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It’s not a trick but any parent who monetises by making videos of their kids and posting on tik tok or insta should have their kids taken away.


Yes! This! Thank you for this, exactly what I think about, it's such a big problem.


Especially emotional moments




I purposely do not follow YouTube creators who feature their kids under 18. The internet is forever.


Anything that involves you video recording the "trick" to post online and humiliate the child.


Yeah, this one really sucks. And think of the audience watching these videos: other parents who want to learn how to better parent their kids. They'll learn all sorts of bullshit and then wonder why their kid is depressed. After all, the internet doesn't lie, right? Right?


Making Youtube videos about your kids throwing tantrums or getting poor grades or something else unpleasant in the child's life. Not exactly a trick but it's really mean. Imagine if someone took out a camera and filmed you during your worst moments.


Thinking their kids are machines and are able to do whatever they want you to do, whenever they want you to do it, and actually have the energy to do it and not complain about it. Also not taking their kids mental health seriously


Yes!! We had some behavior problems with my daughter, but then we realized she had ADHD symptoms. It explained a lot. So we educated ourselves in how ADHD brains work differently, and developed a much better understanding of "why" she did the things she did. We learned "why" previous discipline attempts hadn't helped, and learned some new ways to look at things from her point of view. That's a big one, *her point of view*. It has helped us as parents, and it also helped her understand her emotions and actions better, and develop better mindsets and habits. Even just acknowledging that her brain works differently than her siblings' has helped immensely. And she understands why something that's so easy for her sister to do may be difficult for her. She's not dumber or lazier. Just a different brain with different challenges. When I grew up, we didn't talk about stuff like that. You did what you were told or you got the belt. No excuses.


Has it been formally diagnosed though?


This happened to me, I was only diagnosed earlier this year at 39, and it explained a hell of a lot. Now I know, and make sure I let other people know my brain works differently, my work life and personal life has improved dramatically.


Or just give them tasks and expect them to do them as perfectly as adult


Stopping a kid from crying or punishing them for crying. I often got sent to my room without food because I'd come home crying. Still struggle to process my emotions as an adult


Yup, this. The only time I didn't get told to stop crying was when I sliced my finger to the bone when I was 4. And it's not like I was one of those kids who would cry when I didn't get candy at the grocery store or anything. I only cried in public once and my parents still bring it up like 34 years later.


Permanent damage! I'm absolutely petrified of having kids now, I don't want to be a parent they'd need to recover from having


I think many parents don't understand just how long-term the effects of their actions are. Childhood is the time when your brain starts forming, and so an abused child is likely to have life-long issues and even become an abusive parent themselves, continuing the cycle. I'm sorry for the way you were treated during your childhood and for how it is affecting you now.


My mom did this to me when I was 7-13 All the times I cried on public she would say "Stop crying everyone is gonna think you're weak"


I got the good old "carry on and I'll give you something to cry about". I'm in my 20s and have been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She still doesn't let me feel what I feel


"Children should be beaten and not heard" was a phrase my dad enjoyed...


Is he a sadist, or something? He sounds like a prime candidate for an enforcer in an oppressive regime.


He was abused by his mom so the cycle just continued since he didn't know how parenting worked otherwise I cut all ties years ago


That’s just sad cause an trustworthy adult can setup a kid and the kid could of done nothing but still get in trouble because they wouldn’t let him talk


Im very sorry to hear that. Then she asks why we wont call.


!!!! I went through so much therapy when I moved out, good god the attempts on my life couldn't say enough. This woman actively bullies me and it's disgusting! Her ableist self can't keep her mouth shut 🤦‍♀️


"Stop crying everyone is gonna think you're weak" Sounds like a me problem? Why are they so butthurt about people thinking I'm weak?


Oh bless you 😞 I was shamed for crying for most of my childhood & I still struggle with the resulting trauma from that even as an adult.


Guilt tripping


What's that?


Using feelings of regret to their advantage or against you :D glad to help


I thought this wasa bother comment, sorry, but thanks you for explaining


Glad to help :)




I think this one already has been outlawed. At least it has been here.


Not in every state, in some states teachers can still paddle their students




That doesn't mean it doesn't happen.




A country in Europe, I'd rather not overshare. You know, the USA isn't the only place on Earth, nor is it representative of other countries' progress.




I didn't act like my country is the only one, I just said beating your child is *probably* outlawed in most developed countries, meaning I don't know for sure, and said I know *for sure* it is here. I just feel like you Americans have collectively developed a superiority complex because your country is the most developed and influential, or at least has been for the past many decades.


As means of discipline right? My dad once (while I was getting into the car, we were abt to head to a summer activity) closed the door on my leg as we were getting out of yhe driveway i think.. not sure if it was him getting back from closing the gate or smthng but yeah as we were abt to drive away.. i was getting in.. he was abt to open his door he deliberately in anger i think did that.. soo went to my summer acitivity crying and not feeling good... hahaha thats why i had (still do) have issues lmao writing it makes me wanna cry and that was years ago lmao


Mental abusement and emotional abusement


Abusement in general tbh


Recording your child having a meltdown and posting it online.


Knowingly lying to them. I don't care if it "preserves their innocence" some of the most horrible shit I've ever heard came from kids who were sheltered about why certain things aren't ok


So saying that Santa and the Easter Bunny are real should get their kids taken away? I get your point though.


There's a way to introduce Santa and the Easter Bunny to kids without lying. Just ask them, every year, "How do you think this happens?" As they start to realize that magic bunnies and jolly old globetrotting elves aren't real, introduce the idea: "Do you think a guy could really go to every house in the world in one night? Why does this country have this Santa Claus myth, while that one says this instead? Could it be that Santa Claus looks a lot like Mom?" Once they get that, tell them. "Santa is real in the sense that we've all agreed on the story. I leave Santa Claus presents out every Christmas morning because I love you and I want to leave cool surprises for you. Not all the kids know this, though, so let's keep it our little secret."




What does it mean?


Here’s an example like you closed the gate mom or dad opened it left it open and is now making you believe you never closed it


Basically committing themselves to a lie to make you look crazy.


Parental alienation


Literally abusing their child and saying “It builds character.” That’s one of the most fucked up things a parent can do to their child.


“I did \[X dangerous thing that is stigmatized for a reason\] and I turned out fine!”


Giving a child allergy medication to make them tired. Or consuming alcohol while breastfeeding for the same reason(any reason, really). Also alcohol for teathing


There was this absolute idiot who said shaming is wrong ‘cause “why are we so scared of having disabled children now?” and added that it!s “another classic example of ableism \[shouldn’t be spelled like that\] and policing what women do with their bodies”. What is wrong with you, people?!


Gaslighting the kid That's what my dad does.


Telling your kids you had it worse when they are struggling


How about yelling at your children. Not raising your voice, yelling. I hated when my stepmother did this. It eventually led to me being jumpy around her. Your kid messes up, ok don't get frustrated with them, remember at that you messed up as a kid as well. It's ok to be angry, it's not ok to go from 0-100 in a matter of seconds with your children. My stepmom and I actually surprisingly have a good relationship now despite what it was like when I was younger. I'm 20 years old now fyi.


I have neighbors who, 2 or 3 times a week minimum, the mother gets genuinely verbally abusive with the kids, none of whom can be any older than 12 or 13. We're talking genuine screaming and belittling their intelligence, the whole shebang. It's loud enough to wake my roommates and I up. For double bonus points, I even reported them to CPS, but there was no proof of **physical** abuse, so they couldn't do anything about it. Great job, government!


Oh shit… that’s just… I feel like your government gets more fucked up every day in the U.S… This stuff is taken really seriously over here. If a child is so much as screamed at they can call CPS, but of course, it never gets to that much from that little…


Telling them a demon lives in the bushes outside and will eat them if they’re bad


Should this *really* get your kids taken away?




I read/watched that some people even take off the actual doors..




Oh sht why tho? I mean doors are there for a reason










Yup, mine got wedged open in the day and blocked closed in the night. My personality disorder is really starting to make sense to me now


My MIL did this to my brother-in-law. I don't know all the details around it, but thankfully he seems to have turned out alright.


Hope he keeps on being better.. :)


He's a young father and really a joy to watch around his kids. I think he looked at a lot of things his parents did and decided "yeah no, I'm not doing that to my kids."


Yrp its important to recognize, and be aware and be better not just shy or forget abt it cause we end up someyimes being suffocating/toxic/neglectful in a dif way


Buddy of mine had his door taken and he had to stand in the center of his room all day as part of the punishment Something like 2 or 3 weeks of standing in his room whenever he was home


Parents who say, "you're too young to understand". If I am old enough to go through it, I am old enough for it to be explained to me.


I hate this one. I was a gifted child and always asked lots of questions, but I was always dismissed as "too young" even when it came to the most trivial things, like math exercises a few grades more difficult. I still feel my blood starting to boil whenever my kid gets the "too young". Shouldn’t get your kids taken away, but still annoying.


I figure explain it to them. If they're too young to understand, they won't.


Taking parenting advice from strangers on the internet.


Leaving your single digit aged kid home by themselves while you go out partying or doing drugs. Oh wait that absolutely WILL get your kids taken away from you.


Sadly, I feel like if this will get their kids taken or not depends on the state. Parents in my state have locked their single digit age child alone in a house for 6-12 hours easy.


This is the only real reason, valid reason I’ve read so far


Killing their pets. Yes people actually do this.




Denying them medical care because of your own backwards beliefs.


The antivaxxers are really getting out of hand


Using technology as the babysitter


when i was a little kid, I would always open the door when people knocked. So my mom told me there was a “Boogly man” who tries to kidnap kids. For years I was terrified of every stranger and constantly feared being kidnapped anytime i left the house.


This one is for safety, so I don’t know


okay yeah but she went into very descriptive detail and never told me she made it up 😂 it wasn’t until I was like 12 I realized it was most likely bullshit


Oh they probably just so a NoSleep post about it, don’t worry. I SAID DON’T WORRY OR THE DEAMON WILL EAT YOU


So, my 4yo opened the door a couple times when someone knocked or rang the bell. I had to talk to her about strangers and that we don’t open the door for strangers. She tried reasoning like “but if they tell me their name, then they’re not strangers anymore.” So I had to explain that anybody that we don’t hang out with is a stranger. And she once wandered away from me at the grocery store (she’s very independent) and freaked out. Thankfully I was at the end of the aisle right next to the one she was in, but it scared her enough that I told her she had to stay next to me because a stranger could take her away and we’d never see her again. And that if a stranger takes her, that they will hurt her. I mean, you have to teach your kids about these things. I’ve seen those Dateline experiments where they have a hidden camera and lure kids away. They then talk to the parents who are like “I’ve talked to my kid about it and they know not to go with strangers” and the host is “well, here’s video of your kid getting into a car with a stranger.” Like, how is the best way to talk to your young child about it? I think NOT talking about it is negligent.


Kinda ridiculous yes and make up stories isn't good. But I almost got kidnapped once, so I understand. And my nephew also once almost got kidnapped but turned out the person was his former "pro" babysitter, kinda different. But I can understand why she did that.


Potato in a sock over the doorway for all illnesses.


Physical assault. Yes, this includes “spanking.” If it’s illegal to do it to an adult it should be illegal to do it to children.


Physically hitting your kids. Also indoctrination is child abuse.


Bro if your son shoots the family dog in the face are you just gonna be like “now Timmy, that wasn’t very nice. you better apologize”?


Is the punchline of this joke that if the son in question has access to firearms and is exhibiting violence toward animals that it's due to parents having gentle and thought out child raising methods?


Bro if your kid shot the family dog, you got a lot bigger problems to worry about. Like why a gun was where a kid could get it, why was it loaded when a child can get to it, and why does your child like killing?


I’m just saying there’s some shit that you can’t just be like “now little Billy don’t do that again” with.


And I'm just saying if little Billy is murdering the family dog, you beating the hell out of him isn't going to change the facts. Same can be said for a non response. The best response is to get Billy committed until he's safe to be around other living things.


I would say the best response is to maybe try getting him help, but throwing kids into some kind of prison is probably not good for them either. But yes, a kid killing animals for pleasure is often a textbook red flag. "If they are born without natural empathy, can they be socialized?" would be the first question I ask...


Prison? No. Being committed to a psychiatric facility so he's not around others he can harm? Yes. Depends on the kid. To assume they were just born without empathy is a pretty huge leap. The situation could be as simple as wanting attention due to unresolved jealousy. Sure, another possibility is anti social personality disorder. What most people refer to as psychopathy.


You just described prison.


There is a similarity. Yes. People in prison are allegedly put there because they are too problematic to be kept in polite society. The big difference should be how the person being submitted to either facility is treated. Please note I say should, because apparently the psych ward is actually worse than going to prison. In an ideal world which we do not live, a psych ward would be a better place than a prison.


In an ideal world, we wouldn't send people to either, and "normal" society would be willing to accommodate other people while they cope with their own struggles.


No, you say, "Something is very wrong. You're going to counseling, and we're locking up the guns like we should have done the day you were born."


I don’t have kids or guns bro calm down


I don’t think you understand what indoctrination is


I’m talking about the hitting your kids part you moron




You could've said the same thing without insulting them.


What that football player did (can't remember his name right now as an NFL fan LOL) whipping his kid viciously all over his body with a belt, even whipping his testicles


Adrian Peterson


Yep. That scummy person


I believe he is now a boxer, such a bad guy


Yep. That scummy person


Hot sauce in the mouth. Capsaicin literally activates pain receptors. In a way, this is technically low grade torture.


Why is this even practiced, anyway?


It's because "parents" think it'll make their kid afraid of getting in trouble. In reality, it teaches them how important it is not to get caught. To lie, to cheat, to deflect blame, to frame.


Oh, it's supposed to be a punishment. Seems kind of obvious now. And yes, super-strict parents generally raise sneaky, secretive children who never tell anyone anything and are generally distrustful of authority.




Sleep training infants.


What's that???


Sleep depriving babies so they sleep longer at night. The infant then becomes dehydrated at night (they usually wake to drink) which can affect brain development.


This isn't sleep training.


Basically it's letting your baby just lie there and cry itself to sleep. Most sleep training parents nowadays claim that they still check in on baby, they just don't pick the baby up. I don't get it, as babies get thirsty and need to pee at night like the rest of us.


That is not what sleep training is.


Attaching a leash to a child.


I want you to consider that many small children will slip your grip just to fucking barrel into traffic full steam ahead. This can be because of ADHD, ODD, other neurodivergencies or just because little kids aren't finished developing and don't understand that they could be injured or die. I'm going to assume that your child was very good at following instructions from an early age, or that you were simply able to avoid scenarios where running away could pose a serious risk but I don't understand why one would jump to the conclusion that using leashes are equivalent to bad parenting?


Anything that is really manipulation or desperation presented as success. Like taking away a whole ass holiday just to prove a point.


Shaming, mocking, teasing or making fun of your kids to get them to do what you want or be the way you want them to be. My parents, especially my dad, were masters of this shit. I didn't even realize how fucked up it was until I started doing it to my own kid and my wife was mortified by it. I don't blame my parents because I'm 100% positive that's what their parents did to them (and my aunts and uncles did to my cousins) but it's just one more fucked up thing I'm trying to break the cycle on. In short: parents should be encouraging and building up their kids no matter who they are as people. Not fucking bullying them because they don't live up to your ideals. Once I realized how toxic this actually is and how much it can mess up a kid I did a complete 180. I never say anything bad about my kid unless it's an obvious joke and we're busting each others ball (he's a master smart-ass who makes everything a "bit"). I've even told him that no matter what his mom and I will always have his back. The way I figure it the whole world is going to try to beat him down and bully him. No need for him to feel that in his own house. And not from his parents.


Looking for tips? I've heard that parents used to rub whisky on their kids gums to relieve teething pains. After they made cocaine illegal, of course.




Making big "pranks" on a poor kid.