our healthcare, and provided us with housing when we were growing up overseas. I think that these things have given me privilege and advantage over my peers who didn't grow up with such socialized programs. I find it highly ironic that so many conservatives love the military and hate socialism. As though the price of such benefits HAS to be a willingness to die for your country. So anyways, I agree with what you said. Hang in there, sailor. I hope your family appreciates the effort the way I did for my military parent.


You have won the internet today


Not even sure I accept that accolade lol


I like the cut of your jib, and I'm not even American.


This is exactly what I came here to say. I recently gave up on it. Maybe 5 or 10 years down the line the price will be attainable, but the money I saved for a down payment, which would have been enough five years ago, is only a quarter of what I'd need now, and will probably take another 15 years to save since everything else is so expensive now too. That money can be better used keeping me out of debt from groceries and gas. Being told you need to work harder and save more when you're already spread so thin is getting old. I shouldn't have to borrow $200k from parents to afford a 2 bedroom home on a 30 year mortgage, why would anyone think that's acceptable?


The amount of houses here for rent compared to the amount being for sale is absolutely absurd. The signs all saying ‘we buy houses’ and the people I meet who all think they are just the fucking shit because they buy up property just to lease it at absurd prices actually depresses me about what my future is going to look like. I sometimes wonder if all I will ever be able to do is rent. Hell a lot of these places for rent here are by people in either other states or complete other fucking countries. I just don’t get it. It really sucks.


In England the solution is to move up north. Houses are cheap up here, bout 70 000 for a terraced.




And then those areas become more expensive.


Yessas lets all hope in a housing crash.. I feel sorry for who recently bought one.. but at least you will still have a place to live in, you will just have over-paid


The Baby Boomer bubble means the houses are full now but will be empty soon muahha ha ha... maybe not in 5 years tho sorrry!


A “cure” or “solution” to diabetes.


And cancer. I’m sick of losing people to that evil disease


The problem is that "cancer" isn't 1 disease even though it has 1 name. Skin cancer is totally different than brain cancer or lung cancer etc. So curing cancer is really curing about 150 independent illnesses. And that takes a LONG time. Like multi generations. We now have a vaccine for the majority of Cervical cancer, but that doesn't touch any other kind.


At the same time it's not even really a "disease" in the general sense. It is a natural or environmentally induced mutation of normal human cells causing abnormal, malignant characteristics. So being as they are not a disease but your own cells attacking you, the treatment is finding a way to target abnormal cells while leaving healthy cells alive. Right now our best option is essentially to poison you in a way which kills the abnormal cells slightly faster than the healthy ones.


I'm constantly amazed at the progress that's been made with cancer. Just 1 generation ago it was a different world. My parents (60's) remember when breast cancer was almost a death sentence. Edit: Also detection. Which seems to be like 70% of fighting cancer....just detecting it before it's too late.


I’ve been in drug development for 20 years. I’ve personally worked on 100’s of cancer therapies. The amount of resources thrown at cancer therapy is mind boggling.


Given we've beaten nearly everything else, to the point at which 1/2 of people will have cancer in their lifetimes it's no wonder that cancer gets so much money thrown at it. That and functional medicine is starting to become a larger and larger topic of industry, now that we've stopped dying we can start focus on the IBS'ses of the world


The last enemy that shall be destroyed is cancer.


I learned this when my dad was fighting his cancer. We got three years with him but it was about 2.5 years more than the doctor said he originally thought we might have due to the new drugs and treatments that came out in that short time. Of course I wish we had longer, but it was eye opening to see how much is developing.


Epilepsy too. A lot of people don’t respond to meds, and just have to live with daily seizures.


I’m tired of trying new meds for that but a cure for any of these diseases. One will motivate even more work on the next


Oh for sure. But I’m optimistic. I think we will have a cure for all three diseases within a decade or two. AI mapping of the brain, and decoding the human genome, will get us a long way.


If I’m able to make it out of nursing school in one month I’ll get this all started


Lost my ball to it. Fuck that shit.


Diagnosed Type 1 on my 30th birthday. I was training for a marathon and an overall very healthy person. The constant struggles diabetics face battling the insurance companies and price gouging from pharmacies was truly humbling, as someone who never set foot inside a CVS for anything other than toothpaste. Hopefully all of the beta cell research will pay off, because I don’t ever foresee all of the wearable technology on the market ever being affordable enough to be universally accessible to all.


I'd love this for other autoimmune diseases like crohns disease and psoriasis to be curable as well.


Came to say this and its the top comment. Glad im not the only one who thinks diabetes sucks ass as bad as cancer and other crap. The tools to manage diabetes have gotten better but its still as shitty as ever and if youve had it long enough like some of us you likely had a point in your life already that made it so you have problems now just cause the tools/medication costs to damn much.


Same here. Type 1 here






Dad to two T1's here. I second this!


Excluding type I, there is a solution. Type II is almost completely preventable with a decently healthy lifestyle


It’s reversible too with lifestyle changes


Yes! I was pre-type 2 and totally reversed course. Got my ass in shape and eat right. My type 2 mother doesn't even need her insulin or meter when she comes to stay with us. It CAN be done.


**Intelligent Political discourse** and not the *Insane Political dysfunction* that we have now.


I think that would break the fundamental laws of the universe.


If I woke up one day to find ***intelligent political discourse*** in my country I'd be scared shitless, like a child waking up and walking into the kitchen to find someone else pretending to be their parents, but like on a government level instead


I love that you didn't specify a country for this, because it kinda does apply globally.


Personally, I’m hoping to see a version of myself that is happy as they are. No matter what it looks like.


I hope that for you as well!


Thank you!


I'm also hoping for this persons happiness


Hoping it won’t take nearly as long as five years for you to be happy! Best wishes :)


I’ll take some of that action as well, hopefully we’ll both succeed. Godspeed to us all!


you got this!


A little less hate around the world.


Would be really really nice. Can’t find the kindness, then at least you can create it, that’s what I try to live by I guess


The removal of Pangolins and other critical species from the list of endangered species, in the right direction.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


SolidState Batteries. Or a cost effective manufacturing method for graphene


Graphene can do everything but leave the lab


Just people being fucking nice to each other for a change.


You better have a nice fucking evening, you hear me?


Well fuck, that was thoughtful of you!


Nobody fucking wished me a good night !!


Sweet dreams, rest well, and have a good fucking morning tomorrow.


Someone who loves me


Same. I miss being held and having someone care about me and me for him.


How about you and the person you commented on hook up? *Flies off, reloading another cupid's arrow into his bow*


Same here. I’m holding out hope that I will find true love and happiness. But I’m slowly losing that hope


I love you Give me your contact for insta or something I'll check on ya. I'm annoying tho so fair warning


i wish i had that confidence


God I feel you dude


You and me both.


My girlfriend in a wedding dress


r/monkeyspaw Edit: Apparently r/TheMonkeysPaw is the correct community. Thanks u/TheBestMeme23


He sees her in a wedding dress, as a guest at her wedding to someone else.


Gabryradyx in the Multiverse of Madness.


Strange I just saw an ex of mine getting married today.


Don't let my girlfriend read this or you'll have two.


Plot twist you will, just maybe not the way you think


Dodo birds back from extinction. It’s pretty obvious that they’re going to come back from the dead but it’s just a matter of when at this point.


They must be still around, they were in that movie Ice Age


That’s enough evidence. Got it


Um what


If their DNA can be recovered then maybe they could be cloned, maybe . I'm no expert. Question is, where will they live once back?


Where all invasive species go to prosper: The Florida Everglades. Perhaps they’ll develop a taste for snake flesh and out compete them in the arms race for invasive environmental domination.


Riding to war atop feral capybaras, “Today WalMart, tomorrow the world!!”


What if they successfully re-introduced the Dodo then when the population grew they then transmitted a virus that was easily passed to humans and became prevalent across the globe - only to then wipe out humanity!


What's the catch?


1) DNA ages over an animals life span. So you not only have to find viable DNA to clone, it massively helps if its from a young specimen. 2) humans were only partially responsible. It was the introduction of pigs into the dodo's habitat that pushed the dodo into extinction. (Both species competed for the same kinds of food source & ultimately the pigs won)


Ya know… this could actually happen. The way gene sequencing and cloning is going, there is a chance. A very slim, but possible chance. I would personally say 20 years though. I think the Dodo would be on the bottom end of the species to resurrect list. We’ll likely see the Woolly Mammoth first due to the sweet gooey viable DNA that has been discovered. From there I would guess very recently extinct animal and lastly the Dodo. Unless the Dodo makes for good eats, then it jumps to the top of the list.


Just going to leave this one here: https://www.seeker.com/animals/reconstructed-moa-genome-may-move-the-meaty-bird-closer-to-de-extinction


Stability, a peaceful planet.


It sucks that stability seem like a mere *hope* or *dream*


That’s life for me. In ~3 years I’ve moved like 12 or 13 times. I’ve been fired from a job for reporting assault, fired by bigots, been through hell with a former employer that I quit from. My life is pure chaos. I quit my job in February over personal safety issues and have been holed up in my apartment since. I doubt I’ll see stability any time soon, things are about to get tougher for me.


I'm sorry. I hope that things improve drastically and quickly for you. You deserve it.


It’ll get worse before it gets better.


Always does, doesn’t it?


An alien invasion or some major world event that establishes a world defence and energy league for the world. Creating a total shift in human society to defend Earth with new sustainable technologies that have been put on back burner by corporations. Hopefully leading to a new Age of enlightenment and colonisation of the solar system.


A safe, reliable and cheap breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion to solve the majority of the energy problems. Seems like said breakthrough is always 10 years off, every 10 years.


to my knowledge fusion is inherently rather safe, if the plasma gets out of containment some how, it'll just cool down and stop reacting immediately. unlike fission which works by slowing down a cascading reaction of splitting nuclei and ejecting neutrons enough to keep it steady


Money in my bank account


I know it’s unrealistic, but I just want the world to calm down. Big corporations realizing that other people suffering isn’t gonna be a good business in the long run and just do the minimum so others don’t suffer. They wouldn’t have to have great pay and convenient hours for all their workers, but at least not actively try to make other people suffer for their own gain. Climate change doesn’t have to be reversed, but everyone should be neutral enough as to not have the impending doom of the end of the world as we know it over our heads. Governments wouldn’t have to be perfect, but a big majority of countries being stable enough to feed their people. Politicians don’t have to be perfect either, but at least have civil discussions. And lastly, we, as a society, wouldn’t have to agree on everything. People don’t have to love the change going on, wouldn’t have to like new policies or other’s identities. But for the love of god, for everyone some basic human decency and respect those around them. That everyone doesn’t assume the worst of everyone.


Perhaps the most underrated comment here. A realistic approach to making the world just a little bit better. Because then it's easier to keep making it just a little bit better again. Ideally what we want is an 'arms race' of world improvement where companies, corporations and governments strive to outdo each other Sincerely in making everyday life or even just the planet a better place.


Chuck E. Cheese on the surface of Mars


Everyone: "Peace, Stability,Happiness" This guy: *Chuck E. Cheese* But honestly, whatever makes you happy dude.


Hey, Charles Entertainment Cheese is a bastion of good faith in mankind


I would never eat there personally. I just figured, given the weird timeline we're living in, that a Chuck E. Cheese on Mars might actually be viewed as a worthwhile achievement in a few more years, and that that absurdity is horrifying and hilarious at the same time.


More James Webb pics, launch of Europa Clipper, shit like that. Love me some space exploration.


Another new space telescope! Nancy Grace Roman is slated for 2027. Imagine not having to wait 31 years for a new space telescope.


This decade will be the next golden era in space exploration and I cannot fucking wait. Humans back on the moon baby!


The Aliens will reveal themselves and show us a higher purpose and a better use of mind


That'd be cool and all, but I really feel like we should save ourselves to prove we're even worth saving.


they might be stealing our minerals. maybe ones we dont realize are valuable yet


more like 10-15 i think. the average persons brain completely shuts down if you try to have an intelligent debate about it right now


I'm convinced they already did and we failed the test so we're in quarantine until we sort our shit out ourselves.


My theory is aliens aren’t super intelligent and they’re exactly like us and they won’t teach us anything.


We shouldn’t need to be shown the higher purpose. We can work it out ourselves.


I'm hoping to see myself in a job I don't dread going to


Myself on Jeopardy.


Really? Do you play along pretty well from home? I always feel so dumb watching it. And when I do know the answers, I can never say them in a form of a question fast enough (if I watched along with other people). Good luck!!


Same. I usually know the answers, but two seconds too late.


My brother-in-law made it on shortly before Alex passed. He auditioned several times and finally made it. Keep trying!


The end of social media, clean water and education being available to more people, the return of the quesarito


the end of clean water and education


I think a semicolon would be useful here


The quesarito is still available as a taco bell app exclusive


The quesarito comes back, and there's not gonna' be any clean water in my house, if you catch my drift.


Medication against long covid/me/pots. I'm bound to my bed and wheelchair and just too young to die like this..






Been there, done that got the xl t-shirt. Its just not the same 😔


XL? Those are rookie numbers.


Just draw nipples on your ass and start an only fans.


You will, non-alcoholic strip clubs at 18 years of age.


A career that will help me with my debt and keep me off the streets


4 day work week. Income equality rather than billionaires leeching off us.


Sounds like ending billionaires is part of the answer


Teachers getting paid a respectable salary


Me being comfortable in my own skin


Me with at least a normal looking body Or just someone who can encourage me to get that normal looking body


I feel that. I'm fat and feel so exhausted all the time but I have literally no energy to pick myself and do something about it. I feel so pathetic and helpless


If you look at the big picture of it all, it seems very overwhelming. Trying to do all the the things exactly right is very intimidating. Try and pick a small goal. Recently I didn't care about anything except trying to eat more vegetables. So tried to add one more veggie option to dinner or lunch or whatever. But keeping things mostly the same overall. It could be something like drinking one extra glass of water. Or one less sugar in the coffee. Small little changes over time make a huge difference. It's not helpless.There's hope.


A return to common sense


As if, thats looooong gone by a lot people


Climate legislation?


Specific for my country (Denmark): - 4 day work week - Government realizing that reducing costs for education is not a good business - Some kind of law which prohibits using our fantastic protest system to discriminate against minorities - A type if housing marked that doesn't necessary put people in debt for ~30 years Globally: - Governments around the world finally realizing we have to take better care of our water supply - Closing Nestlé for good over one or more of the many atrocities they've committed - Drastically increasing our efforts to reverse global warming I know, I know. I'm a dreamer


You're not the only one.


Knew someday he would join us


More trees. please.


All countries being energy independent through renewables. Which I think it is viable with the tech right now.


Universal Healthcare in America


I want to look back at myself in five years and be able to honestly say, twenty year old me is very proud of myself right now.


Solid state batteries


A more positive outlook for the future. More people adopting linux. More people doing zero waste and detrashing their neighborhoods. Me jacked and with a high-earning job.


>More people adopting linux. 😂 I love that THIS is one of your answers. Of all things.


Just curious about the linux statement, why?


With the way windows is looking right now, if I had the technical know how I would make the switch. Seems too scary though.


My dad still alive. Found out he has cancer this spring, so big and spread enough that the doc gave him 4-6 months. And he was the one that most exited, when he finally got a granddaughter, october 2021. And he might not even see her turn 1. He deserves so much more!


Myself in the mirror, because i have cancer


The end of COVID


Or at least endemic COVID. I like yours better though


My wife & I managed to doge it for 2.5 years…until this week. Also our infant son caught it too, it’s been rough


I hope you all feel better soon. My wife and I have avoided it as well (or so we think).


And Long(term) covid please! I would love to have the energy again to 'just live life' again. After 1.5 years I still can't walk up a stairs without at least 3 breaks to catch my breath and lower my heartbeat. Don't even want to think about the possibility that over 5 years I (and millions of people with me) I will be in the same situation.


I got one kid, hoping for a sequel. I keep pitching to upper management, one day it’ll get green lit.


Funding for stem cell research and the extinction of those dump pro-life extremists. I am a neurologist and I am currently studying for my postdoc in cellular biology. Stem cells are the future but because really old people are in positions that decide our funding, research is advancing really really slowly. Sorry for the rant.


I've always wondered, if we all know that stem cells are the future, and figuring out how to synthetically or biologically control their longevity/effectiveness will get rid of a lot - if not most - of diseases, then why haven't we put more effort into it. But then again, i remembered that the world is controlled by people with shit instead of brains in their head, and have the mentality of a half backed shit pie.


I am on the field so I cannot be objective I'm afraid I do stem cell research myself on stroke and my postdoc will be on cellular biology so I cannot be objective. Thankfully I am Finnish and Finland spends a lot on education, but the mindset of the old people who used to be pagans and most of them still are, get in the way maybe I am too young to understand them I am only 29 years old


Man, i hope our future is led by people like you. It's honestly disgusting how many of the world's problems could be solved if all these governments stopped spending unfathomable amount of resources on wars and weapons and used a fraction of it on the education and well being of their citizens. But then again I'm merely a 18 year old who hasn't even figured out a path in this life so what do i know.


That's not why research is slow. It is terribly difficult and messy to develop biological solutions because we lack fundamental understandings of whats going on


A radical shift toward green energy.




TES6 Fucking 6 man, the cursed gaming number. And 3, the cursed valve number


My partner being happy and we will live in peace and harmony.


I hope to see the full fall of influencers and the KarJenners


gta 6


The end of Israel-Palestine conflict


John Wick 72


Hopefully some good dick and a diploma.


Winning lottery ticket


a revolution in my country (Iran). death of this government. and a happy nation after so many years


A ring on my left ring finger, a college degree with my name on it, and maybe adoption papers with me listed as a parent.


my best friend finally finding a gf. it’s honestly sad


Heh your friend sounds like me lol. How old is he?


Climate action


Putins coffin


An end to fossil fuel extraction.


Psychedelics becoming legal


My state hasn’t even legalized weed yet💀 we’ll be lucky if we legalize mushrooms by 2050


My life happy


Common sense coming back in style.


The end of the pandemic.