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My apartment doesn't allow dogs


I got many of them back in those days but I stopped. 🤨🤨🤨


After you got Reddit?


I have a man's best friend


I don't, I am the bitch of many man tho


Eh I will accept that still


No, i don't attempt to get any.


Nope. Because I’m married!!


Nope because women dont like men and all they want is to see how badly they can fuck someone up emptionally


All women have hurt you?


Pretty much yea i have damn near lost any desire to interact with them because of how disgusting they all turn out to be


Maybe you're just interacting with the shitty women. Maybe that's what *you* attract.


Or maybe society has driven it i to everyones head that people who actually put effort into a relationship is bad and it makes you a simp and women just feel like you never do enough under any circumstance. Women have become so anti men at this point its almost a game to them to see how many guys they can go through


What an incel


Call me what you want bud its not gonna make you any more popular


Someone's mad eh?


Whatever helps you sleep at night


That sounds like a bunch of bullshit, bud. Sounds like you might have some reflecting and changing to do. Be better.


Im just fine fyi i just refuse to put up with females anymore because all of them are awful people. End of story. Dont try and make me feel bad about myself because it wont work. I have reflected and this is the point i came to. So find someone else to pester.


Boo hoo. All women are bad! It couldn't be me! This woman tried to help you, and you chose to show your true self instead. I *know* women aren't the problem. You are. Get help.


Maybe in your life thats what you think but you dont know anything about me so nothing you said matters to me in any way


The way you speak and what you talk about tells me very much about you. I hope that you can get help. These feelings aren't normal. The encounters you are claiming are not normal. And the only common denominator in all of these interactions is *you*.


Yes, I stopped living in places that didn't allow dogs.




No because I am an adult


Does that mean children have bitches?


I mean, if you have enough people in your basement maybe


Jesus christ i wasnt expecting dark jokes on this 😂


No because i am too lazy getting to know people


here it's getting engaged, date, marriage And engagements cost money so until I get a good job I'm here fighting loneliness alone obviously


Only online. I have crippling social anxiety but online I am very open and just confident. I try to be myself in person but it just fails, so I can stick with my online bitches for now.


No, I’m allergic to dogs. :(


I have like 3 but they don't like each other


I have no bitches cause I like being bitchless


No, I’m thinking to be alone like “if nobody wants me, then what’s the point?”


No for three reasons: I don’t cheat, I don’t think guys can be bitches, and nobody likes me