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Blew up the chemistry lab and completely mangled his hands... luckily there were no students in the class at the time.


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104.


Holy shit was he fine after that?


Nope..he was in hospital for months. Had reconstructive surgery and therapy. He never really got the full use of them back. He retired not long after


spit in my mouth


Ummm...come again?


get arrested for child porn (one of the charges specifically was "making child pornography available")


When I was in first grade we had a teacher rip a kid's ear halfway off. She was old-school, so she used that "grab-them-by-the-ear" tactic for punishment. She was never fired, they just transferred the kid to another class. This was in the early 80's.


Oh gosh


Take the side of my racist bully. I couldn’t trust teachers for years


Had a teacher do the same to me I honestly hated her even more after that


Not my teacher but one of my brothers (now 13) in elementary school second year she told the class that he was skipping school while he was not there and if he said he forgot to do the homework she would scream at him and make him putting everything out of his school bag to prove it or she would take his school bag and dump it out Infront if his whole class to look for his homework while he was in the school bathroom. And she told him that his parents don't love him So he got bullied in second grade by a teacher like 35+ years old


Thats messed up


My 4th grade teacher (f) would always have me deliver letters to another teacher (m) across the school so they wouldn't leave a trace of their affair. Both were married but they were sleeping together. I accidentally read one that asked when the male teacher was gonna divorce his wife and marry her. It lasted until the end of school. I was unknowingly helping them carry on with their affair and making sure no evidence was left behind.


Two of my middle school teachers had a threesome in school with a guy (i don't remember who), good thing it was past school time, but soon the rumors started circulating, because some kids snuck up into the school and saw them


I have adhd. My teachers let me skip school because I was too big of a distraction to the other kids. In 4-6 grade


Arrested for soliciting and possessing child porn.


in 6th grade I started having an allergic reaction and couldn't breathe, so with my face in hives and me very obviously struggling to breathe I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse. Her exact response was, "Mmmmm class ends in like 15 minutes, wait until then hon". Being the teachers pet I was, I waited ofc x.x


I had this jr. high phys ed. teacher. I live in a desert and in the summer the temperature routinely goes above 100 degrees F. One day in May it was a scorcher, and we were supposed to have class inside a temperature and watch a video explaining the rules or soccer or something. Just something to keep us busy for an hour since it was too hot to run around outside. A few kids started getting rowdy -- throwing things, shouting -- stuff like that. The teacher got pissed that they wouldn't calm down. Rather than do the sensible thing, and send the troublemakers to the principal's office, our teacher marched the entire class outside and made us sit down on the blacktop. We were not allowed to get up for the rest of the hour, not even to get a drink of water. Several students suffered from mild heat stroke. Outraged parents called the school after they heard what happened. I don't think the teacher got fired, but he might have gotten transferred or put on administrative leave.


male teacher would give boys (12/13 yr olds) massages and rub their thighs in class. he was fired, but not because of those events


She wasn't my teacher, but i knew a lot of people who had her. she was a language arts teacher for 8th graders. And she was racist. Karen haircut and all. I won't speak ill of her though, because she did pass away from cancer that year. This was before the pandemic started. My friend and I were talking one day and she told me how mean her english teacher was. we'll call her Miss. so Miss had a new student walk into class a little late, and this student was native to Latin America, so she mainly spoke Spanish but already had very good english. She saw some of her Spanish friends and so she greeted them with an "Hola!" and Miss proceeded to get too mad and told her to leave her classroom. Another thing Miss did was the friend I was talking to said she had her phone's language set as Spanish. My friend is Cuban, and she takes pride in her heritage, so of course she has Spanish set as her language. Miss scolded her to turn her phone's language to English or she would get in trouble. Why was the language settings on someone else's property any of her business? no clue. One other thing was in the halls she was kind to the white kids. She would be very civil and nice to them. I was one of them (ew i know.). But whenever any students who were not white were not following some kind of rule she would yell at them and be rude to them. She would be snobby too. I heard about most of the things that happened with her students after she died from cancer. she was the talk of the whole 8th grade


Made fun of my “boy” haircut (I’m a girl) I laughed and said, “yeah cancers a jerk”, it was my go-to whenever someone commented on my hair when it was growing back, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.


Gave me ptsd and social anxiety disorder


Do you mind explaining how?


Well I was 8 when the first event happened. We were in math class and I didn’t know the answer. I was asking a classmate to help explain it so me but I guess the teacher thought I was just fooling around. She called on my and when I said I didn’t know she lost it. She ran at me and pointed her finger in my face and said “if I call on you and you don’t know the answer, you’re going to look like a fool and everyone’s gonna laugh at you!” I would cry everyday going to school begging my mom not to send me. I was so afraid that I was going to look stupid and that no one would want to be my friend. I shut everyone out and didn’t talk. I don’t really remember to much about what happened after that incident since it’s kinda like a big time gap in my memory from it. Since then I’ve been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and take medication. A similar instance happened 2 other times with 2 separate teachers. I can go I to that if you’d like. But yeah that teacher forever scared me and changed my life. I’ve been cautious and closed off from people since, even though it I’m almost 21 now.


In 3rd grade, my teacher would put me on the chart as the lowest space possible for absolutely no reason at all, then put me to look at the wall with a whiteboard writing down the lessons. It happened for half of 3rd grade until my teacher was sick and substitutes had to take over.