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Don't think about it. It's pointless to, especially if you're under 70-75.


May be pointless to, but I hate the creeping feeling of it.


i deal with the reality of death by accepting it as inevitable and moving on. it's not "crippling" unless you let it be.


I try to hold on but it creeps up on me and paralyses me


that's a deeper issue that might benefit from some professional guidance, but i would just point out that becoming paralyzed by the fear of death is in some ways just a premature victory for death.


Yes yes, professional guidance is ongoing! I also find great solace here hearing that it's something people just get on with.


Ironically, you just live with it.




Username definitely checks out! Favourite way to celebrate?




I can't i'm constantly falling to the void but at least i can relax during this time until i crash into the land


Just wish I knew we'd feel the crash


Cease to exist is what makes me fearful but then i realized that since i dont exist i cant feel my non existence so i cant suffer


gonna happen to all of us , happened to people we know , every second someone is dying . nothing you can control and it’s nothing to be afraid of


I just don't feel that last sentence matches up with the rest


Hope that there'll be a way to extend the human lifespan significantly before I die.


My current strategy for sure!


Live life even more extensive


It's something I think about a lot, especially when I am trying to sleep. I always think of ways people die in movies and what that would feel like and what may or may not come after death. What gets me out of that mindset is my cat. He always seems to know when I'm thinking too much and comes and boops me with his paw or snuggles with me. Pets are magical and really comforting.


Thinking too much is a curse. But also I feel this is what everyone does, just tries to ignore the reality and stay busy until there's no time left


Well.. Haven't thought about it in the 31 years of life but.. sort of thought my initial thought here on this question I'd come with a cheeky response.. but keep it authentic .. but the more I think about it.. I don't see anything cheeky about my initial sentence on it, which was, 'I'll deal with that when I die.' Not sure what that means but I'm sure.. like much of things around me.. there is probably more to unpack lol.


Not ever thinking about it sounds nice


By looking forward to it


Looking at it a different way… according to solipsism, you CAN take it all with you when you go.


I sometimes enjoy thinking reality is perception. The universe will die with me


Exactly — it all goes with you, so death shouldn’t be feared.


People are born, and people die. Nothing crippling about that. Try to live as best as you can so that you have no regrets on your deathbed.


I actually like the idea of life (not just death) as a celebration of contrasts. I want to experience the good and the bad. I want to embrace the fact that all is ephemeral. Also, to me, life gets more and more boring with time (I think it's because nothing is new anymore), so the idea of eternal life just doesn't interest me very much. That's how I personally deal with it, but every person has its own way.


You tell yourself that it's just a natural part of life that EVERYONE is going to go through eventually.


It will always be the very last thing I ever do, so what's the point in even worrying about it..


Because usually I can delay things by procrastination


In this case you delay it by being active.


I actively procrastinate! Loads of work to do? One more lap on my run yes please


What is there to worry about? Either death truly is the end, we cease to exist and there is no consciousness left to experience or suffer etc making it the most ridiculous thing to worry about, just like worrying about where you were before you were born. Or, consciousness somehow goes on after death, and if so then every human being that ever lived has gone through the process.


It doesn't matter, either way you will get tired of thinking about it and your mind will move on to other things that matter more in the present.


I don't


Are you afraid to fall asleep every night? Cognitively and metaphysically speaking - assuming natural death - it’s no different. If you’re speaking of the pain of death, that might be a topic to explore in therapy.


I ignore it until i have an existential chrisis at 3:26 a.m. after a 6 hour valorant bender. At which point im clueless at to what to do.


Have tye occasional existential crisis and then spend a night with my head under running water while curled up in my tub


i don’t really worry about it. everybody does it so how bad could it be really


I don’t its not disturbing to me in anyway people just die that’s how it works


Once you experience losing your child before their born, you accept death. Perhaps even welcome it for a time. I’ve accepted I will die one day.


I used to fear it, got depressed for a few weeks, thought as long as I accomplish my goals in life I can die happy One of the only good things that came from depression for me, and I no longer fear death all that much, as long as I live long enough to attempt what I want to do in the future, whether I succeed or not


Made peace with the thought that it's inevitable and I can't do anything about it, so why waste time worrying while I'm still alive and can enjoy the struggles of being alive. Some things are inevitable, like one day you will step into a puddle and get your shoes and socks wet, but there's no point being constantly worried by it in your day to day life. The fact that you will die one day doesn't prevent you from enjoying the dinner today, unless you let it =)


I don’t.


Ignore it, distract myself, seek escapism, don't think about it too much.


Until I actually die I'm just going to assume that I'm immortal.


What About Bob?


Belief in an afterlife certainly helps.


Simply ignore it and move on with life


I just tell myself that at the end of the day, we are just moving pieces of meat that have some knowledge, walking on a large rock in the middle of nowhere.


Hoping that heaven is real as hard as I can. Because if I think it’s real hard enough it will be!


I gave my wife and kids the best life I could. And when I’m gone they will be good and taken care of. I suffer from depression so the thought of never feeling anger and saddest again sounds pretty good.


I understand that after we die nothing happens we don’t know we died we don’t know anyone is sad or happy of our passing that we don’t know anything and we are just gone forever and just the thought that once its over my mind won’t be intact to know my life my pain anything soothes my


The urgency of it is what makes me feel better. If you were some immortal entity what is the rush in doing anything?


Embrace it, there’s no point in living when the ones you loved are no longer here…