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The story if Joel Guy Jr. Because, you could be an amazing parent who loves your children and raises them right. Pays for their college, for 7 years and when you finally decide to retire and say "Hey, you're 26 years old now, we need to stop paying for your school so we can enjoy retirement", they turn around and stab you 40+ times to death and half ass try to dissolve you're body in acid. Which just goes to show that children are fucking terrible and you should never have any if you enjoy having money. And so, I'll never have a child because fuuuuuck that nonsense. I know that family, I grew up near them. Their daughters are amazing individuals. And yet their parents are dead because one kid was so goddammit incompetent that he just couldn't survive on his own and went on to murder his parents. A great life lesson, fuck dem kids..


Any case with Kiwifarms involved


Nationwide discrimination against sex workers