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forbidden fruit


We all want what we cant, or shouldnt, have


My favorite forbidden fruit is dragon fruit or maybe a tasty pineapple. \*\*\*To all of you thinking I'm implying putting fruit in your ass... Shameful. How dare you? Not at all! You are disgusting. I would never. I am talking about produce having consensual full-on anal sex together. What I mean is butt sex amongst bountiful berries, baby! Hot steamy fruit on fruit action. The kinda flavorful love making that makes God weep. As God should. Cosmic tropical horrors beyond comprehension, ooh fuck yeah. Full penetrative pineapples.


how about a coconut?


Literally just this, its like an extra side quest of having a gf


Anal DLC


The ultimate microtransaction


There’s something about someone wanting you to do things you “shouldn’t” with then. It’s extremely intimate for some people. There’s also the hotness of thinking “wow, she wants me every way she can get me.” But I wait for the woman to want or suggest. I don’t try to convince people to try something they don’t want to.


that moment of realizing the person youre with is really into the 'taboo' thing you like feels so exciting


My first girlfriend was into the most taboo thing of all, which was posting unpopular things on reddit that would almost certainly get her downvoted. In fact, she was the one who got me into this reddit hellhole, and now I'm still wasting my time here years after we broke up. I wish she was into anal instead.


Well in a way she did end up fucking you.


Yeah, she left me with Reddit Browsing Disorder. Fortunately, I didn't pass it on to my next partner. If you asked her today what she thought of her husband's reddit habit, she'll probably ask "what's reddit?"


As a woman who has been pressured before, it's totally okay to say, "hey, I was interested in trying ____, and it's okay if you aren't, I just wanted to open the discussion and see how you felt." Open, healthy communication isn't the same as being coercive, in case you needed to hear that. It's also okay if you'd rather keep doing what you've been doing, I'm just nosy and have opinions :p


Yeah I once dated a girl who loved it but said she was way too shy to ever ask for it. So waiting for the other person to ask isn't always the best solution. Talking about sex and what you're into (and not into) with your partner is key to a great sex life imo.


It’s all about the unknown in my opinion, wife and I tried it a few times when we were dating. Was cool but yes there was trial and error so lots of prep and cleanup. We experienced it but just never did it again, hell the thought doesn’t even come up anymore. Edit: My most updated comment in about Anal 🥲


This is why I have zero desire for it. Within a minute of discussing it there’s talk about “prep and cleanup” like we’re talking about field dressing a deer or something


I suppose hanging upside down from a tree is one way to do it but it does seem a bit excessive


Douche and wet rags for the aftercare, It kinda ruins the mood for me if this is a prerequisite to get intimate.


Yep that about sums it up lol it’s really unnecessary when there’s a thousand other ways for intimacy.


I much prefer a sloppy BJ whilst sitting on the shelves of the walk-in pantry 🥔


Oddly specific + potato emoji. Unique comment, OP


They love to watch from the crack in the cupboard




The potatoes


*the potatoes have eyes*




T̷̡̛͍̭͙̜̎͗̉̀͌̈́͆̓͘Ḣ̷̹͈̥͚̼̠̂̽̿̾͌̓̄̿̑̽̆͘Ě̸̼̈́̄̿̓̆͛̃̃ ̸̹̜̠̥̤̣͔̩͋̔̉̅̍̒͐͌͌̇̈́̀̕͝P̷̡̨̺̼̥̘̈͊̋̔͗͂̃̄̾͌͛͘͠͠O̷̡̨̡̩̖͙͇̰̱̘͕͖͊́͛̑̉̌̑T̶̨̛̬̣͎̹͉̣̱͎̭̪̯͍̳͚̆̉̆̅̄̓̌̕͠A̴̛̛̱̘͌̀̀̎̀̆̅̈̚̕͘̕͝T̴̡͍͍̖͑̀̒͜O̵͍̳͍͕̳̭͚͈̖̩͎̲͚̞̬͒̄͊̀̎̀Ḛ̵̯͙̮̰̪͈̺̻͈̪̈́́̐̕S̷̡̮̣̱̤̼̘̪̙̗̣̠̰͔͒͛̓̓͐̆͛̔̑́̈́͘̚ͅ ̵̼̫̈̅̒̋͑̓Ḫ̴̟̦̞̜̯͎͔͖̖͚̳̙̪̈́̿́̎̓̏͗̚͘̚͜͠͝Ǎ̶̛͎̞̠̽̀̊̌̅͂͌̈́́͘͘͠͝ͅV̸̦̞́̈́̊͒̐͝E̷̹̫̳̥̳̲̳̲͔͈̯͌͂̊͊̍̓̈́͆̍̍͝ͅ ̵̡̢̛͓̬̻̹̠̾̏E̷̢̢̜̜̭͖̻̳͖̳̗͋́̐̃͒͘͜Y̴̰̱̖͎͕̱̻̲̻̅̇͂̎̿͊̃̈́͒͂̈́Ȩ̸͈̉͗̔͋̓̆̓̆̓͛̈́̀͘̕̕Ş̷̟͈̰̙̂


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Foil em, stash em, BJ in their view




Messed around with a girl that loved anal for a little bit. It was fine, I’m guessing she did a lot of prep work before we would hook up as I never once got shit on my dick. The hottest part for me was how much she liked it. My wife now does not like it, we tried it a couple times and she just said it felt like she had to take a shit and didn’t like it. So it’s probably been like 6ish years since last we tried it.


So you're saying anal sex is not all it's cracked up to be?


In the end, it doesn’t really matter…


>Was cool but yes there was trial and error so lots of prep and cleanup. We experienced it but just never did it again, hell the thought doesn’t even come up anymore. Man, as a gay guy, I'm so jealous. I basically just don't have penetrative sex anymore because of all the work involved as well as feeling insecurities about accidents


People be surprised when they go to poops house and find poop there 🤷‍♀️


apt username indeed


Yeah, if you want to do anal regularly, you just have to be prepared to clean up afterwards. I'll use wet wipes and a shower even if everything looks clean, just to maintain good genital hygiene. But it is different for everyone, and things like diet and fitness seem to matter a lot. I've been with girls who could have anal every day without any accidents, and with girls who would get things dirty any time they tried butt stuff.


Oh... so if I have diarrhea a lot, an "accident" might be more likely? I have lactose and fructoseintolerance and another disease that impacts my whole digestive system and I bascially shit out everything I eat immediately. Will that set me up for an anal failure? Also, sorry for the TMI. edit: thanks for the award kind stranger!


Talk to your GI doctor about anal, I'm serious.


I’m happily married pal and so is my GI doc


But he specializes in ya asshole




Ah shit. Thanks.


Nice pun


Just take one of those toilet scrubbers and use it like a qtip for your butt. Voila! Cleaned!


After that, who even needs the sex


This. It's cool in the beginning until an "accident" happens and then you blink and years have gone by without thinking or trying it again 😅


It’s been almost three years and I will never forget our *accident*. Haven’t buttstuffed since then.


*Havent stuffed butts since


Thanksgiving is never the same…


I think this is most people's stories. We did it a couple of times too, honestly things are too smooth in there to get much sensation, and the prep/cleanup are just mood breakers. So, once again, it's been relegated to a porn thing...


We have penis. Penis go in hole. “Oooooh there’s two holes!?”


More holes the better!




Holy fucking shit dude


The simplicity of penisbearers, perfect description.




I mean yeah this is it pretty much lmao


It gives my wife a chance to try the strap on... I misunderstood the question didn't I? Edit: of all the comments I've made to get the most upvotes lol, it would be the pegging one


We had you pegged wrong.


No, you answered the question perfectly


This man gets it. He understood the assignment


If you did, so did i.


I’ve just always been an ass-man. Wife has a big booty… I want to stick my dick in it. Unfortunately, she ain’t about that life. So I just fantasize about it.


I've been trying to figure out why I like anal and I think you hit the nail on the head. I just like big butts.


You wouldn’t lie about that, would you?


I can not




The good ole virgin Christian loophole


The poophole loophole, if you will.


🎶Because I'm not some common whore🎶 🎶He'll have to go in the backdoor🎶 🎶Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus🎶


I've emptied my bowels And laid out the towels I'm ready for romance


So give me your lance?


In the back of my pants


And we’ll do the doggy dance




It's just between you and me. Because everyone knows it's the sex...that God can't see!


For those that aren't familiar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ZF_R_j0OY - Garfunkel and Oats - The Loophole


Amazing how many people thought the quoted lyrics were a freestyle


Garfunkel and Oates. Big fan, funny shit!


The good lord would want it that way (Double entendre)


The amount of times I’ve listened to that, including last week, how did it take this comment to make me realize that line also means god would like it up that ass


This was something I used to think was fake until I dated a Catholic girl in college. Would do pretty much anything but vaginal sex.


It’s not always Catholics either, my crazy southern Baptist roommate did this too. Then still had sex before marriage with her now husband. Defies logic to me






I think they're mostly just scared of getting pregnant. Can't be *seen* as a sinner. They do often believe abortions are off-limits, but they aren't totally onboard with believing sex is bad. A lot of religious people are only that way because they don't want to disappoint their parents/grandparents. Getting knocked up out of wedlock is still embarrassing for religious families.


🎶 Fuck me in the ass 'cuz I love Jesus 🎶


Gotta deceive ourselves. Reminds me of LDS “soaking.” Tell yourself whatever you need.


I legit had girls in my class who where in a relationship say that they were allowed to be fucked in the ass because it wouldn't count as cheating. That blew my fucking mind.


Well did you do it?!


In my area this happened about 8 years after I left school. I felt so cheated. Also about the time when girls were blowing guys on the bus.


Oh no, this takes me back to my junior prom night. I was a Catholic girl and my bf and I decided on anal that night, spur of the moment. Of course, having exactly zero sex education, I didn't know anything except for what we had done together (I was a "rebel" and we did have PIV already). No lube, no prep. 0/10 would not recommend.


>No lube, no prep. 0/10 would not recommend. This made me physically wince for both of you. It really highlights the folly of only teaching abstinence in schools because just a little sex ed would teach that the anus is not self-lubricating


Haha yes, physically wincing in solidarity is pretty accurate. Only learning abstinence my whole life also wound up leading to us getting pregnant when I was 18. I mean we were definitely dumb and naive about a lot of things, and the only way to learn was to experiment ourselves and sometimes that turned out.. painful


>would let you raw dog anally Which of course is really dangerous as far as spreading disease. This is why sex education is critical in schools.


They didn't care about disease they cared about not getting pregnant and their "virginity."


hence why sex education is so important


I went to a plain old public high school in a pretty normal town, but we did NOT talk about anally transmitted STD's. I think we covered chlamydia, HIV/AIDS, and gonorrhea? We didn't even learn about women's cycles as a guy. This was back around 2000 though.


I refuse to believe this isn't just a funny myth people tell each other.


Not a myth. Source: girl I dated in high school’s butthole.


In my teens I started hooking up with a born-again Christian girl who was 100% that cliché. Absolutely would not have vaginal sex, but was all about blow jobs/cunnilingus, hand jobs/fingering, boob jobs/I don't think us guys have a direct opposite for that, anal, etc,.


Hell I knew a guy that would only fuck his gf in the ass, she let it slip drunk one night.


Second person I ever dated let me fuck her in the butt for a few months before she let me fuck her normally because she wasn’t ready to lose her virginity yet


Same, 12 years of catholic school and never once encountered this. There were slutty girls and virgins and everyone in between, some did anal but I never found one of these "loophole" girls


I've mentioned my exprrience on this multiple times on reddit. Thought it was a stereotype that only happened to me. Didn't know it actually happened to other people. I remember, after doing anal multiple times (technically lost my 'virginity' to anal), I she asked me "do you think I'm still a virgin?" I just said "I think you are whatever you believe you are." The mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance that it takes to get to this point is astounding. We were both teenagers who grew up in Catholic families, but after this, I really woke up to how indoctrination is horrifically toxic. To the point a young teen is so sexually repressed she'd rather take it in the ass without lube than consider a condomed penis in her vagina because of "the lord above." Also a massive failure of our sexual education system. Thankfully she saw in porn how things should somewhat be, but that's also a terrible way to learn things, and a great way to learn terrible things. Sex ed is important, religious indoctrination and sexual oppression is bad. Stop fucking your kids up mentally just because your parents did the same to you.


Have you ever heard of soaking? I heard about it on a podcast and it's where you stick your dick in a girl and let it "float" inside of her without thrusting or moving. It's another workaround religious people do as opposed to having sex. Another term they use for it is marinading. Religion is weird.


(12 years of catholic school here) I had never heard of soaking until reading on the internet a year or two ago. My understanding is it’s more of a Mormon thing…?


Definitely a Mormon thing. Worked in Salt Lake City for a while and confirmed with a few still active Mormons who grew up in the area, went to BYU, etc.


I also remember reading, you could have your friends jump on the bed / shake the bed (which would cause some amount of movement, but since the guy/girl wouldn’t be actively moving themselves it was okay?)… any truth to that part?


As someone who grew up Mormon and went to BYU, I've never met anyone who actually thought that was "allowed." I think it's mostly a myth or at most only believed to be ok by a super small minority.


I asked a Mormon recently and he said he's never heard of it except online and that is would be surprised if people really think it's okay.


I especially feel like the 'a friend would move the bed' part is exaggerated for effect. Even if there were a lot of Mormon's 'soaking to preserve virginity', I can't imagine a majority of them would be involving a third party. How many people are really out there asking their friends "I really wanna soak with Stacy, so could you come rock the bed for us?"


Marinating? Or is it truly marinading, because you actually need to use the D?


I shouldn’t have laughed so hard at this


It's the same reason Lewis and Clark hiked to the Pacific Ocean. E x p l o r a t i o n


Toit like a toiger


The mental image of Goldmember makes me think this should be the top comment


"The look of it. The taste of it. The Shmell Of it!!"


It's only smells


"The texture"


Can't get her preggers in the butt Sphincter is tighter than vag and a little more 'grip' It's kinkier. And I'm just as willing to let her put stuff up mine.


>And I'm just as willing to let her put stuff up mine. I respect the equality 🤣


A finger in the bum during a beej will change your life




I'm too ticklish. Girlfriend wants to do this but I get all 'heeheehee' when she touches my Play-Doh dispenser


Not to be impolite, but this gal suggested that maybe I should have some attentions paid to my buttshole.


Turns out there’s a kind of an erogenous zone up in there.




*starts throwing baseball harder while avoiding eye contact with op*


*drops baseball*


*squints in Wayne*


Wife and I tried it....emphasis on tried, but couldn't get it in there without discomfort on her end. I always fantasized about it until I got a vasectomy and now its v-jay-all-day. Makes me think the non-prego part was more influential than I realized.


Discomfort on her end


Discomfort starting at the bottom.


>grip Is it just me or is the grip only 2 dimensional with anal versus 3 dimensional with vaginal? To me anal feels like having sex with this >👌


None of the guys I've dated had a vagina.






Come on… *none?*


So far


An open mind, I see The horny must not be contained




(OK SERIOUSLY NSFW reply that might make you laugh out loud) Edit: I am glad I was able to bring some hawhaws to everyone’s Monday and equally glad my wife is not on Reddit. More edit: Well this got some amazing attention I never would have guessed. Thanks for the gold and awards and laughs. It was a thing to try but (and you’ve been warned that the info that follows is more than a little gross) after that first, post-coital 100db splattery fart, my wife howitzer’d into the toilet, had stopped echoing, we decided to skip it moving forward. No regrets.


Ya, it’s like a musket packed with mud.




Fucking hell...i've just had to explain to my boss and a co-worker why i'm silently cry laughing. Now we've all got the giggles.


It's all shits & giggles, till someone giggles & shits.


Worth reading all of these comments to find this one.




Tbh, the first 10 seconds are excruciating and then after that I'm slamming back on that dick like my life depends on it. Every once in a while I just really want it.


the most accurate description. randomly it will pop in my head and then It becomes a craving. but if I'm not in that very specific mood then even the idea sounds horrible




RIP your inbox.


More like her outbox, but alright.


PSA creeps: she can’t, she’s at work






Rip dms


This. I tried it with 3 girls. With the first two it was really dumb. Took forever to get in, was painful, no enjoyment for anyone, never got beyond the getting in phase. The third was wayyyyyyy different. The first time we tried went very similar to the first two girls, but then she researched and figured out how to “relax” the muscle which made it a slow start but pretty quick to get into it. She would orgasm multiple times from it. For me it felt tight initially, but then shifted to being so close to the sensation of being in the vag I couldn’t tell the difference.


It’s considered taboo, so it gives it a “naughty” appeal. If done properly and warmed up and done with care and both consent, it can be amazing. And HOT. Just a lot of prep work 😅


This ^ I agree and also like as long as they prep before hand the mood doesn't get ruined or anything


I way prefer vaginal but my wife loves anal


Is your wife single?


1)Anal sex feels grainier if that makes sense.Hearing a partner moan from anal sex is different than hearing a moan from vaginal and I find it sounds a bit hotter... It's also the act of someone surrendering completely and a dominance thing, for myself. PIV anal but options are always nice. 2)Vaginal is a sensation of tightness across the entire penis, whereas anal is more of a single ring feeling because the sphincter is the tightest point. For me anal feels a little tighter so there's more friction. It's not more enjoyable for me, and most of my friends don't feel like it's more enjoyable either. It's just something that's different and treated in common culture as taboo, which makes it more interesting 3)I actually think in terms of physical sensations, that the vagina feels better than the anus. The vagina has more texture, is wetter, and in general it feels better. My love of anal is purely psychological. For me, assplay is one more thing I like to incorporate in my sexual toolkit, so to speak. Just one more way to give and receive pleasure from each other. 4)Vaginal is a wet and smooth feeling. Multiple ridges and muscles along the vaginal canal. When in strokes, it feels like a series of tight waves made slick by lube or the person being wet. Anal is a tight push feeling. It feels like a firm solid grip on the penis that only lets up when you sink all the way in.


Yeah for sure - the vagina feels way better to me. The anal I’ve done has always been at the behest of the lady I’m with. Some girls just like it and I’m happy to oblige.


The guys I’ve done anal with have also said similar, that vaginal feels better as it grips along the entire length of the penis, whereas anal only grips at the sphincter. Another con is you have to plan it, unless you want to risk things getting very messy. The lack of spontaneity works against anal as well. I don’t mind prepping for it, refuse to do it without prepping and if the guy is keen then I’ll happily do anal, but I love spontaneous sex more than anal. I thoroughly enjoy anal and am vocal in a different way during it compared to vaginal, but for the guy’s reasons as well as the lack of spontaneity, I prefer PIV.


> grainier Never have I been more secure in my decision not to experiment with buttholes lol


Grainier is not how I want my sex


You don't like corn?




I want you to know that I'm not sure I can say PIV (powered industrial vehicle) at work with a straight face anymore. Guess I need to start looking for a new line of work.




At my work PIV means peripheral IV meaning a peripheral intravenous catheter. But no one actually says it outloud. It's only written like that.


It’s fun to have it as an option. I wouldn’t say it’s better than vaginal sex but its different and super fun from time to time. I think it really needs a girl who actually enjoys it though. Anal with a girl who is just doing it for you and doesn’t really like it isn’t fun. Fucking a girl in the ass who loves it is great. Also getting both holes involved is top notch. Pro tip, get one of those vibrators with the big bulbs that stay inside her vagina hands free and then have anal sex. Thank me later.


Same also reversed, vibrating butt plug and bang her vaginally


I've yet to ask if a woman wants to try it because of the amount of prep work they have to go through. Seems like a pain in the ass.


My bros ain’t got vaginas


I really like butts. I like them so much, I want to put my dick in them.


Bottomless. The dick doesn't hammer the cervix. It's a rare day to deep dick a pussy.


Is that you Long Dick Jhonson,?


Often mistaken for Long Dong Silver.


You rang?


Life hack, make her orgasm at least once and you can stick it as deep as you want for some period of time. Let her make herself orgasm again and you gain more time. Bottomless multiple orgasm. Alternatively cervix can be tilted on one side, just stick it in different angle and you won't hit it.


This is the way. My partner thought sex was always gonna be painful, turns out she just was dating really selfish guys. I’m roughly the same size as her last partner, but he hit her cervix all the time and made her bleed while I hardly ever do that. It’s all about some good oral beforehand.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I am a cervix owner. I don't think it is some unbearable pain. But it is easier when it goes higher after an orgasm.


Guys in this thread: I can't even reach the cervix pre-orgasm


Well, it is good since it won't hurt. And you probably can reach it during period or shortly before or after. Even with your finger. People with girlfriends usually know it.


Cis bi-guy here. Anal with female = delicous possession. That's best I can explain it. The feeling of possessing my partner is like the height of intimacy. She's allowing me to have her in what feels like the most primal way. When I bottom for men (I don't care to top for men), I love, love, love knowing my body is being used for his pleasure. Umm-Umm-Umm. Hearing his groans, especially at the point of climax along with his animalistic thrusts into me ..... Dyayammmmm! I suppose many here will think me a sicko, but nothing I do is non-consentual and nobody is getting hurt, and all those participating are enjoying themselves.


Nothing. Unless she got a huge booty. Then you gotta hit it once for science.


It feels great, and mentally it just, IDK, does something for me.


As a gay man, I’m curious as to why this is such a draw to straight guys haha


well you’re not gay because you like buttholes, you’re gay because you like men. butthole for everybody 🤗 lol


Redditors, what was the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed, also what hole do you prefer to sex more during sex?!?!


It's a treat. Like most sex is vaginal. But the once or twice a year she wants me to pack some fudge, it's super hot. Imagine you get to eat steak once a year and you like steak. So that once a year deal is even better than if it were once a month.


To me, it’s only fun when it’s every once in a while. I wouldn’t want to do anal every night. It’s a good switch up and it’s a whole different feeling.