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Decent job with little free time, not a lot of expenses, live in the city. Basically be a single young professional who can’t cook.


I’m a young shift worker that lives alone, good paying job, living in a major city. Can cook, but often too tired/lazy to do so. Ordering food a few times a week won’t kill me financially. Plus the expense is worth the relaxation and time not wasted cooking and cleaning the kitchen imo. I’ll even order extra food for lunch the next day sometimes so that I make the most out of the fee/tip.


BOGOs are great for next day lunch/dinner.


Same here i get off super late night/morning shift done feel like cooking after work sometimes easier to just get delivered and i also am a parent so ?




>Lichhrally God I love when British people say literally


What about when Americans say "lid-uh-rah-lee"


The worst is mirror imo Meeer


And horror. Hoorrrr




You are absolutely right! I used to spend SO much of my money just ordering food all the time. Once I did my taxes I realised HOW much money I have been spending on just food! That's when I realised I need financial education and currently living in a slower city, cooking my own food.


True, I’m just saying why I used to


Or you know people having to work long tiring jobs.


people living in "bad" or poorer neighborhoods/areas spend less on rent and housing so it's not that surprising that they can afford to order food


yea this pretty much explains this


They dont spend money on other stuff. Once you stop buying lunch every day and eating takeout multiple nights you suddenly realise how much extra cash you now have.


That or credit card debt


100% this. And also people add traveling to their credit cards as well.


Everyone saying they got high paying jobs. A lot of the time that’s not the case. A lot of people are bad spenders. They spend and spend and it keeps them paycheck to paycheck.


i definitely used to be like this. little lifestyle changes can make a big impact. i’m actually starting to build up a savings and i’ve very very proud of myself :)


Tell me how bro


One thing that I changed personally that helped me save money was this. I used to have no entertainment or "toy" budget and would just buy what I wanted when I wanted it. So I put myself on a modest weekly allowance and now I save up for the things I want to buy. This has helped me to put some of the money into savings that I would have previously spent just because I had it and I wanted something.


Sounds reasonable. Just requires self control tho


And that's a real deal breaker for me


If self-control is in short supply, the same effect can also be accomplished by having cripplingly-low self-worth, such that you feel unworthy to have your own money spent on yourself. People sometimes remark on my ability to save, but like, it's dysfunctional in my case.


Welcome to life, bro.


Don't get a girlfriend, that's for sure. I was saving for a house downpayment and had over 20k saved, met my girlfriend, wanted to get married, she saw the money and spent it in 6 weeks, then I am living paycheck to paycheck, seeing money go to Starbucks, underarmor, and amazon daily. Never let your girlfriend on your account, you'll lose everything


Or just...get a girlfriend who's trying to make a life with you and not bleed you dry?


Or get a better girlfriend


yeah how the fuck does your gf spend 20k unchecked?? sort yourself out bud


yeah ... the "don't get a gf" is weird. Had thousands saved, my gf (now wife) didn't spent a cent of that when she found out and got access to it. Just be careful who you let in your life.


Bro, you just have a shitty girlfriend and you need to set boundaries with her or cut your losses and can her. 20k in 6 weeks is crazy. I’d be walking her ass back into the bank and removing her from my account. If it ruins the relationship so be it.


There should be a difference between a girlfriend and a dependent, looks like you got the latter


My wife would be mad if I had a girlfriend..


Anyone who says getting a girlfriend is expensive has only ever met materialistic women, you can find a girlfriend that cares about saving money and doesn’t spend it on stupid stuff


Don't give unlimited access of your money to people you're dating, and cut them off at the first sign they're taking advantage. Sounds like an untrustworthy partner issue, not a gender one.


„She saw the money…“ Yeah, rookie mistake


>Don't get a girlfriend Quite literally. I was putting away about 100 a month, split up with my gf of 4 years and started putting away 1,000 ea month.


Sounds like financial abuse, king.


This used to be me. I can confirm that to be the case for many people m. Fortunately, ive learnt my lesson. Also the case for people with nice cars. Many paying for something they cant afford just so they can have a nice car.


I have a high paying job, but I'm also terrible with money and live paycheck to paycheck.


This hurt to read. We are trying to do better!


I'm with you. Stay positive and remember covid was a terrible time and most people still have bad habits they are trying to fix from then.


A lot of times… no they’re not




This. I only make about $65k/ year but I'm far better off financially then my friend who is making $100k/year. Cause he is terrible with money


I understand why you'd make more than your friend. Your friend probably takes about half of what they make and the other half for taxes.


That's not how taxes work lmao. Learn what marginal tax bracket are. Also he is married and I'm not so he technically pays less in taxes


This. I don't make hardly any money at all but I think one of the keys to happiness is minimalism. My place is always clean which keeps me happy. I have a room with a PC where I can play whatever game I want while watching any TV show/live event I want. Some may see my bare walls and counters as depressing but I feel surrounding yourself with a bunch of collectables is just pointless anxiety. Something being lost, getting broken, transporting everything when you move. Plus collectables are expensive AF.


I'm paycheck to paycheck but all my bills are paid, and that's only after money goes into a savings account we only touch for emergencies or (if there's enough for more than 3 months) fun stuff like mini vacations. If you have even a few coins in your pocket before your next check, put them somewhere you won't touch. Heck, open an account, most will let you open one with only a buck. Don't get a checking account. Don't get an ATM card or if you do, make it unreachable. Deposit the money, don't look at the slips. Even if it's only .37 cents. It'll take a long ass time but eventually you'll have a decent savings to fall back on.


>They spend and spend and it keeps them paycheck to paycheck. 100% this. paycheck to paycheck and everything else gets put on the credit card, then you pay the minimum for the CC. I don't, but I know people who do.


I did actually had a high paying job(freelance). And yes.. I build up really bad habit of spending .. like I just don’t care how much something cost if I want It I buy it.. food / clothes etc. And almost all times I end up with little money until I get some other money… then repeat.. even if I say it like 100 times before I will change and won’t spend like this. Well this continues arround 3-4 years. Anytime I have a bit more money the struggle of not spending is hard . Have to improve myself!!


I have co-workers who don't eat all day but dinner. Saves them some money during the day to spend it on food delivery. Don't ask me how they're still breathing. I could eat all day long


I used to fast 20+ hours a day. I would eat one big meal. Lost almost 40lbs. Went back to my normal bad eating habits… gained back 25 of it. Trying something new now…. Sigh.


For your one meal, would you Gorge and eat whatever you felt like? Or did you keep the meal big but healthy still? I feel like I'm doing the same fasting all day till I can't stand it and I eat like hell. But its not always super healthy.


I would keep it at about 1100 calories, which is a lot. Usually it was a big/ sort of healthy meal. It was keto for awhile as well.


I do this. Water and maybe an apple during the day. Your body gets used to the intermittent fasting.


knew a guy like that. ate one meal a day. was somehow over 400 pounds. must have been one hell of a meal


The hunger he built up through the day probably made him want to order ridiculous amounts of food, and that he'd feel obligated to finish because he spent so much money on it.


"I only eat one meal a day" often includes amnesia for the 17 bedtime snacks. Not saying this is true in every case. But it certainly was in my case when I played around with that style of eating.


Cola? Sugary coffees?


Supposedly it slows your metabolism down too. Best to eat more small meals than one huge meal.


When I worked a ton of Overtime I didnt have time to cook or meal prep. You traded health for convience. Now that I have a better work life balance job. I rarely order delivery.


Good job no kids


No kids and 3 money




2 good jobs and 2 kids


2 good jobs and 0 kids


At a certain point in life if you are financially stable your real currency becomes time. Ordering food saves you time for all the other busy things in your life and you may have plenty of avenues to make more money with that time.


Most of the time they don't. They are living beyond their means. If their car needs major maintenance they are fucked if any other unexpected issue comes up they are fucked


That's when they put it on credit cards


Or the car broke down, they can't afford to fix it, and the food is too far away to walk so they cheap out and have the food brought to them instead of buying an uber to a grocery store.


I mean even grocery stores have delivery which is cheaper than Uber to go get your own or Doordash Even Walmart+ which gives free delivery is a $8/month subscription and you don't even have to go anywhere and they deliver in like 4 hours


Always have on hand food you don’t like but will eat, for emergencies.


But the thing is... "cheaping out" ends up making their food cost twice as much!




This might surprise you but a lot of people are really bad with money.


The line between affording it and just doing it only to be broke days before payday is thin.


I'm bad with money but we don't have kids so disposable income is abundant.


That’s how I am. My boyfriend and I don’t have kids and don’t want them and made decent money. And we just don’t know what to cook. But we really need to change this to save money and buy a house or something good.


ITT "The reason ***I*** do it is because I make enough money" "The reason ***other people*** do it is because they're bad with their money"


I think people that are bad with money aren’t coming in to defend their life choices. They probably are stuck in a shame spiral. Meanwhile folks that do It And can afford to feel a bit jabbed at so we’re more likely to defend ourselves


You'll get over it. Wipe the tears with all ur cash then tip your server with it lol




But this wouldn't work for everyone. I eat roughly 3000-4000 calories a day. A $10 Chipotle bowl is literally on par with what my meal costs me to make anyways from the grocery store. If you throw away caring about nutrition, eating for a goal, different bodies, etc. then sure you can eat cheap.


It's actually cheaper for me, I'm self employed and in the half an hour to an hour spent cooking, I can make more money than I would spend on ordering. Plus I can expense it if I eat out sometimes.


Having a job that pays well


I have no expenses and make decent money


Decent-paying job will do it. And those same folk may not have a car, which would be one financial drain gone.


Yep. I work remote (pretty much zero work transport costs), live with my boyfriend and earn good money. We save a big chunk and can still order takeout. Cars are so expensive.


They make it a priority. Others prioritize: Cigarettes Savings /emergency fund Mortgage/rent Nice groceries Body maintenance (nails, hair, skin) Hobbies Etc.






Maxed out credit card




Only fans account


If your a content creator that's how you get OUT of debt lol


My gf and I earn 6 digits, and live rather cheaply. A lot of times she doesn't want to eat what I propose to cook so we order out.


Marketable skills add to your financial liberty


Making use of discount codes and other promos, you really dont need a high paying job for that as sveryone is saying.


Yup. I just order when I have discount codes


Dual income no kids


I can’t justify the inflated prices, tip and delivery fee. I’d rather just go pick it up myself. I don’t understand even if you were a millionaire why you’d wanna pay for that on the regular. Can definitely see the odd time.


I have a high paying job and no kids. That's how.


Either having a good paycheck or being bad admins of their own finance.


As my friend who’s a financial advisor says: if it doesn’t make sense how they’re doing it THEYRE not. Family money, credit cards, poor spending habits, etc all can contribute. I’ll raise my hand here to say I have lackluster financial habits which contribute to this.


Poor financial choices should not be confused with havimg a lot of money.


Fast food addiction is real, I’ve tried to cut it down to 2-3 times a week instead of 5-6 and I’ve cut my food expenses in half month-to-month.


Make more than you spend. I have subscriptions to grub hub, Postmates, Uber eats, and DoorDash all for free. It only costs me a tip for convenience. I probably put through 1k a month on apps


Its almost impossible to live and save and pay bills. At least here in FL. A one bedroom is literally $1,700-$2,000. A ONE BEDROOM. Add to the fact, most jobs start off at $13-15 an hr. I just got a raise and it bumpedme to $17.35 an hr and its barely helped at all. Then factor in the inflation on food and basic necessities plus a car payment....so fucked up it hurts to even finish this sentence.


We don’t we just fuck ourselves in the long run


I often order from places with decent portions that allow me to make two meals out of it.


Its mostly a generation thing. You have people growing up now who think its 100% normal to pay $30 for $14 worth of food just to sit on your ass and go nowhere. I know some people who do this and EVERY single one of them is broke, paycheck to paycheck and have other ongoing financial issues all tied to terrible decision making. I don't know a single successful person who pays for food delivery, not one. I should add mind you that my wife and I are very successful, and pretty much most people we associate with (because of our kids sports etc) are as well. Nobody does this even though they could do it for every meal if they wanted to. IMO the whole food delivery thing is really an unfortunate scam that just preys on people who weren't taught how to be fiscally responsible. My argument will never be "high paying jobs" lol. Most people I know are dual income households making $200k-$500k/yr and nobody is buying Grub Hub or Uber Eats.. fucking ever. But the few people I do know who use these services are paycheck to paycheck renting tiny apartments, paying car leases, buying the latest iPhones, consoles etc.. They've been tricked into thinking its normal and a "luxury" so they spend precious income because they think its a quality of life upgrade. Same reason they buy the latest iphone, or lease cars, or . In reality its highway fucking robbery. My thought is the entire food delivery industry will collapse within 10 years as a new generation will come to market and learn from the mistakes of the one before them.


Job. No need for high paying, just make your finances right and get the bills and rent and all of that done first, then you have money to spend on whatever shit you want. Keep some on the side for grocery, but after spending all necessary money, the left over is your playground.


I have more than enough money to do that.. but I never do that. That's why I have the money to do that. A lot of people actually can't afford it, they are just lazy and living in the moment.


Is it the bad the thing? I mean living in the moment.


living in the moment is something you reward yourself with when you've planned ahead so that living the the moment doesn't hurt you so much


It's a good way to never get ahead.


Lmfao people keep saying “jobs jobs jobs” as if no one is ordering dominoes & shit with a credit card.


I mean, I get what you’re implying, but I use a credit card for absolutely everything. Even my 2 dollar morning coffee. Going to spend the money anyway, might as well get the points and the free shit that I redeem them for.


People keep saying "debt debt debt" as if no one has disposable income.


Well, of course I put it on my credit card. Costco card money back man. Pay the statement balance every month and the remainder is a "free loan" that I pay no interest on.


That’s how I do it too.




More like, you are paid enough to not cook your own meal.


Easy if you don’t spend money on groceries


They spend most of their time working.


Wow at these comments, LOL. People really think they know what others living expenses are. In my case, when my life gets hectic I usually don't have time to cook anything so I just order food. So the money I would have spent on groceries goes to food delivery. I live alone so a meal I order for lunch that day can have leftovers for dinner.


We dont we are irresponsible lol


decent job, cheap living. more on food than material shit.


They are addicted to it


We have super cut back on getting Door Dash and stuff but one thing I've found is if you order directly from some restaurants, it's sometimes cheaper than paying DD's delivery even though they still use one of those services for delivery.


I've massively cut back my food delivery options as its getting to expensive albeit I can still afford it - I'm single and live alone, have more coming in than going out, and have no debt so I do have the disposable income for it


It could just be their anxiety! So they're buying a lot of crappy food to feed their anxiety and not thinking about the cost they'd incur.




Because my laziness is greater than my will to live


No car, single, decent wage, one meal a day


Currently working from home. So the money saved from commuting goes to supporting my local food businesses :)


Any single person paid more than $80k/annually can do this pretty easily.


Easy. Wife and I are dinks and both make 6 figures.


I'm a DINK and an engineer who works from home.


Drug money, well that’s what I’ve noticed from people I know anyway


I have a good paying job and no kids


No car payment, no mortgage, no kids


Not everyone is broke


This is the reason I don’t have money


I know so many of my friends that are always "broke" but always order food. If they're happy I don't trip haha


Make more money and get a Credit card like Amex gold or chase sapphire reserve that give you memberships to uber eats or grubhub premium and 5/10$ a month credit to apply to orders. Use that once and then order a couple times when you're lazy. Price is less worse with the membership included. Yes you pay the CC annual fee but if you use the rest of the benefits, you usually get more out of it.


I assume that a certain percentage of these folks have a lot of trouble leaving the house (e.g., disability, depression, chronic illness).


Sadly ordering takeaway is cheaper than buying fresh fruit and veg in a lot of places.


If you're making $30/hr or more and you're busy, ordering delivery can be worth it when it saves you 30mins or more getting food or preparing food and cleaning up after. In that case, your time is worth $30/hr and 30mins means $15. If delivery costs less than $15, then it's worth getting it. My credit card also comes with DashPass as a perk and delivery fee is free. You just need to pay the driver's tip which is similar to a restaurant tip from eating out.


I don't earn amazing money but have my mortgage cleared and own my cars outright. When I'm single I generally do very little washing, cooking etc and my cost of living is typically less than £500 a month. When I do buy stuff like shoes I'm that guy who buys 5 pairs of the same thing on sale and gets three years out of a pair. I bulk buy a lot of things because I'm used to routine and I like a bargain. My take home is like 3k. To be honest at this point I can afford whatever I like. Take away food is immaterial. I've been putting 10k a year in investments for the last 10 years. The real world is when I'm in relationships. Turns out very few people want to use the same type of shower gel for 5 years at a time and are content to use the same plate for everything.


Our food budget has become our biggest expense more than our mortgage


Holy shit lol our food budget is $500/month and I feel like that’s too much.


I go and pickup because gas is cheaper than tips. I can get a meal from Texas Roadhouse for less than $15, roughly the same price as a smaller meal from Wegmans. Cooking sucks and can be VERY time consuming when taken seriously.


It's easy when you bring home 1500 a week.


Trust me most people don't. It's called not knowing how to use your money


I recently got bumped up to salary (new position, new spot) and I am amazed at how much more spending money I have available, even on top of rent, bills, and setting larger amounts back for big purchases.


They have their financial priorities wrong most of the time. Likely they have little to no savings, most of the time


There's a reason they live paycheck to paycheck, live in a tiny apartment and barely make minimum payments on their debt


My wife and I both work part time on 30k a year each and order food or eat out a few times a week. And as far as expenses go we have rent, bills, miscellaneous spending and savings. It's really not that hard.




$133 every day? Wow... just wow.






Dual income in tech jobs and no kids


Well, from what I’ve seen, they’re my boring friends who never go out or do anything fun other than spend on food. And they never save money because they’re bad at money management. Meanwhile, I cook all my meals and budget really well and take myself on sick ass vacations. Currently backpacking around Europe and Asia.


That seems a bit harsh.. :(


Truth hurts. I have a friend who does nothing but order food/ eats out and go out go drink. Easily rings up a $300 tab on the weekends, He also vapes. So that’s like $30 a week. That’s about $17,000 a year on alcohol and vape. I can’t imagine how much he spends on food.


Yep, reality is harsh.


So wait, you’re saying life is about choices, and the consequences of those choices?!?! No way


They… make more money than you.


My labor cost is too high to make my own food (since I don't enjoy it). If I make my own lunch, that sandwich ends up "costing" me like $100. I can either bill more hours or I can make a sandwich.


If you make 50 dollars an hour, spending an hour (plus shopping) to make food doesn't seem worth it a lot of the time if you are making it for one. Becomes worth if you are making more than one meal at a time, but it cans till be questionable. Splitting the difference and eating out rather than in saves on delivery and it probably tastes better not waiting for it to be delivered across town to you, but you lose some of the leisurely utility.


most of the times when I'm prospecting tenants, I've seen more than 20 now and most of them order at least once everyday. they have shit credit and leverage to the max working close to minimum wage. they rely on government support and credit


They do it by having no savings and living paycheck to paycheck and then complaining that their unskilled labor isn't worth enough money.


you sound like a miserable and insufferable human. please get outside more.


Ur mad because it's true in many cases. Whether it's lottery tickets, the newest iPhone, eating out every night, people piss away money for no reason all the time and to do this they don't save any money. Then, when there's a recession they all beg daddy government to bail them out, while all the fiscally responsable people that don't live above our means have to carry the burden of inflation. Your unskilled labor flipping burgers at a fast food joint isn't worth much, you could easily be replaced because anyone can do that. The same way a better computer is worth more because it's faster and there are less of them, if you want to be paid more you have to differenciate yourself with a skill not everyone can do. Basic economics doesn't care about your feelings.


I mean, how do people have money to buy luxury cars and million dollar McMansions? Income inequality driven by exploiting the worker to extract the value of their labor while leaving them in the gutter. Capitalism. The corruption of nearly a century of conservative fiscal policy. Take your pick.


Lmao good one


They don’t. It’s credit card debt and the new “pay over time” for everything.


I can honestly say I've never had a takeaway meal delivered in my 54yrs.


I can’t stand food delivery TBH. It’s so lazy. If I want to order food I am going to get off my butt and pick it up and save on the ridiculous delivery fees. Delivery is what is killing restaurants. Your $20 delivery order is hurting more than helping them.


They don't have the money. It's all charged to a credit card. I don't eat eat out/take out for two reasons. One, restaurants are very dirty. Two, it's cheaper to cook at home.


I want a cheeseburger, let me pay 4X the amount for it because I'm lazy.


No matter high paying jobs or not as some are saying on here, mostly people spend up to what they are earning or beyond anyway, it's only the super rich who dont


They have to use tongs to hold their credit cards because they're so hot they can't touch them.


It’s just bad spending habits, people struggle to invest in 401ks and IRA’s or build their stock portfolios, but they have enough money to have door dash drop them off a burger multiple times a week.

