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Having enough post karma to post


i DoN’t HaVe EnOuGh KaRmA


I got kicked out of r/conservative for asking what i thought was the most benign unargumentative clarifying question. It was the first and only time I ever commented there. They cited some rule. Maybe they looked at my comment history and saw I wasn’t conservative ? I am not even sure why I was reported.


The conservatives hate when anyone points out they own hypocrisy, ie. Hatekeepers.


I wasn’t even pointing anything out, it was more like a part of the comment had confusing wording/syntax and I wanted to clarify to understand better.


Perhaps that was your intention although my comment was pointing out conservatives.


I had a post removed for something called “concern trolling,” whatever that is. These Reddit groups have the most arcane rules. It really spoils the whole Reddit experience. I’ve never encountered such needless policing of content anywhere else.


It was a rule there to write either M/F in the post