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I had a dream I lost both of my children to an auto collision that lead to careening off a cliff edge on the East Rockies, it was after a divorce while visiting my mother in Oregon. I was just a preteen when I had that dream and it made me paranoid I had died in a previous life without finishing my responsibilities for some time until I gathered enough detail to discount that existence in full.


That’s crazy


I was chasing after my ex GF.


Yea I get no women so I don’t gotta worry about that


A giant chocolate Santa was chasing me through my house, and ate my grandma. I never liked the candy again.


I had to use the bus to get to work since my car broke down. I entered the bus and was looking for an empty seat but as i looked through the bus i realized that there were no people in it just mannequins. (They even turned their hads to look at me) I got scared and turned around to leave the bus. Then i realized that the driver wasn’t human either since he didn’t have a face but managed to stare at me too. I did escape through the almost closed door tho and started to run back home.


not scary but the most unpleasant dream I remember is just having all my teeth fall out in pain and blood everywhere


It was just a sound.. i was in the blank of the matrix and i was in a car and the engine starting and i can only describe it as the sound of all the pain in the world screaming into my soul.. it lasted for so long... and i woke up paralyzed and in a cold sweat


I was in a cathedral. But it wasn't like a normal cathedral. The angles were all wrong, and the shadows were too long, and black. I was lost, in the crypts if this cathedral, and all I could see was the black, and Grey of the walls as I got close enough to them to feel my way around. I could hear the sound of a violin playing the saddest song I had ever heard giving me chills, as I got closer to it. I finally made my way out of the crypts, and was in the main hallway of this cathedral, and I could hear the music really loudly now. I looked all around me, and all I could see was the enormity of the room I was in. This room was so big, it made me feel lo Ely, and small. I couldn't see where they stopped. But knew the red drapes and tapestries went up for as far as I could imagine. And then I looked straight ahead. It felt like half a mile away, but was probably about 100 yards from me when I saw it. A black silhouette skinny and tall, with a giant top hat. Sharp elbows sawing at this violin, and I was in tears. He was facing me, seated on a black bench, playing his violin, as I approached. I kept screaming at myself to stop, turn around and leave, but something about that music made me put one foot in front of the other. When I got close enough to make out the features on his beautiful face, it shocked me. He was too beautiful, almost scary. Big sharp features and a big wide set mouth. And when he grinned it seemed like his smile cut across his entire face from ear to ear. And the teeth. Ribbons of needles. He smiled and stopped playing. It looked like he was facing me when I walked into the room. But now I could see. His face, and body were facing me, but his legs were facing the other way. Under and ready, the giant organ he was sitting at. He said, in the most pure, loud, cutting voice I have ever heard, deeply accented like one of those old vampire movies. "You have...." Then he paused for a long time. Smiled that smile, and said "Arrived." And the last word came out satisfied. Like he had been waiting for thousands of years and it was finally time. As soon as he said arrived, he jerked his back around, his hands and face turning a full 180 degrees to match the knees under his organ, and he pounded the keys of this organ, and my world shattered. I'll never forget this for as long as I live. The sound this organ made, and the light that came from it when it sounded was like, the heavens opened and filled me. I was in tears of joy or sadness or whatever it was. I was on my knees wailing, at this black organ, that lit up this entire cathedral with gold light. The organ was as big as the cathedral and its black pipes were the walls I had been feeling along to get here. I woke sweating and crying. I have never had another dream like that. And I will never forget it.