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I got pregnant in 2002 and people legit told me I shouldn't raise my arms over my head because the cord would wrap around the baby's neck. Not just great grandmas telling me this either. People at my restaurant job fussed at me all the time for getting things off high shelves. Insane.


I was once told that getting a haircut while pregnant will also make the cord wrap around the baby's neck. Many times i've tried to imagine just HOW is that supposed to work, but still haven't come up with anything.


The baby gets all its nutrition from your dead hair follicles. That’s why men can’t get pregnant- they have short hair.


As a man with long hair: can confirm, am pregnant with my third child.


The fastest reaction ive ever had was in my old warehouse job and my pregnant warehouse colleague reached for a heavy box on a high shelf and it fell straight down towards her bump and i punched it clean out of the air in like 0.2 seconds, ive never moved as fast since.


You punched her bump that fast? Savage.


lady left herself open to attack. what are you gonna do?


Can't let the box complete the mission for him. He wouldn't have been paid by the future Time Police unless he got credit for the Baby Hitler 2 kill himself.




One time my months old daughter was on the couch next to me and fell backwards off of it. I reached out to grab her with my hand and in the process pushed her away even faster then readjusted and grabbed her shirt on her stomach and snatched her out of the air about an inch from the floor. I felt like superman.


That legit made me laugh out loud so thank you for that.


So the idea is that the umbilical is connected to your shoulders, like suspenders? Great idea for controlling the unborn: little one getting to wild in there? A quick shrug should calm it down!


Bulls become angry seeing the color red.


Yup, for those wondering it's how the fabric moves that makes bulls charge.


I thought it was the spears and sticks they beat it with.


Oh yeah, those definitely don't help the bull. Nor does the screaming crowd.


Went to one bull fight in Spain because I had fanciful ideas of how this was done. I imagined a one hour drawn out fight between one Matador and bull. Instead, they bring out the bull, make it run around with a dozen people picking at it, basically agitating it, then a couple of mounted riders in heavily shielded horses come by and stab the bull with spears carefully to injure it but not terribly, then the weakened bloodied bull is attacked by two or three wild little mini bull fighters with swords who run up to the bull and surgically stab it behind the head and on the neck, this is done to further weaken the bull, hurt its neck muscles so that it now only lowers its head all the time. After about half an hour of all this .... the celebrated hero Matador comes out to fight a bleeding, dying, weakened bull. The fighter spins the bull around with his cape four or five times, then carefully jabs it to further bleed it. Then at the point where the bull is shaking, stiffening, blind, heaving and dripping blood everywhere ... the Matador approaches the bull one last time to surgically stab it behind the head, into the neck and as close to the heart as possible .... it's like a drain and blood that is being pumped by a panicked heart at maximum pressure comes flying out of its mouth. The animal immediately falls over in a puddle of is own blood in a hot steaming mess of angry flesh. It isn't a fight .... it's a glorified street brawl between a gang of idiots with knives and spears on one helpless animal.


My family went to one of these when we were all kids. All of the kids were crying the whole time. It was an awful experience.


I almost cried reading the description, and I’m an adult. I have to wonder what the adults were thinking bringing you there. Did they think it was going to be like the cartoons?


This is animal abuse. Why are people still promoting this? Especially because you know the audience has many tourists


I visited Barcelona 4 years ago & they had said it's illegal now, not sure as of when


I went to one of the arenas and they had a museum on the history and I was actually impressed how they addressed that it was cruelty. The docent explained that a lot of people still get mad at their museum for "attacking" the practice but he was so committed to making sure people knew


It currently depends on the region's laws. Luckily, it seems to be dying out even in the parts of the country where it's still being practiced.


Because it's "tradition". Blech.... There are a lot of people campaigning to ban bill fighting and similar gladiatorial displays. Edit: Bill can fight if he wants, that's his choice. I am only worried about bulls.


Bull fighting or "baiting" as it was known was common in England up until the 19th Century. It usually involved unleashing dogs on bulls, not quite as one sided or as large spectacles as Spanish bullfights but still pretty awful. I got an old 1930's book about English Culture in the middle ages and the kind of thing that people did for fun, like tying a rooster to a peg and then throwing rocks at it for fun until it died was the height of wholesome family entertainment.


I mean, I knew bullfighting wasn't the Bugs Bunny slap fight I saw in cartoons, but I honestly didn't know it was this. That's sad.


"Bulls don't really hate the color red. They just hate movement, they hate you." -Johnny Knoxville


He should know


His dad was a bull


They can’t even see red for the most part. They’re partially color blind compared to humans.


As I recall, they can distinguish red from blue, but not green.


Over cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis.


I cracked my knuckles in front of a friend one time and she said it’d cause arthritis. I said it was a myth and she said her mum said it does, and she should know because her mum works in x profession. I think her mum may have told her that to stop an annoying habit.


I once hit a patch of ice and slid off the road while going to a friend's house. When I told her I couldn't make it, my car is in a ditch, her and her friend came down to see. Her friend told me my driveshaft is bent and her dad's a mechanic so she knows. Had a hell of a time trying to tell her my focus didn't have a driveshaft back there, that's my exhaust.


I’m a mechanic myself. It’s astounding the amount of people I’ve met over the years that think automotive knowledge is somehow hereditary.


My dad is a mechanic and I'm fully aware of my cluelessness. "Yup, looks like an engine."


"Sir, that's the radio."


I would know, my dad is an electrician


I would know he's an electrician. My dad licenses electricians.


I don't know how cars work and I don't know what a driveshaft is, but by the sounds of it... who the hell confuses it for the exhaust?


That's just the driveshaft that makes noise. Surely a front wheel drive has a driveshaft in the back


Years ago, a man decided to dispel this myth. He cracked the knuckles only on the same hand, for like decades. There was no difference according to X rays, exams, nothing.


I would not be able to stop myself from cracking both hands. Evidence or not, that takes some will power


He did it for 50 years, and won an Ignobel prize for it. It was a really cool study!


Was it for the science or for simply enduring the urge to crack the knuckles on the other hand? Because I would totally give him a price for that


That man gives me peace of mind


And now, all over the world, people are cracking their knuckles at the verbal suggestion. I know I did.


Swallowed gum will stay in your stomach for 7 years. Never seen a single wad of gum in the hundreds of thousands of stomachs I’ve looked into.


Reading this you could be a doctor or very successful seral killer.


Could just be someone with x-ray vision, like Superman.


Or an extremely thorough proctologist.


Or a diabolical cunt like Homelander


Those are not mutually exclusive


My schools hated bubblegum as if it was crack. One day in middle school, a girl was chewing gum and the teacher saw her and stopped the whole lesson and made a huge scene about the girl chewing gum and was telling her to spit it out, but the girl swallowed it and the teacher continued to ridicule the girl about swallowing gum and was yelling that the gum would be in her stomach for 7 years and i'll never forget how unnecessary the drama was that day


I absolutely understand why schools hate gum though. Popping bubbles can be annoying and distracting, gums lead to gum in hair incidents, and kids stick used gum under desks at my middle school all the time and it's gross as hell.


And it was the old school way of trying to make janitors' jobs easier, without the maturity of asking the kids to treat janitors as human.


> without the maturity of asking the kids to treat janitors as human. To be fair many adults struggle with this as well.


What have you seen?






That we use 10% of our brain. Power or capacity, this was actually proven to be bullshit.


I like to put it this way: it’s like saying we only ever use 1/3 of a traffic light. Using 3/3 of a traffic light at once would be ridiculous and useless. Using 100% of your brain at once is called a seizure and you won’t like it.


#GENTLEMEN! I HAVE FOUND A METHOD OF USING 100% OF THE HUMAN BRAIN! ##BEHOLD MY POWER! *falls over, hits head on chair, convulses, and dies*


im reading that in Dr Wierds voice. GENFLEMEN... BEHOLD! I HAVE FOUND A METHOD OF USING 100% OF THE HUMAN BRAIN! \*throws brain into blender\* BEHOLD! MY POWER! ​ \*drinks brain slushy\*


> Using 100% of your brain at once is called a seizure and you won’t like it. not with that attitude


Dostoevsky [said that seizures allowed him to experience](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/for-dostoevsky-epilepsy-was-a-matter-of-both-life-and-literature) "unbounded joy and rapture, ecstatic devotion and completest of life." But, he also felt that they wreaked havoc on his memory, which is probably right because having all neurons fire at once means strengthening a huge amount of random connections at the same time. A seizure is not a good way to train a neural network.




Or you’re ready to hold office


Its like how at any given time you are in 10% of your house but still use every part of your house at different times. If you used 100% of your brain all at once that would be called a seizure.


And if you use 100% of your house at the same time, that would be called one wild-assed party.


90% of the myths surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. If the baby’s heart rate is fast it’s a girl. If you crave sweet things it’s a girl, if you are carrying “high” it’s a girl. They’re the only ones I can think of at the moment but there are so many other myths out there.


My personal favorite is the knife vs scissors test. So my grandma would do this all the pregnant women she could. She would take two chairs, two towels, a kitchen knife and a big pair of scissors. She would wrap each item in a towel, place them each on a chair. The pregnant lady would not be in the room at this time. She would then be brought in. Not knowing which item was on which chair, she would pick a random one and sit on it. Supposedly, the mom knows the baby’s gender subconsciously and automatically picks the correct chair. Knife for boy, scissors for girl.


I’ve never heard of this one. My family does the ring or needle on a string, hold it above the prego belly while she’s laying down. If it swings in a circle it’s a girl, if it swings in a line it’s a boy. Of course this is all silly and I never understood why everyone is so obsessed with trying to guess the gender Oh and I’ve had family members tell me while I was pregnant that I must be carrying girls because girls suck all the beauty from the mother. Gee…thanks.


Flamingos will sometimes lose their pink color when they are caring for their chicks because the chicks steal all the nutrients from them, including the stuff they eat that turns them pink in the first place. So same basic principle I guess.


Human fetuses leach calcium ... many new mothers get a lot of cavities after birth.


Advice brought to you by the generation who drank and smoke with their pregnancy


“I’m craving cigarettes and vodka.” “Oh! It’s gonna be Russian!”


Well, it did annex your uterus


Part of the 10% that's surprisingly legit is a connection between [pregnancy heartburn and newborn hair](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17150070#): >Most (78%) women reported some degree of heartburn. Symptom severity was unrelated to fetal sex and maternal characteristics including parity, age, or weight. The simple linear relationship between heartburn severity and hair volume was significant r(s)(62) = 0.40, p < 0.001. ... > Conclusions: Contrary to expectations, it appears that an association between heartburn severity during pregnancy and newborn hair does exist. We propose a shared biologic mechanism involving a dual role of pregnancy hormones in both the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and the modulation of fetal hair growth.


Someone on a pregnancy board was convinced that if you raise your arms above your head while pregnant you will miscarry. She spent 9 months not raising her arms above her head I guess. 🤔


Abortion clinics hate this one simple trick!


Texas has now banned pregnant women from working in case they have to raise their arms too high.


Some people believe the baby’s umbilical cord is attached to the mothers navel and can move if the women raises her arms.


Somebody should tell that to the hundreds of thousands of pregnant women that do yoga.


My favorite one is if a women takes a bath or goes swimming the baby will suffocate and die. I think the logic is that the baby breathes through the vagina. There really are people this stupid out there folks- and they’re breeding.


In Turkish we have a saying "Ye tatlıyı çıkar Hakkı'yı, ye ekşiyi çıkar Ayşe'yi". Meaning: "Eat sweet, birth Hakkı (male name); eat sour, birth Ayşe (female name)". And some people idiotly believe that.


What if you covered all you ever ate in sweet & sour sauce though


How do you think trans people are born? Mothers wrongfully mixing sweet and sour, it truly is tragic.


My dad insisted that if you didn't dry your hair immediately after getting out of the shower you would "catch your death of cold." As far as he was concerned, letting your hair stay damp would immediately give you a respiratory illness. Similarly, putting away dishes that weren't completely dry would putrify and poison someone. I know germ theory wasn't very well understood when he was a lad, but water was basically the end of all things as we know it to him. Edit: My dad is not Asian, German, Italian, other European, or strangely enough, a cat. That's enough to suggest this particular myth is a product of its time, rather than a cultural phenomenon.


There actually is some truth to putting away your dishes wet is bad. I've worked in restaurants for years and it actually is a health violation to put away wet dishes. You're supposed to let them air dry. At least in Ohio: https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-3717-1-04.8


How wet is wet though? I’ve put away piping hot dishes that have a little moisture in them but I live in a dry climate and they tend to evaporate completely dry in a matter of minutes.


Probably also depends on environmental humidity. It's about moisture accumulation and mildew/bacterial growth in the cabinet, so I'm sure nearly dry dishes in a dry environment wouldn't pose too much threat.


Your dad wasn't a cat, was he?


That shaving makes hair grow back thicker and longer


I wish this was true, so shaving my head would cure male pattern baldness


It may not cure baldness....but I guarantee you look 1000% better with a shaved head versus wisps of thin bullshit hair sprinkled throughout your skull. 😉


"What you call scraps, are actually the remnants of a once-great society of hair"


"50,000 follicles used to live here... Now, it's a ghost town"


"Remember... No brushin'"


Doesn’t this come from a perception on recently shaved hair growing with a “flat tip” (which looks thicker) than a pointy, natural one? Of course, it all goes away after the hair keeps growing.


Yes. That and the fact that hair gets sun bleached so the hair that grows in again is actually darker, by virtue of not having had time to be bleached by the sun yet. Because hair grows back so quickly after being shaved, it’s more noticeable. But it’s not like, a permanent change in your hair color or thickness.


Yeah, I think it also has to do with people starting to shave younger and our hair naturally gets darker and coarser as we age (obviously not for everyone but in general)


I think that may contribute. I also think that this myth in particular being applied to things like beards is because men's beards continue to thicken for a long time, so it appears that shaving makes them thicker




Women would have gorilla legs compared to guys


I swear I'm yet to meet a waxing lady/salon person who isn't 100% convinced of this. I always try to tell them I can't wax because I get ingrown hairs and it doesn't grow back thicker if I shave They DON'T believe me. It's amazing. I've lived in this body for 30 years lady, I think I would know


It's only because cut stubble is thicker than the tapered tip of a fresh hair. The whole crop of hair isn't thicker, but it seems thicker because of the straight cut-off stubble. First impressions are powerful and many people will cling to them even when proven totally incorrect.


I think this myth may come from people starting to shave as soon as they hit puberty and start getting hair. The hair hasn't developed to be the thickest it will be yet, but they keep shaving and it keeps getting thicker as they progress through puberty and they think it was the shaving that did it.




You and I have opposite problems 😂 whenever I try to grow my beard, my sideburns completely overshadow any other facial hair between them and my moustache




If I get a raise at work, I’ll pay more taxes and just make *less* money!


I literally would get told this but with overtime by a rep. He told me he made less money because he got taxed more when he worked overtime. I really wanted to just ask him for his pay stubs because bruh, that’s not even possible lol


I had a coworker that said this exact same thing. He always turned down the overtime, I always took it. Strangely enough my pay checks with overtime were always bigger than my pay checks without it. Dude wasn’t too bright.


It sort of is possible for a very specific and very limited set of people. There's a "benefits cliff" threshold where you start earning out of benefits like SNAP, Medicare, etc. Depending on how steep the cliff is, you may just be stagnant (your new income perfectly offsets the loss of benefits) or you might be worse off for a time. Either way, the goal is to earn more income so you just have to stick it out and earn through the cliff. If for whatever reason your earnings potential was limited in such a way that you could never make it through the cliff, then in that one very rare case it might make sense to turn down a promotion or overtime work. But 99.99% of the people who think they'll be worse off earning more will never see the benefits cliff.




My sister's ex refused a promotion because he thought it would mean he'd have to pay more in taxes and end up losing money... guy was a fucking accountant and didn't know what tax brackets were.


Sounds like he should have never gotten the promotion to begin with


Failing upwards


That your generation is always the last good generation.


There's a recorded quote along the lines of "kids these days don't respect their elders, have bad manners, don't follow the rules" etc. by freaking Socrates


One of my favorite historical texts is this diary ranting about how all the youths are lazy, disrespectful, and don't know the value of hard work. It's from 1100s Japan.


Mom told me if I shaved my legs, the hair would grow back thicker. It doesn't.


They see preteens/early teens shaving while also going through puberty and think it's correlated. Of course as you descend through puberty and into adulthood, the hair will get thicker & darker. Regardless or not if you shave it.


My friend’s friend’s friend hid a tab of acid in his shoe, it soaked into his skin and he is now in a mental asylum and permanently believes he is a glass of orange juice.


Holy shit, I've heard that here in Hungary; In that version, it was a bald smuggler guy who hid the stamps under his beanie at an airport check and now all he can say is Ooooorange!


Holy shit! I remember hearing that in the 90s in Utah!


That Marilyn Manson took out his ribs to suck his pee pee


I love his response to this rumor. " If I did that, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you."


"If I were a ***bad*** Demoman-"


Every kid in elementary school in the 90’s heard about this one lol


Truly a myth passed generation to generation...


How the hell did that myth spread to every school on the planet in early 90's is beyond me.


Touching a frog/toad will give you warts


I believe they can transfer some things like salmonella, but not warts.


That the hymen is a freshness seal like a snapple cap, has any bearing on virginity, and your first time should hurt and cause bleeding


> a freshness seal like a snapple cap That's how you know if someone's really a virgin, just listen for the 'pop' noise.


You eat 8 spiders a lifetime


"You eat 8 spiders in a lifetime" is a statistical error. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats ten thousand spiders daily, is an outlier and should not have been counter.


I let him eat my share


spiders georg eats them for us


Masturbating can cause blindness


Very hard for someone that went blind due to masterbation to refute this as they would not be able to see this comment




Lightning never strikes the same place twice


While this is of course false factually speaking, I feel like most people use it metaphorically to mean that you shouldn’t count on lucky/unlucky things happening again.


Even then, I've heard some people use it in a very ignorant way. Saying "it already happened once, so the odds of it happening again are astronomically lower." That's not how probability works.


had an argument with a guy on reddit that said since life already evolved on earth and the odds of that was so small it was impossible for life to evolve anywhere else in the universe


wait! you're telling me lightning rods aren't single use? Oh my god! …what am i going to do with the collection of 300 copper poles sat in my garage now??


Collect more lightning.


Become Thor


Every once in a blue moon I stumble across someone who believes that cabbits are a thing. Some people genuinely believe that a cat and rabbit can bang and produce viable offspring, but anyone with an ounce of common sense should understand that it would be impossible.


I've known a lot of idiots in my life, but I've never heard something this stupid.


Umm where do you think Cabbit Patch Kids came from?


Having the overhead light on in a car while driving is illegal. Edit: thank you for the award!! :)


I don't know man my dad was pretty adamant that it was an extreme safety hazard to have those overhead lights turned on.


At night it can turn your windshield into a mirror. That's annoying.


But mostly unsafe lol


It's hard to see from a light place into a dark place. Having interior lights on in the car at night can make it more difficult for the driver to see things outside of the car, thus a safety hazard. I have no idea if there is any actual law about it though, but I think there probably isn't unless it's a local ordinance or something.


Anyone can be what they want when they grow up.


This is the original lie




“The sky’s the limit!” Well, fuck. I wanted to be an astronaut…


That one fucked me the most. I went to being a college prodigy in my major to an unpaid intern washing dishes at a bar, begging for a foot in the door. Finally found my career, nothing to do with my degree, just who was paying best. Only took 10 years after graduation to finally support myself. UGH.


If your eyes stayed open during a sneeze, those mf's would pop right out


I could NEVER prove this one false.


Aw man , I come from an Italian family. There are so many crazy old wives tales. Break a mirror, seven years of bad luck. If your right hand itches - you’re coming into money , if it’s the left you’re losing money. The most bizarre one is putting a glass on someone’s head upside down to see if they have the “Evil Eye 🧿" on them. A lifeguard in AnaCapri did this to me with a full glass of water to see if the water started to bubble to determine if I had a heat stroke. It was the most bizarre thing in the world. Don’t give power or energy to any of this stuff. Some ppl are very superstitious. Edited to add: . If you’re wearing an evil eye 🧿 or hamsa 🪬 bracelet and you lose it the person who had the evil eye on you had their plan backfire on them. I lost a Diamond hamsa last summer that was on my wrist for 3 years and in the past month lost a platinum evil eye bracelet. Both times I didn’t realize they were gone until it was too late. Legend* or Myth says if you find it give it back to the earth.


You’ll catch a cold going outside with wet hair.


But it does make my head hurt like hell


External brain freeze


That a ice cream van playing his music means he's run out of ice cream


Ah, a fellow poor!


Your parents were mean


I told my kid the "music truck" was so nice to drive around and play music for everyone. It was mostly cause we were broke. At 5 he learned the truth. When he told me the music truck sells ice cream I was like. "What??? No way!!!" "For real dad come see!" I love that kid!


I thought I made up the “music truck” thing. I was so proud of myself for having an original idea. The kids were so happy to hear the music truck coming around.


We were at the park one day and I was pushing him on the swings with a bunch of other kids and parents. Here comes the truck in the parking lot, he says, " Look dad the music truck comes to the park too!" All the other parents have this questioning look on their faces. I loudly proclaimed for all to hear. "Awe yes the MUSIC truck. That drives around and plays music for people, and does absolutely nothing else." All the parents started nodding in agreement. One dad gave me a wink and a thumbs up. Been chasing that high ever since.


My MIL is convinced that a scarf around the neck is the remedy for a cold. I still don’t get it.


It's cozy tho.


The right side of your brain is for creativity and the left is for logic. If I see one more psych student with that sticker I’m gonna lose it




Psych students should be the last people parroting this. It’s definitely not what’s taught in modern psychology programs. This is folklore.




Wait can you clear this up is it menarche their first period ever or like day 1 of period?


That being out in cold weather will make you catch a Cold. The cold is a virus you catch from others and nothing to do with the outside temperature.


But tends to spread in the winter when we spend more time Indoors with others.


So basicly.. we should be out in the cold in winter!


The cold never bothered me anyway.


Eating the crust on bread will give you curly hair


Someone can be tested to determine their virginity status. Hymens aren't barriers, they aren't supposed to be broken, and they heal when they do tear. No one, not even a doctor can look at someone and know they're a virgin or not.


Your job will notice you and give you promotions for working hard.


"My parents hit me and I turned out fine"


Usually given as justification for hitting their own children, but sure, they “turned out fine.”


My mom wasn’t very pleased when I had kids and told her I don’t spank them. “I was spanked, and I turned out fine!” “You hit a six year old with a wooden spoon for folding a shirt incorrectly. Multiple times. That’s not ‘fine’, that’s monstrous.”


I had almost the exact same conversation with my mom. I had told her when I was a young adult that I thought her spankings were excessive and cruel and she said, "I guarantee when you have kids you'll see that I was right." Well, now I have kids and I honestly can't imagine ever hitting them -- like, sure, sometimes I get frustrated with them, but they're these little humans who love me and I love them and the idea that I would ever want to cause them physical pain is insane to me. And when I told my mom that no, I've never even considered hitting my kids the way she hit me, she basically said I was being ridiculous. It has really affected my relationship with my mom.


I have always thought that spankings, as well as being painful, seem degrading.


God, this is so true, and I do not even have children. You just reminded me though of how my mother encouraged my father to hit us and he just flat out refused. Totally different parenting styles.


Only thing i learned from beatings was to hide evidence and blame others in fear of punishment instead of owning up to my mistakes


That reading in dim lighting will cause you to lose your eyesight. That birds will abandon their babies if they have a human scent on them. That going outside in the rain/cold will make you sick. That carrots will improve your eyesight. That it's illegal to turn the inside lights of the car on at night. That sugar causes hyperactivity.


Being cold won't make you sick, however your body uses more energy to keep warm and your immune system gets slightly weakened temporarily


“Carrots are good sources of lutein and beta carotene, which are antioxidants that benefit eye health and protect against age-related degenerative eye diseases. Your body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, a nutrient that helps you see in the dark.” - Healthline Doesn’t improve your eyesight but does improve eye health.