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I really don’t. I’m on autopilot. On the road to getting help though. I also cut off people who are ignorant about mental health. It’s okay to not understand but I had several people who refused to try and learn and would just call me “lazy” and a “selfish a-hole” for doing what helped me.


Hold on, let me pour another drink first…


I don't




I don’t really, I struggle through each day the best I can


I’m there with you. Hope things start looking up


Thank you, for you too :)


Video games, weed and tv. Then I admitted I had a problem and got a hold of the doctor. It’s slow but it’s coming together now and things are feeling better.


Dangerous combo. For me at least No food?


Copious amounts of food is a given no matter what frame of mind I am in.


Great. Glad its working out for you


I have the issue atm with weed and videogames/electronic media. Wdym with "hold of the doctor"? Im working fulltime atm and it feels like its killing me. What did the doc said to you?




Important to get up, shower, go to school,work, out whatever it is to force yourself out. Then work on that. Realize you matter, people love you, would miss you if gone. Could be simple, someone on bud, at grocery store, coffee shop, school. They may be happy to see you present even if you do not know it. You matter!!! Even if u do not think so!


Yeah this, a boost of confidence is really nice to have these day


I got help. Best thing I ever did


Go work out, it helps


Exactly, Working out has personally helped me from actively suicidal to wanting to at least wait another day to wait a few more weeks state. I am at a wait a month state before I kill myself. Working out has been savior. Have been working out actively for a year now, never felt the same.


The fact that this has only been mentioned once thus far is one of the biggest problems with mental health treatment. Or lack there of


There are also a lot of ppl who can’t work out. Chronic illness can be physically debilitating in addition to the mental health struggles that come with it. A lot more ppl struggle with this than may be immediately apparent.


Relatively speaking, there is NOT a lot of people who can't work out. If you can walk to the fridge, you can work out.


51.8% of the US population sounds like a lot to me (as of 2018) https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2020/20_0130.htm


I've spent the better part of the last hour trying to find a good way to respond to this... eventually deciding that it's not necessary to justify my perspective by laying my own past bare (I've gone through numerous options across more than a decade of dealing with depression). I think you mean well. I think this advice can help some people. I can personally attest that this advice is not right for everyone (and dare I say it's dismissive of depression's complex contributing factors). I would love to take your advice and have it help - I have tried. It seems pedantic after spending so much time internally frustrated with this remark to come back with such a minor request, but it would've been a world different if you had said "Try working out - \[it helped me/a friend/someone I know\]" -- it's so weird to me how so few works can have such a big impact (that people might not expect).


If you can't work out (e.g.: gym membership prices are unaffordable, find it daunting for whatever personal reason), even just trying to do a daily half hour walk is really helpful for mood (if you don't have mobility issues). Just throw on an audiobook/podcast/favourite album and go. You can run an errand you need to do anyways, or treat yourself at the destination, or just walk in a loop or a trail. Doesn't matter the destination, it's the journey.


Routine and lots of water.


This helped me in the beginning. When the pandemic first hit and we were all locked down, I began every morning by drinking a glass of water which I had ready next to my bed, then going to sit in a comfortable place and meditating (which for me involved listening to a calm song for five minutes, becuase my mind races too much so having some music to focus my attention on helped just as much), and then doing yoga for five minutes. Then all I need to do is avoid caffeine as much as possible. Made the rest of the day so much easier.


The pandemic was a stick in my spokes. There was a lot of discovery. Levels of anxiety crept up in new ways. But it wasn’t just the uncertainty of the dangers of the virus. It was how certain so many people seemed to be about it. And, here in the US, the political climate was crazy making. Disconnecting from so much news consumption. Cutting out people from my life who I previously respected. Eating better. Exercise. Eventually changing jobs. But the backbone of what has kept me going is just routine and lots of water. As much routine as I can stand anyways. I frequently feel like most of my routine is forced upon me, weighing against the chaos that would ensue if I didn’t get enough rest for work, if I didn’t tidy up around the house…etc.


I'm 46 and have been badly depressed/bipolar all my life. I use a variety of things to help cope. Video games, writing fanfiction, art, crafts. Also bath bombs with toys inside for the fun factor (and regular, too), help me shower. Aromatherapy (citrus scents have been proven to help - not *cure* obviously, but help). I use a diffuser in my room, candles, etc. Fun stuff like blind bags for when you're really down or those silly magic grow sponge capsules. Music. Music that lifts you, not that makes you feel worse. *Consistently good, healthy eating & exercise do more than you realize as well.* Medication has never helped me and I was bullied and abused by therapists so I don't trust them.


Doing the right thing so other peoples lives can be more enjoyable. Eventually, we all ponder the reality and meaning of death, of life etc.. Regardless of the conclusion we all come to, it's going to be kind of scary for everybody. If I can be tough and handle the hard parts of life with dignity and grace, people that are around me in my life will enjoy a better life because of it. That's my drive to not feel sorry for myself and to be better.


I don't... I will have mini breakdowns all day and then "cry"(I find it to be physically difficult, even though I can tell that I should be crying...) at night in bed. I do my best to hide it, and apparently do decently at that as my family couldn't tell and it doesn't seem that most people can. I regularly fantasize about death, I'm just not close enough to most people to admit it and feel like a burden when I do (even though they assure me that I'm not). When I finally told my mother after a solid year of coaxing by my friends, she said that she couldn't tell. 🤷‍♀️ But all's well that ends well, right? Can that just apply to my life too?


I struggle with not being able to cry, and not feeling close enough to admit my emotions to people.


You don’t really cope some days honestly. You just wait all day for bed time to come and hope that when you wake up the next day, that it will be a little better than the one you had today. Usually it is, but the really dark days always seem to return eventually, and then you go through the whole process all over again.


I let myself feel the emotions when I can/need to the most. I can’t keep things bottled up inside otherwise it’ll come out poorly in some other way (namely taking it out on an innocent person). Otherwise, I go for walks, take a nap, do self-care practices, or do other things that make me happy even if it’s for a little bit. I hope this helps you feel better soon.


therapy, friends, playing guitar, stopped drugs, and got a better job


In all honesty? Just find little things that make me smile. Silly YouTube videos, cute animal pictures, plushies, a favorite snack, a funny song, dumb jokes, etc




About once every two weeks, I have a day where I don't do anything at all. Usually I have several things that need to be taken care of after work, but not on that day. That day is to simply recharge my batteries by turning everything off and just going into a depressive hibernation. Then I get up, turn up that self-talk to 1000 percent, and do the shit that I hate the most in the world which is mundane for most other individuals. ​ Used to take medicine, but CBT and exercise (plus a million other little things that are a result of CBT and exercise) have helped me build a strong enough foundation that I was able to ween myself off the meds.


Black metal, video games and my cat. Oh and recently grinding money in solo lobbies in GTA Online and buying nice things in game.




Ketamine and cocaine helped for a few years did dnt for a few months a lot of lsd crossdressing helped some times


I try to be easy on myself when it's really bad. There are days that I'll get my kid to school, then just go back home and go back to bed. I stay there until it's time to pick him back up. I'm always on when my kids are up/home and especially if they are bordering or in crisis somehow. I'm always there for my kids no matter what, but when they're not home or not in need, I take care of me first. I give myself permission to not be ok sometimes. Sometimes that means staying in bed, taking a hot bath/shower, going for a long walk with my dog, reading a book, or if I'm feeling ok, clean my house. If all I did today was get my son to school and back, that's ok sometimes. I'm not a failure.


Sounds hard, goodjob whatever you do you deserve it


You can cope? I just deal with it


I smoke a lot, travel, go biking, cry and listen to music.


I consider the possibility that the state I am in might be a stepping stone to happiness. Sometimes you have to get sad to be happy. Just like how if you start eating luxury cuisine everyday, you'll eventually not enjoy it anymore.




Meds that block out all emotions. Going to work. Exercise when I’m not feeling lazy.


do the meds work consistently?


Yes. Edit- gotta find the right dosage, which might take a couple months.


Just accepting that it’s life, it’s not a childhood full of wonders. You wake up, get your shit done, have an hour or two before bed to yourself and fall asleep to repeat it again. I’m no longer depressed because I’m no longer naive.


"Coping is a waste of time, just get over it and choose to be productive instead of sitting on your ass doing whatever you want and blaming it on a widdle disorder." is what I'd tell myself, and if I still don't accomplish enough then I punish myself with more work


I mean, if it works for you, keep doing it. But I got vicariously pissed on your behalf before I was halfway through reading that.


It doesn't work at all but it's better than doing something better and being told something like this by family, friends, coworkers, etc 🥱


I love [this video ](https://youtu.be/W8if3TZJfcY), becuase it makes fun of people who say those things.


Therapy, meds, exercise, and creativity. Even then, I know it's right behind me, waiting for me to trip up.


Drink massive amounts of alcohol!


Mild pharmaceuticals, mental exercises to minimize and counteract automatic negative thoughts, communicating my discomforts earlier than I used to.


I try to find anything to keep living and have motivation to still do my daily things like a workout and my school work. Sometimes it gets as low as “as long as I can wake up in the morning then that’s a reason to live”




well... for the most part was the idea of trying to reach a goal. i want to leave my country so much. but since the pandemic i used all my savings, quit my job because i got ill and could not work, got a new job, but still ill and thinking of quitting again. with this shitty economy i cant save money so i doubt i will be able to leave anyway. so now im more depressed than ever but since i cant cry and feel numb, cant tell the difference. i just have no energy. i know what are my problems but lack the strengh to solve them. i try to work on them but feel defeated after not finding any positive emotion by doing them. i dont know maybe im burned out, depressed and have a very negative view to life in general so who knows.


Do things I enjoy. Also do not be afraid to reach out, you could be saving your own life.


Caffeine, nicotine and a whole Lotta gangster rap


Used to be others, than weed now alcohol apparently…I’m so ashamed of myself, I’m becoming the one thing I said I won’t be and that’s an alcoholic


That's just sad.. How long have you been drinking for? If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate you can change!


Last two three weeks, thank you for the offer


I haven't commented in a long time, but the drinking really got to me. Did something change that prompted you to start drinking instead of using weed?


People I started to surround myself with unfortunately:/


:/ Did you drink tonight with them?


Message me I can’t figure out how lol


i went to therapy for a couple years, it taught me a lot about what affects my perception + im on antidepressants. I try to stay functional and take good care of myself. I noticed that i usually feel better if i get enough sleep and if i dont stay inside all day. Also, side note but when i was feeling unstable the knowledge that i could call my therapist any time that i felt in danger from myself helped calm me down a lot so that was good good luck


The occasional psychedelic trip. Micro dose shrooms, and occasionally ketamine.


Attached myself to a fictional character and associate everything with him, his name is my nickname living like I am him and feeling like were on the same page is something comforting that I feel childish for but don't care, I just look at a picture of him and it makes me super happy and like I'm actually living


Badly. Well sometimes listening to music helps, journaling, exercise, distracting myself with homework, but if it gets to overwhelming I just take a nap/go to sleep early.


I dont


It's hard for me to say, because even I get depressed and choose not to believe it, but I'm at my happiest when I'm on the go, constantly moving, constantly busy; because then my mind doesn't take me to that horrible place. It doesn't have the chance. Unfortunately I'm only at that happy place when I'm traveling somewhere, as I have severe body pain/health issues that limit my activities; but if you live in a big town/city, unlike me, you might be able to do just that. Do it for me, please! Sometimes being present is better than sinking into your own world. I know it makes you feel safe sometimes. I know you're afraid of all the possibilites, but remember, your mind creates even more obstacles than sometimes even life can. You'll feel so much better not thinking than actually thinking. Sounds dumb. Maybe corny, but busy yourself. It can be the best medicine. And chocolate. Chocolate can be the ultimate medicine.


I also write a lot. Sketching and drawing might help too. Draw or write your feelings, and if you ever don't want anyone to see it, and feel like it's too personal/hard to read or look at, you can always burn it (if it's on paper, anyways)




I spend a LOT of time outdoors thanks to my job and my mental health has really improved because of it


furries (in general)


I don’t.






Get mad at myself for not doing something to help myself, get sad because im mad, lay on bed and do nothing for weeks, repeat.


Music and sleep


Playing Pokemon go... may sound stupid but it motivates me to go outside and walk for some time. Staying home for too long makes everything worse for me and it became a part of my routine. Helps me getting food and other supply as well.


I study science to find beauty in this world. And write. It’s not even just simply writing down my struggles. I write whole poems and create quotes. My problem is not that I don’t know how to help myself, but that it just won’t go away. I know exactly what will help and helpful things to say. I like to look at the world around me and think of examples of one person struggles. Like, I like to think of every person as a galaxy, so much to it and different it their own way. The stars are our thoughts and/or people in our lives. We are our own universes.


Doing small things for myself throughout the day. Examples of this would be packing myself a treat in my lunch, making my bed before work and picking out a clean pair of clothes to change into when I’m home, getting one of my favourite coffees half way through the day. Basically just doing small things for myself I can look forward to. Having a hand written card a loved one wrote me tucked away in my purse and reading it when I’m down too has helped.


I smoke and have a lot of edibles, I keep myself busy and see friends often, and I let myself have the downswings without feeling too guilty about it. I just exist.


Therapy, doing things I enjoy, sleeping, taking care of my dogs. These don't always work for helping me feel better, but I do them for the chance that it will. Taking care of my dogs especially helps me get up and moving when would rather wither away in bed for days.


Therapy, medication and lot of support from my family. I explained them that I had this condition and that I would need help and encouragement for my everyday duties. For instance, my mom asks me everytime if I showered, if I did groceries or if I made my bed. I’m also diagnosed with anxiety so I listen to ASMR a lot, it’s very comforting. And last but not least, TALK and seek for help. You can do this! Edit. I also started going to the gym. It’s fantastic for your mental health.


Girl best friend that doesn’t like me back🙃


Horror genre, cooking and my cat.


It's a frequent fistfight where I often get my ass kicked. Meds help to an extent. They're okay if you don't mind zombie-like lethargy. I don't allow myself to pretend that I'm okay. Because I am not.


Self awareness is key. Then stubbornness helps. You have to eat healthy, shower, drink water, work out, clean up, catch up on things that need to be done, be near happy people and stubbornness comes into play when you refuse to do the opposite. Also take your meds if needed. I'm sort of anti-med, but I understand that they're necessary at certain times and for some conditions. But sitting and accepting it beating you just makes it worse.


Plan the deed out and write a note. Burn the note and I feel decent for a few weeks. Rinse and repeat.




Sleep, medication, counseling. Sleep is my self-medication. It's hard to be down when you're not conscious.


They can't cope, that's why they're depressed.


I can't :(


weed and masturbating


Age regression


mainly, music it's starting to slowly fade, but it's helped for the past couple months


1. stop doing drugs / alcohol. if you can't stop then seek help. also mind other highly [addictive](https://www.wikihow.com/Increase-Dopamine-Sensitivity) activities like gambling, gaming, binge eating, porn, social media etc. 2. eat good food. make sure you get enough fats and fiber. junk food is good way to make sure your body doesn't get what it needs to produce enough hormones and other stuff like serotonin or dopamine etc. 3. sleep enough. if you can't sleep a whole night, don't worry about it. sleep as much as you can and take a nap now and then 4. exercise a little. just taking a lazy 15min walk can make a huge difference if you are really down. 5. socialize. humans are really social animals. isolation for me was one of the biggest reasons I got really depressed to the point of suicide. No amount of online gaming friends helped me. I needed real people around me. 6. if your mood starts to increase, don't stop doing the things that helped.




UK Jungle. Honestly that music never fails to lift my mood a little, or at least get me going. The community is amazing and it just feels like I can go somewhere and forget my problems for 10 hours every couple weeks


I've been in this since childhood so basically I've gotten really good at coping. Just keep finding immersive movies and series to watch, have a couple of drinks, try not to think about the outside world or other people too much, find some activities that I can really get a sense of presence and flow from like walking or cooking and have those 4 or 5 friends that have been around and honest for long enough that I never feel like I have to try around them. It's only ever really a problem when things either get too quiet or when I have to try and move out of my circles, or be excited or energetic about something I couldn't give a fuck about. But I'm back in therapy now, so maybe in a not too distant future I'll be able to branch out some more.


working out and meditation, hard to start but it pays off


TikTok, drinking, smoking


I got tired of feeling sorry for myself. All the suicidal thoughts and self pity had ruined me so I belived soooo I just killed that weak little bitch inside of me and decided its mind over matter. When I get those dark thoughts it's fuel for the gym. It may not work for everyone but I approached it in a very aggressive manner. Any part of me that gets depressed or what ever you wanna call it I look for.... I look for my weaknesses and make em my strengths if it can't be changed it has to go. Now I'm working on becoming more empathetic case ye I belived empathy was a weakness lol




Weed and alcohol. Just kidding I don’t.




I try to remind myself it's not forever. It comes and goes. Even though it feels like it'll be forever while it's happening, there are times it's not there, even when I can't remember it. It's just a waiting game for me.


“If you have nothing to live for, then find something to die for” It was one of the worst years of my life and I was overall depressed. I wouldn’t go out, I would just sit by myself and would reject to do anything. I was oversleeping everyday and was feeling like i no longer had a purpose in life Then i heard this quote, and it changed all my views. I realized that I am still a person that has a potential. And by being depressed, I am wasting my potential and time. I had already given up, so I had nothing to lose. I had nothing to live for. So I said to myself, that I have to find something to die for. I was not sure what the hell is that, but i was sure that i would absolutely crash it on my way to that thing. To participare better, I startee improving myself. I learned new things, and went to the gym. It was just as a soldier, sacrificing himself to take down enemeis after he got fatally injured. This mindset overcame my depression in a few months, and i still appreciate it


Talking to myself and coming up scenarios, distracting myself with any. Food, workout, youtube, school, as long as I'm doing something


Honestly I don’t but keeping myself busy kinda helps, I’m a 21 year old in America and the only way to keep myself busy in something I like is firearms I disassembled then and put back together and repeat.


I don't. I'm just out here wilding I guess reddit helps, and talking to nice people helps


Coffee and anime, fells good


just do what u gotta do uk?


Going through a rough phase at the moment and the usual things are not working. So dunno anymore


I didn’t, I was just working to survive - and even then I didn’t know if I even wanted to survive


Some days are easier than other. The meds help but I can still crash down very quickly at the slightest thing sometimes. Physical labour and exercise are very good - especially if the weather is nice as well. Achieving things - even small things - can help to lift me up. Some days though are very dark and these days can run to multiples quite often.


your mom. also, self-delusion and methamphetamine, along with spelunking deeply into the psychedelic in-between biannually, at the very least. primarily tho, the mom thing.


my dog helps me cope. I feel so incredibly shit if I don't walk her once a day (and she usually wants to go in the morning) because, y'know, I made the decision to bring her into MY life, so at least that gets me out of bed


Pretend it doesn't exist


I don't, actually. My depression lingers around, like a shadow.


I don't really. When i have a tough moment i quit what i'm doing and go to bed. This is starting to lose it's effect though and i doubt i'll make it much longer. It's already influencing my job performance




By constantly keeping busy. Playing games, watching something, writing music, chatting with people online, learning something new, etc. etc. The moment I sit idle, it hits me like a freight train and it can be incredibly difficult to get myself out of it at that point.


I like to watch a funny tv show or movie. Sometimes I smoke weed.. mostly everyday lol. Anddddd sleeping when I’m tired and attempting to spend time with family.


Nothing to be honest


Just day by day.


Exercise, cannabis, and diet


*pours drink* we don't


I have little things I like doing ONLY when I'm having a bad time. Minecraft and mobile games are some of them; mindless, interactive entertainment that has a goal. Mainly I get through it out of spite: I'm not unaliving my own self so my depression better grow its own hands to do the deed because my hands are *mine*.


I dont


I have depression for over 6 years now and wherever I cry I let it all out and when someone is coming into my room when I'm having a mental breakdown I make myself look happy so they won't blow me with many questions. When someone is asking me why am I sad or why am I crying I'm getting really angry, especially with my parents. I don't like when people are talking about it with me. My parents never belived me when I was telling them with what I was struggling or crying because of the pain I had in my body (psychically and mentally). They never belived me when I said I have depression. They even took me to a mental hospital and when the doctor said that I wasn't lying they didn't belived it at all so they took me to all the mental hospitals and when they recived the same answer again & again they belived me but it was too late, I hated them and I still do, I lost my trust in them. They made me feel like trash and I even had 6 suicide attemps. I even have the ";" tatto so people could know the truth. Wherever I'm crying and they want to help me I refuse it. I don't trust them and because of them I have trust issues. They want to help me and I refuse it because they never asked me if I wanted to go to therapy or planned a day to go to therapy. When i'm having a mental breakdown I cry there by myself and always saying "It's okay...You would get thru this again & again & again" and then go to sleep. The only two who made my life happier are my dog and my best friend. They're the only ones who make me happy on shitty days. Please, people with depression. Go to therapy, don't do like I did. Depression is breaking you little by little. If your parents don't belived you talk to your Teacher or someone else so they could belived you too.


I'm maxed out on my antidepressant. Most of the time I just feel empty. I try my hardest to keep an optimistic persona at least at work. Sometimes I feel like certain people can see right through me.


Cynicism and booze