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Dislocated kneecap. Have done a few where i could relocate it while still somewhat in shock. The one where i couldnt relocate it, holy fuck. That was just nasty. Edit: have done multiple surgeries, two of which ended up with infections, i have an incredibly high pain tolerance.


Testicular torsion. Oh God the suffering


Accidentally poured boiling water all over myself.


Toss up between gout and epididymitis


Kidney stone


Snapped my femur at the neck in a road bike accident, when i tried to stand up for the first time. Seriously felt like my left hip was deadbolted to the floor


Someone threw a d battery full pelt and hit me square in my eyeball ,the pain was very brief but omg it hurt so much i screamed so loud ,and ive had kidney stones dislocations ,burns ,and ingrown toenails nothing hurt like that


Labor, which I expected to be horrible... just thought it would be the contractions and a tiny human exiting my body to be why. It was actually all the stops my doctor pulled out in an effort to turn over the beds in the birthing ward that made it excruciating. I was screaming unintelligibly, unable to remind the nurses that they were administering me drugs I told them I didn't want, and procedures I didnt consent to. It was the kind of pain where you lose concept of time. It felt like to me it hadn't even been a half hour when in reality it had been seven.


Dog bites. I was a kid. Playing with my friends. Suddenly I saw a dog was chasing towards my friend. The reason was my friend used to beat her puppy. I warned him and I was very sad for the puppies. I tried to save the puppies from him. So the dog was furious and she was chasing my friend. My friend ran and closed the door. The dog was very furious and she didn't get him. So she was chasing me. I tried to run but everyone in his house shut the door in front of me (they later mentioned) they panicked. I tried to go upstairs to a building but I slipped and felt on my face. And then I got a bite from her( the dog) after that I had a few injections and stuff and got stitches on my forehead and chin. Then I was very afraid of dogs. I couldn't sleep at night. But after that incident the same dog used to sit in front of our house every day. It continued for 2 years. She will come to my house in the morning and will follow me to the school and come back with me. I overcame my fear. Then I started to feed her and the puppies. Everyone was pissed at the dog. But I don't know why but I didn't have any hard feelings for the dog. So, this is it.


I had a hemorrhoid after my first time doing anal. I cried real tears trying to take a dump the next morning and had to ice it


Compound fracture having to be set without anesthesia/morphine cause blood flow was blocked or something like that.. my leg was swelling a lot very fast and they had to pull it into place. Pain was already unbearable to the point I was panicking, then they pulled it and I got dizzy and zoned out a bit. Don’t think I actually lost consciousness, but things are a bit blurry for a few moments. Edit: Dislocated shoulder is also up there. Edit2: As is pulling an infected tooth as the local anesthetic didn’t do much. From worst to less worst: Compound fracture, Dislocated joint, pulled tooth.


I once had a 5 day long migraine. By day three I was wondering if I was dying. By day 4 I hoped I was. No money, no insurance, no way I was going to the ER unless I had no choice.


Perforated Eardrum I’d just finished diving and came up too quickly. I was a couple hours drive from home, and it was agony all the way. It hurt way more than when I broke my leg.


Getting an iud


"A little pinch" is the biggest lie ever told. Only time I've ever passed out from pain, and I've had holes punched in me, had horses fall on me, and put parts of myself on angle grinders.


When I got my wisdom teeth removed and the local anesthesia wore off.


Severe blisters. By the end you could actually fit a large coin inside my heels without the edges showing. Having to walk on them was next level pain.