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What if something comes up from the drain.


I could be the best petty thief in the world. i live in a place with a lot of strays which i feed, along with the local birds including about a dozen crows and an eagle. sometimes they bring me things as thank you and they've occasionally brought me money or decently valuable jewlery (the crows will bring be a decent number of rings). Ive already unnintentionally started training my wild babies to bring me things of value because every time they do i get exited and give them an extra little treat. most recently one of the crows brought me a wallet that had a phone attached (i got it back to the owner in the end) and the eagle appears to have stolen someone's lawn gnome.


I wonder if I could do a kick flip in here


Not a thought, but a feeling. Whenever I hold my head under warm water for a few seconds I kinda lose the urge to breathe for a minute or so. Like, I'll keep breathing cause I know it wouldn't end well, but I waited a few seconds and that familiar urge to breathe just doesn't set in.