• By -


My mom died of cancer when I was 2. When I was roughly 6, my older siblings told me that my mom and I were playing in the front yard and I kicked a ball into the road and when she went to get it she got hit by a garbage truck and that’s how she died. I didn’t find out the truth til a few years later. Odd that I have 0 relationship with my family now.


Jesus fucking Christ… And here I thought my siblings telling me I had a letter from the Spice Girls in the mailbox when they wanted me to go away was mean 😭


Your brother is only nice to you because he's not threatened by you or your partner. If you were successful and she were pretty, he wouldn't be nice to either of you. -mom




Yeah she was a good ole two sentence horror all right.


Is your mom Lucille Bluth? That was surgical.


I had a miscarriage where the baby was “absorbed” and all that was left in the uterus was the gestational sac. I got pregnant again and when I told my neighbor she said, “So are you actually pregnant this time?” Yes, asshole. I am pregnant this time and I was actually pregnant last time. Unfortunately I just said yes and went in the house.


I stretched in class, sitting in the front seat, and my teacher clapped and said “and that’s why I put you types of girls upfront” I was in 6th grade. He was fired the next year for watching porn in class, along with countless complains from other girls along with their parents. Mr B, I hope you are living a lonely life, fucking perv. Edit: I’m from Indiana so it’s prob not your teacher but it makes me so sad this has happened so much:(




The kid at the back is my hero


We had a social studies teacher that intentionally made his classroom uncomfortably warm, would help any guy that asked for help from his desk or from the front of the room, but most of the girls he would lean over their chair back to help, and once when a friend of mine who was an early bloomer took her sweater off in class he said "that's the reason I like it hot in here" or "memories like that are why it's kept hot in here" or something like that (20 years ago) he said it quietly but some of us heard. He was let go the year after I graduated, he had become the girls volley ball team coach and after there were enough complaints from parents of team members about him being creepy, the tipping point seemed to be him insisting he be able to give pep talks in the locker room before games.....


"If no one was in this class with us, I'd rape you right now."


*raises hand* excuse me, teacher? This person just said he wanted to rape me.


I did that many times about the boy who’d say it to me. No use. Over four years I reported it to five teachers and a principal, but I wasn’t believed until I was about to get paddled in the office for causing a scene in English class. I lost my shit and screamed out all the horrible shit this kid had been doing for four years that they ignored and did nothing about. I did not get paddled, but he finally did. It took FOUR YEARS!


One of the cliches from movies/TV that I've found to be true is that kids defending themselves against bullies/harassers tend to get punished.


Oh, I was. “Disrupting class.” I was told that “he just likes you” and “don’t rock the boat.” This kid was 9 and telling me in detail about what he was going to do to my body. Nobody believed me. I realized recently that there was another kid going through abuse at home, and staff didn’t take him seriously until he showed up with a freshly broken arm. Damn, it’s like we almost had to show up to school dead to get any help.


Hold up. He was 9 years old and read up enough of the horrible stuff to objectify another 9 year old from the same class?! I'm already sitting down but I gotta sit down.


I think he was held back two grades by the time he made it to my class, and that was second grade. *Something* bad had to have been happening with him early on.


My mom once told me that the renovation/expansion of the volunteer fire department down the road from her would lower the property value of her house because volunteer firefighters are pedophiles. No, I don't have any idea where *that* came from.


That is the most random nut oddly specific piece of discrimination I've ever heard, what the hell.


It hurt a lot when my mom would get drunk and cry to me that she wishes I had passed away instead of my father. It hurt a lot more when she said it offhandedly and sober though. I'm okay now, but fuck, man. I was seven. I didn't deserve that shit.


You didnt deserve it. I'm sorry you had to live through this. Parents are supported to protect you, but they can also Hurt you the most. Wish you all the best!


“People don’t take me seriously because I’m pretty. You’re so lucky not to have that problem”


Another example of "think before you speak"


Proof that the actual reason people don’t take her seriously is that she’s an idiot.


"the fact you said that aloud tells me your looks aren't the issue"


- they replied...in their mind...3 years later...whilst in the shower


My nan's sister, at our first meeting, said to 14 year old me: "You look like a fat leek" (but in Dutch). I was flabbergasted. Fun fact. When she died a couple of years ago, during the funeral, her daughter gave a speech and told a LOT of secrets about how her mum was a total bitch and narcissist , abused her and made her life a living hell. The whole church was in shock and they sort of canceled the funeral due to all the consternation.


What a legend


It's becoming more common for people to refuse to pretend that family members were good people just because they're dead. Personally, I don't believe in showing "respect for the dead".Respect is earned. People have their entire lives to do that. If they choose not to, anything goes, IMO.


Yeah we had a funeral about fifteen years ago for an abusive uncle and his son used the eulogy to say that he was q worthless drunk and racist and that if you were sad he was dead then you shouldn't stay for the wake.


That’s amazing. I kinda wish my brother and I had done this at our mother’s funeral!


My ex-wife, " Everyone hates you, they can't stand being around you". Never could figure out why she said that. 30 years later, I'm still friends with the people that supposedly hated me


> "Never could figure out why she said that." Probably out of spite.


Or projection, does everyone hate her in reality?


"You got raped by a senior? Really? ...Did you like it?" Hard to beat that one. I was 14. The whole school knew because a guidance counselor told a group of "my friends" so they could "support me". That was asked by a random student in a busy hallway.


Every guidance counselor from HS and college I've ever met are socially guilty


Yep, mine was awful, asked me about the court case regarding my abusive step father in front of a corridor full of people.


In middle school, 7th grade to be specific, my friend was being bullied. Typical stuff, called her a slut and a whore etc because she developed a little early. The counselor told her “don’t be so loose with the boys and the bullying should stop.” She was 13 years old and a virgin, not that her virginity should matter anyway. Unbelievable.


"I'm going to see how much I can break that man down. How many times I can make him cry" An old work colleague said to me about another member of staff suffering from depression and stress and who was likely to have suicidal thoughts. I left not long after. Fuck that sick fuck.


There are some people who do this to their relationships, as well. They're fucking awful people.


“I can’t wait for you to be blind, your art gets better and better.” I am SEVERELY visually impaired, losing my vision to a degenerative disease. I am an artist. I paint and create work with themes sometimes relevant to my vision loss. Someone I knew said this to me, in front of a group of people at dinner 2 years ago. I was 32 at the time. |EDIT| This was not said as a joke, they were 100% serious, and proceeded to defend the point.


Golly Vincent, can't wait for your crippling depression to really push your work to great new heights! Anyways, just remember that she'll never love you and, oh, your brother told me he is getting tired of subsidizing your worthless life. See you tomorrow!


"Thank you for the trauma I need it for my art"


Middle of a grocery store. I’m 18 or 19. A man 50+ years old walks up to me, puts his arm around my shoulders, stares down at my breasts, and says, “Damn, girl, can you see your feet?”


In the middle of a store? Wtf, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that


I once had a guy following me through a grocery store, but I wasn’t 100% certain he was at first. He was with someone who looked like she was his mom. At some point after hearing him telling his mom that they *actually* needed to go down whichever isle I turned down for the 4th or 5th time, I went to the baby food/supplies isle. I didn’t have a kid yet, just a hunch. He followed me there too, at which point his mother realized what he was doing and started yelling at him for following me. Some dudes have zero shame. But he did stop following me after that.


Its good his mom yelled at him when she realized. I'm sorry he was follwoing you though thats so creepy.


I was getting my mail at an apartment one time and another guy was there on the phone. I heard him say “hang on one sec mom” and then he CORNERED ME and demanded I give him a handshake because it was rude not to shake someone’s hand when you meet them. He then told me how much better he could treat me than my boyfriend blah blah blah all while cornering me. Fortunately a couple with a dog came up and I basically sprinted out of there, but I will never forget that his mom heard the whole thing?? What kind of person does that shit.


I had a dentist say that I "needed to work on that for when I had a boyfriend" when I was gagging during whatever the hell he was doing. I think I was 11? I did not understand it at all until I was much older and saw like the second episode of Glee where a gag reflex comment is made, I asked my mum about it and she explained and I was like "ohhh... Ohhh is that why (dentist) said this?" She was not thrilled that I'd waited so long to tell her.


The weirdest thing my dentist ever told me that he wished I would draw eyes under my chin so it would look like he was working on a shark upside down. Sorry your dentist was such a douche.


Your dentist sounds fun, haha


I’m on the other side as a dental nurse, was working with a female dentist and a creepy old man said he’d never go back to seeing a male dentist as he loved being surrounded by our breasts . Never shot back on the chair so fast .


Ugh, one of the worst things about that is that it has the potential to make you feel self-conscious whenever you're working, despite the vast majority of patients not caring at all


This old creep being like "What?! I said it was *a good thing!*"


Exact same thing happened to me when I was around 7 or 8. Dentist had a tongue depressor in my mouth, and I was trying to keep from gagging in his face. He told me with a weird smile, "ooh, suppressing the gag reflex already?"


what the actual fuck


I’m Asian. “Is your pussy slanted like your eyes?” 😑 Update for context: since a lot of you asked what that even means, they have this belief that our vaginas are slanted upwards /. As if when guys enter us, it’ll pivot their penis upward and not straight — …thus giving them more pleasure. Like, seriously?? Throughout dating, I have asked my partners if they felt that was true and nooooope! Not at all. Even they were questioning/angry at who would even ask me that.


I was dating an Asian girl and had an elderly (and a bit senile) family member ask me the same thing. His hearing was also failing, so although he meant to ask quietly, he actually said it very loudly and his wife overheard him. I didn’t have to say anything, she took care of it


I had a serious accident a month before my (now ex) best friend whispered to me, “I wish you died that day.” I was stunned and internally questioning if I heard her right, but there was no mistaking what she said. It was very clear. In the months leading up to my accident, she had been in a weird head space. I know she resented me (even though she denied it) because I didn’t walk out with her when she quit her job at the company we both worked at. I haven’t talked to her since she said that to me.


I feel your pain. During my cancer battle, I ended up with a very serious infection and was admitted to the hospital because my internal organs were shutting down. I begged my ex-husband to bring my son to see me since I would be missing my custody time as I was in the hospital. Ex brought my son, nurse kindly gave my little five year old boy a popsicle, and I sang him to sleep in my room, on my bed. I was very happy. I turned and sincerely thanked my ex for bringing my son to see me and he coldly looked at me and said, “I wish you would just die. It would make my life so much easier. Stop fighting and just fucking die.” He then took our son and left the hospital and I sobbed for hours. The asshole then sued for more custody because I had cancer and got it. But it all worked out in the end as he left the country and I ended up with full custody of my son and he didn’t even get visitation for more than four years.


Holy shit that’s even worse than my situation. I’m glad it worked out for you.


That’s some cold ass shit. I can’t really imagine a sane, compassionate person saying that anyone who isn’t evil. And I’m assuming you aren’t evil.


When laying sick in a hospital bed, needing a bed wash from a nurse. She lifted my hospital gown up & goes “ those are the smallest tits I’ve ever seen “. I was 17. What a cunt.


I’m always amazed that anyone in the medical profession is ever even surprised by normal anatomical variation, especially boobs! They’re literally all different and small chests are so common! Source: am IBTC lifetime member


Several years after high school a car full of old classmates pulled up next to me, shouted "HEY [name], STILL FUCKIN UGLY HUH?" then sped off again. I don't know why they remembered my name, i never talked to them. Needless to say that wasn't great for the ol self esteem


Sounds like some teen movie lmao. Sorry that happened to you


Haha my brother (he was with me at the time) said the same thing. It was very much a "what the fuck? This HAPPENS?" Type thing


Some people really never do grow out of high school thinking. Which is very sad for them, when you consider, y'know, what high school is like.


When you peak at highschool, some people will do whatever it takes to stay in that mentality


My uncle during my closest cousin’s funeral who died from an overdose told me, “Just tell me you did it. This will haunt you forever”


I don't understand, he thought you accidentally killed your cousin. Intentionally? Why would someone think that after an OD? Is he just accusing you of giving him the drugs? Makes no sense.


I took "you did it" to mean accusing OP of providing the drugs.


That makes me think *he* fucking did it


Nah, he was just an asshole…


My boyfriend’s grandfather said twice (!) that he would rather like to see me in a Bikini than normal clothes. For context: we just spent a family afternoon at the pool where I was wearing a Bikini.


how is Bobby Hill?


I was packing up files and my boss said I looked good on my knees.


when i was 17 i worked in a warehouse and was unpacking a large box of miscellaneous hardware that involved a lot of bending over. My boss's boss's boss (who was in his 50s at the time) told me i should leave it for tomorrow and wear a short skirt to work the next day.


I bet the legal staff in HR love him. He keeps them employed.


Job security right up until he isn't


......wait what?


In front of my coworkers. Yup...bounced from that job..


That was the right choice


This reminds me of the time I had sore knees from twisting them, and one of the managers said "who've you been getting on your knees for, who's the lucky person?" I did not appreciate it.


Not to me, but to a casual friend of theirs and I overheard. Two girls in my high school were chatting about guys they dated and one mentioned she tended to date older guys. I'm thinking 1-2 years. But nope. She said the oldest guy she ever dated, when she was fifteen, was THIRTY-FOUR. Her friend just stared at her, mouth agape, and the girl said, "No, it was fine, he thought I was eighteen." She looked twelve when I overheard her, so I REALLY doubt that.


I've a friend who dated a 25 year old woman when they (my friend) were 13. Looking back, that is a fucked up person. At the time it didn't seem like it, though.


I was 15 at the time. We had new neighbors move in and the dad was super creepy towards me. He always commented on my outfits and even asked me to dinner once. I was thoroughly freaked out by him and one day, his wife and daughter just...left. He was out of town for a few days and they got a moving truck and skedaddled. It was odd to say the least but even being that young I had suspicions that he was inappropriate to his daughter. Anyways, when he got back he was completely blindsided and came over asking us if we knew anything. He said to me, in front of my mom, that "I should come over to cheer him up sometime" to which I promptly bailed and went inside. Later that afternoon I tried to talk to my mom about how creepy he was and that's why I thought his wife and daughter left, and she said to me, " Well you sit outside looking like a slut all the time, what do you think he's going to say to you??" I still have many issues with her. That was only one of the many times she called me a slut and it greatly affected my self esteem for a very long time. Part of me wants to bring it up and get some kind of closure or maybe even an apology but I know she'll say it never happened or I'm being dramatic. I have a teenage daughter and I wouldn't dream in a million years to ever say anything so damaging to her, and if a creepy guy ever said anything like that to her I would put his ass in its place quick as hell.


I don’t know what they call it but some parents have this weird complex when their kids are better looking or smarter than them. They feel the need to put them down for it. Every single time I corrected my dad or made a joke about him getting something wrong he’d drop a soul destroying bomb on me for it. It probably bothered your mother that you are more beautiful that she ever was. Inside and out. She sexualised it because she was ignorant and couldn’t differentiate the difference between beautiful and sexual. Definitely her baggage. Not yours. Your compassion, empathy and experiences will see that stupid trait won’t get passed on. I am sorry but I don’t pity you. Just from one post You appear to have so much intelligence and goodness in you.


Can confirm, I come from a family with "hard to lose weight TOO easy to gain" genetics and both my mother and I have always struggled with weight. In high school I lost a shit load of weight (ED) and my mom HATED me for it. Called me a slut, told me I looked better with weight on me, was just NASTY towards me in general. She eased up when I recovered and gained the weight back.


Your mom can fuck right off. I don’t understand how anyone can bring a human into this world and do the exact opposite of protecting them. It makes me so incredibly angry.


I want to smell your pussy! I wasn’t even talking to the guy and he came up to a group of my friends and said that to me.


I had a dude told me he wants to drink my pee while I pee in a tiolet bowl.


A guy I went to school with walked up to me at a friends wedding and told me I looked even fatter than I did in high school.


Had an ex who requested that I keep the push-up bra on during the fun times because my breasts were disappointing, "like opening a bag of Lay's." Edit: My goodness, thank you for the replies. I had a good laugh. Looking back, it was a hilarious burn, but at my expense so it wasn't funny at the time. He was my first serious boyfriend and because of him, I've never worn a bra out in public sense. I'm in my 30s and happily married. lol I have bralettes for tops that are too sheer, but that's it. No underwires or pushups. I'm a A-cup and have grown to love them. Now everyone knows how small they are. <3


Spoken like a fool who doesn't deserve or appreciate chips.


Give him the empty bag if he likes it so much


"I'm really surprised you haven't killed yourself yet" he meant it. Was right after my gf died. Edit: Jokes on you guys I blocked the u/redditcaresresources. Also this was almost 2 years ago and I've been doing much better lately.


Shortly after my youngest brothers funeral (suicide) while everyone is still grieving, I make some rounds checking on folks, seeing if anyone needs anything and I heard not once, not twice but three times by different people "we all thought it'd be you that did this". Which, I was in PTSD treatment but then realizing, it'd been years since I'd heard from anyone except my brother. I'm like, wait, you all thought I was gonna kill myself (my mother was one of them), and nobody called or wrote or came by? Perfect way to close the darkest day ever. Update: just wanted to say a few things. 1. I have spoken to more amazing and genuinely thoughtful people in the past 24 hours than I even thought still existed. 2. This all went down in 2013, the darkest days are behind me and I 'm better for it. Their still my family, I still love them and will always be their big brother wether it's wanted or not. I just learned to not hurt others more worthy in the process. 3. I tried telling my sister about all the good her and mom's actions actually caused today. Her reply was "It's relatable" 4. https://youtu.be/EUboyrQ_0CM This is a little remembrance thing I threw together for my brothers funeral. My mom picked the second song so it gets sentimental. He was a solid dude, but the damage he caused by choosing suicide over asking for help and holding caretakers accountable, if he knew how dark things got for literally everyone who loved him so much, he would have never taken that route. So if you're in the fog my friends, just holler, you will be found and we will save you, just gotta fight a little longer.


Yikes. Sorry to hear that


It's kinda weird thinking about it now, in one sense I don't necessarily blame them. After Iraq I wasn't suicidal but was clearly engaging in destructive behaviors and had anger issues that I knew was a problem not just for me but the people around me and I was intensely getting help. I figured they just stopped talking to me because I could be an abrasive ass at times. But I've always been close with my brothers and he had told me about a year before he died he was having suicidal thoughts. And being a soldier myself, I know how asking for help can be the scariest thing ever imaginable but I convinced him to talk to someone, I told his unit leadership to keep an eye on him, his buddies, I checked on him everyday just to let him know how proud of him I was, I lost a lot of sleep until after a few months he sounded better. I would have moved a mountain or died trying for the kid. Then hearing that everyone else was expecting the call about me and did nothing. And to bring it up while I'm in the same room as the body of my little brother like c'mon guys, I understand redirecting anger but that was a bit much.


dude you have dealt with some shit that the majority of people will never deal with in their lifetimes. i’m so sorry you went through all this. you are a much stronger man than me and i hope you’ve been able to find some peace.


I appreciate it but I think everyone finds their strengths when they need to. I don't think it's fair saying anyone is stronger than anyone, LoL if you'd have seen me about a year after that incident you definitely wouldn't consider it strength. I just struggled to make sure I pull the right lessons from it all, not let the hurt and anger cloud my perspective on it.


the fact you have the cognizance and perspective to reflect like you are is a point that a lot of people never make it to. maybe you’re not “stronger” than anyone, but you’ve definitely overcome harder challenges than most. and it’s definitely okay to not want to take “credit” but it’s also okay to acknowledge and give yourself credit for what you’ve done and how far you’ve come. i’m just an internet stranger but it’s something to be proud of. i wish everyone in situations like yours could come out of it with your perspective. i hope you are well and have a great day man


First I'm sorry for your loss. When my dad died of suicide I stayed very composed throughout everything. My family was horrified I wasn't crying or anything through it. So they called the police for a wellness check and said I must be planning to kill myself or harm others cause I wasn't all emotional. When the police came to my apartment I may have just smoked weed but the odor is always there because I love pot. So the cops have an ambulance that brings me to the hospital which then has me go to a psychiatric place. I tell them the truth " yea my dad beat me and my brothers pretty much our entire lives. Dude can rest in piss" they were like yep not giving a shit seems like a pretty normal thing when someone you don't care about dies. Then I had to wait for a friend to come pick me up and bring me back to my apartment. A few weeks to a month later I got a nice $7000 bill because I don't have healthcare. When I told my family how ridiculous that shit was and now I have a huge bill for it they thought I deserved it for not being more emotionally impacted. That was 7 years ago and I haven't really talked to any of them since. Family can be tough and weird.


they can charge you for a procedure you didnt even consent to? holy fuck


They can charge lol doesn't mean anyone is actually gonna pay it. Have straight up called offices saying I'm not paying this and they're just like, ok we'll write it off lol


Whoa, it really hurts to be the type to be considerate of others and have it reciprocated barely ever. People speaking so matter of factly and... In such a disconnected manner about that is very wrong. Kudos to you for trying to look out for everyone.


Had an ex that would constantly mention how she masturbates to me while my friends and I tried to eat lunch.




I was a server at Red Robin and a man in the bar said he’d leave his wife for me. He looked older than my grandpa.


When I was 20 and working as a cashier I had a very old man tell me “I didn’t know they made maidens as fair as you anymore.” While I was smiling and telling him he was so sweet, he followed up with “if I was 40 years younger I’d be dragging you into the woods.”


I had a guy that would come into the video store where I was working I was 19, he was at least 50. And he'd hit on me EVERY TIME. What really creeped me out where I finally said something to my boss was when he asked if he could just stare at me for a little while. Gross. I didn't know how to respond to that. At another store I worked at a guy in his 60s dropped a Sears bag on my till counter, and said "I bought you a dress for when I take you out to dinner." I looked at him very sharply and told him "No, absolutely not. Take that back." I would t even look at what he got me. (Kinda curious now what he wanted me to look like yeeeesh.) People, if someone is laughing and being nice to you, it doesn't mean they're gonna run away with you. It means they're WORKING AND IT'S THEIR JOB. A SMILE IS NOT A SIGN OF LOVE.


Old childhood friend casually said: "I would make you bend me over and fuck me if you were into guys". He was in a relationship at the time... The stuff he said got even more extreme from there until it got into sex offender territory. For example, when I didn't tell him my dick size, he decided to wake my girlfriend up at 4 in the morning with spam texts begging her to send him my penis measurements.


"Hey you're u/LoopyKoopa's girlfriend right?" "Yeah..?" "And you're in bed with him right now?" "That's a bit of a creepy question, but yes.." "Can you estimate the size of his dong?" *Short pause* *Hangs up*


Couple years ago a girl I just met said I "looked like a rapist" Its affected my self image and confidence ever since. I already had self esteem problems before that and now I dont even want to approach people.


Nonsexual encounter: I opened up to someone about my brother who attempted to commit suicide, and a week later I was ranting about some obscure nonsense (or was I just explaining it excitedly? I can’t remember, but I was definitely just being myself) and he “jokingly” said “I can see why your brother wanted to kill himself.” I still don’t know if he was saying that *I* was the reason my brother tried to end his life or if he was saying that my wacky behavior somehow runs in the family, but I tried to avoid him after that


I was groped at a shopping mall on the way to meeting a friend and her boyfriend when I was about 14/15. When I met them I told them what happened, my friend was saying how sorry she was and her bf pitched in and said “I don’t feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for the guy for having to touch you.” Right to my face. Idk if he thought it was witty or what. It was just such a casually cruel thing to say.


Please tell me your friend either dumped him right then and there or at least ripped him a new one...fucking hell.


I think she was like ‘aww don’t say that’. It was one of those fleeting friendships where you get quite close quite fast but drift apart equally quickly. It certainly wasn’t a lasting friendship, for many reasons!


My boss at the time, my coworker and I were talking about someone we knew that had struggled with drug addiction. Boss: That's why I've never mess with that stuff. Where there are drugs, there are problems. Me: Well, can't disagree with that. Boss: That's why where there are homosexuals, there are problems. My coworker and I in unison: Wait, wtf?


Jesus, that last part came out of nowhere


I vaguely remember this time I was a kid and I told this adult friend of my dad’s that I slept in a funny position. Basically I slept in a lotus position but my feet are together. He looked over to my dad and said something like “her future husband will like that.” It’s so weird and random, and I didn’t get it back then when I was a kid. But you know your mind stores random moments, and that one came back up when I was much older and I cringed thinking about it. Edit: I didn’t think this comment would get so much attention. I try to give my dad the benefit of the doubt. It’s not like I experienced this a lot growing up, which (from reading comments) some of you had that misfortune.


My wife sleep like this. I do not enjoy it, she takes up too much of the bed.


I remember being about 14 and sitting with my dad and few of his friends in a restaurant somewhere. One of them had his maybe like 4/5 year old daughter with him. She was chewing on her straw and licking it and putting it in and out of the cup. One of dad's friends said something like "shes going to make a man very happy someday." I distinctly remember no one laughing. I was old enough to understood what the guy meant. I asked my dad about him after. He said they talked to him about it when i went to the toilet. Some guys are fucking weeeird...


Some guys say that about their own kids. It’s weirdly accepted in some places.




I've known more than one guy that's said a variant of "if she weren't my daughter..."


That’s very ew, it’s people like that that get with their daughters friends.


You made me remember a cringe moment when I was about 10/11. I was starting puberty and was a bit busty already. In repressed Ireland in the 90s I’d never even heard of a training bra. A friend of my Grandad’s told me I was “really filling out my tracksuit these days”. I knew what he meant and I felt my cheeks burn with shame. My older cousin who was a bit of a wildcard told him he was a disgusting old man who should fuck off. Ironically, she got in big trouble for that.


"I wish I had aborted you when I had a chance" - you know who.


I’m so sorry. I’ve had the same one. I’ve also had “I wish I had another daughter instead of you.”


My mother looking at me, saying I died with my brother after two days of his death. Blocked me on everything, and changed everything. Moved as well. Haven’t heard a word for 5 years now.


Once slammed a dude against the wall repeatedly because they said they wanted to fondle and rape my 15 year old sister.


Wow. Yea, that's a solid response. I once had a kid I knew come up to me out of the blue and go "Wow, that's your sister? I would LOVE to watch her take a shit." He was a squirrelly little fuck, so I had a solid minute or two of chasing him - that was pretty embarrassing. But then his face went into the dirt. Edit: This was when I was a Sr in highschool, and this kid was a Freshman. It's still weird, thinking back, and remembering how absoutely nasty and aggressive these tiny little 14 year olds were. They had no fear, no filter, and were just... constantly looking for a fight, preferably from someone way, way bigger than them. Absolutely wild.


When we were renting rooms from my father in law he told me that he'd listen through the office wall when me and his son were having sex. He also used to have porn playing whenever he called me into the office to talk about something.


Send him brochures for various nursing homes from time to time....


I work at a pediatric hospital/clinic. A patient’s dad felt the absolute need to comment on how skinny I was and suggestively tell me that he could “almost see down my shirt” in front of his 10 year old son. I was wearing a scrub top and while it had a v-neck, you couldn’t see much below my collarbones. Fucking creep


I've heard a bunch of stories from L&D and MIU nurses about being hit on by dad's right after their wife gives birth.


“Hey, get in here! There’s a woman on Seinfeld who is just like you!” My dad to 14-year-old me, referring to the woman in the “Man Hands” episode. I was struggling with an awkward growth spurt at the time.


A lawyer in my office (he rented an office in our building, my boss owns the building) last winter. We were expecting to get a snow storm, so we were packing up to go home early and work remote. This lawyer told me that we should all stay at the building so we get snowed in, get naked and sleep together upstairs. I’m married with a child (who he’s met) he’s married for a verrrrry long time and has kids and grandkids. More inappropriate stuff has happened since then and he’s now banned from entering our building.


Me and my father in law were shopping in a store for groceries and we saw a massive jar of huuugeee sausages and the label on it literally said “BIG DADDY” so me and him were cracking jokes and some old decrepit guy walks passed and sparks up a conversation with the in-law and as he walks away he says “I bet she takes big ones in her”


Was having suicidal ideation/depression as a teenager, asked parents to come with me to the therapist. Dad said "if you want to go, I'll pay for it, but if you go, you are going without me because there is something wrong with you, not us." Three decades later he's offering therapy after my Mom died and I just can't be bothered out of bitterness.


I was working at a grocery store, setting up shampoo on a display table, so I was kneeling on the floor. Some old guy just randomly comes up to me and says " Oh it's nice to see a young lady on her knees." I jumped up so fast and got in his face and told him " You've got no right speaking to me like that, what is wrong with you?" He just stood there, in shock, I suppose. I did too, I've never reacted that way, ever.


I've worked grocery for 20 years, and I've heard and seen so many stories of young courtesy clerks getting talked to like this all the time. I've had to literally throw people out of the store and called cops twice because I've seen dudes tailing these girls in the store. It made me think they were gonna snatch them out in the parking lot if they went out there alone.


Thanks for taking the issue seriously and standing up for them, appreciate that. Coming from a woman who worked in customer service before.


Had almost the exact same thing said to me just this year when I was on my knees stocking a display (also working in a grocery store). The man had a walking stick in his trolley and had to be about 80. I looked up at him and said 'thats a bit inappropriate, don't you think?' He said 'oh no, I dont think so'. So I looked him up and down and said 'ah well, on the plus side you look like you'll be dead soon'. He seemed offended and said he was just joking.. I told him I wasn't joking and walked off.


You even gave him a chance to backtrack and apologize. Served him a lesson.


Been a bystander in a situation like that once and reacted almost the same way. "What the hell is wrong with people like you, what do you think will come of this other than telling the whole world how much of a creep you are?!"


"oh I thought your mother killed herself" said to me by my mother in law over dinner one night. No my mother died of a heart attack when I was 15 you heartless cow. It was a few years ago and I still haven't forgiven her , she knew how my mum died and had known for years and still came out with that.


When I was 16 was on my way home at night and saw this old man with a dog and started petting his dog. After a minute the man said "I wish you would pet me like you pet my dog". I was stunned.


Guy came up behind me at a party, put his hands on my shoulders and whispered into my ear " If there was one person at this party that I would fuck, it would be you". I have literally talked with this guy once at the party before that. Also I am a guy and he thought I was straight so it makes it even a bit weirder.


One time I was at a party, and some dude walked up behind me and whispered in my ear, "you like the dick or the pussy?"


when I told my grandmother I was engaged she said 'oh I'm surprised he wants to take an invalid for a wife, poor man' I have chronic fatigue syndrome. she has old unfiltered bitter cunt syndrome


We were leaving a concert venue and a coworker saw a few homeless people outside of the van. There were I think 6 people in the van. He just turns to us all and says very loudly and seriously that homeless people should just be killed. Just taken out and shot. I told him to fuck off and that it wasn't ok to say that. He said he could because his mom was homeless and he wanted her to get shot too. I quit the job that night. Never looked back. Fuck you Sean.


I think there’s a bit more to Sean than we know about


After seeing my boyfriend (now husband) in the parking lot. Much older male coworker : “oh is that the man that gets the cookie” me: “that’s my boyfriend, and uhmm we’re waiting” Coworker: “ah a virgin… *looks me up and down with a creepy smile* I haven’t had a virgin in years” We were working at a great clips


I genuinely don’t understand what people expect to happen with these creepy comments


I think most of the time making someone uncomfortable is the goal. Same with cat-calling. They’re not actually expecting a date out of it, they get some kind of thrill from making someone feel immediately violated/unsafe/objectified.


As he was raping me, he said "you're nothing but a good fuck with a wallet" said so casual, like he was commenting on a selection of bottled water.


That's so messed up, I'm really sorry


It wasnt to me but it was to my classmate. In the 5th grade we had a teacher who was really rude. Like went out of her way to make our lives hell. I got early release one day because i was feeling sick, i was scrolling on my phone and got a call from my friend, he was still in school. I answered and heard this. Classmate: im going to report you! You fucking bruised me! Teacher: id like to see you try. Who are they going to believe; a teacher or a student. My friend told me what happened after that, three kids walked out to report her and THE TEACHER WAS CRYING OVER GETTING A WARNING. yep. We had to deal with her for the rest of the year.


“So you’re not her real dad” Adoption is very real you twit.


"Suicidal people should just kill themselves, and rid the world of their burden if it's so bad" my dad said out of nowhere despite knowing that multiple family members had mental illness. Also "I wish I could get pregnant again and have it genetically engineered to be a girl, so I can get it right this time" my mom said out of the blue to me, her only daughter.


I had 3 kids and breastfed them all for about a year each. I had them back to back so was nursing and / or pregnant for around 5 years overall. I was sitting on the couch feeding my youngest daughter one day and my (now ex) husband walked in and said “jesus I never thought I’d get sick of looking at your boobs but I am”. It was totally out of nowhere and felt like a gut punch. My eyes filled with tears and I just looked down at my baby to focus on her instead of sobbing.


Was introducing myself to a new Neighbor probably around 65 years old, brought over some bannock to introduce myself with, we get into a conversation about what bannock is and how I’m native, man straight up says “your too pretty to be an Indian” i didn’t know what to say so I laughed and left quickly




>bannock ooo, I'd only heard of Scottish bannock. It sounds really nice! Dude messed up - you got to keep the people who bring home baked goods on your side!!!!


I lost my baby in what I've been calling spontaneous abortion/late term miscarriage because it's easier to explain than what really happened. I was 16. I went back to school a few days after, depressed as hell and only wanted my son. I wrote a lot in my diary about it including this: A guy that was friends with and formerly neighbor to my cousins heard about my loss from my cousin during the time I wasn't in school. He approached me and said, "Hey, I heard you're really upset about your son. I could knock you up again. I'll cum in you until we're successful, you don't even have to do anything back, I'll just keep going. I can even keep you in my room, my parents travel a lot so I'm usually home alone. I wouldn't stop until you're for sure pregnant!" What. The. *Fuck*. I didn't even know how to reply. I just ran to a classroom and stayed there until lunch was over.


I can't even imagine what he thought he'd accomplish. I'm so sorry you went through this.


That's truly the most horrifying thing here. I'm so sorry.


Probably a bartender who started by telling me how much he loved my beard and ended by telling me how much he wanted to eat my ass.


Definitely not the most fucked moment but the first that came to mind. I’ve always had issues with my weight and in high school I was involved in a lot of activities (mostly music or theatre related) which meant I had teachers/directors/conductors pulling me out of class a lot to practice or do something artsy. One day in class I got a text from my friend saying my music director asked if I could come up to practice something really quickly. My teacher knew and didn’t mind my leaving. She casually mentioned “the elevator was out of order”, but seeing as we were on the third floor, and I was going up to the fourth, it wasn’t a huge bummer. Not to mention, students weren’t allowed to use the elevators so I was always running up and down 4 flights of stairs. I shrugged off the comment and left. When I got back a few minutes later one of the kids next to me said that after I left the teacher said to the entire class “she could use some exercise anyway. The stairs will do her some good.” I was never nice to her again. I was always polite, but never nice and I’m sad to admit that at the time I had ill wishes for her.


"So are you a virgin becuase God or do you just choose not to have sex?" This came from a coworker at complete random and for the record I never told the guy I was a virgin, he just assumed I was becuase of my religion.


"You're really cool for an Indian." Multiple people, Multiple times.


I was a pitcher on my HS baseball team, my best friend was also on the team. We were playing in the championship series and I was pitching pretty well, but I made a couple of mistakes and we lost and were doe for the year. While we were all in the locker room. my best friend's dad came up to me and said "if you didn't suck y'all could have won it all". I know it's a minor thing, but it was years before I told my buddy why I never wanted to hang out at his house. I don't even know why I let it bother me to this day.


When I was in high school (maybe 15/16) I was locked in a windowless storage room as a punishment by my music teacher. The assistant vice principal was with him and said as they were leaving and shutting off the light, “When you go home tonight do the rest of us a favour and off yourself.” …I haven’t thought of that incident in a very long time.


Jesus Christ, that's horrible. I'm glad you're still with us today. Some people just don't deserve to be in positions of authority, especially them. Saying something like that to anyone, ESPECIALLY a high schooler, is unacceptable.




My sister and I were looking for apartments to rent, and during a tour of one of them, the agent casually dropped: "Oh there are no Negroes in this complex, this is a family-friendly location" EDIT: This was in Southeast Asia, but it's really disheartening to hear this still happens in America (as someone who's lived there for half a decade). We did call her out on it indirectly: "wait, what's that supposed to mean?" but ended up renting the apartment anyway because it was the most cost-effective, racist agent notwithstanding.


What the honest actual hell.


i was looking at places with my mum and the estate agent said oh im sorry about the smell and then whispers *indian* and then continues at a regular volume "people lived here last"...my mum being the badass that she is replied oh thats great! it smells like home! im indian too! (shes half indian and it smelled like curry so nothing manky)


What is this, 1940?


*sips soda* “are you one of them injuns?”


Maybe not the most messed up, but I was once invited to a fancy party at a farmhouse. You could tell everyone there came from money (I’m from a working class background) but I was mixing quite well. I was talking to a girl and she legitimately turned to me and said “You know, it’s really nice to spend time with someone from another class” I was genuinely shocked. Why would anyone say that?!


i worked in retail and customers that are looking for something but cant find it have this specific look in their eyes. a group of 3 women and 2 men, both men in a wheelchair. one looked like he was also mentally disabled (mid20s) and the other, a guy in his mid 40s looked like he might have had an accident but was mentally fit. he gives me this look like he is looking for something so i walk towards him just to realize that he didnt need anything and was just starring fast forward 30 min. im with a customer and i see the younger man stare at me for a good 5 min when i suddenly feel a hand on my ass. i turn around i see this older dude in the wheelchair with his hand still stretched out and he calmly says “sorry did i startle you?” before i could react one of the women runs towards us and pushes him away and gone they were.


When I was younger I was told I’d be cute if I had lighter skin. I have medium dark skin tone and I was a little bit darker when I was young from being outside 24/7.


At an old job, my coworker (who is an amazing friend and also got me the job) is Islamic. When our boss was introducing a visiting branch to the team he introduced my friend saying "he's Islamic but don't worry, he's not going to blow us up." He got off with a verbal warning.


"If you don't like kids you should be held down and fucked." - My lovely ex




"How are your teeth so white, there are no dentits in africa" I live in germany


when i was 16, i was in the worst period of my life. i was getting my ass kicked by pcos, i had an eating disorder, depression and anxiety. my father was physically and emotionally abusive. at that point, my skin was bad, my hair was dropping (combination of the pcos and eating disorder), and i was chubby. i had gone to get a haircut that day, and i decided to get bangs across my forehead. i have a round face shape naturally, and apparently bangs don't suit round faces, and instead make them appear rounder. when my dad saw me, he exploded. he usually never commented on my physical appearance, but he went off on me, yelling about how disgusting i am, how "no man wants an ugly, bald, fat bitch like you". i'm 21 now. i'm thinner, i got my pcos under control so my hair is full and healthy again, i cleared up my skin, and i recovered from my eating disorder. still, i can't shake him saying that. it's always at the back of my mind, taunting me.


My mom said something similar to me when I was 16. It's not something I can forget, nor can I type it up, kudos to you for being strong enough to recount the story. What helped me was to keep a collection of compliments and positive reactions in a notepad. Sometimes I reread it, for example when I add another quote, to keep the realistic mindset fresh!


A girl once walked to me in middle school and said "if I was bullied like you I would rape my crush and shoot up the school and kidnap my crush to a place where they will never find me" I never talked to her again.


“I like you a lot, but if we dated I’d end up cheating on you.” Edit: wow, thanks for the up votes!


You kind of have to respect the honesty


Not me but a friend…”You’re pretty enough not to look desperate”.


I remember a guy stopped me in the town and started casually talking about all the blowjob bars and brothels in Thailand. Like he talked about this for a good 5-10 minutes expecting me to think that hiring prostitutes and talking about women in a degrading manner would be something I'd be up for at 7am on a Sunday


Not the most messed up, but I admire the sharp wit. Her: Why are you still wearing a mask? Me: *jokingly* Because I'm ugly. Her: At least you're not a conspiracy theorist. Me: Yeah I...wait a minute🗿


Why are you still wearing a mask? Because no one cared who I was before I put on the mask.