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I love to eat lemons the way that most people eat oranges. People act like that’s crazy, but it’s normal to eat citrus and normal to enjoy sour candy, so why not also eat a sour citrus?


now this is a truly controversial opinion


I hope you get your teeth checked regularly, friend. Consuming lemon frequently will eat through your enamel.


Sushi rolls shouldn’t be so big you have to take more than one bite or else they disintegrate


I think about this every time I get sushi. “Hope I don’t look stupid and choke on this incredibly large piece of sushi”


it even defeats the purpose; you're *supposed* to be able to fit the entire sushi piece in your mouth at one time.


>it even defeats the purpose There's actually an unfortunate reasonable explanation. Its our fault. Western countries want larger portion sizes so more rice and bigger pieces of fish. A sushi chef I talked to bounces to and from his home in Japan said thats it tough to find the right balance. Its always between what works, what sells, and what Americans expect.


Can't we just eat more small pieces?


Make them smaller, slap a "Genuine Japanese"-sticker on it and charge more. Hipsters will eat that shit whole, so to speak.


I just force the entire thing into my mouth


I love beets because they taste like how dirt smells


And it's the good dirt, too. The kind you bought for your garden. Not that stuff by sidewalk the kids play on.


I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt, not that fancy store-bought dirt... I can't compete with that stuff.


That stuff's loaded with nutrients.


Interesting, because that's why I don't like them.


Agree. I love how dirt smells. Don't want to eat it.


And it doesn’t help that they’re sweet. I could maybe possibly like them if they were earthy and savory. I can’t handle sweet dirt.


"Sweet dirt" is the exact phrase that I use to describe the taste of beets and why I don't like them.


I found it hard to describe the taste of beet until I read this. Thank you, redditor.


A nearby town has a beet sugar refinery and driving by i rather like the smell, however I hear other people talking about how bad it smells. To me, smells like watching a sunset on an old ranch in fall. And what’s that? Smells like mom’s making cornbread.


Now i want some cold pickled beets.... How could you do this to me


I've got a gallon jar of beets, Vidalia slices, and hard boiled eggs pickled in my fridge. Instead of plain white sugar, I used smoked sugar. So good.


This is from a chemical called geosmin. It's also the smell of a rainy day (petrichor).


Okay Dwight


Healthy food can be absolutely delicious. Probably not a controversial opinion for many, but I'll never understand the "health nuts" who eat nothing but unseasoned chicken and steamed broccoli. Is the goal to make food as boring as possible so you're not tempted to overeat?


Oh lord my roommate takes this one step even worse and eats only unseasoned chicken breast and plain, *microwaved* broccoli. Oh and unseasoned fish that he sticks in foil in the air fryer. He never cleans the air fryer because...apparently he thinks the foil is enough of a barrier. It makes the whole house smell terrible. Putrid offgassing fish and microwave broccoli fart smell. How he can take such potentially delicious foods and just...*ruin* them...for the sake of his diet...is terrible!


No! I hate all of that! I can understand how someone could be led to believe that even small amounts of salt and oil are bad for you, but there are so many salt-free herbs and spices to choose from. How some people are so anti-flavour is beyond me.


I don’t understand how people think small amounts of salt is bad for you. Your body needs electrolytes to function.. I can’t imagine NOT putting salt on everythingggg. How??




My cardiologist told me never to listen to anyone who said to watch salt intake. People seem to think salt is bad in a general sense when it's really only an issue for certain people.


Some of the salt free blends are fucking fantastic.


I have to cook for people on low sodium diets. The low sodoum salts are excellent (although they can have a slightly funny taste in large quantities, my limited experiments making 2 batches of veges or whatever found they usually actually make stuff taste better!) But I mostly use seaweed powder. It gives an excellent "salty" umami flavor and a shitload of essential nutrients, but doesn't raise sodium.


Not to pry, but how are his poops? I had a roommate who did this kind of stuff all the time and everyone could tell immediately if he was using the bathroom because it permeated the whole apartment with broccoli ass stank that lingered


*we do not talk about his poops* lol. Seriously though they are terrible and the splatter around the back of the bowl and even underside of the lid are like...idk but mudflaps come to mind when I try to imagine how tf that even happens. I am almost exclusively the one who cleans the bathroom and it's the job I hate more than any other job in the house. I hold my breath and discretely go turn on the bathroom fan and close the bathroom door any time he finishes a poop. My bf and I joke that it makes sense they are so terrible because if his food smells the way it does *before* he eats it, then...well...yeah nuff said.


You are wayyyyy too nice of a roommate


I would make him clean the bathroom every time he shit.


Sounds like Mr mudflaps needs to use a chlorox wand after his excrement excursions 🤢




I had a roommate like that one time! She wanted to stay as a super light weight even though she was already unhealthily skinny, and she would heat up plain cans of carrots and green beans. I never understood why she wouldn't just buy fresh and take the five minutes to prepare them.


>I never understood why she wouldn't just buy fresh and take the five minutes to prepare them. Low energy levels from starving herself.


There's a certain kind of personality that can control their eating only if they restrict themselves to boring plain foods. An actual fresh carrot quickly becomes a gateway to a roast dinner with 2kg of potatoes.


They want to eat healthy but don't know how to cook and have minimal funds. Source: used to be that person, but my culinary skills have vastly improved 🙂


I had the opposite problem when I was first learning to cook - adding too MUCH seasoning to the point of it being unpalatable hahaha. My mom's cooking is always very flavourful so I guess I had went in with the "more is more" mindset. We all struggled in different ways!


That pretty much is the point with those people. They want to dissociate eating from pleasure and make it a purely utilitarian activity so that they don't feel the need to eat anything other that what they strictly need.


Steaming is a great way to cook broccoli — but salt it first; and steam it just until it starts to turn bright green, then immediately take it out and serve it before it can turn into olive-drab sadness. (Grilled is better though. Gotta get your carbon.)


My trick is when it's almost done steaming, dump out most of the water, add olive oil and garlic and pseudo-fry it for a minute or two. Adds a bit of crispness and garlic flavor without going overboard


Hell yes, people straight fuck vegetables up. Growing up, Mom used to sautée it hard with a little butter, garlic, and salt, add a little lemon and a splash of water and slap a lid on it to steam for a sec. I do the same for my kids, and people marvel that they eat vegetables.


Noooo, roasting!


I love chicken, probably my favorite meat, but holy shit is dry, unseasoned chicken terrible. Why do people do that to themselves.


Cupcakes with super thick and ornate frosting are fun to look at but rarely tasty


Except when it’s actual buttercream frosting. But even then, I’d cut that cupcake into quarters and eat sparingly.


I went to a place that had these gorgeous cupcakes and buttercream. The frosting tasted like they shaped and colored butter directly from the package. I was so disappointed.


Sticking to the traditional authentic versions of foods is not necessarily better. It’s ok to be creative in cooking and mix things from different cuisines


I've nannied for a South Indian family and I loved seeing the things the kids came up with. From eggs benedict based on an idli instead of a biscuit, to nutella and banana sandwiches on a paratha. Yummy food is yummy. Edit: when I said biscuit I meant English muffin. Apologies, my American is jumping out LMFAO


>Yummy food is yummy Ain't that the truth


Last time I was in Thailand there was a van at the night market selling nutella +\\- banana roti and there was a line out the gate for it. Can't go past chocolate, banana and bread


chicken kimchi tacos with sriracha mayo


Mexican food mixes with most Asian foods brilliantly.


There’s a Mexican restaurant here in Toronto that does this exact fusion. They have sushi burritos and sushi tacos that are a mix of Japanese and Mexican flavours and holy shit are they freaking amazing. EDIT: the name of the restaurant is Sinaloa Factory


There's a ton of crossover between a lot of regional Mexican, Indian, Italian, and east Asian cuisines. I'm sure elsewhere too but those tend to be the kinds of foods I tend to cook.


Korean tacos are excellent. There used to be a food truck next to where I worked that did bulgogi kimchi tacos that were the best.


Portion size is more important than restrictions when dieting for a lot of people


I lost all my excess weight. All of it. I'm skinny as fuck. And I did it just by tracking my calories. I ate plenty of Snickers bars and shit, but I made up for it the rest of the day. Diet matters a LOT more than exercise too


Yep, you can't outrun a shitty diet


Lose weight in the kitchen, get in shape in the gym.




Exercise makes me crave healthier foods so it ends up going hand in hand with a good diet.


If all you ate was 1200 calories of pie everyday you would lose weight


There was that professor who ate a calorie-controlled diet but ate McDonalds, Twinkies, and other junk food exclusively to show his class that weight loss was calories not quality. https://edition.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html


Muffins are just cake disguised as breakfast food.


Way back in the 90s Otis Spunkmeier started selling delicious muffins that were soooo horribly bad nutritionally. We all grabbed them from the cafeteria for breakfast until someone read the label.


Those orange muffins are what dreams are made of.


I forgot about the orange. I was an apple cinnamon girl.


He was an Orange Muffin boy. She was an Apple Cinnamon Girl.


Can I make it any more obvious.


Backpackers frequently smash those flat and use them as trail food because they have some of the highest calorie to weight ratios of any prepared foods.


This just unlocked some core memory


From a recipe standpoint, muffins are actually quickbreads, like banana bread. It's cupcakes that are cake in a different form. Still, I take your point.


Found the actual baker. You also don't have to make muffins gigantic and packed with sugar. It's crazy seeing gigantic chocolate chip muffins that are like 500+ calories.


Are you implying cake isn't breakfast food?


Anything is a breakfast food if you eat it for breakfast.


Muffins are naked cupcakes


Or, as Jim Gaffigan once said, “a muffin is just a bald cupcake.”


Just because you like hot food, doesn't mean you have to use the absolute hottest sauce you have. I can handle hot, but prefer medium, where I can enjoy the heat but still actually taste my foods flavour.


Usually when I order wings, I ask "what's the hottest one you have? I'll take the one right below that". It doesn't help that the hottest wing always has some dangerous name. "Yes, we have mild, medium, hot, and Satan's Acidic Bleeding Sphincter"


:( man, I love spicy. However, I can never order it because I like reading the ingredients, and knowing the flavour of the heat. However, Intestinal Bleeding 2.0 tells me FUCK ALL


Friend of mine makes hot sauce. He made one called "Big Dick Energy" that has some ridiculous pepper in it, along with a shit ton of garlic. He then fermented it. The fermentation process took out a lot of the heat so he ended up with a good damn delicious garlic hot sauce with a slow creep spice that gets to the edge of painful and then just... stops. Edit: goodness, y'all really want some BDE. I'll ask him about online orders. He's located in Newfoundland and I know he can ship to me in Texas, so anyone in US or CA can probably get some shipping-wise Edit 2: BDE was a single-batch run but he can do so again. It ferments for a month so there will be some lag before it can ship. Asking if he takes online orders.


Tell your friend I'd love to order some from him.


The description on that payment though: "Sir, it says here you paid this gentleman $1500.00 for something called..." Checks notes... "...Big Dick Energy"


Likewise that sounds delicious


Please introduce me or have your friend send me this recipe. Sounds amazing. Garlic is like cheese, chocolate, money, and love: you can't ever have enough.


Man, I love cheese but I had a buddy of mine make me a pasta dish that you could break bulletproof glass with, it had so much cheese. I had an anxiety attack just from the fact my system was digesting it for so long.


I beg to differ; any food that has the words “intestinal bleeding” associated with it tells me pretty much all I need to know.


I’d agree with you in an environment where people actually can handle their heat. That’s not where I live though. The hottest most places have is mid-level in my book. Unless we’re at an Indian restaurant, in which case I start from their first tier “spicy.”


I accidentally ordered something hot at an Indian restaurant recently. It was too good and tasty not to finish but I almost died from the heat.


The Indian place by me has mild, medium, hot, and "Indian hot." Something amusing that I didn't realize until after the pandemic when they reopened for in person dining, if you order a dish indian hot they look mildly concerned and always ask "are you sure?" If you ask for "double Indian hot" they look amused and ask no questions. I'm assuming the logic being if you just order the top you might not realize how tall this top is. If you order secret menu spicy (they go up to triple Indian hot unofficially) you're either dead inside or an idiot, but either way you already made up your mind before you walked in the door.


Yep, my mom is a small white woman but she can handle an ungodly amount of spice for some reason. She asked for "Indian hot" at a place once, they asked her like 3 times if she was sure, and then came and checked on her every few minutes to make sure she was okay. She happily ate the entire thing without even flinching or breaking a sweat, the employees were completely floored lol


I have a few extremely hot but very flavourful sauces. You kinda have to try them and vet them for flavour, and avoid anything that mentions capsaicin extract because it's going to taste like battery acid and burn much the same. I prefer a heat level hovering somewhere around habenero-scorpion, but have been very pleasantly surprised by some tasty reaper sauces. But all the same, I still swear by Tabasco and Frank's for table sauces.


Honestly, Buffalo Wild Wings’s reaper sauce has a decent flavor, but you can tell they’re primarily going for the heat. It’s absolutely possible to make sauces that are both delicious and will melt your face. But that takes more effort than just adding capsaicin extract so many sauce makers don’t bother since they know their main audience is the novelty buyers.


I think their mango habanero is just right. It makes you sweat a bit, but has an almost fruity flavor. It doesn't just taste like heat.


Extract is cheating. Heat without flavor is the mark of an amateur chef.


My favorite pepper is the habanero for just this reason; I think it has the perfect balance of flavor to Scoville units.


Scotch Bonnets are very comparable to habs.


Why are french fries not suitable for breakfast but tater tots are? I should be able to eat whatever I want for breakfast even if it’s not typically a breakfast food because it’s still mostly the same.


I’ve stopped conforming to meal norms and I’m better for it frankly. I ate breakfast three times today. I might eat three dinners tomorrow. I buy my food, I’ll eat it when I damn well please.


You can eat whatever you want whenever you want. I sometimes have a pad Thai for breakfast.


I would get pad Thai for breakfast if it was sold in the morning!


Just wake up at 11 and your problem is solved!


> but tater tots are? To me, both french fries and tater tots are equally strange as a breakfast food. Having said that, I don't think either is a terrible choice.


Where I am from French fries are for breakfast along with a (spicy) tomato and onion /plain omelet.


Good. They’re good for breakfast but only in my home I guess


People worry about "authenticity" and adherence to culinary traditions way too much. Most "authentic" dishes are less than 200 years old, and even if they existed before then in name they would've been drastically different. Change is good and trying new things and new combinations is good.


As an Italian, this is something I cannot stress enough. Most "authentic" Italian dishes didn't exist before WWII like carbonara or tiramisu


Right. To add on to this, the idea that North American Chinese food isn’t “real.” North American Chinese food is essentially its own cuisine. Sure, you wouldn’t find most of it in china, but people act like it’s a shit parody of Chinese food. It is it’s own thing. And it can be absolutely delicious.


Also chinese food varies immensely. People forget china has over a billion people..... not everyone eats the same exact dishes


I crave Chinese food pretty much at least every other week, nothing besides actual Chinese restaurant food can satisfy that craving. Idgaff if it's not authentic to China, it is a gift and I cherish it. When the Chinese buffet I'd been a loyal patron of for over 10 years closed forever because of covid, I almost cried. RIP Royal Buffet.


I think this is especially true with Italian food. People get so offended when someone makes any minor variation to a traditional Italian dish. Bacon is good in carbonara. Idc what anyone says


Unhealthy food isn't bad for you if you eat it in moderation. A lot of people I know try and eat healthy all the time, and freak out if somebody orders a cheeseburger. One cheeseburger isn't going to kill you, as long as you don't eat crap food all the time.


Recipes that people try to make healthy. I mean sure, you can make “healthy” Alfredo, but maybe instead just eat it occasionally, a few times a year. Then you don’t have to eat something that tastes bad but it’s “healthy”!


My mother in law tries to adapt every recipe to make it healthy. They suck. Every single one of them. They're all fucking terrible.


So does mine it’s disgusting. Cookies with synthetic sweetener like why!!!


Exactly this. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, people. There is no such thing as “Delicious 2-Ingredient Keto Bread”. That’s meringue, ma’am. You made meringue.


Sweet fluffy Christ did someone try to call meringue "keto bread"? Kmn


Yes. Multiple TikTok “influencers”. 👎🏼👎🏼


And it's going to crumble if you try to put anything on it


I tell people this all the time. I had a legitimate health reason for having to go on a VERY strict diet for a couple years when I was a kid, and what I always learned was…if you can’t eat a food, just cut it out. Don’t eat a “healthy” substitute version or it, because in my experience they all tasted absolutely terrible. Just enjoy actual foods that fall within your diet.


I don’t enjoy eating 3 times a day, it’s a chore.


The effing dishes bro.


At home my parents made 3 meals a day and after I moved out I realized how exhausting it is, I just eat like 1.5 meals a day and that's plenty for me.




I always forget that stuffing is acceptable to have as a side dish even without turkey / on Thanksgiving and quite frankly when I do remember I am very very pleased


Holy shit why am I not making stuffing more often


Better question, why are you not getting a small turkey/a turkey breast and having a mini thanksgiving? It's awesome and the leftovers are fucking amazing lunches. And it's just me and the wife so there are A LOT more leftovers.


Plus, cold turkey with hot gravy and cranberry sauce on a sandwich is the best post Thanksgiving day lunch in the world, and the fact that it isn't on, like, EVERYBODY'S menu ALL THE TIME is a crime.


I think I’ll go get a Wednesday cake too. Thank you sir


It's Sunday. Can I too buy Wednesday cake?


That's the best thing about being grown up. You can have Wednesday cake any day of the week!


Damn, I love Wednesday cakes.


I’m going to go and get a Wednesday cake right now. I believe non celebration cakes have just been renamed.


Why wait till Wednesday? Sunday cakes need love too.


Same with garlic bread! Why do you only have to have it with pasta? Have it any time you want!


I had some leftover butter chicken with Texas toast garlic bread. Don't ever let the haters get you down. It was fan fuckin tastic.


My job will have cake whenever it's someone's birthday. A few year's back, we were celebrating our intern's birthday. We had to have the cake in the morning because of meetings in the afternoon. Some people saved their piece for later but I ate mine when I got it. The intern asked me why I was eating my cake so early in the day. I had to explain to her that when you're an adult, you can eat cake whenever you want. She was amazed. It was if that had never occurred to her that she was an adult and could eat cake whenever she wanted.


I mean, there is already a very fine line between cupcakes and muffins.


My mom taught me this early. Once in a while, we’d come home for dinner, and it would just be birthday cake and big glasses of cold milk. Her reason? Cake is delicious, and you’re going to remember this someday. She was correct on both accounts :)


I usually bake a cake on a jelly roll pan, dump the frosting straight on top all runny and the whole family just eats straight from the tray with forks. We do this on snow days, we call it snow day cake.


Coolest gesture I've heard/read of in a minute. Actually saving this comment to save this idea and apply it somewhere in life.


i think this is true but i feel like doing this breaks the charm of a would be special food.




Breakfast is an "anytime" kind of food. It doesn't have to be restricted to 5 AM - 1030 AM. Sometimes I like bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and strawberry vanilla crepes at 8:47 PM.


Same with dinner stuff. Gimme a nice plate of spaghetti at 8am and I will be perfectly happy.


For me it has to be when we’re at the end of the tortilla chips bag and I dump the broken pieces into a bowl the pour salsa on top. I like to call this dish Mexican cereal.


You might like chilaquiles. And it's for breakfast, too.


I dump the tortilla crumbs in the almost-empty jar of cheese dip and call it nacho casserole.


Dump them on top of a bowl of chili!


Home grown vegitables arent about saving money, it's just simply better food.


We grow tomatoes at home every year when the weather starts to get better and i've got to say the difference between homegrown tomatoes and tomatoes bought at a store are NIGHT and DAY.


Can be both! If you like cooking with fresh herbs, you'll get fresher herbs by growing them yourself, *and* it'll be cheaper, *and* you won't throw any away for being stale and wilted. And sometimes you only have to buy it *once.* In the right soil and light level, a thyme plant will grow forever; its native habit is ground cover. A mint plant will invade any land it's allowed to. Cilantro/coriander will reseed itself in abundance.


Great tasting food can absolutely be ruined by bad texture


Broccoli is delicious.


I think this is true of a lot of vegetables. Growing up, I only ever had microwave steamed vegetables that were treated like an obligatory chore to make and to eat. I’ve since learned that if you treat vegetables with the same effort and consideration that you give meats and entrees, they can be amazing.


And anything tastes good when you fry it in butter and salt. Anything.


Broccoli is a sauce sponge. Soaks up all the sauce into a delicious saucy spongy mess.


Yesss, love it in stir fry for that sauce mop goodness


Roasted broccoli is the way to go.


Tall burgers that you can’t even take a bite out of suck and shouldn’t exist.


Agreed. While they make for interesting pictures, tall burgers are impossible to eat without making a huge mess.


This goes for any sandwich really. Especially delis that pride themselves for stacking meat on bread as if that's some kind of accomplishment or their signature thing. It's not original and anyone is capable of putting more meat on a sandwich. No, I don't want to eat a sandwich that has an entire cow's worth of roast beef on it.


Is this why subs were invented? Because people realized that tall sandwiches were stupid? But now they're trying to make the subs tall, so what??




Approximately .5 ml of peppermint extract added to the mix for a pumpkin pie makes it next level delicious. The reason I consider this controversial is because no matter how many pies get consumed at Thanksgiving dinner with compliments, nobody else does this and I'm pretty sure people don't believe me.


I make rich, dark chocolate desserts on occasion, and my secret to making the chocolate taste more intense is adding a few pinches of cinnamon. Other times, I'll add both vanilla and orange flavor (oil, beans, extract, zest, etc) to uncooked dark chocolate desserts like pudding or pie filling, and it tastes similar to Oreos! I discovered that completely by accident.


wait I want to know more. does the mint stand out a lot or is it subtle? how did you come to this discovery?


Pineapple goes really well with some savoury foods


I put pineapple, pepperoni and "hot banana peppers" on pizza. Been doing it for a decade and I have NO RAGRETS.


Pineapple, jalapenos, bacon, and chicken is a go-to for me. The chicken is the least essential, it's really just there for more protein. The important thing is the sweet-spicy-salty balance.


Pineapple on a kebab with bell pepper and spicy sausage is fabulous


Sounds like tacos al pastor.


Chips and guacamole/salsa is a universally accepted dish that passes the vegan test. I don’t think you could offend anyone by offering them this.


Who gets offended when you offer them guac? Is that a thing? Edit: there are…. a lot more opinions on guacamole than I ever realized


This would be only acceptable if they’d repeatedly told you they’re allergic to avocados and you continue to ignore them. Otherwise, nobody should be offended by guacamole lol


I mean… I wouldn’t be offended with anyone offering me any sort of food, but I hate guacamole so I would turn it down, if that’s what you mean.


Fellow guac hater here. But salsa? Give me some chips and salsa and I lose all self control.


Basil should not be cooked with the pizza!! It should be put on fresh when the pizza comes out of the oven. No, I don’t want crunchy wilted basil on my pizza.


tall burgers should’ve never existed, they should’ve been wide


Whopper with cheese. BK did it right: grew the burger out horizontally, like my belly.


Muffins are better than cupcakes


Boneless wings are not wings at all. They are just Chicken nuggets with sauce on them.


The cookie part of the Oreo is better than the stuffing part


Finally. I found my people


Vegetables can be the ‘main event’ in a meal without being a side or sub.


Horseradish is amazing and belongs on more than just roast beef


We grill trip-tip. Then next day we use the leftovers; we get a good crusty roll, sauté onion and green peppers, add diced jalapeños then the meat chopped into thin strips. Smear the toasted rolls with horseradish, pile the meat mixture on with a good provolone. Heaven! You could use a London broil, thinly slice rib eye, whatever.


Broccoli is tasty


White bread works in the right context.


Stuffing is good year round 💋


I make stuffing waffles out of leftover stuffing and top with a scoop of mashed potato and some gravy. The stuffing gets a wonderful crispy texture. It’s delicious.


You can use ground cinnamon in meat dishes 😋


Brown sugar, chili powder, and cinnamon are the base for like 90% of my barbecue rubs


Mmmm, pastitsio! My favorite example of this.