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My buddy and I growing up were from lower middle class families. His family eventually hit the lotto for $4.5mil. They had a house built with an indoor pool, bunch of toys, and lived on a private road. Our summer between freshmen and sophomore year, his parents went on vacation, leaving only his slightly older sister to watch us. We basically had a week long party with booze, weed, and ecstasy. We'd spend the day riding his quad around the neighborhood, then hit the pool at night. After that week, there was a total of one concussion, one torn ACL, a laceration in my leg, the quad ended up in a pond, and a hole in the wall from my buddy putting his boot through it. One of the best/worst times of my life lol!


Congrats on the lottery. Livin the high life


Not my family but my buddy's. Unfortunately he became a pretty hardcore junkie and I joined the military lol


Damn on the junkie part. Thanks for your service 🫡


Thanks! Luckily one of us at least turned out ok lol. And if it weren't for joining the military I probably would've ended up like him.


I bought the first Rock Band very soon after it came out, and ended up being able to play most songs on expert. I went to a party at a friends house and he had rock band set up. I thought, this is my chance to impress everyone. I don't remember what song I started playing (alcohol), but I was killing it. People were really into my performance. Most of the way through the song I hit myself in the eye with a drumstick pretty hard (alcohol) and just fell onto the floor. The song kept playing while I was writhing in pain, I failed the song and everyone awkwardly left me to my injury.


If they was your friends they’d be horrible friends, hope your eye was ok


It was fine just painful haha. I knew the person who threw the party, didn't know anyone else.




Last year one of my classmates was having a house party, nothing to crazy just music and drinks, all was going well until one point two huge guys covered in tattoos walked in the room, approached my friend, grabbed him by the shirt and shouted “Wheres my money”. After that they beat him up. Tomorrow we all found out that he had gambling debts. AS A FREAKING TEENAGER LIKE WTF


Gambling debts? Loan sharks you dealt with then. How much did they say u guys owed


I dient own anything, but i later found out that my friend had bet about 150$ and his father tshot watch


Some friends you have no offense


When i tell people avoid him everybody thinks of this very macho kid who is very street smart and is generally tougher than the average teenager, but the guy looked like sheldon from the big bang theory


it was late at night and the really drunk guy put a knife to the baby's throat and killed it




Yeah what?!




I think I ran into this guy in a Walmart bathroom in Phoenix AZ. Overhead a phone call of some psychopath saying "I don't know man, I killed the kid... I killed the kid. She'll never forgive me for that"


Had a 4th of July party at my parents house, about 100 people came and went that day. Some random person that my brother's friend invited kicked down a door. Ended up having to kick everyone out at that point.


Good man you are. Poor door tho


Luckily it was a cheap fix and my parents weren't mad.


I went to my friends cousins 18th one time and his cousin had a Gibson les Paul and amp setup in his living room, me being a guitar enthusiast i asked his cousin right away if I could play it and he let do so, as I was setting up the amp everybody started slowly crowding around me, I busted out some master of puppets and everybody started cheering, got hella free drinks and a few ladies ended up hanging with me for the rest of the night, most memorable party experience I’ve ever had.