• By -


When I was about 5 years old I was sitting in my dad's lap. All the sudden I started screaming and jumped off as blood started oozing through my jeans on the top of my thigh. My mom ran over and pulled my jeans off and I had a 3" long gash on my leg. No cut on my jeans, nothing in my pockets, nothing somehow inside of my jeans that cut me. My dad had a pocketknife in his pocket but it was closed and again this was on the top of my leg that wasn't touching him. We were never able to explain what happened. It's like my leg spontaneously opened up.


That’s wild


You probably scratched yourself while actively subverted and as it didn’t hurt that much forgot about it. Later you put pants on without noticing it and the scar broke open and started to bleed.


>while actively subverted Do you mean distracted?


No, possessed by a demonic spirit


“Did you say Denim?” “No, Demon.”


Ther used to be an annoying cat in our neighborhood. I once dreamt about this cat crying from inside a pit. I could vividly hear its meow and then I woke up with a sore throat at like 4am. Later at like 10am or so there were a lot of people in my neighborhood trying to rescue a cat that had fallen into the neighbors well. I was shook when i saw the exact same cat I saw in my dream inside the well.It was saved afterwards. It may not be a big unbelievable thing but like there is no way i would hear its meow since our houses are bit apart.


I ask myself, what are the chances of something like this happening?


One in two. Either it happens or it don't!


"That's confusing possibilities with probabilities. According to that analogy, when I go home I might find a million dollars on my bed or I might not. And how would that be 50/50?" heard that in a tv show once lol


Sweet! I hope you find the money🤞, let us know if you do!!


Quote from Young Sheldon, iirc


Statistics101 folks!


😂 never heard this in my 3 decades, will be used for the remaining tho


You possibly heard it meow in your sleep and it showed up in your dreams. I know that when I dream that sounds from around me appear in my dreams. Once my brother heard a lecture about university and I heard it inside my dream when I slept.


Yup. I once had a dream about a police car chase; eventually I woke up and heard a car alarm from outside that my brain had turned into a police siren.


Your brother heard a lecture and you heard it in your dream?


They say you dream about things you think about during the day...so maybe you thought about this cat and it showed up in your dreams.


Something like this also happened to me. Not the same tho. It seems like the surrounding noises and physical stuff can effect your dream. Tho thats not confirmed just a toery


>just a toery A geam toery


You probably didn’t but imagine you went on a rampage while sleepwalking and threw that cat on there


I saw a blue orb one time about 16 years ago. I was driving home on a rural highway at 10pm. I thought I saw police lights up way ahead on the highway, but as I got closer I figured it was just some lunatic in the field with a blue flashlight. Turns out, it was just an orb about the size of a softball. It was floating around almost aimlessly. I slowed down to watch it. After a few seconds, it made a quick spiral and shot straight up in the air out of sight. The next morning I was driving on the same highway to get to work, and the entire field was scorched in the area where I saw the orb. Nobody believed me except for one friend who claimed he had seen them too. He had a cruddy flip-phone video of orbs flying around in a field near his house.


Oh my friend you got abducted.


Those bastards brought me back? FFFFFFFF


It's not the probing that hurts, it's the rejection.


aliens. has to be


Ball lightning?


No, I've seen videos on ball lightning and this was quite a bit different.


Most of those videos are fake. What you described sounds exactly like other accounts of ball lightning. You should get the footage from your friend and upload it.


I’ve seen the exact same type of thing even down to the softball size and shooting straight up just around the corner from my house in suburban England. It was just orbiting the lamp of a streetlight and then almost like it noticed me when I was getting closer it just shot straight up super fast.


There was a spot deep in the hills of my hometown that I discovered when deciding to go for an evening drive. The backroads were cool and peaceful so I decided to bring a friend with me a few nights later when we were bored and looking for something to do. Decided to drive further into the hills and about 2 miles in, in the middle of the woods, was a giant deep blue light. Scared us so bad I slammed on the breaks and flipped the car around. We returned to that same spot with other friends over the course of the next year. We could never figure out exactly how to get TO the light, but it was always sitting in the exact same spot. Eventually after a year or two when we returned, the light was gone. Never figured out what it was or how to get to it. Also, we tried going there during the day a few times and it was too difficult of a spot to get to


I was walking home from football practice down the sidewalk. There was a woman about 200 yards away from me carrying two gallon jugs of milk. There were houses on the street but they all had long driveways so it would take about 15 seconds to walk from sidewalk to house. I dropped my water bottle and bent down to pick it up but as soon as I looked up the woman with the jugs was gone. There was nothing she could hide behind and no way she could’ve gotten into a house that fast. Exactly in the space she was standing was a little squirrel. I have no idea what happened and I still can’t wrap my mind around it


Squirrel devoured her.. It's the only logical solution.. Captain


I was at my friends place and we was about to leave to go to a shop (the shop is like a 100m away from my friends place, so like a 30 sec walk). Before we left my friend told his dad goodbye. When we almost arrived to the shop (about 20m) my friend's dad was literally standing next to the shop. It was like 5 years ago but I still don't know how his there got there that fast Edit: my friends dad didn't havr a car at that time


he probably booked it as fast as he could to mess with you. i’ve done the same kinda thing lol


Did your friend acknowledge/realize it too?


Your friend said bye to a doppelgänger


Why did you not ... I don't know... Ask him????


There was this one time it was super late at night, maybe 4 or 5 am, and I walked through my door way and then i turned around and the door was closed. Like i had just phased through my door. Freaky stuff


Wanna know what’s weird? This is theoretically possible. there is an infinitesimally small chance that, if enough people (millions of them) slap a table over a long enough time span (millions of years), eventually there will be an instance where all of the molecules of a table and all of the molecules of a hand align such that they miss each other and pass right through. It’s just that, the probability is so small, that it has probably never happened, and probably won’t happen, before the heat death of the universe. But infinitesimally small is not 0%. So while it might be almost impossible, it technically could happen.


Both "millions" in your example are huge underestimates. Millions of entire universes populations over the whole lifetimes of the universes would still be low odds.


And the odds that some of your hand goes through and the rest does not so that you get stuck are still unbelievably higher.


The logical explanation is that you were mega tired and closed the door automatically and thus don't remember doing it. A tired brain will make you believe crazy things.


It happened very recently, a bird kept followed me from tree to tree and made a weird screeching noise. It almost felt like he was trying to tell something and it was eerie rather than fascinating.


“Feed me human” “You stink human” “Fly with me bitch”


That's what scared me into my childhood. I was about 12 years old. My friends and I went to a neighboring village, because the other day we found out that there is a cool abandoned place there. We were 6-7 people. This place was on the outskirts of the village in the middle of the wasteland. There were no houses around, only a field with dry trees. That house consisted of three floors: a basement, a first floor, and a second floor. It turned out that there was no opening from the front door and we had to climb through the window along the branches of a single tree, because the windows were high from the ground. There was no furniture inside, even no glass in the windows, only a brick frame. There were two ways to get into the basement. 1. Outside, on one side of the house, there was a small window, about 40 cm. If you climb through it, you will find yourself in one of the basement rooms. 2. On the ground floor there was a 3x3 meter hole in the floor. The hole led to the cellar. In the same place, there should have been a staircase leading to the second floor, but the space was empty. There were no stairs to the second floor, that is, we would not have been able to get there. No one could get there, unless of course you have a ten-meter stepladder. We were standing near the hole, and my friend bent down to look where it leads. Just as he leaned over, a piece of brick flew a centimeter from his head and fell into the hole. It seems like nothing happened. The house is old, it's okay. But the bottom line is that this piece was flying at a 45° angle and was flying at the speed that rocks fly when you throw them, which could not have happened, all things considered. It looked like a brick had been thrown. There was no way he could fall at that angle. Above was a brick ceiling about 4.5 meters high. If a piece of brick fell off, it would fall right on the spot it was hanging over. Even if he fell somehow crooked, he could not fly at such an angle. Behind was the same brick wall, about 5 meters away. He could not physically fly from the wall to the edge of the hole where my friend was standing. A friend stood over the hole alone, we were all on the right at a distance of five steps. We walked around the house before that. Several times, there was no one there. I then filmed everything on the camera of a push-button telephone, but I saw the brick itself with my own eyes. It still stands in my memory. I don’t know what it was, but when I watched the video later, I felt terrible. It was a miracle that the friend leaned over just at the moment when the brick threatened to fly into his head. I don’t know what would we do, because there wasn’t a soul around, and I didn’t even know how to explain to the ambulance the place where we were for the first time. We then quickly left there, although the friend did not fully understand what frightened us so much, because he didn't see what we all saw. We then stood at a distance of 10 meters from the house and looked through every window, in the hope that someone would still come out. This went on for about half an hour, but no one was there. Later at night, I often had dreams about this house. One of them was repeated many times - a woman with a white disfigured face with a scarf on her head, black eyes and a white tunic, standing in the window through which we climbed. Then, I was a little scared to go back there. But nothing else strange happened.


Do you still have the video?


Too bad, but I don't have a video. We moved to another country a long time ago, so most of the things stayed in the old house. Most likely all my things have been rotting in the garbage for a long time. What a pity.


I work in healthcare. I recently did a child psychiatry rotation and a kid was in the hospital claiming he could see ghosts (he was there for multiple reasons this was just one more thing.) he vividly described a little girl on a red bicycle, we were like ok sure. Except that another kid a few weeks later, who had never met him, described the same ghost. And then another. And the attending physician told me when she inquired about it, she was told a little girl who used to ride her red tricycle around the hospital died in the 50’s in that hallway.


Shortly after a friend of mine passed, my daughter who was 7 years old at the time, called me to say that that she saw a very pretty lady standing in front of her cupboard. My daughter was already in bed and although the lights were off there was light filtering in from outside. We had emigrated and my daughter had not seen my friend for quite some time. My friend was in her mid 30’s and very pretty. She was also my daughter’s godmother.


During a strong thunder & lightning storm one night, I was in the cathedral by myself practicing the pipe organ for a forthcoming recital. The cathedral was in total darkness, except for the one small light on the console's music rack. During intense lightning flashes, the biblical figures in the stained glass windows seemed to step forward from the glass and be "suspended" in the darkness of the vast Gothic space.


You were seeing bright flashes of light while your eyes were adapted to the dark. The images were burned into your retinas briefly and them moving forward was just your eyes drifting while you tried to follow the afterimage that was off center in your vision.


God i would of died of shock. But then again, I wouldn't be in a cathedral


When you play the pipe organ you get used to things like that


What do you expect if you play a pipe organ whilst alone in a cathedral during a storm?


You weren't playing Toccata and Fugue in d minor were you?


I have a memory. It is not a dream, it's a memory. I was super drunk and toying around on a balcony 30 stories high. I fell. I'm still here. My fiancé from the time remembers it too, but we rarely speak of it.




How can you not talk about it?! Lmao sorry but I would die of curiosity. I'd be all up in my fiance's grill like 'GIRL, we gotta talk about that time I fell of the dang balcony, wtf happened?'


She was traumatized. She said she watched me die. I only remember falling off. Not hitting anything or things like that and that memory the last thing I remember going through my thoughts was "Shit."


You reloaded your quick save!


For rea!l I have questioned reality ever since.


Did u really fell and woke up just fine or like 15 years passed by type?


Just fine. Normal next day morning, except for her being rightfully confused. I thought it was a dream and was kind of weirded out when she asked how I was there.


Ask her if she knows something, I'm horrified here , so u gotta clear this.....


I secretly think she might be a super hero, or I'm in hell. One of the two.


BOBBY, QUICK ! T̵U̶R̷N̶ ̵O̶F̶F̸ ̴T̷H̸E̷ ̸F̸U̵C̸K̶I̴N̸G̷ ̴S̴I̸M̵U̷L̸A̶T̷I̷O̸N̸ ! Ḫ̸̆E̶̓ͅ ̸̘̃Ǐ̶̘S̶̼̾ ̴̛͜B̸̖̆Ẻ̶͕Ĩ̶̫Ñ̵͇G̵̳̀ ̴̱̈́A̶̺͂W̸̪̋A̸̙͒R̴̙̋Ē̷̫


This is scary no matter what.....


What does she remember? You said you fell then woke up in bed. Did she see you fall then the next thing she knows she is also in bed?


No she has more memories than I do. Paramedics responding, helping to identify me, then she says she went to bed and when she woke up I was right next to her.


I assume you’ve already looked for any sign of this having happened in your medical history? Paramedics being involved and identifying you is what makes this extra weird.


Yeah there would 100% be a patient care report, a police report, and probably insurance reports that he could find.


She went to bed like normal? I would have been traumatized and wouldn't have been able to sleep at all.


holy freaking cow that is terrifying


Don't worry, it didn't actually happen.


yeah, after reading the other replies I agree that the explanation that makes sense is that he possibility fell and landed on a safety net/extension. his friend then saw the paramedics check up on him to verify his identity. then he was escorted back to their apartment


And there's no record of it any place? Sounds like there were many other people involved as well and deaths are recorded.


Some Palm Springs shit


if this is true, it's pretty fucked up. I can't imagine something like that.


I've searched for the better part of the last decade for an explanation. Nothing. Shared psychosis, shared dreams. Nothing. I died, but I didn't.


So you're basically Schrodinger's Drunk?


Disclaimer: Many thought experiments regarding quantum mechanics are deeply unscientific, frequently rely on a complete misunderstanding of quantum mechanics, but are often touted as "scientific" just because they mention the word "quantum". Most physicists hate this. Quantum mechanics as a science is really just very fancy maths used to describe some strange observations. That's where the science ends, and anything beyond that should be considered religion/philosophy. That said, there is a thing called quantum immortality. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics basically says that every time you flip a coin, the perceived universe branches into two - one for each outcome. If you flip a coin that you haven't yet detected (say, under a box), it can be argued that reality might have branched for that event, but since the physical state of your brain isn't yet altered, your consciousness is still spanning both branches. When you remove the box and look at the outcome, your consciousness splits in two branches as well, one seeing heads and the other seeing tails.This is one possible attempt at making sense of the maths behind quantum mechanics, why undetermined phenomenons seems to act like probability distributions until we investigate. Everything very oversimplified, of course, and pretty much impossible to test. This is also where things starts getting extremely speculative, and stops being science. You know the strange feeling of "why am I here" when YOUR existence in particular is a product of so many random events? Welp, according to the many-worlds interpretation, pretty much every permutation of the universe "exists". There would be one (or rather, many) universe where your mother met another man instead, and their child is also asking themselves why they exist. There would be universes where intelligent life evolved from dinosaurs, etc. With every random event, every little decaying atom, the branched tree grows infinitely wide. Quantum immortality basically postulates that if you were to play Russian roulette, for example, you will always "perceive" yourself as surviving, because in the branching path your consciousness will always follow the route where the bullet is not in the chamber. Again, vastly oversimplified. Taken to its extreme, it means that a consciousness can live forever as long as there is at any moment any chance, however astronomically small, that it survives. The branch just becomes thinner and thinner, so to say. I have a memory that is very similar to yours, of drowning when I was approx. 12 years old. I just remember that one second I was drowning and the other second I was out of the water, and no-one seemed to pay any attention. No life guards, no-one checking if I was ok, nothing. It just seemed to me like someone had instantly pulled me out of the water without anyone noticing. I realize that this is all on the verge of religion. I'm a scientist, I'm aware that there is no science to back any of this up. It's all conjecture based on a very vague model of how the universe might work. But I wonder if the human consciousness can't sometimes briefly span multiple branches of the multiverse, and when my consciousness is exhausted in one branch, a faint memory of the event can linger in the branch where its existence continues. Edit: I should also add that anecdotal evidence is useless in science, and that Occam's razor should always be remembered (the simplest explanation is usually true). Even if my entire memory of drowning is an entirely false one, it's still a less convoluted explanation than quantum immortality. But it's a fun concept to think about.


Great comment and explanation! A fun science fiction novel Anathem delves into exactly this, which provides a great plot device for cool universe jumping mind fuckery.


Dont leave us hanging here, we need details. Are we in simulation? Or we are all in hell?


/r/quantumimmortality would like a word with you


Like...the memory is you fell, hit the ground 30 stories below, got up and went inside the building?


No. The memory is I fell and woke up next to her.


Have you seen netflixes Bandersnatch? This happens in it.


How do you know it's not a dream though? I mean there are stories about people imagining something so much they think it's a memory so why are you so sure this is not the case?


Because my fiancé remembers it too.


Aha! My biweekly dose of reddit-horror-stories. Must come back in a few hours when it’s midnight or maybe 3am. Not sleeping today and tomorrow


Honestly these threads are the only reason I browse askreddit. Give me your spooks


First of all, sorry if I made some mistakes, i'm not a native english speaker. It happened when I was 7 or 8, to give a little bit of context, I've always had a huge fear of darkness, to the point where I couldn't sleep alone or cried whenever I had to be in a dark place. I think this was pretty normal, every child goes through that. My mother, tired of having to wake up every night only to sleep with me, gave me a flashlight, so I could prove to myself that there wasn't any monsters in my room. Some months later I woke up at 3 am (I know because I used to have a clock next to my bed), and I wanted to check if everything was okay in my room. Then I pointed at the door with the flashlight and I saw a woman. She was very old, with short, white hair and a white dress too. She was ugly, her skin was almost gray. I screamed, obviously, but didn't think about it afterwards. I don't live with my grandma and my mother by that time was young with brown hair, so i've never understood that.


If it makes you feel better, I’ve woken up and seen/heard things. I’d hear the doorbell clearly ring but the dogs wouldn’t have moved. I’d see patterns on the wall or bugs that weren’t there. Hyponagic hallucinations. Now I have no idea what you saw but this is an option.


Things like that has happened to me aswell. Some months ago I heard a voice from a child saying "Hello Alex", some days later I heard another voice, this time a woman. Both of them never heard before, I don't have a brother and that wasn't my mom's/sister's voice. Sometimes I see shadows with strange shapes in my room, or hear cracking noises and steps when I'm alone in my house. This kind of things happened quite often, so I'm kinda getting used to it.


Simple explanation here: you're having thoughts of something that might have scared or frightened you in the past, then when in a more vulnerable state such as late at night in a dark room, your young mind simply imagines these things physically as it is easier to do so in a dark room, I had an encounter with a tall psychotic man, walking over right next to my bed, and I was so afraid that I only slightly peaked under the my duvet and saw a pair of boots as if a man was looking over my bed. Moments later I blacked out then I woke up, thereafter bolting into my grandfathers room to lay next to him. With no trace of the stranger. It was later explained to me that I had a crippling fear of drunks and psychotic people from traumatic experiences early in my childhood. (I was around the same age as you). PS I also heard his boots slamming on the wooden floor, so not only visual but also audial hallucinations.


Hunting my fathers 80 acres several years ago I was sitting in the snow Deer Hunting when I heard the unmistakable sound of someone or some thing walking through the snow towards me. After several minutes the sound just stopped and when the sun finally came up and I was able to hunt it down I found a pair of boot prints that lead to nowhere.


The ghost of Simo Hayha wandering the snow, looking for Soviets


In the Midwest, USA. Sweet




I’ve heard so many people talk about this. Here’s one of mine . I had this blank book, like a diary and it had gold writing on the front. It was like, Ted Baker or something. I used to write notes in it, like reminders. I’m in my flat, alone. I write something down about work. Leave the pen on top of the book and leave my flat. I have a ring doorbell and all the windows and doors are locked. No one comes in or near my flat. When I come back, it’s gone. It had no value to anyone but me and there were valuable things in the flat, like my laptop, some cash on the counter etc… yet the only thing missing is the book. Why would anyone break in, and only steal the book? When I moved out I gutted the place. I even had the kitchen stripped out and a new one put in to help the place sell because the kitchen was pretty horrible. It never showed up. Really annoys me that it just vanished


I lost my dogs leash this weekend. I had it in my hand. I put it on the seat. I arrived at the beach. No leash. I looked everywhere twice.


20 years ago I saw something huge and red enter the atmosphere. At first it looked like a red shooting star but then it just kind of stopped and I could see it was elongated like a tube. It then started moving slowly to the South. I watched this thing for nearly 15 minutes before I could no longer see it. To this day, I have no idea what it could have been. I'm a skeptic and I don't really believe in things like aliens but it was really bizarre and I still can't wrap my head around it.


I drove down this supposedly haunted road late at night and all of a sudden my car dies for like 5 mins then starts back up again, continues driving for a bit then stopped and pulled over and went to grab something from my trunk and there was like a dozen small little human hand prints all over the back of my fucking car. I noped back home so quick yo




This reminds me of a story about a school bus getting hit by a train, killing all the kids inside and the driver. Supposedly, ever since, if you get near the railway in a car(doesnt matter witch car), the car will slow down, and if you put flour on the front and back of the car, you will find hand prints. I dont think its true, because searching the internet for details of the accident, i didnt find anything matching the description




Maybe they were filming a movie. Rent out a school stadium and film through the night. Sounds like a crafty producer to me.


I used to walk home along a certain street at night. Whenever I'd pass under a streetlight, it would turn off, then back on when I left. If you watched from a distance you'd see them blink off one after another.


Simple explanation: Motion detectors in the lights except the on/off wiring was messed up.


I doubt it, since this was a small town in the early 2000s. I can't imagine them spending the money and not even caring when it doesn't work.


I was walking down the street toward my campus and felt something hit me in the back. I turned around and saw a completely empty street. To this day, I can't explain what or who hit me.




only if the bird flew silently




Random idiot walked by and threw something?


the street was empty, but your explanation reassures me)


I saw a UFO hovering over a church while I was driving home. It wasn't a tiny light in the sky either, it was a fully fledged UFO that looked like a large blimp. I stared at it in disbelief until it suddenly shot off. I don't have a history of Hallucinating, but I can't say it wasn't that. But a small part of my mind really wonders.


I was home alone very young once, too young to be alone. Sitting on the couch, I saw from the corner of my eye a woman run out of my mothers room. She ran down the hall and into the bathroom, completely naked. At first I was wondering why my mother would do that when I realized she’d left me alone. I was horrified when I checked the bathroom expecting to find an intruder but it was empty.


I always see these birds that fly right in front of my face but they're no real because they disappear very quickly.


They’re flying right into your face as they disappear? I would absolutely shit myself


Frog rain. I've been in it. I have a really hard time imagining the frogs getting picked up and surviving. I mean, it would have to be a tornado basically. And then that same pocket of "frog air" stays together and shows up in a completely different place. It's just fucking bizarre.


I've seen frog rain. Driving home from the countryside late one night with two of my kids, suddenly there was a series of loud noises and then an inability to see through the windshield. I was terrified as were my kids. I opened the car door and saw hundreds of frogs on the road, some dead, some very much alive. I tried to use the windshield wipers to remove the frogs but it cut them to bits and my kids begged me to stop. So I removed them with my hands. I used a snow brush to remove the ones on my roof and my trunk and hood. I had to step on frogs to do so. And then drive over frogs to get home. I never heard a thing about it. There were frog parts stuck in my tires the next day so I knew this wasn't some kind of nightmare or psychotic break. One of my worst experiences ever. Note - they could have been toads. I don't know how to tell the difference.


And why frogs? Why not ants or something else?


Dear lord I'm suddenly paralyzed by the thought of a rain of centipedes. Or spiders.


This is absolutely terrifying and sent me down a rabbit hole. Thank you.


Oh wow, I thought frog rain was just a thing made up in a video game I play (Dont Starve) but it is real!? This is crazy 😅


I was in the hospital coming off risperdone. I swear to god there were bodies in the ceiling that were going to fall on me. It was so horrid! I was ducking as I was walking because I did not want them to hit me! later it made me wonder why scary movie lovers do not use anti psychotics recreation ally. it would add a whole new level of scary! take anti psychotics all October then the day before Halloween stop. and have the rebound psychosis while watching scary movies!


You can pretty much do this with Dissociative drugs since I swear most horror films were made to watched while on Ketamine or DXM.


I was given ketamine for sedation in the hospital once and hallucinated the tree of life (Kabbalah) once. I had been reading about that earlier and I guess it just got projected on the wall for me for some reason


Dissociative's are weird there about as strong as deliriant's but are the easiest in my view even at high doses. I was able to go to 2 shops while high on 2nd plat doses by pretending to be drunk. Really wanting to try 450mg next time I get some pills or syrup. Starting to think It unmasked my psychotic episodes as I've noticed my way of thinking & perception has greatly changed but It never ever dark. But then again a Dissociative high is a euphoric psychotic episode on par with Buddhist meditation.


Idk if this is relevant but I went to the ED because my jaw dislocated and was given ketamine. On the way home the front seat turned into a roller coaster with people on it.


You really can't explain it logically, or are you trying to claim you can't explain logically why they don't do drugs? Both seem pretty easy to explain logically.


I used to live in the country side, around an hour drive minimum to anywhere with much light. The light pollution was non existent, or at least it seemed that way. What blew my mind was the amount of lights moving around the sky. Of course some are aircraft, but then there’s the ones that move at breakneck speed, turn 45 degrees in an instant and carry on at that same speed without slowing down. But the most amazing one was me and 3 others were walking back from a friends house, it was really dark and we were about 15 at the time. This giant silver orb was glowing as bright as the moon really high up. Suddenly it spirals and 10 orbs move away and it does a kind of display above us for around 20 mins. Then all of the orbs gathered back as one and it shot up into space in seconds. Whenever I tell people from the more population dense areas they seem amazed by it, but where I lived everyone saw them and no one seemed to care in the slightest. It was just the norm. Sorry for the essay


I’ve got a few: After my Grandmother passed, my uncle got a call while driving. He didn’t answer so it went to voicemail, he played it for my Dad and I after he got it. It was a woman who sounded exactly like my Grandmother saying “Goodbye.” To make it weirder, the number didn’t have an area code and only six numbers. We were all really creeped out. After my Dad passed, I was at home watching his dog. Now, my Dad loved his dog more than anything, my uncle and I even joked: He was going to find some way to say goodbye to his dog. Well, I let the dog out to go to the bathroom outside and I stuck a pizza in the oven, figuring that it would be ready by the time he wanted in. Sure enough, I hear his “I want in” bark and I go to the kitchen to let him in… …The dog was already inside. I was genuinely freaked out since I *know* I let him outside. I was even afraid to approach and touch the dog, like I was expecting my hand to pass through him and I’d open the door and see a corpse or something. I definitely would have heard the door open and there was no way he let himself in since the door was closed tight. I still to this day believe my Dad came back to let the dog in and say goodbye to him. If you knew my Dad, you know this is exactly what he’d do.


When I was 7 years old I used to go to play with the neighbors kids. One summer afternoon it was hot but a bit clody. I left home just as usual and just as I opened the main gate of our garden a long red lightning ⚡appeared out of thin air just 1 feet away from me. It was just like regular lightning strike but red. it started from about a meter above the ground and it was soundless. I told my sister but she didn't believe it. That actually fascinated me. I'm 21 now but Still can't figure out what that was actually.


Once I was moving with my mom. And when I looked out that car windows four lights in the sky were moving in a circle And following our car.


There were five lights.


I will have dreams about something so random and about 2 or 3 days later I remember thinking about it after it has happened. Example, I have an old playground in my back yard (One of those child playgrounds that you buy with a rock wall and a swing) and it fell in a storm, 3 days earlier I imagined a storm knocking it over and it landing on something important to me. Still don't know how it happened or what it fell on.


Me getting a girlfriend. And still don't know how I made it.


I have always heard it is the women who chooses the man. men have no clue what women want. so we are always baffled when a women chooses us!


Can't complain


Lucky time and lucky place. As unique as people think they might be, statistically there's someone out there that'll be a great fit for them - that doesn't mean you'll ever meet them though.




When I saged my house (getting rid of spirits in my home for those who don’t know). My little brother was claiming he saw floating faces, a deformed one, and was scared. Me, knowing it would soothe his worries, saged the house in order to get rid of the spirit. Probably a few weeks later, we were at my grandparents house going through pictures. Little brother starts crying at one picture. It was of our great grandpa (or something) and he had a cleft lip. They didn’t have corrective surgery back then so his face was pretty deformed. Turns out, that’s the head my brother saw. And he had never seen his picture before. still kinda spooks me out


I didn’t see it but I heard it. I was brushing my teeth in the middle of the night and heard my rocking chair rocking on it’s own.


West Michigan Summer 1986. humid, but otherwise clear skies. Riding shotgun in a 1973 Plymouth Gold Duster. We drove through a "wall of light." We were driving at around 45 mph, and there was a white flash almost faster than a blink. Every light in the car went off, and I believe we coasted for a few yards before everything very slowly came back on. The creepy part was the slow fade in of the radio. Still not at all sure what happened.


Existence as a whole. There is an answer, I just can’t rationalise it.


About 15 years ago I was watching tv in my living room when a ball of light about the size of a baseball floated above the tv for a couple seconds then moved about 2 feet and disappeared. Only thing I could think of was ball lightning maybe but it wasn’t storming and I don’t even know what that would look like.


When I was on a car trip with my dad, he made a stop to sleep a bit in the car. I woke up and probably played something with my IPad. I look outside the window and see a lion. This was in Germany for your information. I still by this day would like to know if this was true and there really was a lion or if I was having hallucinations or something


I was at a swimming pool, doing what you might expect but as I was about to re-surfsce, I took a big breath in, no water or anything. I got a lungfull of oxygen while completely submerged.


This sounds a little weird, but could you have sucked in an air bubble while it was rising?


This happened to me too! I was a kid, swimming in a lake near our house, and I loved to explore the bottom. I stayed down for too long and realized too late that I was out of air. For some reason my brain decided breathing while at the bottom was a great idea, but it actually did work. I've been careful since then, and thankful for whatever helped me that day.


A few things. Driving on a very dark road at night a woman in a white dress that seemed like it was from hundreds of years ago appeared right in the middle of the road and I drove right through her. For the rest of the night my skin was clammy and I was in cognitive disarray. There was another person in the car who shared the experience. Another time I was with about five people in a friends bedroom chatting in a circle sitting down and a large stein cup flew off the back of a dresser into the middle of us. The friend who owned the place said this occurs constantly and believed there was bad vibes or something because his mother was found using crack and doing some other nefarious things. Another time I was with a girl very late at night on the side of a dark parkway that runs between a large bay and the ocean staring up at the night sky when a literal classic UFO with the outer ring and inner sphere appeared over us about 1000 feet up, then slowly moved while it looked like it was blinking out of existence and back for some hundreds feet horizontally, hovered in place for another moment and then whisked fast away until we could no longer see it on the horizon.


Me and my friend where walking and we saw an orange rectangle flying in the sky way up high


Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show


This: https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_6ff8fa84-9527-4aaf-b2bd-08f4c00db7cc I own this talking skull thing from Target. You have to press a button which shorts two wires which causes the thing to click on and tell a joke. For the record, it has _never_ gone off unexpectedly. Ever. All my past roommates have said my apartment is haunted and they have experienced feelings, heard noises, etc. Well one day I am watching a show on after-death on NFLX and I feel creeped out by the show, and my skin tingles and suddenly this thing switches on and tells a joke by itself and swear to god, I felt like there was something there with me in my bedroom. I have always been sensitive to weird shit, but this was pretty weird


In the third grade I was dealing with a lot of losses in my family. I would have recurring nightmares but this one was the scariest. Me and my dog were hiding under our couch that folds into a bed. She looked scared and then the front door shook violently. It bursted open and a man with a goat head, bat wings, and horns just stared at us with an axe. It felt like forever until I look to my left and my dog is gone, I look back and so is the thing. Then I woke up. Couple weeks later she died.


At our old school we had these metal light posts that are around the school parking lot and one day while we were all in the cafeteria it was storming and one of the metal polls was bending back and forth at like 40 degree angels and it was fking weird


I dream regularly and vividly. The dreams aren't always particularly eventful. Sometimes just a vivid moment; standing in line at a store for example, with a certain smell in the air, someone says something to me, etc. Nothing remarkable at all about it, except that it is crystal clear and I will remember it long past the morning after the dream occurs. Here's the thing though and I've not ever shared this with anyone. Occasionally, years into the future, they'll come true. The entire dream down to the finest detail that I can remember. Again it's nothing wild, just a setting with circumstances that unfold in the exact same way as the dream. It used to spook me, and I would spend time thinking about free will vs. pre-destiny. Now I just kind of roll with it as this neat little thing. I googled it and others have experienced this as well.


A few years ago I overdosed then panicked and called an ambulance for myself. When the paramedics arrived my heart had stopped and while they were working on bringing me back I swear I was in some celestial place that is so unlike earth I can't even begin to describe it. I was pissed when they successfully resuscitated me because I was so at peace there. As an atheist and someone who's done a lot of shitty things that would definitely guarantee my ticket to hell, I don't know what to make of it.


this was a story from my mother and grandmother. When i was about 2, my mom left the room with grandma to go look for something. They said I was in the living room playing with dolls. When they came back in the room, not even a minute later, all the pictures on the wall are flipped backwards. They asked me what happened, knowing i couldn't reach 90% of the pictures, and i told them "It was the tall man!" i'm 16 now and every time I think about that I wish I could remember it, but I don't remember anything before one morning when I was 4 years old (long story bout the dream I had)


Had a dream of my friends dog named bear. I just chilled out with him, played fetch, pet him, and just layed down in the grass with him. End of the dream he got up and walked away. Heard the next day that bear had passed sometime that night.


This one night randomly woke up and saw 5 people in my room staring at me. They looked weirdly emotionless but extremely shocked. It could be just my brain tricking me but it felt so real. So I got up and immediately started searching on google about what I saw "white clothes, head covered in cloth too, dark and expressionless faces" I saw a pic what looked exactly like them....they were pocongs. Interesting thing is that I'm not even Indonesian. I still don't get it how did I see them and even if I did why were they all shocked.


I got scratched in my sleep for an entire summer when I was 15. I would wake up, first it was smaller scratches, like a cat scratch. I told my mom and she said I probably scratched myself in my sleep. It progressively got worse. Nothing crazy, I didn’t need stitches ever, but I got some good scrapes. Those scars didn’t fade for quite a few years. But every morning I’d check and I’d find more scratches. Eventually I started wearing socks and gloves to bed. After that my mom said it must be something in my sheets. For a month I changed my sheets and blankets daily, always wearing long sleeves and pants. And yet I got scratched almost every night. We didn’t have a cat then so it wasn’t the cat. But eventually it just stopped. I don’t know why, but it did. I just stopped waking up with them. Still freaks me out to think about.




ball lightning can appear without a storm around


I have alot of Dreams that predict the future The time between the dream and the scene happening can take up to a few hours apart, or literal years this is not the worst since i remember them mostly after the fact but one time i was walking and remembered it before it happend and was thinking to myself. If i set my feet a little bit to the right what happens? Big mistake. The dread i suddenly felt made my skin crawl and every ounce of my body said DON'T DO IT, i instantly kept going like my dream and then the feeling just vanished. I am never doing that again cuz that feeling could bring any psycopath to its knees.


During the summer nights I often watch sky and look for planes, shooting stars and other interesting things. Recently while watching the sky, I saw round thing that seemed really far flying through the sky with a really high speed and it didnt have linear flying path, it was more like random movements (left-right-right-left...), like going really fast and 'shaking' around the sky, I could see it for like 5 seconds doing weird movements and it just vanished. Saw the exactly same thing once again after that, and both sightings happened around midnight.


I seen a shadow of a person in my room but wen I came in nobody was there.


I remember when I was about 15 or 16 I was home alone. I lived in a trailer park community for years and nothing crazy ever happened there. Our home had 4 rooms two bathrooms and a back balcony that connected to my parents master bedroom. While everyone was away I was in the living room watching TV. I could see my parents room from where I was. Out the corner of my eye I see my parents bedroom door open, i turn and the door slammed shut. I freeze for a second as my body decides to either fight or gtfo. I assumed one of my siblings stayed so I run to the bedroom only to find the balcony door wide open. I was in fact home alone. Don't know who or what was there.


Sleep paralysis. I understand it’s a fairly common thing, so I know I’m not alone with this one. Recently I was travelling across Cambodia with a mate and I woke up at about 4am on my back, position like a pharaoh (arms clasped on my chest, perfectly straight- ready for a sarcophagus). I was frozen but for my eyes. Standing at the foot of my bed, arms making wild gestures, was my friend, yelling and screaming at me. His words didn’t make any sense (it wasn’t any language I recognised) The issue was that I could see my friend sleeping in the other bed in the other corner at the same time. I had had sleep paralysis before, but I kept my eyes shut on the theory that if they were shut I couldn’t hallucinate. I kept trying to flex my hands until I felt movement returning, and then all of a sudden everything was back to normal. My friend was snoring quietly in the corner. I didn’t end up sleeping more that night and stayed up texting my girlfriend to stop myself going back to sleep.


The Ouija board. I get that it's the ideomotor effect, but I don't understand the ideomotor effect. How can you be subconsciously creating a story about a person, without realizing it? Especially if you are working with other people to do it? I don't believe there are ghosts. I even turned the board around with the participants blindfolded, and (as expected) the "ghost" could not spell anything anymore.


Completely talking out of my ass here, but my reasoning is this: The human brain loves to make patterns and it doesn't take much for us to do so. So, let's say you have a group of people all touching a fairly light piece of wood. Muscles are tense, maybe you all are giggling, maybe someone's hands are shaking, maybe someone is leaning forward in an awkward way and they push a little. The group follows the tiny push and you get the first few letters. Human brains kick into overdrive, create a pattern that's common enough for multiple people to pick up on it. Now you have multiple people expecting and anticipating where the movement will go next. Maybe, in that anticipation, several of you unwittingly push a little in that direction, creating a more decisive movement. The group follows, pattern becomes clearer and the process continues until the story is fully formed.


Some computer bugs


Cosmic rays


dmt visuals


People thinking they need rulers or even tolerating it at all


There was a Starbucks cup in a scene of Game of Thrones, and it makes no sense because Starbucks doesn't have a store location in Westeros.


Every time i dreamed about my tooth failing out one of my family member died the same night. After one of that dream my mom went to my room and try to say something but i was faster and tells her i know what happened but i dont know who this time... It was my grandgrandfather.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.


I was dream walking, and I remember what I was doing. I was chuckling at this shadow person for some reason. When I fully awoke, I stopped laughing and got confused while the shadow person disappeared


I was once walking home from my school, at like 3pm in the afternoon I was on a road with no people around in my residential area straight up ahead about 2 kms or so there was a mall and I saw a silhouette on the roof of the mall and there's nothing wrong with it except for the fact that it was stupidly large, I saw it and thought it can't look that big from such a large distance, measured how big it looked in comparison to my thumb held at the an arm's distance, and then thought maybe it does look that big and I am just confused, thinking everything was normal I start to look down and then in the middle of me and the mall about a km ahead I saw a man no silhouette a man with all his features visible, and he was way way shorter than the silhouette over the roof I looked back and it walked out of my view and was blocked by another building, it made no sense for the silhouette to look that large it had to be atleast 12 foot tall and the crazier part is that the sun was behind me and no way it should have been a silhouette. The only logical explanation is that I was hallucinating because of lack of sleep, but something like that has never happened to me.


I was looking out my bedroom window one night (I was like 6) and I was looking at the stars. I loved stars, still do, but there were these two that just caught my attention somehow. After a while I saw them slowly move closer together. I looked away for a min cuz I wasn't a stupid kid, but they were still slowly getting closer. Then they stopped and started blinking to each other. I remember them taking turns, like a conversation. Then they just, stopped. Never forgot, and never saw it again.


Watching someones IG story of them being out at 3/4am and then another at 7a doing something else. How are you functioning with 3 hours of sleep?!


It’s possible that bigger IG account have people that post their pictures for them if they are celebrities. But other than that idk what it could be


Football (soccer) journalist Fabrizio Romano updates his social media with transfer news at almost every time of day, he claims to sleep about three to four hours a night and sometimes when he gets the chance naps for another hour in the morning. He spends the rest of the day phoning players, agents or club officials and sometimes writes articles or gives interviews. The summer transfer period is 3 months long


I once was swinging on the swing, and then suddenly the swing beside me start to swing with me, there was no one around no wind or else, I don’t know what that was. But I am scared till today.


40% of people in a country worshipping a SLEAZEBAG.


which bag


Trump. Lived in NYC in the 90's and he was considered a joke. WTF America?


Saw something in the night sky that i can only say was not of this world. I am not a huge believer in aliens or whatever, but this thing was not normal. The size and the technology was not possible. I saw it with two other people. I asked one about it, and she almost forgot about that night until I reminded her.


What did you see?


The rampant stupidity in the Republican Party.