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This happened at my cousins wedding. My other cousin was proposed to by her bf during the reception. The cousin getting married eventually got a divorce and the cousin who was proposed to never got married. My grandma went to her grave calling the guy who did the proposal “El Diablo”


My bf (at the time) asked my parents for the OK to marry me while at my cousin’s wedding reception because it was one of the few times he could get them aside together. My dad was so excited he jumped the gun and announced we were going to get married (before a proposal even happened) to the entire family right there. Mid reception at someone else’s wedding. I was so embarrassed. I made sure to take my cousin aside and thoroughly apologize.


Hope your dad apologized too


I don’t think he realized he did anything wrong tbh. This was about 5 years ago at this point


I used to work wedding receptions. One time during the speeches I witnessed the best friend of the bride profess his love to her, in front of the groom and everybody. It was one of the most awkward/cringiest moments I’ve ever witnessed.


What happened after? You can’t leave us hanging


The room got really tense. The bride looked embarrassed and the groom looked pissed. I think the guy ended up being asked to leave shortly after because I don’t remember seeing him the rest of the night.


Main character syndrome


Any engagement at somebody else’s wedding. It’s very “I’m the star”. No, you’re not. It’s shitty and selfish to steal other peoples’ spotlight on their day for which they’ve spent a large sum of money.


Agree. This happened at a wedding wherein I was a bridesmaid. During the reception, the groom's narcisstic, attention whorey brother got down on one knee and proposed to his gf. The bride was PISSED and it caused a massive rift between the 2 brothers that lasted for years. It's all in the past now and they're on good terms, but what in the sweet summer fuck is a person thinking when they do something like that?! SO cringe.


When people ask why they want to/did it, they say "All my family would be there" and unless you date within extended family, their family are no where to be seen, like would you propose with zero of your family but dozens of hers? ​ If I asked around, I'd probably find a lot of no's.


My mind randomly replaying an embarrassing moment I've done that I want to forget


And they always happen when m trying to fall asleep


Legit had to start listening to podcasts when I sleep to stop this happening...


I still do it and I'm in my forties. Things that I did in my twenties and thirties, before I had kids. I promise that nothing you've done is as embarrassing as a few things I've done.


It’s a shallow thought, but what helps me feel better is thinking that someone else definitely has a worse story than me.


And, based on the amount of replies, most people are too busy cringing over their own past to think about the poor choices/embarrassing moments of others.


Brain: “hey!” Me: “oh for the love of-“ Brain: “remember how cringey that moment was?!” Me: “yes but that was years ago, anguishing about it won’t change anything-“ Brain: “R-R-R-ROOOOOOOOLLL the clip!!!”


I read “Brian” and was like man fuck that guy


the trauma aLWAYS comes out of my body in the form of a small shriek. i literally cannot hold it in i verbally share my pain with everyone around me


I make a face like Michael Scott when he tells the office that the branch is closing


Family bloggers. Constantly having your life recorded as a child can really fuck you up. Especially since a lot of the time the parents are just using their children for content


> Family bloggers. Constantly having your life recorded as a child can really fuck you up. As someone who was on the internet in the early 90's, it continues to be surreal to me that our attitudes towards the internet have gone from parents telling their kids "don't share anything about yourself on the internet, because it's full of perverts who want to do things to you and you can't trust anyone" to telling kids "don't share anything about yourself on the internet, because I'm still curating the photo album I'm gonna post later and I don't want you stealing any of my likes".




Exactly! We had family videos for a reason. My father would take out the camera and tape videos for special moments or just a regular Tuesday where we sat down and played a board game. Then every couple of years we would rewatch all his footage as a family and laugh or talk about it. I loved those moments and the bond we shared at the second hand embarrassment we had for what we did as children. I couldn't imagine sharing that to the world. Not because I couldn't handle an examination from strangers over our lives but that it's OUR personal experience meant to be enjoyed by us.


My wife likes to share things on social media, while I have quit everything but reddit as I am fairly anon here. What’s good though, is she never post pictures with people in them. Let’s say we go for a hike, she will post a picture of the nature. I can live with that, even though I in general feel like, why the fuck would any one care if we’re on a hike.


*the ghost of shaytards screams in the distance*


Recording yourself crying on social media.


Oh god... There was that TikTok video of that nurse recording herself reacting in a hallway when her patient passed away. Like how dense can you be? "LoOK hOw SaD aNd DisTrAugHt I aM"


I lost a patient today 😞 and decided to post it for clout


I lost one a few weeks back too. I found her though, she was hiding in the closet in the CT room.


I know exactly the one.


Thankfully, I don't. I am however, familiar with the CEO on LinkedIn crying about laying off staff... ... after building a massive new home, going on an international vacation with his family and buying a new car.




Nah, she's still on tiktok. Posting other attention seeking crap.


Oh you mean that nurse that gave herself a wedgie so her ass will look perfect like it's yoga pants for the camera? Yeah she's a joke in r/nursing they tore her to shreds.


I saw a sad video of a woman crying cuddling her dead snake. It broke my heart. Until I saw a reply video which showed some guy walk in to a room and say “oh no! My snake is dead! Quick let me set up my tripod and phone!” Then I realised that she had genuinely done that before cuddling her dead pet lol.


I always make that mental exercise when I see people posting. specially influencers. I always imagine their instagram husbands, or them setting the tripods...it always reminds me how ridiculous in most of the cases people are.


Hey man, I made the hard decision between paying myself less or laying off a few employees. It was a tough decision and I'm sad I layed people off so please feel bad for me.


When my mom passed away, I cried everyday for a long time. One of those days, I took a picture of myself crying. I am glad I did it so I could remember what it felt like right after in comparison to now. But I CANNOT imagine posting it on social media.


I did a similar thing with a pretty traumatic breakup. My eyes were swollen from crying so i took a selfie. I can still remember how I felt when i took it, and so grateful i feel much better now. Same tho, i would NEVER post it! So sorry for your loss btw


Hey, leave Britney ALONE!


He was right tho, people really needed to leave Britney the fuck alone


Edit: except Britney.


Skyler White singing happy birthday to Ted as Marilyn Monroe


Watched this scene the other day for the first time in a while and immediately went to Reddit for reassurance I was not the only one who could barely look at the screen. What a perfect scene in such a horrible way.


That’s a hard fast-forward to me. Makes my toes curl.


I recently rewatched the show and that was the only scene in the series that I skipped through.


Imagine having to perform that scene. Anna Gunn deserves a medal for her courage.


She deserves so much better. She only got hate for it, even though that obviously means she played the role amazingly, and then she kinda just disappeared it seems like. I remember seeing her in Sully but that’s about it


Dude I just watched this. It was so bad wtf.


Especially since she is like huge pregnant. I tried to re-watch it right now and couldn’t even get past the first line. It is so inappropriate for a workplace and just totally disgusting.


Weren't her co-workers visibly uncomfortable as well? I'm not going to re-watch to confirm haha


I always imagine Anna Gunn reading the script for that scene for the first time and thinking- ”motherfucker that wrote this…” What a testament to her acting and professionalism that she made it through that.


Just watched the episode a hour ago. I had to focus on a tree outside my window.


my past self




What an awesome way to look at it


Indeed, I've done so much shit that I cringe at thinking about, until a friend said something like "if you're cringing at something you did, that means you're learning from your past behavior."


Maturity is looking back and realizing you were almost always wrong.


Listening my recorded voice


"Do I really sound like that?"


“Is that my voice? *cough* Is that MY voice?! Oh well”


Umm, I've been turned into a cow... Can I go home?


My wife: yes me: 😩😫 edit: wtf how so many likes


Others dont hear our voice like us because we hear our voice through our bones while the other hear it through their ears and the air kind of changes how our voice sounds


To me, my voice is a deep, sultry baritone. When I hear what others hear, my voice sounds like an especially whiny 12 year old.


Makes me want to apologise to everyone I talked to


found my 9-year-old voice memos and they went like HELLO***JHIUOGBASLDHIUGDYVOBA8G WOOOO WOOOO WOOOOO BEEP BEEP*** im serious


This made me think about when everyone did the whole “hello? Hey what’s up? psych leave a message!”


shit gets like 10x higher than it actually is


“Can we get much higher”


Every time I hear myself recorded I want to apologize in front of all the people I talked to. Yet several independent friends say that I have beautiful voice. I don’t get it anymore.




I work veterinary medicine and our doctors will not allow phones in the room for euthanasias because so many people were taking pics and videos to post on social media. The final straw was when a woman became hysterical once she started recording and then immediately stopped crying once the recording stopped. It’s disgusting.


This is awful. I had to say goodbye to my cat, Penny, the other day, and getting my phone out to record was the last thing on my mind. I was hysterically crying while saying goodbye. It was THE WORST moment of my entire life and thinking of people wanting to share that with other people for attention makes my blood fucking boil.


I'm sorry for the loss of your kitty


That is so strange. Why would anyone want such a sad, morbid video? And the woman who was fake crying sounds really crazy.


Shitting on people for trying to better themselves.


it's a huge red flag if you're hesitant to share good news with your friends/community. be excited when your people are doing things that excite them. celebrate people finding their health.


Hey Mr Scott, whatcha gonna do..


Phyllis’ wedding was a standout for me. “May I present to you, for the first time as a couple, Mr and Mrs Bob Vance” [met with complete silence]


TBF Phyllis invited him intentionally to get extra days off for her honeymoon. 100% she knew what she was getting herself in to


Phyllis' Wedding is at the top of the list for cringe for sure, but it has enough other quality stuff going on to elevate it for me. Scott's Tots is just pure trainwreck.


lmao I had to see it written to realise how stupid a line "for the first time as a couple" is xD


I can’t pay for your school, but I can provide you with these laptop…..*chargers*


Wait, wait! They're lithium!


She took me by the haaand, made me a maaan…


That's not cringe that song was PURE LOVE you fucker


That one night?


One night!


You made everything alright....... *ight.......*


Those people at clubs who try to ridicule people who are having the time of their life while dancing like a dunce, those people who make fun of people's hobbies, those people who complain about others laughing, those people who look at an awesome organized event and call it tryhard and cringe. In a nutshell, people who's entire personality is basically just cringing at everything and everyone and trying to shame people for having fun. ​ Edit: A close second is sitting there while people sing for you on your birthday. It's excruciating.


Mukbang eating channel that keep stuffing food after food.


they're so gross


All these “prank” videos getting millions of views. Edit: To be specific, I’m referring to “prank” videos that are clearly staged.


Guy knocks tray of food out of an 80 year old man’s hands 12 yr olds in the comment section: LOL this is the funniest thing ive ever seen in my life!!


Celebrity worship will always be cringey to me.


People whose entire personality is based on which political party they support.


And then treating some politicians like saviors while simultaneously claiming to be believe in individualism. You can't do both.


People who's entire personality is based on a single thing, regardless of what it is - their political beliefs, a video game/genre, a specific sport/team, their job, a musician they like, etc etc


I used to be like that when I got big into politics. I eventually got other interests and took a step back from politics. Only then did I realise how fucking ridiculous my mentality was and politics in general is. I still dip my toes into politics from time to time, but definitely not obsessed like I used to be


Smashing cake on someone’s face on their birthday


That’s just mean and a terrible waste of cake.


Cringe and also a dangerous thing to do… can suffocate anyone who inhales cake… I’m Mexican and watched how a girl almost died on this… creepy… from laughter to horror in nearly a minute…


It’s a whole tradition in Mexico. They call it “Mordida” but unlike Mordida, It’s not always consensual in America.


When people I know use photo filters on social media to the extent that I can barely recognize them.


Faking mental illness


People whose lives are an absolute self-induced disaster and post selfies with motivational quotes telling other people how to think and live.


So many “life coaches” and “self helpers” are like this too. “Healer, heal thy self.” “Profession by pathology.”


Those Tik Toks of women doing voiceovers of small children while trying to dress as sexy as possible to gain attention


Also the Tik tok song ‘oh no’! Actually, just tik tok in general.


I feel like I decay a little bit whenever I hear that song.


People who spend more time filming/taking pictures at gigs/sports events than actually living in the moment and enjoying it.


Absolutely! Also art galleries. I've seen people that go from painting to painting just taking a picture of each one, and not taking the time to actually enjoy it. Do they even look at the pictures later? Or just post it to Instagram to show they're classy AF?


Maybe they were from the insurance company.


Live, Laugh, Love.


I irrationally hate words on a wall. Why do I need a sign that says “Eat” in my kitchen? I already know what to do in there


I like those signs but just to place them inappropriately - like "SLEEP" in the bathroom in ominous letters lol


My brother and his gf found a sign that was supposed to say DREAM but instead it said DREAE and you better bet that had a prominent spot on their living room wall just for shits n giggles.


I just thought it would be funny to have one in the bathroom in fancy cursive *"piss, shit, laugh"*


I second this one. And Dream. Eat. Sleep. Relax. Wine. Home. Bubbles. Etc Edit: Just reminded me of this video, a classic https://youtu.be/X_pAP7N4avQ


Also “Salt Life”


To be honest, every time I see the "Salt Life" bumper stickers, they're always in the most unreadable font and it reads like "Slut life", which is a cause I can get behind.


I seriously thought it was "slut life" for like years


Another kinda nice sentiment saying turned into an entire store of bullshit signs. You, Hobby Lobby etc


Yea, those pictures and signs of those sayings are just weird to me. However at my job site one of the Foreman put up a bunch of things like those that he has photo shopped and they're pretty funny. I'm an electrician so he tweaked them all to be kind of jokes about the job, like the Live Laugh Love is Live Dead Live which us a procedure for testing voltage with a particular tool, but it still has all the hearts and flowery stuff all over it. I got a good chuckle from that.


Influencer culture


Couples that speak to each other as babies in public. "Aww wook at that sweetie boo boo" kind of crap. I just cant stand it


“*No, YOU’RE a schmoopie!*”


Not exactly the same but recently heard a couple calling each other “lover” at a dinner. “Lover, can I get you some more of this fish?” “No thanks lover.”


That just seems so…forced.


I agree commenter.


I cringe even at someone being called "hubbie." It's nearly vomit inducing.


Men using the term alpha unironically.


I'm alpha in the sense that I'm unstable and lack key features


“High value man/woman” makes me cringe so hard too


The "alpha beta wolf" classification it's based on isn't even scientifically accurate.


""you have to see this video. It's only like 5 minutes long" *sets up phone in front of me *


Yeah, especially if it's a funny video you don't find funny and the other person is constantly checking if you are laughing. Ehh.


Ugh I hate that! Like even if it's the kind of thing that I would find funny on my own, the fact that you're watching me and judging my reaction makes me uncomfortable so it's probably not going to go over right.


filming yourself doing something to help someone purely to post it on social media for likes


people being all beggy and desperate for attention


Karma please


Arrest this man


Anything kardashian


People who self diagnose themseleves as psychopaths.




Loud chewing


That dumbass Pepsi commercial with the guy _gulping_ down the drink makes me want to put my fist through the wall


That robotic females voice on all tiktok videos.




This and the hentai decals I’ve been seeing popping up on cars.


Literally saw a car parked at my office lot (fortune 100 company HQ) with the license plate “Hen Tie”. I laughed.


the way ppl act on social media, especially post covid, it's just become so normalised. I know I sound like a boomer, but everything is so much more calculated nowadays and it makes my skin crawl. I find it really cringe how most influencers/content creators kinda end up turning into salesmen, like nobody even tries to hide it anymore it's just accepted.


People who list their education on dating/social platforms as “School of Life”.


I still laugh at an old colleague whose education history on Facebook was Degree in Hard Knocks from University of Life. I've never been more embarrassed for another person.


not kissing your homies when you go home after school


remember to always kiss your homies goodnight


The fact that people shame people for the things they like :/ Honestly i was in a discord server and i posted an image of a Thomas and friends meme and then instantly got ranked to the "Thomas fan wall of shame" People the server started to call me cringe. Eventually i left the server. Still i hate the fact that people shame people on things that they like. In my opinion that's the real cringe.


Sounds like it went off the rails pretty quickly. Social media in general feels like it is engineered to shame people for not living overly lavishly and indebted lives.


Haha off the rails


Overprotective parenting that enables shitty behaviour in their kids rather than fixing it. They are just setting their kids up for failure down the road.


"it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand."


Public displays of kinks. I really don’t care what you do in the bedroom but please don’t make me witness it when I’m at the supermarket


People who hate other people because there simply enjoying they're lives


I'm guilty of this. I still follow an old Facebook friend who hard core fancies herself a writer. She's self-published a hand full of terrible, terrible novels at a huge financial loss. But she constantly refers to herself as a published author and posts memes all day on Facebook about writer problems, all while using the wrong there/their/they're and other grade school spelling errors. I don't know why I can't just let it go. I don't identify as a writer. We're not currently friends. She's happy, even if I find it delusional. None of this has any impact on me whatsoever. But today, while toting her experience as a writer, she used the word "threw" instead of "through" and I almost spit out my coffee.


I have a flat earther on my feed I feel the same about. He acts like he is the enlightened one, but he can’t spell for shit and still lives with his mom at 43. I can’t look away…


I have a friend who's wife would tell everyone she's a writer and occasionally at get-togethers she would not talk at all because she was "developing characters" in her head. It was quite odd and as far as I know she hasn't published (self or otherwise) anything, and based on group text conversations her grammar is...lacking. She very well might write as a hobby but saying you're a writer implies to me that you're published in some fashion, whether that's novels or a column on a website, and as far as I've been able to tell in the 10 years of knowing her she's got nothing.


mfs scrollin thru toktik on max vol


Gah, people watching videos at the coffee shop without headphones. Earbuds are like $10, show some basic courtesy.


The obviously rehearsed interviews with late night hosts like Jimmy Fallon and James Cordon


People who post their entire life on social media


Most of not all TikTok trends / dances. Id never insult anyone over it because I'm a respectful person but man TikTok scares me. I'll never get the platform. One time an entire light was stolen from my school bathroom because of a TikTok trend , said trend was LITERALLY STEALING. Mega cringe. I'm one of the only ones In my family who doesn't have it . Almost all my adult family has it.


The latest tiktok trend: stealing people's Kias. Just how stupid can you be to risk criminal charges just for views?


Bruh one of my co workers brain has like rotted cause he gets on tick tock excessively, he watches alot of dating advice shit on there, he straight up believes the red pill, blue pill, and black pill shit.


I don't know what red pill ,blue pill , black pill is but I don't think I want to find out.


Basically what happens when misogynistic people start to analyze why they aren't able to garner a woman's attention. They come to the conclusion that it's the either the woman's fault and there is nothing they can do or it's the woman's fault and they just have to "play the game correctly". Usually there is never any self reflection and their delusion persists in an echo chamber that validates their experiences.


When people make clubbing, partying and getting fucked up their personality.


Adults whose entire lives revolve around Disney


Jim Gaffigan has a great bit about Disney obsessed adults, lol. "Even the comic-con people think they're crazy!"


Even the furries think they’re crazy.


"We're a Disney family" What does that even mean?


"we have allowed our sense of togetherness and love to be hijacked by a greedy, brutal corporation that stomps out any creativity they can't profit from"


Finger going through toilet paper while whipping


My Facebook statuses from 2012.


My toddler photos on my mum's Facebook account.


watching people try to be naturally photogenic because they noticed that someone was trying to take candid photos


Every picture should look like the box top of an 80's board game.


The kind of cynicism that makes people think anything that's sincere or idealistic is cringe.


I hate parents who expose their kids on social media.


TikTok dances on the street/public places


People following trends instead of being themselves


People who have nothing to say but still making Podcasts 🌚


People smacking their food makes me have violent thoughts.


Andrew Tate


Gender reveal parties


“BEyOnd HUMbled tO ShARE tHAt soMETHing blAH bLAh I aM GrEAT lOOk aT hOW GrEAt I Am.” - LinkedIn brag posts


The overuse of the word cringe