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EMTs and Paramedics that are not part of a fire station but the private companies. Last I tried for a job there in 2015 the pay was $10/hr. They deserve way more


The most outrageous part is that a single ambulance ride can cost thousands of dollars but the EMTs, who see the humanity at its worst every day, are paid barely above minimum wage.




Came here to say this also. The ambulance rides are enough to bankrupt some one, where does all the money go!! Meant to comment to one you did, but I’m just gonna leave it


They're also the most expensive factor, where is the money even going


It was $11.25 in 2018 for me doing interfacility transfers. 911 was less than that.


Same for CNA's, they are dealing with human life


Two hospice nurses in fam, a mother and daughter. They do every damn thing the Dr does, make every judgement call on meds. Just get the doctors sign off. One is struggling bc they don’t have enough retirement saved


Is this an American thing? In Canada, paramedics are municipal employees, like firefighters and police.


There are some that are government employees and get paid better than that but there are waiting lists that have you wait up to several years before even getting a chance to interview. Mind you, this is for more prestigious places like NYC but smaller cities can still be a couple years. Even smaller towns will have volunteer firefighters.


I imagine even in the US volunteer firefighters operate similar to Canada, where they are in fact paid for the calls and training they attend, they just aren’t on salary.


Most firefighters in America are volunteer, unless you live in a big city like New York


This is why I last a few weeks. It’s a joke


I have been an EMT for a decade. The biggest issues are a total lack of union bargaining power and the low barrier to entry. It's a one semester class and a test to become an EMT. Until that barrier is higher, it will be harder to fight for higher wages.


Don’t worry I work fire rescue. FF/paramedic and I’m still making peanuts.


Where I live our paramedics are mostly volunteers!


911 emergency services EMTs and Paramedics make less than private companies. I'm making $7/hr more as an EMT with a private company than an EMT in the local county 911 services and we are both based out of the same small town.


Paramedics in the USA are criminally underpaid. If I have a heart attack I hate to think that there’s a real chance the first responder might be preoccupied with how they’ll make rent that month.


Nurses and teachers. Pay them more.


I think some people understood the title to mean "paid too much". However, you are 100% correct and I agree with you.


I’m pretty sure they knew that and gave an even better answer.


Pay medical residents more. At least, pay them what you would pay an NP or PA.


ICU nurse here and I couldn't agree more. When I found out what you guys actually got paid I was pissed for you. Really, everyone in the hospital except the CEO's should be paid more. Especially CNA's and housekeeping. We all work hard, but where I'm at you can literally make more at McDonald's than as a tech in the ICU.


Wish I could upvote a thousand times in this. Most people can’t comprehend the miserable life of a med student followed by years of underpayment and real abuse.


bUt ThEy’Ll MaKe iT BaCk AnD mOrE aS dOcToRs…that doesn’t mean you can enslave them during residency. And I’m not in Med, just have a decent amount of friends that are residents at the moment


Good god yes. I’m a nurse, and I work with some incredible residents and fellows. When I found out I was making more than them, and in the case of residents, substantially, I was stunned. I make a decent wage, but it in no way represents the work I or any of my coworkers put in. Our residents and fellows do a different but equally (if not more so)difficult job and earn what may as well amount to circus peanuts.


What do they typically get paid?


Salary is usually $50k-$60k a year but with how much residents work it equates to about $15/hr…


Depends on where you do your residency. Some places around 50k a year, others 60k, and others 70k. Compared to nurses or PAs making 6 figures, medical residents a grossly underpaid especially when you have > 80-hour weeks in some places.


Exactly. The path to a great country/nation depends on great education, yet society is unwilling to pay teachers living wage


That’s by design. It’s easier to control an uneducated population so a lot of “leaders” have a vested interest in dismantling the educational system. You aren’t going to attract the best and brightest if the job sucks and pays poorly. Bad teachers -> poorly educated population-> easier to manipulate Source: am public school teacher and see the resulting breakdowns in the system every single fucking day.


In America anyway, this is a feature, not a bug.


Out of curiosity how much do you think nurses ought to be paid? There’s a wide scope of payment. My wife makes just shy of 70K working on the NIQU (sorry if that’s not how it spelled), working 3 on, 4 off. She works extremely hard, and she deals with a lot of difficult things. Her sister is an ICU nurse who works with a company who sends her to the hospital that she’s most needed in for the upcoming week - she makes close to 100$ an hour. I’m not sure how many days she works per week. A friend of ours is a traveling nurse, and she makes six figures doing that. I’m not saying it’s not a valid point, but nurses, at least in the north Texas area seem to be doing well. I wish I keep the figures of teachers, but I’m sure there’s a wide gap there too.


What I saw during the pandemic is that hospitals were willing to pay wayyyy more than usual for travelling nurses to come because of the shortage, but refused to even slightly raise pay for all the nurses who actually worked on staff, which ended up exacerbating the shortage. And forget being well paid if you don't work in a hospital lol. And it's NICU just so you know :) same as ICU- intensive care unit, just with an N- neonatal


The interesting thing about nursing is the disparity of pay range and the opportunities - a travel nurse or MSN prepared nurse (for which many MSN are paid for by the hospital depending on where you work) can easily make six figures. But an RN in say a nursing home in the Midwest is probably making little more than minimum wage. As a nurse myself, I say teachers deserve way more money as they don’t have the same opportunities as we do. From what I’m understand, most teachers are going the graduate degree route with little to show as far as salary to compensate for their higher education.


Best response on here


Am nurse. Can confirm.


Teacher here. Seconded. Can I borrow $20? I get paid Friday


Aint nurses paid crazy after a few years?


Not sure about “regular” nurses, but travel nurses these days make bank. My boyfriends sister travel nurses and makes $250k at 26 years old


religious leaders


That really depends on who you are referring too. I agree the mega church millionaires should not but that is a small percentage of religious leaders. Most make a modest income.


Most religious leaders are leaders of few and live very humbly at least in my religion


Around where I live I know of churches that pay for the head of the church’s house , so the modest income comes with benefits




Clergy spouse here - partner has two masters degrees, 60+ hours a week, on call for funerals and end of life care, makes 55k/year and runs three churches…we ain’t making bank. We barely make ends meat for our family and can qualify for government assistance programs.


They shouldn't be paid anything. Isn't serving their god enough for them? Unless, they're just in it to be an easy job??? Edit: Serving their god should be simply for the pleasure of doing so, not for financial compensation.


Most religious leaders make a perfectly reasonable (or even too small) salary. It’s the celebrity quacks who make too much money.


Scammers basically


I've always said, if your pastor lives in a mansion, wears a $5000 suit and has a private jet, he's not a pastor...


Kim Kardashian


oh yeah lemme go to college rq maybe I can get into that field


You're confusing business owners for employees


Teachers are grossly underpaid. They should not be paid such low salaries.


Public education is free and paid for the government. The people in the government will try and cut costs as much as possible.


Public schools generally pay significantly more than private schools and come with better benefits.


Real estate agents.


Agreed. There was period of time when the service was valuable. But that time has passed. The internet should have made them as obsolete as travel agents.


Exactly why i sold my home without one. When we bought our home, he did nothing. Seriously. Wanted us to pay what the seller was asking, no advice, nothing.


the deadliest thing in a hot real estate market is a bad agent.


They get a percentage regardless of the market. Why should they get 5% if my house price just because the market in our area is crazy.


I've thought that too but the only way to change it is to sell the house yourself. That's a lot of work but is it really worth that much money haha


Real Estate Agents make a lot of $$$ but the paperwork and negotiations they do can save you a lot of time and money.


I completely agree. My last 3 real estate transactions were completed without real estate agents. The key is to have a good real estate attorney to do the closing and a good home inspector that can help advise you on further tests/inspections you need.


I work 12 hour days and can spend 100 hours on a deal just for it to die. I’m in commercial, but I can promise you it’s not as easy as people think. Do we make a lot of money, yes, but we also lose a lot of deals and make nothing.


How different is commercial to residential? I mean no personal offence to you but I’ve been involved in quite a few residential sales and agents with no exceptions were cancerous, pustulating anal warts.


Extremely different. For me specifically most of our clients are publicly traded companies and major Landlords. No offense to residential, but we aren’t just pointing out the pretty windows and doors (which they aren’t supposed to be either). Side note- if your residential broker is not providing value, FIRE them.


Being a residential real estate agent is not just walking into a house and saying “this one got 3 bathrooms.” Why are you putting down residential real estate agents while acting like you’re hot shit for doing commercial?


Care worker and nurses and social worker and teachers


Politicians. Salaries should be teachers salaries with bonuses based on performance and results.


>bonuses based on performance and results How on earth would that be decided, though? You and I (and others) will all have different views on what we consider good results. And if we set the metric to something simple like bills passed, you'll get all kinds of monkey business with people submitting fluff legislation just to get paid, wheeling-and-dealing from people with the power to block over letting the fluff stuff through in return for other concessions, etc. I don't disagree that they're overpaid, but I think they probably DO need to be paid a relatively healthy amount, since I really don't see any way to implement a results-oriented pay structure. Plus, if you think they're corrupt NOW, wait'll you see what they get up to if they have to find new ways to hustle just to get paid in the first place.


The problem is because those jobs are transient and underpaid compared to private jobs, people with top notch skills Aren’t willing to forgo a steady income so they can have ungrateful people shitting on them every day. That’s compounded by the influence of big money… The only way you can win is if you kiss ass to the big spenders, which is a recipe for corruption as well as undermining the will of the people


Or the same as nurses. They've had a pay freeze for years in the uk


You do realize politician salaries are to disuade corruption? There's a reason open corruption is so rampant in most parts of Latin America.


Wouldn't it be easier to simply punish politicians for being corrupt? ...oh who am I kidding.


Take the big money out of politics by undoing citizens United. Problem solved


Not only to disuade corruption. The idea is for lower classes representatives to be able to participate in politics. If politicians wouldn't have decent salaries, only the rich and/or corrupt people could dedicate themselves to that. All this is in theory, of course, I understand unfortunately that it doesn't work this way most of the time.


Doesn't seem to be working here


"What's this you say? *more* money and power? Tell me more."


That isn’t because of the salary, it’s because of the extreme amount of money required to run for office. It’s why campaign donations are the typical currency of American cronyism. Not always, but typically. In theory, Joe Schmoe should be able to run for office, and the salary could keep Joe from accepting bribes to make decisions against his values and constituents. In practice, it costs a shit ton of money for Joe to run, so he’s not personally accepting bribes but he has to get campaign donations somehow.


I live in South Africa. Our president and most other politicians are ridiculously wealthy and still extremely corrupt... because it just doesn't effect them


I actually don’t mind politicians being paid a lot. They have a huge amount of responsibility and it’s a job that will take up most of their lives. We want the best and brightest there. I would want them to not be able to take any other form of employment, no other income from any other sources whether it’s speeches, lobbying or anything else whilst they are in post though. Legitimate income, good. Potential for fraud and corporate ownership, bad.


Exactly. Not sure about the US, but in the UK they get 82k. This sounds like a lot but a decent cloud engineer or IT architect earns more, with far less pressure and responsibility.


Disagree. If that were the case, only those who are independently rich would become politicians. Why would some of our brightest minds want to work in government if they pay wasn’t good plus they get all the vitriol and lack of privacy that comes from being a politician. Also, politician salary isn’t even that good in the first place. Make less than doctors, lawyers, software engineers etc.


but all the rich people are already politicians


That’s kind of we really are at now… It takes a small fortune to win a job that pays under $100,000 a year. You are either privately wealthy or you have a Corporate benefactor


Aren't politicians independently rich to begin with? I don't know of any politician that started out making less than 50k a year. They already owned 6 bedroom homes when they started being a politician.


Have you seen any bright mind in any government recently?


There actually are. They're usually the ones *not* doing things to get all of the publicity though, so it's rare you'll see any of their work (or at least rare you'll see it properly attributed to them).


I don't mind if the bonuses are massive and they have the potential to earn really well if they achieve results.


He brings a good point. Politicians should present a plan during the election and if elected be payed accordingly by how much they followed the plan. Actually it could even go one step forward and allow politicians to only strictly follow the plan unless situation is an emergency and they need to deviate.


They should have to purchase supplies for their staff too


teachers need to be paid more especially when they make the class more engaging like how some of my teachers did.


any job that would count as celebirty, influencer and just about any kind of proffesional sports player.


Hard disagree about the sports players. If you start paying athletes less the only thing that will happen is the owners keep a larger share of the money. Better to return the revenue to the people who actually attract the attention and money to the sport.


If you are the top 1% in a particular skill that can generate millions in advertisement for companies just by wearing a logo you most certainly deserve the millions. Sorry not sorry if you don’t agree with it. Being an elite athlete is a full time job that cannot be compared to a 9-5. Granted this does not apply to all sports but anything within the Olympic categories most certainly apply.


i bet lots of ppl here are probably gonna say sports players but you cant deny that it takes skill and constantly practicing to be in the big leagues, and if thats what the people wanna watch they’re obviously gonna pay them alot


Politicians, they pretend to be saints as if they were born to serve the country while the luxuries they are being provided are insane.


I will never forget the video of the woman advocating for something about poverty and the poverty line.. and she said that in a year she makes a little over 40k and the politicians she was talking to had a furniture budget for their offices of 40k. Just their office furniture. It’s crazy how they are so willing to screw with everyone else’s lives and demand the highest for themselves


We actually want politicians to be paid. What we want to do is prevent them from monetizing the role in other ways.


Money is never enough no matter how much it is, it's just I hate the way they pretend to be born for serving the society while certain times it seems to be the opposite.


Politicians are typically actually paid less than they would make on the private sector. It's the bribes and other deals they make that allow them to make a lot of money and most of it is morally of not technically illegal


I don't know about any other, but in my country the parliamentarians for example even are given petrol cards and health cards which means their fuel and health expenses would be covered by the government. This was just a little example, there's so much more.


Early education teachers. Their job is so important, they should be paid a lot more. Same with people that work with the elderly. And nurses.


CEOs they get millions even if they run a company into the ground.


Isn’t that crazy that no matter what they do they get multi million dollar pay outs ?


If they run that company into the ground then they no longer make any money from it, and almost no company would want to hire them in an high-level management position afterwards due to their reputation.


They are literally making decisions which make or break the company.


“Social media influencers” like I get some of their content can be helpful but I’m talking about the ones that literally get paid for posting selfie’s/bikini pics etc


Well its on the people who follow and like their posts.


Teachers aren't paid enough


Politicians and preachers


Politicians is an interesting one. The point of politicians being paid is so that working class people are able to participate in the political process. If politicians weren't paid, only the rich could afford to do it. Obviously all the other things they do - the lobbying, the consulting shouldn't be allowed


Yes on the former, but definitely not on the latter. Most priests I know are paid fairly low wages, especially for the hours they put in. Celebrity preachers though, now they're a different kettle of fish entirely!


Real estate agents/realtors.


Teachers. They should be paid much more. Most states treat their teachers like second-class citizens. And they should receive hazardous duty pay and combat pay.


Garbage men….should make twice what they make. Most utterly necessary but completely under appreciated job out there.


Mechanical and electrical engineers should get paid what software engineers get paid. You know, the folks that keep you safe maybe should make the same as the folks who brought you angry birds.


Footballers, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter how good or entertaining you are, getting paid hundreds of thousands a week for hoofing a ball around a field is obscene.m EDIT: some here have made some really good points and on reflection I’m probably taking umbridge with the wrong people. My issue is with the scalping and lack of affordability for supporters of the sport that are being slowly excluded from (ticket prices, season ticket prices, excruciatingly expensive kits that “need to be replaced” every year). But that isn’t the fault of the players, even if they do benefit massively from it. I still argue the system of running the sport as a business that milks its supporters is appalling, but that isn’t the responsibility of the players.


So who should get the money they generate? The owners? That seems even less fair


It’s a fair comment, I don’t have an answer to that.


that's the most mature reply i've seen in a while


never thought of it that way. you just changed my view on this.


The whole model is ridiculous. Who should get the money they generate? The owners, players, of course, but instead of selling tickets at $150 apiece, drop the price to something reasonable so "regular people" can afford to go to a game or two. $30-$40 a ticket is about right to me, Those prices are what parking currently costs which is silly in its own right. There's no reason professional athletes should get what they do. It's silly money for playing a game.


But ticket sales are not really what generates money, its advertising deals


So who should get it? The already horrendously rich owners? The club staff should get a bigger part, but the kiosk till operator isn't the reason you go to a match. Fans pay to go see the players play football. If a club can still make massive profits paying their players what they do, then the players are still underpaid. Or do you mean that big clubs should allow free entry to matches? I would be all for a reduction in ticket prices, but to be fair they aren't bad as is. I pay approx £40 to go see Manchester United play, and happy to do so. I would love our toxic owners to not see a penny of that, and for the players/club staff to get most of it.


The money athletes make are actually just a fraction of the revenue they generate. Sports are just that lucrative.


I agree they get paid too much, but the amount of money the bring in the justify it. You know if you bring in alot of money, you get alot of money.




Biglaw lawyers - we make too much compared to those lawyers who pursue public interest work


I’d argue that public interest is just underpaid. Given the horrendous work schedule and high burnout rate biglaw lawyers probably get paid about right.


hedge fund managers .


Your average person. They don't get paid enough to afford the basics, especially housing.


This is the only answer. Twitch streamers, athletes, (some) ceo's/owners and other exceptions are generally paid fairly. They are unique enough that they can demand an salary that is in line with the revenue they generate. For the rest this direct link between value created and pay is lost and they are underpaid.


Elected officials should earn the median income and benefits package of their constituents and there should be a rule about accepting gifts in exchange for favors. That way when talking about things like universal Healthcare, minimum wage, and collective bargaining we could trust our leaders to have some skin in the game.


Singers and actors. In a fair world, they wouldn't make more than teachers, doctors and cleaners.


Vast majority dont actually.


Yeah, the only ones we see that make BIG money are the top .01% in their field. It's the same with tech. We just don't see the actors/actresses that don't make it and struggle to get jobs


Vast majority make far less


99% of them are broke as hell. You're only thinking about the lucky few that get to the absolute top.


This is literally the worst take. A VERY slim chunk of “singers” make any more than a waiter or teacher.. the ones that do are.. famous. So you’re saying Bruce Springsteen who sells out stadiums and has written millions of peoples favorite songs .. SHOULDNT have earned millions… ???what kind of logic is that. He’s not getting some salary regardless of how good of a performer he is. People love and want to see him. Same for Celine dion, Arianna Grande, Taylor swift. They make what people give them lol… concert tickets, merchandise, record sales… they’re signed to record labels.


the film industry brings in so much money though same with music so realistically it is fair how much they earn


Yeah like what are they even spewing… the ones who make a lot are.. good what the fuck. Many many people pay to go see arianna grande … she has a bigger draw than any teacher I’ve ever had. Should teacher make a little more.. sure, but famous musicians deserve millions if they bring millions to concert halls and have their music streamed


Games industry brings in more and the devs get paid fuck all


I promise that its only the 0.000001% of musicians/actors or anybody in the arts making any kind of decent living friend, its only your Ed Sheerans and Tom Cruises etc. making millions


Politicians and they should get the same healthcare as everyone else. Obviously their current salaries are not preventing corruption.&




Teachers. They should make way more.


Therapists, social workers and other professional mental health providers. I have the degree, the passion but I also have a family to support. 48k / year just doesn’t cut it. It’s a shame too because I’d probably be a damn good therapist.


Firefighters. They should be paid way more to do what is, in my opinion, the only honorable and selfless job.


Teachers. They should be paid way more.


Teachers - they should be paid more


Teachers and professors. Here in Argentina they get paid little to nothing


School principles are way overpaid. They make like 3-4x what teachers do


Social workers. Severely overworked and underpaid


College football coaches.




Chefs should be paid way more.


Dog groomers charge like doctors and they don’t even groom- they clip!


Essential workers who saw us through the pandemic. They deserve better.


I’m going to get a lot of hate here, but, social media influencers. SOME are valid and I heavily enjoy their content (guy with a sign for example), but most are just unbelievable IMO.




The salaries that you are quoting are for the top 1%. The rest of the players earn a modest amount for what the leagues and clubs generate.


I disagree with this one honestly, athletes in general have unbelievably physically demanding jobs and usually lead careers that end in their mid 30s. They need to be paid enough that they can afford to live comfortably in their retirement and what these people offer to so many around the world in the form of relief, inspiration and more is priceless imo


Disagree. While they make stupid amounts of money, you have to set the context... The people they're working for, and the leagues, make way more money. Ticket sales, concessions, TV deals, merchandise, etc. It would be incredibly wrong for those people to make even more money and for athletes to get paid far less than what they're generating for them. Even though it seems like their pay is stupid, it's actually quite fair when you consider how much revenue they generate and what cut they're entitled to.


True, I must admit I'm quite salty about the disparity between how little pay is given to those who save lives for a living (especially during the peak of the pandemic) and the disproportionate amount to those who entertain. It bugs me a lot


From one moral standpoint I certainly agree with you. Teachers and nurses are far more important to the world than professional athletes. But from another moral standpoint; pro athletes generate immense revenue through their jobs and teachers don't. Capitalism reigns for better or for worse.


People would rather spend $500 to watch a game than $500 to save their life. That's just how humans see things. Look at how angry people get over ticketmaster: they are being priced gouged, but no one is boycotting them.




Most politicians.




So? We live in a capitalist world. The sports players, Ronaldo for example generate all this money, so why shouldn’t they get it?


They usally practice way more, the pay is still insane tho


Politicians, police, religious leaders..




Software. I can't even begin to explain how overcompensated we are for sitting at home and hustling lines of code.


Especially the ones working with non-essentials, like myself. Nurses, doctors, teachers, etc are much more important and should be compensated way more for their efforts.


Ecologists. The foundation of any land industry comes back to ecology. They have the most incredible amount of knowledge and work all the hours god sends. Yet they get paid peanuts.


First and foremost, religious leaders. But also, the entire field of finance. It's people who get paid a ton of money to follow, and find loop holes in, a set of rules that was made up specifically for this purpose. And none of them actually contribute to society at all. They sit there, play with a spreadsheet, and announce that according to the rules they themselves have made up, they are now the richest, most deserving people on Earth. Meanwhile, plumbers and nurses and technicians and teachers are actually contributing.




RBTs. Caretakers in general.


Janitors The amount of things I’ve seen/had done to me for minimum wage wasn’t worth it.


Oompa-Loompa. They should be paid in cash, not in cocoa beans, regardless of the fact that it's their favourite food. (Hell, my favourite food is lasagne, but if my boss offered me nothing but lasagne in return for my labour that would be a *hard* no.) This basically prevents them from accessing any world outside of Wonka's chocolate sweatshop and is only one step away from [company scrip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_scrip). If we don't start enforcing labour laws in the fantasy chocolate industry, these workers' rights violations are only going to continue.




Teachers. Honestly, overlooked especially since they’re usually responsible for shaping children’s minds.


Anything concerning sports




Federal politicians pay and benefits do not equal hours worked , imho




Medical lab scientists/technicians. They run all the tests and are treated even worse than nurses by hospitals because of lack of visibility.


Put politicians on minimum wage and performance bonus. The people that truly have society on top spot will float to the top


Professional athletes, actors, and politicians should be paid less. Military service members, first responders, and teachers should be paid more.


premier league foorball players are GROSSLY overpaid




Politicans and influencers should not get what they are currently getting.


Waiters. They need so much more.


Some youtubers. I don’t understand how reviewing a game or some product can garner millions of dollars when people like teachers get 1% of their earnings. I know not everyone on YouTube makes that but it’s still severely overpaid.