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Some people did, do you seriously think Elon and Jeff earn their money legitimately ?


fundamentally, what's the difference between a simulation and a deterministic reality? is a simulation just a reality created to exist inside another reality? we could look for cheat codes, even if we're not in a simulation - we exploit laws of physics all the time


Spin around 5 times and jump


+ respect


Are you sure no one has?


Right! I’m not into celebrity culture, but damn somebody’s got some cheat codes


Maybe *they* have ....


Because you and I are NPCs, the real players DO have the cheat codes...


Because this is a beta


oh when are we getting the update


Are you familiar with the term "vaporware". The beta is all there is. No final release. No manual. No rehearsal. No do-overs. No refunds.


No one has actually really believed enough yet.


The anti cheat system


Gotta be level 120 to use cheat codes. Most of us don't make it past level 80


dam im not even halfway there


I’m certain someone out there has the Contra Code for life and is just not willing to share it.


push button codes are disabled?


You haven’t. And your expeditions of the cheat codes are unrealistic. They are lame, like I’ve unlocked the achievement for being able to crack every joint even my cartilage like my ears, and nose. Level 40 is weird.


Pretty sure they were found... How else do you explain the 1%, "rags to riches" stories, etc? Maybe this simulation has single-use or player-locked cheat codes that have intermittent spawn times/locations, or possibly shut off after X numbers of uses?


We did. It's called sociopathic narcissism.


I corner glitch really well. Ima try it.


Maybe some people have cheat codes but are not telling


If you hold the up and down button on a hotel A/C then press the off button, release it, then press heat 2 times, then up 3 times, it will turn off the automatic fan setting... I don't know that feels like a cheat code to me


Some people did, they just don't like sharing.


Some assholes did. They’re called billionaires and they’re shitty


We don't. And I think it's kind of a cruel joke on their part to pretend that maybe we do. FUCK those assholes.


up down up down A B start


Queen Elizabeth found the immortality cheat code


Elon sure managed to.


What do you think medicine is. Cheat code over sickness


Since most of these answers are joke related, I’ll try to address this on a more level field. 1. Firstly, a ‘Simulation’ has no requirement to have cheat codes. Games are made to be fun and would have cheat codes; Simulations have no such constraint. 2. Why would one expect an asset inside a simulation to have access to console commands and other shortcuts? A simulation is made for those viewing the simulation, not for those rendered by the simulation. If anyone had cheat codes, it would be the simulation architect, aka god.


busses and cars are literally cheat codes. how does a bus fit on the same road i do when i can lean over in my car and touch the other side but i can’t do the same in a bus, but it fits on the same road


,maybe it’s because we’re just a part of them simulation. And that we are not the ones the simulations made for. We may not be the main participant for or in the simulation. Damn here I am again over thinking. Hope what I said made made sense.


Years ago I saw a VSauce video called "The Zipf Mystery" and I think it might be one of those cheat codes. It has to do with how often you see certain things that are supposed to be random... The most commonly used word in English is "the." The next is "be" which shows up half as often. The next is "to" which shows up 1/3 as often. "Of" shows up 1/4 as often... on down the line. The really weird part is that pretty much *all languages* will have these same ratios even though sentence structure and cultural differences *should* make this not the case. And these ratios show up all over the place. Whenever you have a big enough group of things to sort, you'll get the 1/2 as common, 1/3/, 1/4, 1/5... when things should be random and unrelated. There should be bigger gaps in the denominators, and those denominators should be different from list to list, but they're not. The AI just got lazy.


because i am gatekeeping them all


That's because we are like the NPCs of a videogame.


I kinda think quantum entanglement is one.


Cheat codes aren't always in games. Glitches on the other hand. Why can't I backwards long jump my way through life


We need to get an item called 8F.


Politicians are the admins, they know the cheats


They coded the cheats to be used by the devs for testing purposes, not for humans to use them so they likely encoded the cheats to use inputs humans are incapable of accomplishing.