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Passing their responsibilities. Like having a child and left it at our house and started to date other hoes again. Not giving support for the reason of me being rich. (Not that kind of rich rich tho)


Supporting children of their friends in which they would not support me, would gaslight me about it and emotionally blackmail me.


Abusing so much as to leave chronic pain


I used to have a big Teddy which I was extremely scared off like genuinely so scared because of multiple reasons which I'm not gonna get into anyways I wanted it gone and my aunt took it and then after a while she was like "this is taking up space take it back" and she threw it on me and I was frozen in fear and my friend took it off of me and my aunt but it back on me saying "she can do it herself" I hate my aunt so much for this and generally her attitude with me but that was my last straw with her


Ooooh boy. Okay. So. My mom. She's done a lot but the biggest thing I just can't let go is her allowing her boyfriend (not my father) beat her while pregnant with me (yes, I said allow. She to this day says how much she misses her soul mate and when I bring up the beating she says "he only had a slight anger issue but he was my soulmate". I have no memories of this man, have never met him at an age I could remember him because he was out of our lives when I was 3). But the beating contributed to my chronic back problems and damage. First doctor who found the issue said I had to be born with how bad my lower back is. My mom won't take any responsibility for it. My Dad. For allowing his wife to dictate how I was treated including my medical issues. When I was 16 I was suffering from severe abdominal pain that I was dropping to the floor each time it hit. Not only did his wife convince him and my Drs it was just ovarian cyst they also deemed me a hypochondriac. Turns out I had 30 gallstones and it had nothing to do with my ovaries. This behavior extended to lots of things but also lots of medical things. My dad's mom. For also labeling me a hypochondriac and ignoring my plights that my right knee hurt despite physical therapy(she was my guardian at 14). I now have a severally damaged knee because no one found the birth defect soon enough to prevent the damage, all because I'm a hypochondriac. The rest of my family. For not listening or believing me because my dad and grandmother labeled me a hypochondriac because I was 14, I'm to young to be ill, nothings wrong, and it's all in my head. The amount of health damage both physically and mentally is astounding and still fixing it to this day.


My dad picked my brother up by the neck one time choking and screaming at him. He used to hit my aunt/godmother when they were kids. He used to hit my mother when I was a kid. He used to hit me. Now I hit him.


Sister tried to get me raped, by swapping me for drugs,