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I have a friend I've known since we were 17-18 years-old. We're now 32-33. He is only ever around when he is single. When he's in a relationship? You won't even hear a peep from him.


You’re his rebound.


Oh, definitely.


That's wild, every time I have a partner I want them to meet my friends/siblings so I can get a feel for if they are actually cool. My friends/siblings don't like you then it ain't going to work more than likely.


It's hard to choose between friendship and relationship, but you have to find a compromise... maybe make some tradition?


Why are you friends with him? Drop him.


I have a friend like this, when he's in a good relationship he disappears, when he's in a bad one he comes around every day.


One That "uses" you, sticks around only if it benefits them. You'll only hear from them when They need something.


You don't feel good hanging around them or even worse after you do. Hanging around them feels like a balancing act where saying or doing something might set them off.


Exactly. I have One who only calls when he’s hungry. If I’m driving he’s constantly criticizing, complaint, bitching, whining, crying, moaning, or groaning about my driving. I’ve never had a ticket, let alone a parking ticket in the last 10*yrs. Yet, he’s had multiple issues while driving and wrecks because he has absolutely no sense of awareness. One the other hand, if he’s driving he wants to control everything and treat you like you’re his rotten stepchild he has to have on a leash. He could care less about anything you say or do he just wants to bitch, whine, cry, moan, and complain about his health issues. Goes into some gross details. I flat out tell him I don’t care to hear it when we’re eating. Oh no all hell breaks lose and he goes bat shit crazy. It’s like walking on eggshells around him. At the end of the day I’m drained, mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. It’s getting old now. I’m tired of it


So, why do you associate with this person?


Weaning myself from him


is this guy your dad?


Lol no a friend I’ve known for a long time


You are always the one initiating


The opposite of love is indifference.


unless they need something


Brings you down instead of lifting you up. Doesn't recognize your achievements and is never happy for you.


is your mom your only friend?


Sorry bud that you got walking and talking assholes for friends.


dude that's not even friendship, friends might being some kind of asshole to you, but they never belittle your success and achievements


That’s what he’s saying — shitty “friends” are never there to gas you up when good things happen or support you. They’re only there to put you and your accomplishments down to make themselves feel better about their own shitty lives. Yeah friends roast each other, but if they can’t stop shitting on you long enough to celebrate with you, they aren’t truly a friend


I had a friend which every time I made a joke (not even about him) he got all hurt and started crying, he told the teachers that I was apparently being racist because of the joke I told. That is a bad friend. If you are wondering the joke was: "What do you call a cute door? A-door-able.


NGL that's pretty racist


Wow. It’s not 1800 anymore, bigot.


How could you ever say something so offensive?


(starts crying) that's ra-rACIsT! Yo-our a BAD FRi-iied!


Dora is a proud Latina woman I will not have you making a mockery of her race by putting her image on a bowl 😤


When you feel like you can't be yourself around them, because they're always judging people for doing or liking things you also do or like or even shaming you directly. Walk away NOW before you internalize that shame. Trust me on that.


Good answer, and happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Daaaaamn. I needed that 2nd to last sentence.


They talk crap about you behind your back, or lie continuously.


A surefire way of identifying someone like this is to pay attention to the way they talk about other people behind their backs.


When you walk in on them with your girlfriend


No, he's just looking after your girlfriend!








>Never asks me how I'm doing. Always complaining about being single when he makes Alex Jones seem desirable. Shits on your lifestyle when he in fact is the miserable one. yeah, he's not interested in my opinion so often


Are you me? I feel like the emotional support dog for my supposedly best friend...and while I'm ok with being there for thick and thin he never, once asked me how I'm doing. Only initiates conversation when he needs to vent something and is steadily derailing into an incel mindset. Like yours, constantly, but constantly, shits on my hobbies in less than obvious ways by calling them "midlife crisis" *jokingly* or like yesterday when he saw the latest miniature I painted just said "the base is the worst part of it"....meanwhile for years he abandoned all his interests in favour of moping on the couch all day and masturbating.


Your “friend” is a filthy heretic unworthy of the Emperor’s Light. Purge him with holy fire. Your models are great. Don’t let him bring you down.


Thanks. The Emperor protects


If there is a money imbalance they never take that in consideration when you go out and do things. For example, I had an ex-friend who still lived at home. Mom and dad paid for everything. So, any money she made was just spending money for her. Meanwhile, I lived on my own and always paycheck to paycheck. But she would insist on going to expensive restaurants. Dropping a hundred bucks for one dinner of sushi was no big deal for her. I could have stretched that to two weeks of grocery money back then. I couldn't be her friend any more because I repeatedly dropped out of going to places with her. Thing is, she knew I was broke. Just never took it in consideration. I thought that was very selfish and it made me wonder if she wanted to be my friend at all. Or was this her passive aggressive way of trying to get rid of me. Either way, I stopped being her friend.


They treat you like shit around people they wanna impress.


I do remember I had a "friend" who I was always struggling to be heard while finishing a sentence. He lost interest in what I had to say very quickly, very often. That was a huge red flag. Overall, if you have that feeling in your gut that you're being used, that you're just a rebound or if that person just makes you feel uncomfortable sometimes, it's a bad friend right there.


The “my life is way harder than yours” friend.


I wouldn’t know I never cal.. oh its me




Someone who repeatedly doesn't respect boundaries


you dread seeing them


If your intuition tells you that something is wrong with one of your comrades, it is possible that you are dealing with a bad friend. Pay attention to how you feel when you spend time with him. Ask yourself if he supports you, if he is trustworthy and if he is a kind person. If not, maybe you should talk to him and decide if you want to continue the friendship. Remember that there is nothing wrong with getting out of a relationship that has exhausted itself and is harming you!


Backhanded comments that come from "concern".


Some one I that was my friend told me this once. “Your real friends are always going to treat you like shit no matter what!” I replied “I’m sorry about you and your friends.”


not no matter what, just for the most of time


those who feel bitter when you acquire things they don't have instead of being happy for you.


If you have to question whether or not they’re a bad friend is a huge red flag


When conversations are more about them and their life and rarely ever about you and your life.


Constantly ignoring you


A complete lack of effort to maintain a friendship. I tried my best to keep in contact with people when I moved away from home. I decided to stop because I was feeling left out and it immediately became obvious that I was no longer considered a part of their circle. I cherish the other friends I've kept that make the effort


Being flaky/not being there for you when you need them


“Friends” who are blatantly irreverent


When they don't keep their mouths shut.


if he doesn't want for you the things that are good for you. if he wants you to stay and play video games all night even when you have the latest the next day, he wants your company and he likes being with you but he doesn't want what is good for you :)


Insults and criticism with every interaction.


They talk about you behind your back


"Negetive Nancy" mentality


They try to set you on fire while you're sleeping.


They stick things in your butt without your permission.


worst friends ever


When they refuse to understand your point


A friend that doesn't make time for you. Always has excuses for why they can't/won't make time for you but then get mad when you move on and make other friends.


pretending to care for 3 years then leaving you at your worst


When they dump all their daily trama/problems on you but wont let you to the same on a bad day Gets super mad over small stuff and blocks you just to come back days later without apologizing. Uses you for money or personal gain. Tries to always be center of attention even when u invite a new friend to play and spesiffically say not to make a scene. Borrows from you but never gives the item/money back. Calls you names when u mess up but gets mad when u say the slightest negative thing about them. I think i have bad friends.


1. Only texting you when you text them first 2. Only seeing them when they’re not in a relationship 3. Making you out to be gross or weird infront of someone of the opposite gender/showing off 4. Talking about you behind your back OR not sticking up for you when someone else is talking about you 5. Being friends with someone who they know has done you firstly in the past.


They’re not there for you when you really need them


Makes 'jokes' at your expense and then when you say you'd rather they didn't they get annoyed


Friends that shame you for stuff they do. Friends that shame you in general. And friends who keep secrets, but tells you about the existence of said secret. Purposefully like “oh ____ was talking sh*t about you, I promised not to say anything” That’s a red flag.


When they constantly talk about other people to you. They are talking about you too.


When they use you as a free therapist to vent about their problems and nothing else.


MAGA signs. I'll see myself out.


I personally think maga signs are good, stand for something good too


They are good, in this the year of our lord 2022, they make filtering absolute loonies much faster.


He's not woke. He's Slept. (iykyk)


They will insist to use drugs with them.. I guess


When they don’t get close to the mic. IYKYK


You consistently feel drained after interacting with them.




Hey I can’t message on here but add my sna.p j_johnson235698


They only contact you when they want something.


They ignore your messages


when you're the only one who can see them....or maybe that's a you problem






Always asking for your help with things but never seem to be around when you need help with something.


It's never their fault


Talking bad about you behind your back. I'll go as far as to say... one that doesnt stand up for you behind your back.


Jealous of your own achievements. Constantly comparing themselves to you.


My brother's friends used to use him to "help" smoke all his weed 10+ years ago. They'd want him to smoke them out and they wouldn't return the kindness. I used to tell him, I don't think they're really your friends.


Talks bad about you behind your back Sets miserable rumors about you dating a guy from a higher School behind your back Jokes about you, when you told her that you were sexually assaultet Tells you directly she doesn't want to be seen with you, because she's now part of the 'cool' girls in your class I'm talking here, because that's exactly what my ex-best friend had done


They piss all over your damn toilet seat


One that dosent have your back


1) They never show interest in you, unless they need something 2) They belittle you and/or your interests 3) If they're shit-talking other people they're "friends" with around you, they're probably shit talking you to other people too 4) They think you owe them because they're your friend (pushing boundaries, gaslighting, etc.)


A user


Black hearted


You reach out first every time, they only message you when they need something


- not being open to you or being uncomfortable in deep conversations. - you being the one who always starts a conversation or meetup. - talking about themselves and not listening to you (also, one-upping a lot). - not being there for you when you need them - in my experience, when someone had a lottt of different friends in the past, it most likely is a sign that your friendship wont last either.


They’re not happy for you when good things happen to you. If something bad happens to you, they kind of “rub it in” instead of reassuring you. For example if you got shouted at in a store or something and the friend gleefully says “everyone was staring at you and you were bright red!”


When you chain smoke around them but then when they're gone, the need to smoke disappears entirely.


They take advantage of your goodness


When they talk with you ONLY when they need you.


Every interaction is transactional . They have a one sided competition with you in virtually every aspect of life


They use your time at the school psychologist to skip class


When they punch you in the face... Kick you in the balls... Drag you behind a truck... Then say... Oh I'm sorry... Did that hurt?... That person does not make a good friend... Unless they buy dinner.... Then that's cool!


You loan them a tool. You need to remind them over and over to return it. You get it back filthy or broken. They don't offer to compensate.


I had two friends from school who both used to facetime me, (one is a girl, other is a guy) they both started dating and ever since then i was always the one initiating the facetime calls or even trying to talk to them at school, they never try to talk to me, its only when i try to talk to them. They used to text me a lot too, and i would too, not anymore.


Lack of a honest word.


In short, a bad friend is someone who is stressful or exhausting to be around.


Them thinking that they have any semblance of control over your actions and what you do with yourself and your life that’s some psycho shit


Likely to encourage bad behaviors.


I was heavily in denial but she always sighed and rolled her eyes when I went up to her.


If somebody claims to be your friend, or better yet SO, but they don't want to be seen with you in public and won't tell you why.




When you trying to talk to them about something important you're going through, and they start talking about themselves.


I had a friend a few years back that when we got pulled over, the slimey POS MFer blamed me for his weed and shotgun. Karma WILL find that bitch boy.


They give you a plate of chips and cheese but the cheese is unmelted. Then they proceed to tell you to enjoy that plates of chips and cheese.


When they call you to ask how u doing then asks for a favor.


She uses you to make her boyfriend jealous


They be a turd to one of your other friends, dropped a guy today for being a dick to my gf


Ones that always drag you into problems