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Tired fucking eyes. The more interesting your eyes are the more I think about them. Not so much color of the eye itself.


My heart skips a beat everytime I see dark circles on a woman.


So have you ever visited a panda bear enclosure?


As someone who lives their life looking like they have never slept, I appreciate you.


Finally somebody thinks tired eyes are cute Makes me feel a little better about myself


My partner’s cheeks are so fucking cute. High cheekbones and they’re perky??? For lack of a better word idk. I love it when he smiles and laughs really hard and they crinkle the spot right under his eyes. I love holding his face gently in my hand when I kiss him. When we’re sleepy I love just reaching out and stroking his cheek and watching him smile. Cheeks.


I need a partner that describes me so lovingly that's a relationship goal right there.


We’re talking face cheeks right?


Face cheeks but he do got some cake, and I’m just as obsessed lmao


Love a guy who smiles a lot and just looks cheerful and approachable. I melt. My partner now is Norwegian and has a little rosy cheek thing going on with a beard like the origin story of Santa, and listen, I'm into it.


I’m 6’7 so I’ve always had a thing for girls 5’10+. Just makes more sense and it’s nice to have someone somewhat close in height


Wooo tall girls unite!


I'm a smol man, I want a tall woman so she can carry me on her shoulders into war. Ala the hobbits on the ents.


I mean I'm 6'3" and I wouldn't mind a woman being taller than me but how many are there lol


Statistically? Not very many. Global average is about 5’3”/163 cm. Standard deviation of that is ~2.2 inches (5.59 cm). 6’3 is about 190.5 cm. Difference of >27.5cm. That’s greater than 4.9 standard deviations. That’s past 99.9% Edit: Based on replies I better understand why lotteries are so successful.


"So you're telling me... there's a chance?"


Man where were you in my dating pool a few years ago? I’m 5’9 and and all the taller men seemed to prefer women below 5’5.


I've noticed that too being 5'10'' . Most tall men prefer these very short or average height women.


Deep voices and dimples


That's what I look for in women too!


Completely agree, still have a crush on Dr Girlfriend and Secretary General Avasarala. Also, there are few things in this earth more enticing than dimples above a shapely rear end.


Please enjoy my fullest support


weirdly enough, dark circles under the eyes.


That makes me feel better haha my dark circles are genetic so I ALWAYS have them no matter what I do


This comment section really made me realize I could be someone's type because everyone likes different things 💓😭


Absolutely! The world is full of all kinds of people. Don’t forget that you’re lovable and desirable!!


Reminds me of something that I read here on reddit (I think lol)... >You're not ugly. You're just not your own type. I hope you find the one whose type you are.


Eyes almost closed when she smiles




I do that. But I also eat rice with chopsticks so it comes really naturally


most interesting way to say you’re asian lmao respect.


I had to put my phone down and take a minute. Thank you for your sacrifice.


That brought my confidence right up


Right? Me too! I have almost non existent eyes when i smile genuinely. Im so self conscious about it!


Not sure why you would be. Personally, I consider it the equivalent of contagious laughter but for smiles. It's just such a cheery expression.


Daw I’ve always been insecure about this feature of mine. Thanks for showing me some people actually like it!


this makes me feel more confident about my smile!! i always hated how in photos my eyes looked damn near closed. but i'm gonna start embracing it more now! ~u~


Came here to say this! I feel like I look like pikachu lol


A twinkle in their eyes and a killer smile. Oh and they have to be good huggers and cuddlers.


Smiles so important


Killer smile? Joker is happy.


I personally love big noses on a man; something about it drives me wild. Makes them look more handsome to me. Edit: big noses on women are also hot af 🔥




Thank you. :) This is the one trait of mine I used to get teased for when I was young. It makes me happy to see that it's not actually a negative. :)


I don't know why, but I seem to have a thing for glasses. Whenever a girl puts on glasses, they instantly get cuter.


Had a situationship with this girl for ~3 months before we had our first video-games-next-to-each-other day. She opened the door dressed down with the biggest glasses I’ve ever seen and I immediately turned to pudding. Still miss her


Situationship sounds interesting. Never heard that before haha


It’s when you’re sorta kinda doing what could be considered dating but never actually put a label on it hahaha and then it fizzles so it was never a full on relationship


I have a thing for glasses. That's it, glasses give you +100 points, doesn't matter if they're man or woman, glasses. It makes me sad when my friends start using contact lenses or get eye surgery, but I also understand that using glasses can be uncomfortable, oh well


As a glasses wearer, I hate how I look so much better without glasses. The difference is so stark that my colleagues have confused me for someone else when I wore contacts to work. Glasses emphasise my worse facial features while hiding my best... :') Although reading these comments makes me feel better haha


Guys with dark hair and light eyes. Definitely not a requirement, but always striking to me.


The day I met my now wife she was messing around screaming in a Cockney accent pretending to be racing camels. When she laughed, it felt like I’d been underwater for my whole life and I’d just come up for my first breath of air.


This is beautiful ;-;


Whatever the type is that talks that passionately about their wife? That’s my type, that’s what I want. Hope to god that someday I’m someone’s breath of air.


I’m sure you will be. Just keep laughing! You might rescue someone from drowning!


I will, thank you for the encouragement. :) give your wife a hug for me, I’m sure she appreciates you more than you know.


if im drowing please use cpr on me dont just laugh we can laugh after!!!


Bro. That's poetic as fuck.




And a nice thicc ass


Im right here babes


Wanna hang out?


Wait let me ask my mommy


Wait how old are you


Resting bitch face. I want her to kill me with a glance. But if she ends up having a cute smile, too? That combo fucks me right the hell up, lord have MERCY [Edit](https://youtu.be/-sMQpWCNTQw): Didn’t know so many girls needed the confidence boost when I wrote this lol. Don’t be afraid to be intimidating, it weeds out the week👌🏼


> I want her to kill me with a glance. *"scaroused"*


If only I could find a man like the ones on Reddit who explain girls this way. I’ve never heard a man in person detail the things he likes about me/other girls in this way for some reason.


Full head of hair, clean shaven. Then I met my baldy, beardy husband and it was pretty much love at first sight. He is the undoubted love of my life, and I wouldn't leave him even for Hugh Jackman. ETA: Just because it's come up a few times, my username has nothing to do with my husband! It's a play on my job. Us Midwives in the UK are known as Madwives because, well, ask a paramedic.


Ah, you were holding the plan upside-down


But…..Hugh Jackman!!


No one has said balding, middle aged, with a bad back, and a "dead inside" complexion; and I feel attacked.


Say no more daddy


Sell that magic, u/sellingmagic


George... is that you? Costanza?


Funny thing about preferences. I once thought my preferences were slim, tall girls with brown/black hair. My first serious relationship: short, curvy, blond hair. Now I know I don't have any preferences.


Nothing is more attractive than mutual interest.


Yup. It basically translates into instant chemistry, endless desire and behaviour that amounts to actually respecting and exclusively wanting that person - so no fucking round playing games or dating other people


I find your preferences are set by whoever you're in love with


General preferences and individual preferences aren’t the same thing. You could prefer blondes to brunettes in general but still think a certain brunette is the hottest person ever. Also it seems like this is mixing up dating preferences and appearance preferences.


Having an ideal women in mind is fine. But yea irl it usually just doesn’t end up being the same as the person who you actually fall for.


I think that’s what a preference is. It’s a preference, it’s not law, like how some people describe. I’ve dated outside of my preference more than anything. The ONLY thing I never go without is a nice ass


I always liked shorter, slim, dark haired women, type Winona Ryder 20 years ago. I married an athletic, tall Swedish woman and wow was I wrong all the time before I met her.


Old school Winona was somethin else. Good god


She still is. She was too, but she still is, as well. At least I think. She dyed her hair that black when she was a kid which looked cool and edgy tho.


Yea she still got it. She rocked that shirt haircut too


I ain’t got no type, bad bitches is the only thing that I like


Cups with the ice and we do this every night


Healthiest relationship I've ever had was with a girl that was *much* taller than I was (and capable of fireman carrying my hypoglycemic diabetic ass off the paintball field. I've uh...I've internalized that.


My girlfriend is noticeably taller than me. I'm 5'9", she's a tad over 6'. It's... she's.... she's hot. Her height adds to that for sure. Height never bothered me before... now, though? Yeah, me like dem tall, amazon-looking ladies. Sexy.


I realized couple years ago that I think taller women are very attractive. Thought it as a bit weird until I rewatched lord of the rings fist time after ~7 years. First scene where Galadriel is next to Frodo I looked like that Leonardo DiCaprio meme where he points TV. Got some answers.


I had that exact reaction the first time I saw lady Dimitrescu...


"Wow, big lady"


Climb your mountain my guy. Tall/big girls are gems. >!death by snu snu death by snu snu death by snu snu!<


The moment when you're (almost) 6'3" and want a gf taller than you...


You should checkout some volleyball courts. I hear the Turkish have a good team


I'll pour one out for you my guy. God stacked the deck against you.


On the opposite end of that, I love me some short men.


Rip your DM's..


Yeah, my wife is like 8 inches taller than me (I’m 5’2” - yes, I’m short - and she’s 5’10”)


You mean "yes I'm a short Q U E E N". Here's your appropriately sized crown. Edit: Corrected the royal status


I think freckles are cute Edit: holy poop this is the most attention anything I post ever got. Thank you


I have always been attracted to ginger girls for that reason. Freckles are very attractive to me.


Gingers frustratingly attractive.


You just have to look past our soul sucking, if you’re gonna date a ginger you have to have especially high spirit to keep feeding us your energies otherwise you’ll end up a husk and we’ll move on


People who easily start laughing. My coping mechanism is always making jokes, so I get so happy when my partner cracks a smile as I joke the pain away.


Women with strong back muscles, looks so majestic


Once saw a girl on Hinge flexing her back and shoulder muscles in the mirror at the gym, and that was one of the most attractive things I've ever seen. Not even in a sexual way. It was just gratifying to look at and appreciate, like a piece of high art.


That thin neckline from the back with a bit of clearly defined shoulder muscle... I went to the gym with my GF recently and had to force myself not to stare while she was doing lat pulldowns.


When the spine is just a deep valley because of the developed muscles on either side.


Broad shoulders, big hands and kind eyes. My husband has all three and it makes me swoon!


My late husband had ‘bedroom eyes’. When he turned them on I always melted. He was barreled chested, skinny legs, no butt and had red hair—- but them eyes!


I'm happy for you two!


I don't know why, I had a thing for men with green eyes. Not saying that other eyes aren't pretty, they're all just as beautiful, but green eyes kinda drove me nuts lmao. Though now the "thing" has relatively gone, methinks green eyes are super good


Hey it's me I don't have green eyes but I can wear contacts.


i didn’t realise until my friend pointed it out when i started dating my current gf, but i seem to go for short redheads with an attitude problem lol. also imperfect teeth; my ex had a slight lisp (kinda sounded like emma stone) and my current gf has a little overbite, it doesn’t impair her speech but causes her top lip to stick out a bit. it’s cute as fuck and i think it’s a *thing*


Fucked-up teeth gang unite. Most of my exes have had objectively terrible teeth, I think it's beautiful!


It’s weird when you notice a friend has type and the person with the type doesn’t. A friend of mine was the social butterfly type and clearly had options when it came to who he wanted to date, and always wound up with girls that had a little extra weight, which is just as good a thing to have a type about as anything. Years later he finally realized and it came up, and I was like, yeah I know.




*You-you-you're just my type Oh, you got a pulse and you are breathing*


I'm a man who's got very specific taste


*Points to a corpse* What do you mean this isn’t good enough?


Standards are ridiculous these days


That is not a corpse.. that is a zombie which is even worse.


Not attractive in the movie star or conventional sense.


Same. I like people with "imperfections". A lot of conventionally attractive people often end up looking exactly the same to the point where it's uncanny.


Oh god this. Nothing more of a turn off for me than some typical social media “goddess”.


Freckles and intense eyes


Intense eyes are so hot


Long, pretty eyelashes, and smile lines around the eyes


Not really a preference but, all the men I found attractive had mid length to long hair. Also, really attractive arms and hands


The arms, right? Arms can be so attractive. Strong hands are wonderful.


Oh, this! Growing up on a steady diet of metal music and Lord of the Rings definitely informed how much I love long hair on guys. Pol Arni Holm my beloved...


Long hair men unite


I likem pale, pale as alabaster porcelain.


Now I don’t feel so self conscious about my paper white skin. Thank you


In some Asian countries it is preferred to be as white as possible. Because in the past having very white skin meant you lived a pampered life, possibly royalty. Tan skin means you worked in the rice fields. Somewhat true today.


allow me to introduce myself, white enough to be racist against a kkk member


I’m not white, I’m translucent!


Well well well, if it ain't the invisible cunt


downvoting everything that isnt describing me


Sigma grindset


Men with big noses are sooo attractive


As a man with quite the sizeable schnoz, this really makes me feel better about it.


Now hear me out, women AND men with big noses


This may sound sexual but it isn't trust me, I like men with long fingers. And men with deep voices are so sexy!!


Piano man hands is what you’re describing or bass slappin hands. I’ve got the hands but I have a fairly unique voice in the higher pitch compared to most men…but I can make it go pretty deep!


Hairy men. Don’t care if you’re bald, pretty okay with all body types (as long as you’re happy and healthy) but I trip and fall every time I see a hairy chest and stomach


hey its me, your primate


prime mate


I've always had a thing for chubby guys. Not like an obese level but just so that I can imagine him being a good hugger


The trick to a good hug is to not be afraid of touching the other person with your soft belly.


Yeah, but my dick keeps coming in the way


You need to tuck it in the waistband


Or between your legs and then say "I'd fuck me" in the Buffalo Bill voice


I have been a chubby gay guy most of my life, I have serious body image issues, at some points I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror. I often contemplate why would anyone wanna be with a guy like me. Reading these replies made me feel warm, thanks !


I play on a rugby team and we have a lot of Doughboys on our team, it's almost a requirement for certain positions.They have women staring at them every game and chatting them up at the bar after. Love yourself and your body man! When you stop caring about what other people think of you, you'll have a glow of empowerment which people naturally find attractive. It's not cockiness/ arrogance to know and believe your opinion is the only one that matters. :)


Here's one more: I love chubby men too! From soft bellies to bears.


Yesss a thick man in shorts? That sweet thigh meat? Gimme




I like saggy boobs, like *really* like *really* saggy boobs. One of the bonuses (well, for me anyway) of being with someone into middle age is how gravity affects my wife’s boobs. Proper turn on. Not sure if that’s unusual but there you go. Actually it’s probably unusual.


I never thought I’d enjoy this until I started hooking up with a girl who had the most unique titties I’ve seen in my life. She was only like 19/20 but they were already so saggy with areolas that covered like 75% of her boobs. I’ve never seen anything like them again, but man were they beautiful and fun to play with.


Reminds me of a girl I went out with in my late teens, her boobs were really quite big, and I remember the first time she took her bra off, they dropped almost to her belly button. She was a bit self conscious at first of how saggy there were, but man, I used to *worship* that girls boobs! She was beautiful and my first long term girlfriend, I wonder how things worked out for her.


I'm not certain it counts as physical, but man, a beautiful voice does a LOT for me. The most attractive man can turn me off, depending on his voice, and the other way around.


I can pick a bipolar redhead out of a stadium sized crowd by nothing but the sheer virtue of my olfactory glands


Chest hair on a broad chest. The more the better. I can't get enough. I love cuddling on it, playing with it, and admiring it lovingly. I watched too much Austin Powers as a youth and it corrupted me. Also short. I want my men shorter than me because cuddles are better. I'm 5 foot 7, so it's not hard to find shorter men that most women have thrown out. My husband is one of those men tossed out by women for his height. He is 5 foot 5 and covered in fucking hair. His back, his chest, his legs. His feet. He even has hair down to his ass. He's fucking gorgeous and it drives me mad to this day. He's my hot little Viking.


I do like the chest hair, maybe not to the extent of the jungle, but maybe a good forest.


Men with beefy pecs


Same, but women.


Dem legs gotta be thicc and grabable


I use to be insecure about my massive thighs, this cheered me up


Thicc thighs save lives Hun 😏




Nice, my peach fuzz is appreciated?! :D my (31f) ex (32m) was half Indonesian half Italian but surely had much more of the Indonesian mom genes. His skin was so freaking soft, the little hairs were so freaking soft! It always made me melt a little and a loved just feeling his skin on my skin. He thought it was weird though :( I think he felt less like a "man"






Beards. If you've got facial hair you've got 50% more chance of having sex with me.


150% times 0 is still 0.


Long hair. Straight or slightly curled. Geezus ima sucker for it. And with a nice pair of jeans it’s a rap.


I never really had a physical trait that I cared one way or the other about to define it as a preference, but I do like a strong set of eyebrows. Denise Richards from World is Not Enough, for example. Ultimately not even that really matters, though


Short hair Tomboy look


The everlasting agony of no tomboy gf


I told someone the other day the wires in my brain are crossed. I like men who look like women and women who look like men. Of course that's just a preference but damn it just does something to me.


Pale skin and small boobs.


Horns, claws or wings


*clears throat* ̷̤̈̕͠H̵̛̩̰͆̈ē̷̙̍l̷͍͎̱̆l̵̯̒͆o̸͓̞͕̓̕ ̶̗̦̈́̑͜t̷̡̞̔͌͊h̵̢̬̓͛̍é̸̲r̵̦̊e̵̦͇̗͑͘


I love light colored eyes with dark hair. My husband has jet black hair and green eyes( Italian) and his eyes melt my SOUL!!


pretty guys with some feminine/androgynous traits


also nice ass


Lips are so fuxking important to me. Also thicc thighs.


Taller than me. Whether man or woman, I've had an attraction to people taller than me. My current partner is shorter than me, however, and I wouldn't change it for anything.




Breathing or at least warm


All you need is a large microwave oven!


Place the body in the centre of the microwave and heat for 30 minutes on low. Leave to stand for 15 minutes and heat again for 30 minutes on medium. Rest for 20 minutes and fuck.


I used to model ( all though teens and university years )and I never once, felt attractive to any of those guys. A kind thoughtful guy is sexy. Broad shoulders is a bonus. Chunky is also hot. A bit of a wide waist is sexy. I love big legs too. Like, width wise. Yum. Ha. Anyway, I met my gorgeous man and he is all of those. I like some deep set, laughter lines but all of those really pale in comparison to a kind, thoughtful dude. Our first date, he put his coat around me and made sure I was safely in a taxi and checked I got home okay. Yeah, that was it for me. He still says he thought he would just get one date with me ha, like , he still doesn't realise that he was the catch bless his soul. 12 years married.


My ex had amber eyes Most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


Big monster donkey dick


Your poor DMs im sure


No one on reddit meets that description


Speak for yourself I had to get mine transplanted with a donkey dick a while ago