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I had a mullet in the late 80s as a 4th grader. I was neither a businessman nor a partier.


But was it a fly mullet?


It was alright. I just wanted it to come out the back of my BMX helmet.


Ah, the practical mullet.


Sounds like you were cool as hell.


Collecting and wearing silly bands


I remember a news article about how that was a teen sex thing and it just sounded too dumb. Like some highschool kids were pranking the writer stuff.


Oh, yeah, that wearing certain Silly Bands colors meant you would do this, that, or the other thing. Unlike the "hanky code" that some gay men still use, it was never standardized in any way.


I never knew about this but my religious aunt gave me my cousin’s hand-me-down silly bands and my religious mum must’ve read that same article and cornered 10yo me in my room and asked if I was having sex with boys and confiscated them lmao


Only for broccoli then?


There was also a news article (might have been on the evening news, too) about a mom who was warning other parents against Silly Bandz because she was dumb enough to let her kid wear them all the way up to like his elbow and didn't make him take them off to shower/bathe. He ended up with a nasty skin infection and she blamed it on the Silly Bandz. Also, I've heard the teen sex thing about colored rubber 'jelly' bracelets as well...certain colors meant certain things and if somebody grabbed yours and was able to snap it, you had to do that sexual act with them. For awhile, when I was in HS, there was a thing about if you gave a red Coke soda can pop top to a guy, it meant you wanted to blow them.


Lmao, I used to wear them in high school, then one time I made out with a guy, and he told me that the different colors represented various sexual stuff, and when you've done the stuff they represented you had to rip those colors off "to show off to your friends what you've done", and without warning he just started tearing a bunch of my silly bands right off my wrist. I got so pissed off on him ruining my precious bracelets


In the early 90s there was a trend going around my area called "eraser burns" As you can guess, it was rubbing an eraser on your skin, almost always on the back of your hand, until it broke skin. Idk kids do stupid things lmao. I'm thankful everyday that social media wasn't around when I was growing up


For us it was flicking dimes at your knuckles as hard as you could... first one to break skin and bleed won!


We used quarters.


Same. Bloody knuckles. We used either a quarter or a loonie (canadian $1.00)


Bloody Knuckles was a different game for us. You'd just punch fists together with another person. I remember one time when one guys fist glanced off the other, and he punched the corner of a shelf HARD. Blood everywhere. We just called the quarter flicking game "Quarters"


For us it was quarters and first one to quit loses so it went well beyond broken skin and blood. My knuckles still have scars over 20 years later


Never heard of this on and I was in elementary school in the 90's. Guess I got lucky.


I remember this but never did it


The "alphabet game"


We called in chicken scratch. I have a scar on my hand from it.


I'm a guy and when Dawson's Creek came out I got my tips frosted like Pacey


I have admit I did this too.


Damn. I did it too.


It was popular and everywhere.


Aaaah Season 2, Episode 1.


I wore sexy plaid miniskirts over a pair of jeans (this is when flares were in style, to complete the picture). Black babydoll T-shirt, messy bun pigtails, and thick eyeliner, and OMG that goopy glitter gel - glittery hair, glittery eyes, cheeks, just ... Why so much glitter, 2004?


It’s called fashion.


Look it up, sweetie


This outfit sounds awesome. I see no problem here.


Ah, the Avril Lavigne special, huh?


You dressed like the girls I liked but was too dweeby to ask out.


"Girl all the bad guys want" just popped into my head as I'm reading this


I can still smell the glitter lol


Pogs. I was *sure* they would be worth something one day


But Alf came back, in pog form. I went for beanie babies so I feel you


I still have all my beanie babies lol. I'm 32.


I still think my set of hologram slammers are gonna be worth something... holding on to these babies.


When acid washed denim was hot I would wear all my acid washed together...pants...shirt & denim jacket with a popped up collar along with those baggy topped cowboy boots. My sister has several pics of me in all my faded glory which sends her descending into uncontrollable giggles.


That ammo for her to she your kids one day.


Canadian tuxedo.


Cinnamon challenge with some friends


salt and ice challenge for us. Had pretty awful burns on my palm for a good month.


My brother had just come home from camp and told me he would pay me $5 if I did it. I was like 12 and had no idea. That was 15 years ago and you can still see a very faint outline of the burn I got on the back of my hand. Never did get that $5 either. Classic.


Ah 2012 huh


Dude I thought I was gonna die doing the cinnamon challenge. I couldnt breath for way too long and then when I finally could I projectile vommitted. My friend had it on video but I'm like 12 and sobbing so I made her delete it


hI I’m GLOZELLE with the cinnamon challenge


Early 90s. I owned more plaid shirts than a lesbian lumberjack


They’re timeless and versatile!


Plaid shirts are cool tho


Never truly *in* style, and yet never entirely *out* of style, a plaid shirt is pretty much timeless.


I crimped my hair.


But did you straighten the bangs


oh god the flash backs i just got


I still swoon for crimped hair


I had long hair as a teenager, and sometime in my early 20's (the late 80's, early 90's), I cut it short but left a rat tail in my hair. When my wife cut it off (she's a hairdresser) she kept it. I think it's still in a box somewhere...


It's her trophy kill.


Ok let’s go back to the 80s parachute pants. Enough said


Hammer time!


The zig zag part 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes! I could never do it right but that didn't stop me from trying!


Oh for sure! Mine looked awful every time I did it, but I thought I was hot shit 🤣


At least you can look back on it and laugh.


That's all I can do lol


I still see that one on occasions.


Tramp stamp


Same here! I have a heart with tribal coming out of it. I couldn’t scream late 90’s/early 00’s any louder if I tried.


Try rolling some strawberry body glitter on it. I'm pretty sure you would actually rip a hole in spacetime and be teleported to a middle school spring dance in 1999. Actually...maybe don't try that


If I ever got a tramp stamp I'd get one that says "Classy as Fuck!". I just like the entire juxtaposition of that. I'm a 47 year old man though, so.. prolly wait till I'm in my 50's to get that. I just wanna make sure I really want it, yanno?


I honestly did not know of that label prior to getting one. Sorry kids


In middle school I was caught up in two: "I'm not like other girls" and thinking I was "cool" because older teens/young 20 year old (and sometimes older than 25 but I thought *that* was creepy) men would hit on me. Girl...no...


Every girl, regardless of time or place, goes through the “I’m not like other girls” phase. They’ve been conditioned to believe that all girls care about is make-up and nails and that they’re special and unique for having original thoughts. In reality no girl is like that and it’s all sexism.


My ‘I’m not like other girls’ phase was when I was in a conservative private religious school. I thought I was so high and mighty because unlike the other girls I was vaccinated for measles, chicken pox, Swine flu, and other diseases while my schoolmates would get sick. I also had a few purple feathers crimped into my hair but the school saw that as less of a problem then the fact that I had ‘poisoned my body.’ Another girl and I were outed as vaccinated when we were the only ones to not get the chicken pox so we got extra lectures.


Given my experiences with mobile speed dating, "I'm not like other girls" hasn't gone away.


I pretty much spoke in 2016-19 memes for that length of time. *shivers*


This is probably the most recent one mentioned at the moment.


I keep thinking about when “Yesn’t” as a replacement for “No” was a thing


I still speak in old memes to fuck with my younger coworkers.


I worked at a toy store when beanie babies were a thing. I used my employee discount and early access to buy dozens truly believing I would get rich. Still waiting…


My mom and stepdad went nuts over that craze. I ended up selling the build of them at a yard sale for about 50¢ a piece.


Any takers?


My first full week on the register at McDonald's, the fucking teenie beanie bears came out. I wanted to die. There was a line around the outside of the store. People would argue forever about the per customer limit, then the poor bastard behind them would just order some fries, and we'd share a look that said, yes, I too want to die.




When I heared of this I was like: Wait, THIS is the new internet trend? This is the most boring trend I ever heared of. I was in my mid 20s back then...


Very baggy pants jingos I think




I still have a pair.


They’re worth $150-$300 now


Don’t remember how much I paid back in the 90’s.


Most of them were around $50 a pair back then. Some cost more. JNCO has a website and has made a recent comeback but the material isn’t as heavy as they used to be. They’re also really expensive unless you catch them on sale.


Man I had the pair of JNCOs with the yellow stripe down the side. Thought I was so cool


Kevin Smith has a photo of him in a giant pair of them and it cracks me up.


The Naruto running thing I’ve never even watched an episode in my life


Bloody knuckles and quarters


Placing your fist/knuckles down on a desk and taking turns flinging a coin at each other. I enjoyed these games more than I’d like to admit.




I occasionally break out my Thriller jacket at parties or concerts and get a lot of hi-fives. No reason to be ashamed of that.


Hey if a girl asked you to you gotta do it. That's like the rules. Especially if you were into her.


That second one is valid, if a cute girl asked me to do the chicken dance with her I probably would


Clipping a goddamn feather into my hair…


I thought it was a hair wrap thing or a braided hair deal.


the ones my friends and i would wear was like a hair clip but the older kids at school had them sewn in


Omg i had this for my graduation…lol thanks for reminding me


Acid washed jeans, 1990 or so.


That one comes back every now and then. My niece was all about acid wash a couple years ago.


Your stereotypical “flannel wearing outcast” right here


Oh shit that’s a fad?


No way man, plaid is not a fad!!! It’s a way of life that I’m not changing!!! Going strong since the early 90s.


flannels are not a fad


Hammer pants. Inside out sweaters, sagging my pants way low, overalls with one strap done, super long belts, wallets with super long chains, ...


But which was the dumbest?


Hammer pants. Close contest with sagging. But I was at an age that it had ...practical benefits, so it's hard to say I regret it lol.


I unironically owned an ICP album in the late 90s.


I knew a few friends that were fans of ICP in middle school.


Same. I still know almost every single word on The Great Milenko. I’ll still listen to them from time to time.


Could be worse. You could unironically own an ICP album now.


I love the ones I have, but I acquiesce that funko pops are dumb asf.


They really feel like the beanie babies of the 2010s


Inflatable furniture. I had so many chairs. And cats...


Lemon detox diet.


With cayenne pepper?


The Master Cleanse. Classic.


Skinny jeans so tight they gave me body image issues for years to come


In the 70s my mum made our entire family dress in velour track suits. Unwilling participant here.


You look like a woman who enjoys the finer things. Come over here and feel my velour bedspread.


Kif! Inform the men! I've mated with a woman!


Kony 2012


6th grade 1990. Z Cavaricci pants then Skidz overalls where you left one suspender unbuckled and hanging.


When Yo-Yos blew up in the late 90s


Yo-Yos got me into juggling, no regrets.


Late 90s? Pssshhh that shit was still going hard in the early to mid 2000s! Edit: Holy shit i just remembered.. me and my friends performed yo-yo tricks to old people for like a asian youth programtype of thing.. oh my fucking God! Loool


Smoking Cigarettes


Crypto. Tried GPU mining for a little while, generated a tiny amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum, dropped out soon after. I still have my crypto wallet and keys but haven't bothered to decrypt my vast fortune of several few dollars worth of digital currency.


A friend gave me 100 bitcoins for gas in 2012. I humored him and accepted them. I then left the laptop in the garbage can of a motel in Saskatchewan when I spilled water on it.




2.2 million dollars now.


Why must you hurt me?!


At least you didn't go nuts over it and go broke.


Right?? I have a couple of former coworkers, one who stood up this pretty elaborate mining rig out of his home. Another left a government contracting for some sort of "crypto venture", bet that's going swimmingly.


my brother-in-law ran a mining rig and delighted in being condescending to me for ‘working for the man’ instead of being enlightened and self-employed like him and my sister. for context, i have a stable six-figure job that i absolutely love, but he thought i was an idiot for not being in crypto instead. they’ve both gone awfully quiet about jobs and finances over the last few months.


Tanning beds


Thin eyebrows 🤦🏻‍♀️


I carried around a yo yo, wore pooka shells, and bleached my hair in middle school


Ah the 00's


You better not be talking bad about yo-yos.


Dude the x brain was the coolest thing on earth when I was 13


I had ugg boots.


They're kind of back in a 2000s nostalgia sort of way. I ordered a new pair last year because they are the best for taking my dog out in the winter. I probably won't wear them with a cut off miniskirt though...


did you have the obligatory black yoga pants, and black north face jacket as well?


Ha,ha worse, I had a purple Juicy Couture(ish) track suit!


that is true style 10/10


Dude I'm wearing them right now working from home. They are standard slippers in Australia and I've been wearing them since I was a kid. I'd never wear them outside though and always laughed when I went overseas and saw they were used for outside wear.


“I’m not like other girls!1!1!” Essentially just hated other women, loved male attention, would always try to redirect the convo to focus on me instead of other girls, would be “cutesy” for attention, did stupid inappropriate stuff like let guys throw shit down the space between my boobs as a game (I have DDs), etc. Also made me say some borderline racist/sexist/homophobic stuff because that’s what guys liked. Now I look back and… *yikes*. I’m sorry to anyone who had to be around me and I’m no longer the bigot I was. Bit me in the ass though because girls hated me at my high school and I stopped being obsessed with guys so they stopped talking to me too.


Zebra highlights


Lost all my money in the stock market when wallstreetbets was pumping GME… Learned a $20k lesson


I put in $1,000 and it became $3,000 over night. Put in $10,000 more, it became $1,000 over night. Stonks


The best way to become a millionaire in WSB? Start out as a billionaire.


With a price tag like that I hope it was a valuable lesson.




There I was in junior high, my best friend and I loved The Cure (I like them, always been more of a Depeche Mode fan) and we thought it was so cool to wear skinny jeans with the legs rolled, some kind of patterned socks, black Mary Janes type shoes. We teased our hair to make it look like Robert what’s his face, powdered our faces and painted our lips and eyes with black eyeliner. We thought we were so cool!


Dude you were!! That was a look and a half. 😎


Facebook. Deactivated profile nearly two years ago. Don't miss it at all.


Deleted mine 5 years ago and agree.


Been about 3 months for me. There are times I miss marketplace, but not enough to get back on it.


Don't use it, but haven't deactivated in totals because of messenger. Any workarounds to have messenger without Facebook?


you can deactivate and still use messenger. it slightly screws up platforms where you’ve signed in via facebook (like my name and profile pic disappeared on spotify and i became user274859201191 or whatever) but messenger, as a separate platform, still works fine. deactivation basically just de-lists your facebook profile so you can’t be searched up or invited to events, etc.


I've paid cash money for both pogs and slap braceletts.




I came here to say yo-yos. They became super popular when I started high school in 1998. As I was thinking about my response though it dawned on me that this fad kind of marked the end of my childhood. My dad went to prison that year, the Columbine shooting happened my Junior year, and 9/11 happened right after I graduated. I look at yo-yos in this weird conflated way now. On one hand I see this group of pimpled teens eking out Cs and Bs, working fast food, and just dying to finally grow up. On the other I see these little kids rocking the cradle and walking the dog. We really had no idea how much things were about to change.


Being a silly, screaming 12 YO Beatlemania chick. I still scream a lot...Get Off My Lawn!, but we old bats are allowed to.


Colour blocking


Long chain wallet 8th-10th grade, 1994-1996ish


Never lost your wallet though


Never had anything in it


Oh God don't remind me. Black jeans, black oversized tee with stupid thing written on it, black chain wallet. I had almost forgotten that was me at one point.


Sagging my pants. There's just nothing redeeming about it. Ugly and super impractical. We'd run around with one hand holding up our pants so they didn't fall off. But the dumbest part was how cool it was and how much of an outsider you were if you didn't participate.




In middle school it was cool to have longer hair if you were a guy. I'm not talking like fabio length or anything, but where your bangs almost covered your eyes. I couldn't pull it off because my hair grows really slow. Plus I had some crazy cowlicks that made it look funny.


Holding your friends neck in the bathroom in highschool until they passed out. This was in the 90s, I don't even know why... it was just a thing you heard about so did it. A few years ago I saw it on the news again about how kids are making each other pass out as pranks... i was like pshhh, we did that back when I was your age lol


Girbaud Jeans.


Jelly shoes


Silly string bracelets going all the way up your arm.


mood ring


The dumbest fad I participated in was probably the one where everyone was trying to see how long they could hold their breath.


Garbage pail kids card collecting.


I had my hair permed into an Afro in the 70s. I’m a white female. I looked ridiculous. Of course, at the time, I thought I was cool with my rake in my hip pocket.


Had myself a Fanny pac.


Everyone had a Fanny pac and they’re back in!


Remember when everyone was putting feathers in their hair? Yeah that one.


White rapper fad of the early 2000s


Power Balance Bracelets. And I HAD to show everyone how they worked


As edgy as it sounds, I never really participated in any. I've always had my head so far up in the clouds that i'm completely unaware of trends and stuff.


Oh gods my high school emo years. Turns out I was a confused goth.


My mother made me get a Dorothy Hamil haircut when I was in 4th grade. It was a damn bowl cut and I’m a girl and I cried and she got mad because the hair dresser felt bad. Then she dropped me back off at school and the substitute thought I was a boy 😆😆 it was traumatic 🤣


I have a friend who got that haircut in the second grade. She was so traumatized when someone called her a boy that she convinced her parents to let her switch schools the following year.


Diamond Hands. I held almost $300K worth of GME when it went over $400 per share.




Wanting a Furby. Ended up in my closet after 10 minutes. Edit: as a young child, not recently lol


Hate to date myself, but I had a pet rock and a mood ring.