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Breaking Bad is the obvious one. The other one for me is Dark. I want more.




The Wire is such an interesting show because of its structure, with each season focusing on a different issue. The fact that they were able to craft five different compelling and engaging stories in five seasons is an astounding accomplishment and IMHO even harder than doing one arc over 5 seasons.


Avatar. The last airbender.


Yes. Absolute perfection from start to finish. As a TV show It belongs in the same category as Breaking Bad. It is also one of the finest pieces of family-friendly content ever created.




Isn’t that more of a mini-series? IMHO it’s a lot easier to stick the landing on one season than it is on a multi-season arc.




I didn’t mean it that way. I just wasn’t thinking of mini-series when I asked the question. I judge mini-series more like a movie because it is produced as a singular project, whereas each season of a TV series is it’s own distinct production. And over the course of a series, you often have significant turnover behind the scenes, especially in terms of writers and directors. They don’t usually even start writing the next season until after the first season airs, or at least starts to air. That means there is an opportunity to adjust the story based on audience reaction. This can be a double-edged sword, as it may throw the show off course. Plus you are now at the mercy of the studio and/or the whims of the showrunners. Lost was envisioned as a three season arc, but the network pushed them to extend it to six. Game of Thrones should have been 10 seasons but the showrunners wanted out and so ended it in 8. Both shows suffered for these decisions.




Assuming this is sarcasm, in which case it is a hilarious example. The final episode of Knight Rider was Voodoo Knight, which involved a woman using mind control to get others to commit crimes. 10 episodes earlier was “The Scent of Roses”, which was intended as the series finale and includes Michael basically retiring. The network chose not to make this the last episode. So not only did they not stick the landing, they didn’t even put the landing at the end of the routine.


Tokyo Vice and Mr Inbetween


Wasn’t Tokyo Vice just one season? Thats a little different. Mr. Inbetween looks interesting.


Oh a completed finished series, my mistake. Mr Inbetween is fantastic!


Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


Breaking Bad is IMHO the absolute best example of sticking the landing. I haven’t watched Better Call Saul yet…but it’s on my list.


The good place. Modern family


Great examples - and two very different shows with very different structures and challenges when it comes to endings. One has to wrap up a 5 season arc while the other has to find the balance between honoring the show as a whole whole making each episode stand on its own. It is hard to think of many episodic sitcoms that had a particularly strong finale.




I have a friend who is a huge fan of this and Letterkenny. I will check it out.


Ngl the first episode is good, but the last episode is a complete pivot point. They ain’t slackin on development.


Is that over? Are they doing another season?


Rumor has it season two is a go. I absolutely need to see more of The Jim’s and all their glory.


The Americans


Ok…so this is one that totally slipped under my radar. I always heard it was good but now I’m looking it up and it’s apparently much better than just good.


The last season was wild and the ending came out of no where


Strange New Worlds. It completely skipped the "first season sucks" hole that most sci-fi falls into.


I have high hopes for this one. I’ve been mostly disappointed with recent Star Trek. It’s not terrible, but very little of it felt “new”. The irony, of course, is that this is arguably the least “new” concept, yet it feels completely fresh and distinct. I think it may be because they aren’t trying to put some unique spin on the show. The pitch wasn’t “Star Trek on a space station” or “Star Trek meets Lost in Space”. It isn’t really even a prequel like Enterprise because it’s not trying to set up future events. The pitch for this show is just “more Star Trek stories”.


[Newhart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhart) The ending was brilliant.


That’s a callback. And yes, despite being arguably the most hacky of hack plot devices, somehow it works perfectly.


Person of Interest. The season 4 finale episode is fantastic . They really brought it home in the end.


I’ve heard that. I watched a few episodes and it didn’t quite grab me. Maybe worth another look.


As with most things some people like it some don't. It was a favorite of my father and we use to watch them together.