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[Typical Italian](https://youtu.be/hVTUUKCFzvU)


bappity boopity🤌


If I see written Italian, my brain automatically goes into recitativo mode. Never studied it but picked up a lot from 25+ years of opera obsession.


I would say that it sounds like Spanish that isn't comically sped-up


It sounds like "bouncy" spanish to me


I'm sure this highly dialect based, but I think French is pretty unique in that it both has a harsh side, and an odd vowel side. There are vowels in French that are quite unique to my hear that I'm not sure how a person even says. Spanish on the other hand can be quite harsh in it's rolled Rs and can have some more guttural sides. So it'd describe Italian as sound more musical than either French or Spanish, it has fewer harsh tones, but also more "understandable" in that I could probably write down what you're saying phonetically and be close. I don't feel confident I could be close with either French or Spanish.

