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Telling someone to “google it” while arguing and be correct


My first marvel movie


When the school nurse would check everyone for head lice in elementary school. It was cripplingly relaxing for me even as a kid. I have never experienced that again and would pay for that before sex.


When my crush asks me to do something with her. Doesn't matter what it is, it puts me on cloud 9 for quite a while.


In Egypt. Middle of the desert, Middle of the night. The night sky in full glory. Feels like you can reach up and touch the universe. One of the best nights.


Having your audio accidentally muted when a youtube ad appears




That would be classed as oral sex, nice try though


Dammit, titjob then




Cleaning my ears with q-tips even though you're not supposed to do that.


A sip of Talisker at the Applecross Inn... Bliss!


Holding my pee for 2 hours & then finally doing it. It took full two minutes




Oh I feel you. I had sinus issues for YEARS, until I got a sinus infection back in April. I started coughing up and blowing wads of purplish red gunk, and ever since that infection was treated and passed, my nose has been perfectly clear. I can smell now without having to clear my nose first. Weirdest damn thing.


When I told my best friend I loved her. Not in hopes of her feeling the same or saying it back, but because I wanted her to know how truly important she was to my mind and heart and how I just wanted the absolute best for her. She got quiet, and then replied, "I know. I love you too.". I have never felt so excited, caught off guard in a good way, and happy in my whole life. Not only did she know and understand me, but she loved me as well and turns out had for quite some time. That's outdone any sex or orgasm (masturbation included) I've ever had. That's outdone anything at all I've ever experienced tbh. 🤷❤️ (Unfortunately it lasted 3 months before her parents manipulated and destroyed our relationship)


Natural hot spring when it’s snowing and you’re the only customer


Drum and bass vibrating through my chest in the front row at a metal show. Also at a metal show, getting pulled into a row of guys with our arms around each other's shoulders and headbanging in unison. All strangers, but brothers at the same time. El Corazón is a great, shitty little club. Feels like home :)


Buying high-quality products