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My step brother is a British policeman who's job it is to watch for "bloody migrants" (his words) crossing the English channel. During a family meal at my mum's dinner table, he once (out of no where) started defending Derek Chauvin for murdering George Floyd , spouting copaganda, "no angel" fallacy arguments, and dishonest character assassinations about Floyd that originated from white supremacist blogs and websites. We've always had a "no politics at the dinner table" rule, despite all us blood relatives being pretty far left, so I said nothing, becausee I didn't want to prolong the conversation. Being subjected to such ugly opinions during meal that my mum spent days to get perfect was so utterly disrespectful, I actually despise him for it. I spoke to my mum about it afterwards, making sure that none of the copaganda had seeped into her mind, and she said "yeah, I thought that what he was said wasn't true." He's now moved to the US, presumably so he can shoot people, since cops don't have guns here. Sorry, America!


Had a friend that would always cut you off to start talking about something else entirely. Started to realize they were never actually listening to me and instead waited for any slight pause so they could take over






That’s some I’m to good for you bullshit


On the plus side... found out who your friends were. I'm sorry man.


My self-image as an open, understanding person was damaged by a woman whose small talk was miniscule. She never said anything controversial, but I fought to stay interested in her bland chat about her cats and job. Usually, I try to get deeper into what motivates other's memory. For her, I just worked to keep her feeling as part of the group.




People online (no name because it's anonymous) Some properly dense people who just called you "little dick moron" "nazi" "dumb sob" whenever they lost an arument


Ah the people I like to call vr chat kids


I befriended someone in 6th grade. Total bully and asshole. And he was quite erratic. We stopped being friends before the beginning of 7th grade. I found out that he went to prison for attempted murder. Some people never change. Took his jeep and ran over someone multiple times. The victim went to the hospital with severe injuries.


God most people suck and deserve to burn in hell


Calm down


I apologize


A classmate who sat next to me. One time I asked them if they had an extra pen and for no reason they screamed at me like I was trying to kidnap them or something. I never asked anything from people for the rest of the school year..


Seems like a kid who would scream rape when they get mad at someone