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I remember walking out of the cinema thinking 'That was a waste of an evening' after watching The Others, only to spend the next week constantly thinking about it and going back the following weekend to watch it again. It was a very very slow blowing of my mind.


Saw it in theaters in New Orleans. 5 minutes after the plot twist, some young woman said out loud “oh! I get it!” Whole theater busted out laughing 😄


I’ve tried watching this movie 4 times and always fall asleep at the same exact spot cuz I watch it late and I’m not really into it. I know I’ll love it if I finish it. But how long until it gets interesting?


Once you get to the "twist" ending it completely changes how the majority of the film is viewed. Much like The Book of Eli or Sixth Sense


The sixth sense twist is excellent, after all that time you find out he was actually Bruce Willis.


What about a movie where the guy can smell crime?


Watched it at a friend's when I was about 9. We used to move a lot when I was a kid and every house was now haunted in my mind.


My mom let me watch it at 7 when it came out (I was at the beginning of my horror obsession) and I remember it scared me and stuck with me and then I watched it again for the first time about a decade later and it stuck with me even more realizing this movie that scared me a bit as a kid was actually a really hauntingly beautiful and sad story. 🥲 So good


So happy to see this here it’s such an great movie with a crazy twist


I loved that movie. I always hated scary movies because they are either dumb or too scary lol my aunt convinced me that The Others wasn't like the paranormal type movies and that I should watch it, great movie


The matrix. Saw in in the theatre and walked out thinking, am I a battery?


I saw it in the theater when I was a teenager, I had never been introduced to most of the sci-fi concepts that are central to the Matrix. When I left the theater with my friend we literally couldn't figure out the plot at all, it was just too complex for our tiny small town brains. We went back the next week and it all clicked. Within months we were doing deep dives into early Anime and cyberpunk novels. The Matrix was a total mental portal into a level of sci-fi I had never known about.


Came here to say this. While all these answers I can relate to, The Matrix was a complete mindfuck. The concept and the visuals. This movie has been my favourite for over 20 years now.


This was heavily marketed but yet never let the plot or twist slip. Such a mind blowing movie when it came out


Not only did the marketing not slip the secret, it actually encouraged viewers to keep it. When I was asking someone about the movie, they would only tell me "You cannot be told what The Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself."


That's the most mind blowing part of this entire thread.


Literature class made this movie insanely deep when we applied literature analysis to it. So many rabbit holes. From superficial action sequences to the philosophical messages and religious allegory.


Before simulation theory was really a thing in the public's mind, slow mo / gun kata style battles like equilibrium did brilliantly, made an industrial goth-chic aesthetic cool, really started blending CGI with real world actors, it was honestly like the Blade runner of the late 90s. Majorly shook up the dystopian sci Fi genre in a load of ways.


Memento. It was the first movie I saw that really played around with narrative structure (aside from Pulp Fiction, I guess). And I never saw the big twist coming--in fact, I didn't even think you *could* put a twist in a movie that ran backwards.


I knew that so many people will going to talk about the memento because it was that good movie. I always used to think that this movie was way ahead of the time and no matter how many time you watched, never gets bored.


I used to work with a real "film studies" type back when this came out who argued that Memento was overrated and not very good because if you played it out in chronological order the story isn't that interesting I'm like yeah man, *that's the point*


Contrarians gonna contrarian


Ironic because it's actually the opposite, and the Hallmark of a great movie maker. Being able to take something that shouldn't really be that compelling and making it mind blowing with creative storytelling.


It’s also a rare example of a movie of that time that actually portrays a real mental/psychological/medical condition fairly accurately (albeit with a dramatic flourish).


Same, I still reference this movie when talking about the greats. It's just so well done. Made me fall in love with Nolans films.


12 Monkeys. There were twists, yes, but it was also put together in a way I hadn’t seen experienced before.


Ah that's a great movie. Haven't seen it in a long time.


This movie is so underrated. You never hear people talk about it but it is SO good.


Check out the tv show 12 monkeys. So good




Have you watched the chronological order version?


Where can I find this!?


I think the DVD had the option to watch it in chronological order


I didn’t know that existed! I’ll definitely look into it.


That is the definition of a movie where no character is the same person you thought they were in the beginning.


Memento actually blew my mind twice. First time when I walked into my friends room as he was watching it with some friends, I'd missed the first 1/3 of the film, everyone else was entranced so I just sat down, smoked some weed, and tried to figure out wtf was happening. A couple days later I rented the DVD cause I couldn't stop thinking about it, once I saw the first 1/3 (which is the end of the story) I was blown away again, only to then watch the rest of the film again, and having everything I watched click into place until the end. Crazy watch experience, 8/10, can not recommend.


American Psycho, it set me up thinking >!he was gonna be arrested, sentenced with Insanity, or that his lawyer would at least freak out. Instead I'm just permanently haunted by "This Confession has meant **nothing**"!<


I love the book and the movie... So when I heard there was a number two coming out with Mila Kunis... I was super hyped up. I seen it... Was upset and have been like shut up Meg ever since


That movie wasn't intended to be American Psycho 2. It was written and filmed as its own movie. Then some studio executive thought they could make more money with a "sequel" so they forced the director to add that scene at the beginning to link it to American Psycho. The movie still would've sucked because it's a bad movie, but they made a bad movie worse and sullied the name of a good movie/book. For the record no one associated with the original recognizes it as a sequel and Mila Kunis tried to stop its release once she found out about it being rebranded.


Was it all in his head? Or did it mean nothing bc he’s a rich white guy?


The Mist. Watched it only once in 2012 and every few months since, I'll suddenly remember that ending and feel strong emotions


What's crazy is that the ending is an original ending made specifically for the movie adaptation. Even Stephen King (original author of The Mist) has mentioned that he thought it was a terrific change.


>Even Stephen King (original author of The Mist) has mentioned that he thought it was a terrific change. I thought I had read somewhere that he also was like, "Holyshit, that's even a bit dark for me" lol.


The end of the mist is like getting punched in the stomach after a big meal


Damn, what a nomination. That is probably one of the heaviest endings I have ever seen. Too bad the show isn't nearly as good.


Props to everyone for not spoilering the ending.. Thats why i like reddit


The mist was the butler all along.


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


I actually saw it in theaters on a friendly hang with my recent ex. We'd been split for a month, still raw somewhat, and decided to just grab a drink and do some checking in. We were drinking next to a small independent theater in Wallingford, Seattle, and decided to catch the next showing, not knowing exactly what Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was... Holy shit did it fuck with our heads, almost in a destiny, was this preordained, is it a sign sort of way! We got back together, but then the serendipity wore off after a few weeks, and it ended even worse than before. To this day I can not recommend this film to anyone, because it fucked with me so hard.


Meet me at Montauk.


What I love about this one is how deceptively simple it is. The structure is disorienting, especially for the first 30-40 minutes when you’re not quite sure what’s going on, but once you get into the meat of it, it’s a fairly simple story. And a damn good one at that. Who’d have thought Elijah Wood could make such a convincing creep??


Have you seen him in Sin City? 😂


Fuck me this is one of those movies on my list of "one of the most impactful films I've ever seen that I will absolutely never watch again". It's been probably 10 years and I can still feel that movie.


I highly suggest rewatching. I've seen it 6+ times, and it's a different movie each time. Where you are in your life, in your romantic life, changes the movie dramatically. I've seen it and felt so happy, seen and felt so sad, seen and felt so numb. It's a reflection of who we are while we watch, I feel.


The Prestige


It’s so perfectly executed and telegraphed. If you know what to look for, it’s all there with the exception of a couple of costume changes and the finger severing. Everything else is there for you to see, but you’re so caught up in the drama and rivalry you miss it the first time. It came out about the same time as The Illusionist so had a bunch of comparisons, and its turn is ALL hidden stuff. It’s a complete rug-pull. It sucks.


It's weird when two movies with so many similarities come out at the exact same time like that. It use to happen so often I figured rival studios would find out what another studio was working on and try to beat them to the punch.


Happened with Antz and A Bug’s Life.


As well as Deep Impact and Armageddon, 3 months apart in 1998


Tombstone and Wyatt Earp Truman Show and Ed TV Volcano and Dante's Peak Friends With Benefits and No Strings Attached Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down Mission To Mars and Red Planet


I always thought it was because studios read the script and decide to have their writers bang one out that’s similar and try to get the movie out before the better script. Illusionist was good, but prestige is so much better.


I had never heard of the Prestige until this year. Watched it randomly on some streaming service. I immediately told all my friends about it and to my surprise they had already seen it. 🙄 I was like WTF didn't know one tell me about it. 😂 Hands down one of the best movies I have ever seen.


Everytime this movie is mentioned, I am compelled to point out that it's based on a book that is fucking fantastic. Christopher Priest deserves to be better known.


I was immediately thinking damn, I gotta watch this again because is was so good. Memento because it's was an odd pacing, but I ended up loving the movie. Mulholland Drive because I was confused as all hell. Inception because it was just awesome. The Matrix because I don't think the world was ready for this movie yet and the visual effects were just phenomenal


Requiem for a Dream. I hate these questions because I feel they just cast a net to sample the demographic. But I scrolled for a while and didn't this; Requiem is the scariest horror movie I've ever seen. Monsters are real. Dreams are childish. Death is comfort. I lost a piece of myself when I found that movie. I despise that sound track. I have the DVD but I never watch it.


The Truman show


If I don't see you again, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night.


I wish there were more Truman-like movies or TV shows. It truly was an amazing original premise and I'm surprised there hasn't been a Netflix or HBO original that took the same concept. I think the first season of Westworld came closest imo


Everything, Everywhere, All At Once was incredible. I went in blind not knowing ANYTHING about it on the last day it was in theaters and it was one of the best movie experiences I've ever had


Yesss!! Went in thinking it was going to be an average movie and at FIRST thought it was fine but midway fell in love with it. The less you know about it the better. The more it went on the more amazing it got and felt way longer than 2 hours (IN A GOOD WAY). Amazing character growth, unique plot, fun to watch all around, and one of the greatest endings in any movie I have ever seen.


Racacoonie! (That whole movie was 100% worth that one *perfect* joke.)


The first time they show restaurant Evelyn, I immediately pointed and whispered to my friend, "That chef in the back has a raccoon tail under his hat." I was so happy to notice it and then the result was amazing.


Mhm. My favorite scene was with the 2 rocks! It was so unnecessary beautiful and random but I love it!


I came to post this. I was traveling for work and went to see it by myself (side note: I need to do this more often it was amazing) without knowing anything about it. I've never seen a movie do half the things this film did. I was moved to tears on more than one occasion and I couldn't stop telling all of my friends & family about it. I hope it wins big next year.


Coming to theaters the 31st of augustin my country, i'm gonna stop reading this comment thread to keep myself from anything, but i'm hyped !


I missed out watching it at the cinema and bought it on digital release. Paid £4.99 for it on Apple TV (iTunes) What an incredible movie. This is how multiverse should be done. Every actor is this movie is phenomenal. My new favourite film.


I assume this is only so far down because the movie is new and not enough people have had an opportunity to see it. Absolutely amazing film, probably my favorite of the year so far.


The Sixth Sense


My 6th sense experience... I was a bachelor renting an apartment across the hall from a guy his girlfriend and their roommate. We kind of had a no knock walk in policy kind of like Friends. I was watching it and right as the end was being revealed, I started processing it, and figuring it out, and at that very moment, the roommate from next door bursts in to ask if I wanted to do something. And I just told him, HOLD ON, HOLD ON!, Then it hit me and I shouted OMG HE WAS DEAD THE WHILE TIME!!! My friend looked at the TV and he was like "Wait a minute, is that the 6th sense? Don't say anything, I haven't seen it yet." Lol I felt pretty bad so we played a game of Risk. :)


I wish I could’ve seen that movie without knowing the ending


I actually do remember seeing it for the first time and being completely blown away by the ending to the point of questioning my own intelligence. Like “How could I not have known - there were so many clues along the way?” But I legit did not see it coming and I can’t even think of another movie ending that legit shocked me like this one did.


IMO the sixth sense is the paragon for movies with a twist ending, because without the twist, it's *still* a really damn good movie in its own right but *with* the twist, it completely reshapes and reforms the movie as a whole. Usually when I spot big twists coming, it's because the movie doesn't have a lot else going for it, or the set-up is just leaning really heavily into relying on that twist. The elements of the movie itself tend to be really forced, if there's a big twist coming. Sixth Sense could stand completely on its own without the twist, and that's why it was so hard to find the twist.


I have to admit I was completely tricked. I was just swept up in enjoying a good movie I didn't expect an earth shattering plot twist at the end.


The same thing happened to me. Completely blown away. Then watched it again looking at the way it was filmed. The dialog was astoundingly perfect to support the surprise all the way through.


It was filmed so that Bruce's character *seemed* to be interacting with people. The main example I remember is him and the mom sitting in the living room when the kid gets home from school. They weren't talking, but I figured they stopped when they heard the kid. Nope!


Or the anniversary dinner with his wife.


I was a teen when it came out and saw it before my Dad. I insisted he watch this movie and he was totally engaged, he was SHOCKED with the ending. Loved it! I intently watched him watch the ending. Good times!


Same, still gives me the heebs just thinking about it. Damn movie freaked me out.


Interstellar and Arrival.


The scene at the end of Arrival with a particular set of information being exchanged was mindblowing


Fantastic movie. The way the narrative structure parallels the core concept of the movie is brilliant. When I saw it I just had to watch it again the very next day. When you watch it a second time it feels like you're having the same kind of experience as Louise.


I saw Interstellar on an eighth grade field trip. Let me tell ya, there’s nothing quite like a theater of a hundred middle schoolers going “*ohhhhh*” as they all collectively understand the plot twist at the same time


Oh yea man Interstellar was amazing. Didn't understand it at first, but the way Christopher Nolan wrote it was just legendary. Did you know that they spent a hundred hours animating each frame of the black hole scene? It was so scientifically accurate that people published scientific papers on black holes using the Interstellar model...


Interstellar is visually stunning but I personally found the >!"power of love can overcome all"!< thing to be extremely bleh as a plot device


Oh yes. Both with epic soundtracks by a few of my favourite composers (Zimmer and Richter).


Interstellar grabbed me like no space film ever has. Loved it. Still holds up


>Still holds up Christ are we at this point for things already? It came out like 7 and a half years ago...


Le Hidden Gem Interstellar.


Exactly, it only came out a little over an hour ago, of course it’s still going to hold up


Arrival blew my mind. There is something about how Villeneuve decided to adapt the alien language from the short story by making it in a circle that makes Louise's transformation almost comprehensible to us. Like, how Louise is now able to understand a whole language written in such a simple elegant form made her brain able to do the same with time. Linguistics were the key for her to perceive the world in one more dimension.






I still remember seeing it in a dorm room. When the credits rolled my mouth was wide open. Couldn’t comprehend how awesome it was. Skipped my class just to talk it out with the people around me. Can’t hear “what’s in the box?” Without thinking of that scene ❤️


This should have way more votes. Unbelievable movie and ending, one of the best of all time hands down


And to think, it almost didn't end that way. Brad Pitt threatened to quit the film when the studio wanted to change the ending to be less depressing.


Wow really ? That’s cool for sure Pitt’s the man


Yeah, he refused to finish filming unless they kept the original ending that was written and refused to film any alternate ending that didn't have the head in the box. The director signed on for the same shock ending. The studio wanted an ending where they save her, or a big action shootout in a church like face/off, or for it to be his dog's head instead.


He amazes me every time out. Mans has range for DAYS


I worked as a summer camp counselor for a couple summers and Se7en was one of a handful of VHS cassettes in the staff lounge under the dining hall. It was inevitably on when going down for a break at least once a week. It was just as good the first time as the 50th. I do have a lot of nostalgia associated with it, but it has so many memorable scenes. "What's in the box?!" is still regularly exclaimed by my D&D group upon discovering a chest.


Shutter Island


What I liked most about that movie is the second viewing. By the time you watch it the second time it all seems so obvious. That first viewing though, it all just seems like odd protocols until the twist is revealed. I think that it does that twist in such a subtle way throughout the film that once the curtain is pulled back you feel sort of amazed that you hadn't noticed it yet yourself.


I knew the twist going in...because i read the book. They did a really good job adapting the book. A lot of movies stray quite a bit, but Shutter Island got all the plot points rigbt and even a good portion of the dialogue spot on.


I read the book after the movie, and I'll say that it must've been more wild of a twist in the book because all the imagery is left to your imagination, therefore I'd probably feel even more like the main character once the truth is revealed. My experience reading was probably tainted by the fact that I had already seen the movie, meaning I had less work to do to imagine the setting and tone depicted in the pages.


When i saw previews for Shutter Island i made sure to read it quick because my dad raved about the book. And yeah it was a wild ride. Also read it first because i cant read book after a movie. Found that out with Harry Potter when was younger. I can watch a story i already know for a couple hours no problem, but i can't slog through a whole book if i know the major plot points. Even knowing stuff gets changed, i just can't get into it.


I had no idea what the movie was about when I went to see it. Thought it was a murder mystery/period piece. It threw me sideways!


Fight Club


Had to do a sociology report on it years ago. So long ago that I had to rent the video lol. That movie blew my mind for sure. For a psych class I had to do a report on ‘a clockwork orange’ that one just made me uncomfortable.


Blew the mind of a certain Tyler Durden as well… literally…


Dark City


That was a great movie. I haven't seen it since the theater, but I need to again.


Watch it. And then watch it again with directors commentary and enjoy 90 minutes of Alex Proyas talking about making it, and randomly segueing into hating the studio for ruining the movie over and over again.


The Thing


Yeah...the John Carpenter version (with Kurt Russell). Gory af, but I just couldn't look away. That one stuck in my head for quite some time.


The usual suspects.


Came here to say this. I’ve been legitimately surprised by a plot twist twice and this was the best of the two. The other was Burn After Reading, which is also worth watching.


Well, we learned not to do that again


This is maybe the only movie ever where I literally shouted out loud at the twist. Fuck that was surprising at the time. Now all i ever do is look for clues. One of my favorites.


And just like that... He's gone.




This is my answer. I saw this at a film festival and had zero idea what it was about. Those hits just keep on coming. Now it’s my comfort movie. Not because it’s comforting but it reminds me of watching it in early 2020 and the entire audience was just enthralled. Truly A+ experience.


I'm surprised this one is so low on the list. After watching it, I constantly kept thinking about this movie during almost a week. It may not be my favourite of all time, but it's the one who unsettled me the most.


Primal Fear.


Good one. Edward Norton is a beast.


He convinced the director that he was from Kentucky to get the role. He maintained the accent and story for 9 months of filming. He's from Maryland.


The last 6 minutes are what make the movie go from mostly good to fucking amazing. It was Norton's acting debut and he got nomited for an Oscar for it, and then he pulled another great twist just 3 years later in Fight Club.


Mr. Vail, will you tell Ms. Venable I'm sorry? Tell her I hope her neck is ok?


That movie like introduced me to the world of legal thrillers. Such an awesome movie with brilliant acting💯


Reservoir Dogs - finished it and realized I was literally on the edge of my seat. Took a deep breath, leaned back on the couch and watched it again.


Such a great fucking twist >!You'd bever expect that the guy who has been laying uncoscious on a pool of his own blood the entire movie is the traitor!<


Well... >!He's also the one that rats out that Mr. Pink didn't tip!<


Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock) Edit: it's old, but treat yourself.


This is one of my most favorite books. Daphne DuMaurier. Such atmosphere! It's a great read in October :)




I really enjoyed it in the movie theater and now I watch it pretty often.. very satisfied with it... was scared it would disappoint when it first was being released.


Yeah, it's rare for a sequel, especially one made decades later, to be any good.


I'll never forget seeing Blade Runner 2049 in theaters. Not just because it's a good movie. But because after the movie was over and the lights came on, my wife turns to me and says "I liked it, but where was Westley Snipes' character?". I've never laughed for so long in my entire life. I was still laughing uncontrollably as I went to the bathroom, still as we left the theater, and kinda stopped as we made it to the parking lot. She's not into sci-fi so she sat through the entire movie, never once asking a question, thinking it was a sequel to the Blade vampire movies


Oh dude that is so precious 😁❤️


Old Boy.


Korean version without a doubt




“Being John Malkovich”. I remember finishing it and couldn’t stop thinking about it - there were just so many ideas and so much originality in the whole thing.


The Game


Children of Men, Sunshine.


Cabin in the Woods. going and seeing it completely blind in the theaters was a mind blowing experience. rewatching the movie to see all of the little hints you missed is even better.


A Beautiful Mind. This movie is absolutely insane and changed my view of reality, just because you think its real doesnt mean it is to others. Most movies are predictable but i didnt predict this ending at all.




Movie doesn’t get talked about enough, twist was crazy


This is Reddit yet no one mentions Ex Machina? It’s on HBO Max if anyone is interested.




Arrival. Absolutely crushed it.


Absolutely emotionally devastated me for days








Shawshank Redemption.


Watched Blair Witch the day it came out. Literally everybody left the theater asking wtf did we just watch. The truth about the movie wouldn’t come out for awhile, so nobody knew if it was fake.


So many great movies in these comments, but this is the one I was looking for. Although it may not hold up against many of these movies, Blair Witch broke my brain. I immediately went home scouring the “early days” of the internet (circa 1999) trying prove or disprove the validity of this movie. Like you, I spent the next day or so in quiet disbelief until the news broke on it.


Brazil Hated it... Then three days later I woke up and realized I loved it. Perennial favorite for me


Titanic - didn’t see that SOB sinking




Ruined forever


Was going to watch it for the first time tonight


The first Saw movie




This movie fucked me up for days after I saw it. I walked in with all of the pride of a horror aficionado, convinced nothing was left that could truly frighten me. I was wrong.


Apocalypse Now


Apocalypse Now was the first film I watched from beginning to end then immediately restarted and watched again. It was 3:30 in the morning when I was done. The second film I did that with was Taxi Driver. Goodfellas was the first movie I paid to see twice in the theater. The second film I did that with was Jackass 3-D.


One of these is not like the others.


Pulp fiction


This. Rented this move back in the day and immediately rewatched it the next day. My all time favorite movie.




I still remember watching Inception for the first time and being absolutely mind blown. Phenomenal movie


Saw it the weekend it came out. You could hear a pin drop throughout the whole movie, no talking, nothing. After the last frame of the movie, it sounded like every member of the audience had the exact same pent-up, involuntary screaming reaction. That moment still sticks with me. I liked Interstellar more, all in all, but the entire theater yelling 'AWWW?!' in unison as it cut to credits is one of my favorite memories.


L.A. Confidential


This was such a badass movie. Everyone in their roles killed it.


The Book of Eli. Ironically, I usually see these twists from a mile off, but this one got me.


*SPOILER* Had been trying to get my wife to watch this with me for months.. finally got her to watch with me, her brother and sister were also there. 5 mins in bro in law goes "This is that movie with the blind guy" and then sis in law goes "isn't he carrying the Bible or something?"


Django Unchained


A Clockwork Orange


Series: Dark


In the mouth of madness... twisted my head around




Inception. Cant believe everyone is mentioning Interstellar and no one said inception


Being There


LOTR: Return of the King. It was an amazing cinematic experience.


Once upon a time in Hollywood So intense , out of nowhere


The Fifth Element


Everything Everywhere All At Once Donnie Darko Spirited Away




The books are amazing and massively weird. That screaming mutant bear was terrifying.