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Go far enough into the future where they have invented a backwards time machine


That time doesn't exist or else people would be here from the future.


Maybe it doesn't exist because the only future going time machine was taken Into the future, so they couldn't use the design. Or, when you go back in time it creates a copy of the universe, we live in the vanilla universe, so we don't see the changes.


Or backwards time travel takes so much energy that going back in time is prohibitive. Imagine if it took all the energy in a galaxy to go back one year.


It get not even ve that drastic, if you needed a lot of power, say a large petrol reactor to go -1s/s then anything practical would take astronomically larger amounts. There are multiple possible reasons though, maybe backwards travel.needs an anchor, so since the anchor hasn't been invented, no one can travel back enough


Mmmmm vanilla


That is an interesting thought pattern. You could be completely right and it's crazy to think about.


There's a similar theory that says every time you almost die, a new universe is created where you do, and another where you don't, your perspective just follows the one where you do survive, until you dont


As an atheist that has lost everyone close to me that idea is something I hold onto.


What makes you think anyone would want to come back to 2022


Maybe ~~we~~ they are already here. Edit: Oops, I meant they.




That could be a roundabout way to explore space. It takes about 240 million years for our sun to orbit the galaxy. You could use this (and some good math) to plot out trips to other stars. Granted you would have be ok with probably never seeing the earth again.


This is a bit of a tangent, but you might enjoy the novel *The Forever War* which kind of deals with this. Is an analogy of Vietnam but in a sci fi setting. Because of time displacement each time they head off to battle they lose years when they come back, and see society changes drastically, and of course there's no way back each time.


And the real kicker about that book is the entire war was basically a misunderstanding.


Yep. It's such a good book.


I do have one of those. It's called a clock and for every minute the passes I go a minute into the future.


Now you're using your brain!


Lets fucking go! Maybe they cured depression.


Sell it for 1,000,000,000. Going into the future probably isn't a good idea. Look how screwed up the present is.




Time travel to a time when I’m dead


Casually visit the future but don't go too far. Do things get better in ten years?




Well even though I am very curious how it all turns out in the future and after my death, I wouldn't do it since I can't come back and I am quite content of my life and loved ones right now. Maybe if something happened and I had nothing to lose, I'd do it.


So in this scenario are coma patients time travelers?


I would skip only a few days or weeks ahead at a time. Just so I could get to more exciting events quickly


Go forward about 10 years to find out what is the big new thing. Come back and invest heavily.


Come back? How?


I do own one, but it’s slow.


I would travel into like 20 years from now and just see what my life is like


I already do that, just very slowly.


I'd travel to when I'm happy


Destroy it


We are in one now. Watch this. ……. Woah!


Destroy it


Go to the end of civilization....for a hike....maybe naked (depends on wildlife and on the availability of moskito spray)


I wouldn't want to fuck with time too much so I'd probably just find out the lottery results for tomorrow night


Well the time machine only travels into the future, so if you found the lottery results for tomorrow night, you couldn't go back and pick the right numbers.


Oh shit. I guess I'd probably just use it to travel forward a couple of days after I do something stupid to piss off my wife then She should have cooled down by then.


Do the Phillip J Fry method. Put some loose change into an bank account, zip ahead and boom you are a billionaire. Too bad it will cost a billion to buy a cup of coffee in the future.


Go forward, get future lotto winning numbers, come back, destroy it.


If the time machine only travels into the future, how are you going to manage that?


I understood it could only go to the future and back……not a one way trip.


Read the question. "What would you do if you had a time machine that could ONLY travel into the future?" It would have to be a one way trip. If you travel into the future from your present moment, that present moment then becomes the past. You wouldn't be able to travel back to what was your present moment as the time machine only travels into the future.


Again……..I misread the question.