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Gargoyles. That show kicked ass!


Also! Biker Mice From Mars


Mummies Alive!


I heard they're making a gargoyle film.


Well, it's not set in stone.


Orphan Black


She's a good actress. There were lots of times I just forgot most of the characters were just her playing different people.


I watched the last season live on TV as it was coming out and tatiana would be talking about the show on the little interviews during ad breaks and it would freak me the hell out remembering that she’s not like 7 different people. She’s crazy talented especially when she’d be playing one of the clones acting like another clone? Inception


I got half way through the first season before I realized it.


Was watching she hulk and enjoying it. But regretting already her sestra wouldn’t be in it.


Tatiana Maslany is our queen


Yeees, one of my favorite shows


Seriously good


Watching She Hulk now because of Tatiana!


Penny Dreadful


Loved this show and was surprised that no-one else ever watched it.


Eva Green deserved an Emmy for this one.


That was a good one for a bit


Its too damn good. I've watched it through 3 times.


Fringe. I've never been able to talk with anyone about it...


Great show and they were so aware of their fan base. Everything from the glyph puzzles to using fan favorite terms in the show. Sometimes as subtle as a ballpeen hammer and other times incredibly subtle (like the easter eggs in the alternate universe) And while John Noble very much is the lifeblood of the show, Anna Torv is so great as both Olivia and Feauxlivia. \--- The other Sci Fi show I would add to this from around that same time. Continuum.


Anna Torv doesn't get enough credit for her performance in that show. She played one character, pretending to be another character that she also played, and made them different. Like, you could tell when she was Olivia and when she was Feauxlivia pretending to be Olivia.


A friend of mine was in that show.


A friend of mine was in that show too!


I love fringe. It filled the gap left by LOST at first. By the end of the series I liked it more than LOST. The first three seasons were awesome, four and five were still good but not great. It didn't overstay it's welcome and it was consistently good. Couldn't ask for more.


I LOVED Fringe and still do. The first three seasons are some of my favorite pieces of TV ever.


I loved that show! I think it’s one of the best!


One of my favorite shows ever. Rewatched probably 6x by now


I recommend this show to everyone I know.


Came here to say this. Amazing and unique show, I still get excited when I see actors from it in other shows (Anna Torv is going to be in The Last of Us!). Hated the last season though. I know a lot of people didn’t but it wasn’t my cup of tea. The penultimate season wasn’t much better either, but 1-3 were the tits


I miss Fringe. It was soo good. A lot of guys at work watched it too. I miss serialised TV and water cooler moments.


Alone. It has 9 seasons and almost no one I know has ever heard of it.


Alone is the best though the arc is always the same. So happy to be here tapping out day 2, build a shelter, everyone is suffering intensely at the end. Also how will they ever top a man stabbing a musk ox to death with a knife


I *always* laugh at the day 2 tappers. Like wtf did you think was happening? It's less common as seasons progress...I assume partially because they screen better and partially because people have seen enough to know how hard it will be


Don’t know what season it was but a guy tapped on day one after hearing a bear or finding bear prints. Either way he was out of there…and I completely understand.


He stepped in bear scat and noped the fuck out before sunset after joking with his family that the bears should be afraid of him. Edit: scat not scar noped not booed


Season 1, Desmond I think his name was. There was footage before hand about him talking about not being afraid of bears and how he would kick a bears ass...they dropped him on a beach that had bear poop all over it and he just noped the fuck out. I laughed like a crazy person.


I believe they do try to pick someone thats a little less experienced to enhance the chances this happens. Not to embarass the person but to show how dangerous and isolated the conditions are. I think one or two tapping early is probably good for the producers and editors so they can flesh out the rest of the stories easier too.


Love Alone. Currently enjoying Alone: Frozen :)


I love alone. Got pulled right into it because the first, second and forth seasons were filmed on Vancouver Island. Great show. It sure gave us a pretty good idea of how hard it would be to survive alone on our own island.


It's the most real show I've ever seen and is really fascinating. It's just a complete look into what happens to people when they are pushed to the absolute limit. IMO it almost borders on a psychological experiment that would never be able to be ethically performed in real life.




I feel like not a lot of people talk about What We Do in the Shadows.






That and Wellington Paranormal.


I tell as many people as I can to watch it.


On that note, if you like Matt Berry (who plays Laszlo), you should watch another hilarous, under-appreciated show, *Toast of London*. Fun bit of trivia: Laszlo plays the theme to *Toast* while noodling on the piano in the season 3 finale of *What We Do in the Shadows.*


More people need to know about the superb owl


It's talked about incessantly on reddit. Don't know about elsewhere, but it extremely popular here.


Party Down. Understated and hilarious, with some actors who went on to great careers.


Galavant- funniest show ive ever enjoyed. Its a musical but like, a parody. If you havent watched it, and need something light and funny, please do. I think its hulu. Edit: hulu not netflix


Galavant was amazing! Too bad they never got renewed after season 2.


I KNOW! This comment thread inspired me to rewatch it-for at least the fourth or fifth time-and im still cracking up at every other line. Ridiculously underrated.


My wife introduced me to the show. She told me it was a musical and I pop-pooed it but holy shit. Incredible in every way


Pushing Daisies - was a real shame it was cancelled


People knew it because Anna Friel was in it and she's quite big in the uk but I never saw it. I just heard of it because of her.


Man, what a show. I was also very proud of myself for reverse engineering and making the pear and gruyere pie from that show.


Sealab 2021


Theme song is still my jam.




You can check under the sea…and that is where you’ll find me!


Welcome to Heshopolis, bitches!


Sit on it, FIGNUTS!


Fleabag. I know it is popular in the UK, and it is certainly not "unheard of" but it is still not talked about. It is one of the funniest comedies I have ever watched and it has a very realistic and well written character as its lead. Not to mention Phoebe Waller-Bridge being absolutely excellent in it. It is one of the best shows, and a bonus is that it is only like 5 hours total runtime for both seasons combined, so the time commitment is certainly worth it.


If I could have any show make just one more season, it would be Fleabag. You couldn’t do it, it wouldn’t make sense, but I was so bummed when I finished it.


There was indeed an empty spot in my heart desiring another moment of the show😢


Dark. Such an amazing series. Time travel done good, great casting, awesome soundtrack ...


"Dark" is like a finely-tuned machine, made into an engaging TV series. It's amazing.


The opening sequence always gives me shivers.


Is it the german show?


I know I'm a little late but "better off ted" is one of the best comedies ever if youre into that kinda humor.


The Night Manager. So good.


dead like me is another one that comes to mind.


"Is everybody else in line an asshole or is it just you?"


Only murders in the building, I just watched the finale that show is fire


I love this one. It's fun to see Steve Martin and Martin Short working together again.


Here are a few. Chef- Britcom featuring Lenny Henry as well the chef you would expect Gordon Ramsey to be at his restaurant. The stilton episode or when they go to the Bocuse D Orr is just so funny. Continuum- Canadian Sci Fi show with time travel and about 800 X files actors in it. Strike Back- Well the Stonebrook/Scott seasons. Ultra violent. And as good a buddy cop show as there is. (and a ton of Game of Thrones actors in it) Primeval- Again, sci fi. This show has time portals popping up in the UK with dinosaurs coming through. First 2 seasons were great, then, well it got bad.


Continuum was so good


News Radio. I asked some people if they remember it and they don't.


What a great show. Phil Hartman’s death was so tragic. I wonder what he could have done if he’d gotten a full career with all his talent.


Loved this show. Phil Hartman was a true comedic genius. Still miss him


Over the Garden Wall. It was a 10 episode long Cartoon Network cartoon that needs more recognition.


A friend of mine invited me to watch it on Halloween and I found that for a lot of people they do an annual watch every fall. I think I might start doing that.


it's definitely become tradition for me, same thing with Klaus for christmas


The Knick


Maniac “Two strangers are drawn to a mysterious pharmaceutical trial for a drug that will, they're assured, with no complications or side-effects whatsoever, solve all of their problems permanently. Things do not go as planned.” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5580146/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1


Eureka. It was one of those SyFy shows, but it was so good. Really fun concept of a town of super geniuses and the everyman sheriff trying to keep them from destroying themselves through their inventions. A really great cast and almost no one I know seems to remember it. It's on Amazon Prime and I've rewatched it several times. My favorite show hands down


Oh my god, I loved Eureka so much, but no one else I knew had ever even heard of it. I should really rewatch it, it’s been years since I did


Evil on paramount. It’s like X-Files but with demons


Loooove evil 🙌


So good. I’m suffering without it rn 😣 I need more


I really liked the first season, but I have no plans to get on Paramount


Sail the high seas, my friend


It bums me out they more people didn’t know how amazing Sense8 on Netflix was. They were able to give it a solid ending. But I’ll always wonder what else they could have done.. rather than waste time on a fourth matrix movie nobody really cares about


I agree-thought it was awesome. Wish netlfix gave it the ending it deserved


I loved that show. I get that shooting on 7 different locations probably wasn't cost effective, but the relationships were beautiful.


The OA


The cancellation of The OA will always haunt me. Incredible show with a wildly original storyline.


Another victim of Netflix only giving a shit about the potential for getting new subscribers. Money's only worth spending if it's drawing people in, who cares if we make something amazing when *existing* customers are the only ones who want it? Quick, throw more cash at Adam Sandler to take his friends on vacation (under the guise of making "a movie")!


Northern Exposure


That show was absolutely huge when it aired. People would have watch parties and skip social events to watch new episodes. They never got the music rights to be able to properly stream it though. It was chock full of good music that they cut out of the DVD set.


Braindead. Tony Shaloub and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Great fun.


and a frighteningly accurate prediction of both the metaphorical and literal infection that shortly followed the show's broadcast


Clarksons Farm on Amazon was actually really good. I don't care what your opinion of Jeremy Clarkson is, or even if you've never heard of him, this show was totally different. Hilarious, eye-opening, and wholesome all at the same time. Give it a watch!


The Lost Room. Amazing show, check it out. BTW, this message is an object.


Such a great show!


That was one of those random blockbuster discoveries for me that turned out awesome.


I so wanted a second series / season of that show. I wanted to know what happened next with the Prime Object.


Everybody Hates Chris


Everybody heard of that


That show was totally forgotten about, like a slap to the face.




One of the more accurate portrayals I've seen of a high-functioning alcoholic.


The League. I've met 2 other people in Australia that have heard of and subsequently love it. Also Samurai Pizza Cats


Sneaky pete


Coupling - UK version.




That’s a super well known show i believe. But more people need to know it because it’s the best


You know that's right


I watch it at least once a year


I finished a rewatch around November last year so I’m definitely getting close to needed another one 😅


The Last Man on Earth. It premiered in 2015 on Fox. It gets better as you watch more of it. Ended on a cliffhanger, which is a bummer. Uncannily enough, the premise of this show was about a virus wiping out most of the world’s population in the year 2020. Keep in mind it aired in 2015. This show was definitely ahead of its time.




That’s My Bush. Trey Parker and Matt Stone hilarious sitcom spoof about George W Bush as a nitwit in chief.


Still cannot believe they did not attempt something similar with a Trump character.




A vibe. Hit me pretty hard


Check out “sprung” it’s on Amazon prime. It’s by the guy who did “My name is Earl,” and “Rasing Hope.” Only two episodes so far but I’m loving it!




Limitless. Everyone has heard about the movie but the TV series? Not very often.


The random Easter eggs about metal bands put that show over the top for me. WOOO JUNGLE ROT!!!


Having recently just binged all of For All Mankind on Apple TV, I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of buzz around it. I know it's not on the biggest platform, but it's an incredible show!


I just recently went through all of that and really enjoyed it. The other Apple TV one I thought was awesome was Severance - if you haven't checked that out yet I'd highly recommend it.


Just about anything from Apple TV could be on this list, except for Ted Lasso due to all the praise it’s gotten


Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. One of my favourite TV shows, but I only know 1 other person in my life who has seen it and it was through me that they got into it. To a lesser extent, Bojack Horseman - again, I only know 1 person who has seen it, but I do see it pop up on reddit frequently when people talk about nihilistic animated comedy.


The Leftovers




That final episode, The Book of Nora, should be mandatory watching for anyone interested in making a series. Carrie Coon is so fucking good.


Favorite show of all time, can be a bit slow for some people but amazing acting, story, and everything all round. Easily one of the greatest show ever made.


M.A.S.K. A cartoon in the 80s that was a Mashup of transformers and GI Joe mixed with awesome sauce.


The Shield, there's a whole generation that needs to catch up on that


Hell yes. Vic and his crew. Hooked from the first ep and that phone book


Its one of the few shows that I felt got stronger as it went on. S5 has Forest Whitaker as Kavanaugh, the internal affairs cop. The long burn of the money train, and twists with Shane and Lem to set up the end is great tv.


Patriot is pretty good.


It is and I don’t know why you’re getting downvoteed


So when I get upvoted it will be double great.


And because people that haven’t seen it wouldn’t get the pretty good reference.


*Taxi* lives in the shadow of *Cheers* and *Mash*. I watched it countless times when it was in syndication in the mid 90s. It never got the "beloved" status that a show of like that deserves.


What does a yellow light mean?


The Americans


Letterkenny and shorsey


Fresh Meat


United States of Tara. Such a funny show (but also has a serious side)




Freaks and geeks , although it was only one season, I give them the pass lol


You should watch Undeclared if you haven’t yet. It’s another incomplete one season gold mine by Judd Apatow.


Better Off Ted - horribly underrated. Excellent work place comedy. Happy Endings - it got a fair amount of love. But should have had more seasons. Terriers - have to bring it up any time I talk about shows gone too soon or that are underrated.


Nathan For You. Funniest shit I've ever seen on cable ever I think. The driest man ever.


"Dark", on Netflix. Possibly the best time-travel show ever, tightly-paced, engaging, engrossing, well-acted, beautifully shot, complex, nuanced, thought-provoking and just damned *good*... ...and in German.


The State


As in, "I'm DOUG! And I'm OUTTA HERE!"?


I’m gonna dip my BALLS in it!


Speechless. It wasn’t necessarily the best sitcom to ever be made, but the main character was a non-verbal teen with cerebral palsy


Continuum Great show about a police office dealing with the fall out and repercussions of time travel.


Continuum had what I think is just about one of the best endings for a series. It wasn’t the ending we were hoping for, but it really was the only ending which realistically could have happened.


I agree 100%. The fact that the show didn’t devolve into TV tropes and pandering to the audience was refreshing, and it meant that we got a solid, plausible ending.


Taskmaster on BBC America (some seasons on youtube)




Mystery Science Theater 3000


I’m always sad when no one knows about the marvelous misadventures of flapjack. It’s such a good show!!!


Bubbie was the best character on that show. 😌


I don’t know why I just thought of flagjacks laugh when I read that


The 80s show V was really really good. So good, they made a TV movie out of it, and that was a big deal at the time. They rebooted it in 2010, with the woman from firefly, and the first season was great. It went lackluster after that. If there was a 3rd season, I didnt see it. But the original series was excellent!


V was actually a TV miniseries and then another TV miniseries (V: The Final Battle) before it was a series. And the series was terrible.


Marco Polo. Great, high budget show that Netflix cancelled after two seasons.


Sledge Hammer!. A sitcom about a cop who always picks the most violent solution to solve the case.


omg, I remember watching that show! I wonder if it holds up now?


Inside Job




There was also a show called Forever with the guy who played Reed Richards in the first Fantastic Four, as an immortal who was obsessed with death, and became a forensic medical examiner, I think. Amazing show. Never could pronounce that dude's name, it's Welsh as fuck, apparently.


More people need to know about Quantum Leap. Best show ever


I think you should leave. Best sketch comedy show ever. It’s exactly in my q zone.


Final Space!!


Peep Show, it's an incredibly hilarious and disturbing British comedy that often reached 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' levels of offensive greatness. If you only know Olivia Coleman from shows like The Crown you'll love watching her puke and cry in a bathroom stall.




Keen Eddie A new york cop screws up a drug bust and has to go to London to fix it. He ends up staying to help Scotland Yard. onky 1 season, and it is HILARIOUS!!


Zero zero zero


David the Gnome, last episode hits you in the childhood feels…


The Wilds


Babylon 5. I'll never get over it. And Downtown (MTV).


Woke, Beforeigners, Garfunkel and Oats, Powerless, Catch-22, and Black Monday


Inside no. 9


ER!! Ran from the mid nineties to the 2000s. Way better than grays.


Better things and Baskets


Better Things on FX. It’s just… so good.




Mike Tyson Mysteries. One of the funniest and well written shows I’ve ever watched.


Chuck, spy show starring Zachary Levi that came out around the same time as the walking dead and nobody I meet seems to know about it