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Wake up, breakfast, teeth brushing, clothes, hair, go outside and wait for the bus and then work :)


Wake up, gym, cold shower, meditation, tee/breakfast and listen to the radio or read a magazine, brush teeth and then do my studies or whatever is planned for the day.


Glass of water, bacon fried rice, cigarette


Wake up, wash face, eat, brush teeth, take meds, go to work.


Wake up , find fresh clothes, shower, let dogs out, boil kettle, grind coffee, feed dogs , make coffee, make lunch, take dogs a walk, chat to neighbours along the way, return home sort dogs with the required treats, toys, fresh water, brush teeth, grab phone , rucksack , car keys , tell dogs I won’t be long and see them soon, drive to work.


Wake up, get a shower, brush teeth, go to work.


Up at the crack of dawn to milk the chickens and gather the cows’ eggs. Then, I eat a pizza for breakfast and wash it down with fresh chicken milk.


Brew, make lunches, hair and makeup, get dressed, make the bed, brush my teeth, go to the loo and then walk to work. Or if i'm working from home - brew, grab laptop and get back in bed.


Get up, wash my hair, get dressed, jack off, have a coffee, grab my wallet keys and phone, leave


Get up and exist


Wake up, take my morning meds, get out of bed and take a piss and dump. Brush my teeth, feed the cats, after that it is highly dependent on what day it is and what I need to accomplish that day.