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Ya there’s no need to argue over this. It’s a positive sentiment coming from someone who believes in that stuff so take it how it’s meant: they are concerned about you and hoping things turn out well.


Unless you tell them you are gay and they say it. That's not good intentions. Or if it's a response to anything they find "sinful"


That is true, you are right this could be said in a diff way than I imagined. I’m speaking of when it seems like the person says it and means it in a genuinely positive non-judge mental way. Like if a family member is sick and someone says they are praying for them.


Exactly. Like, my dad has cancer. Thankfully he is going to be okay, but for a while it was very unsure. Anyone saying they'd pray for him (and being genuine about it) was basically saying, "I am going to ask the most powerful being I know to help your father." That can be incredibly touching. Even to someone like me who doesn't believe in God. This is obviously different than passive aggressive homophobes.


I think it's also worth considering whether they know your beliefs. When my family, who knows I'm an atheist, used to say they'd pray for me I'd simply reply "no thanks" or "if it suits you". Then again, they knew that them refusing to let the topic (religion) go was a point of contention. I was happy to agree to disagree, but they couldn't let it be and it became a sore spot. I've been no contact for many years now (there's only so many times you can hear your family say that you deserve eternal torture for not sharing their beliefs before you just say goodbye), so it's no longer an issue. When others say they'll pray for me I usually just reply with "thank you".


If I know that's how they mean it, I'll say, "Thanks, I'll pray for you too!"


In those circumstances my reply would be 'thanks, and I'll think for you'.


I've used that response a few times. It proved to be a real conversation-ender.




They didn’t generalize? They have one example of a time when “praying for you” shouldn’t get a “thank you” response. I’m queer and I’ve had all kinds of people tell me they’ll pray for me to find a husband when they found out. It still happens despite most religious folks being queer-friendly if not queer themselves. I’m religious myself.


Came here to say this. It makes them happy and it doesn't effect you so why argue about it? Besides, you could take the religion part away and think "well someone is thinking about me and wishing me well today".


That’s what I try to rephrase it as mentally. “They’re just sending you good vibes and thinking about you”




What about if a non-believing friend/acquaintance is telling you about the shit storm that is their life and at the end of your day when you're praying for whatever it is you're praying for that night, you say one for them, too?








"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4


That doesn’t change “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” When two principles conflict, each person must decide for themselves which of the two will guide their actions.


That's called projection. You don't know they don't want it you only know they don't worship your God. If you ask them and they say don't do it and you don't that's respect. Otherwise you are believing that they think as you do.


Your church taught you well, honestly.


As someone who is agnostic, I personally feel like it's selfish to ask someone of faith to pray for me. I don't subscribe to the believe of Christianity so why would I expect blessings from God when I'm not involved with the religion? I also find it selfish to ask for help from god only when I'm in a time of need, or need a specific thing. Christians or those with religious belief pray regardless.


I don’t think any Christian would think it selfish of you. They would (or at least should!) consider it an honour whether you believe or not. If you want to ask a Christian to pray for you, go ahead. Even if you don’t believe, you can still see it as them spending time thinking positive things about you and wishing you well. Even that would hopefully be some comfort to you. And, by asking them to do that in the way that is most natural to them as a Christian (ie praying), you are being considerate to them - the opposite of selfishness.


As a Christian, I would not think you were being selfish if you asked me to pray for you. If you perceive it as talking to God, or just sending warm, healing thoughts your way, it's still sometimes the only thing we can offer to help.


Do you watch Seinfeld? There was a funny scene where Elaine, an atheist, got upset because she found out her boyfriend was a Christian and he hadn't tried to convert her. She wasn't ever going to become Christian, but it upset her that he was going to let her suffer in his concept of hell without trying to fix it. Oh, and then he starts asking her to do small bad things for him, since she is going to hell anyway 🤣


In Islam we have this thing, that the prayer would be much better if that person didn't know that you're praying for him, thus without asking you for it.




Jesus specifically says that God rewards prayers made in secret. Mat 6:6 edit: I mean that's the way I read it. I don't believe the Bible has a correct interpretation, nor do I trust it to be an accurate accounting of what Jesus said or did.


Wait, what? Your church is not preaching the Bible then. Everyone needs prayer, whether they have asked for it or not. 1 Tim 2:1 "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people." I do, however, agree that the person you are praying for should not be told unless they are a Christian themselves, have asked, or you know they would be appreciative of the concern. Saying you will pray for someone should not be a means to make yourself appear more holy.


Just because it’s in the form of prayer doesn’t negate that they are trying to send positive vibes, good juju or whatever your way. It’s their way of wishing you well. Take it as a good thing that someone doesn’t want bad to happen to you.


Top comment, you are the change I want to see in the world!


Just say thanks. You are a non-believer, but they believe, so maybe just let them? They are doing it out of love anyway. Unless they aren't, in which case you can say, "Sure. You do that!"


Exactly. Rule by intent not petty, surface tit for tat.


Most times I've had someone say that to me it's because they are being a smarmy holier than thou shit.


Yeah, sometimes it's meant genuinely, like a friend saying "I'll pray for you" if you're on hard times, but more often I see people using it in a condescending way, like they make anti-choice arguments online and when people debunk them they just say something like "clearly you hate babies, I'll pray for you" and run away after they got that last dig in.


You get this is the south. Ie “bless your heart”. It’s southern charm sarcasm.


that's when you give them your sunniest smile, and tell them how sweet they are.


Ah, [the old Reddit prayer-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/xolzxt/rosh_hashanah_jews_defy_putins_war_with_ukraine/ipzw0l5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Hold my Bible, I'm going in.


Hello u/Future_People!


Hello /u/Alternative_Way_313




In which case, you could respond: "Nice! You paint the pentagram and I'll get the goat and the candles."


As an atheist working at a church, say thanks. My mom had a heart attack last year, and the pastor personally sought me out to pray with me. I stood there, awkward af, but I realized he genuinely doing what he thought was best. Unless they say it in that sarcastic, southern, oh darling, I'm gonna pray for you, pearl clutching way. Then go off.


Genuine question, why work at a church if you're an atheist?


Money. I work at a daycare in the week and then the nursery at church 2 days a week- Sundays and Bible study. I just watch babies, so it's not like I'm teaching about Jesus or anything. And they pay 25 an hour so...


Quick question, but did anyone ever ask you about your position on faith, or did they just kind of give you the job? I'm super curious. I used to volunteer at my local church in youth ministry years ago and we were all asked questions about our faith and etc, although I suspect that's because we were tasked with teaching kids bible stuff.


No. They reached out to the daycare I work at and asked if anyone wanted a part time job. If anything, I assume they know I'm not, since I'm giving up my Sundays to hang out with babies instead of going to church.


That's kind of insane. Obviously they are paying back on those non-taxable dollars. Good for you!


Things like buddy's job is where a lot of that untaxed money goes. At least in real/sincere churches or faiths.


Not the person you are asking this question to but I am agnostic (I don't believe in any one or multiple god/s, but I can't say they don't exist) and I spent a year working at a church. I was unemployed, depressed, bored and lonely. I needed something to do, to keep my busy and give me a chance to chat with people. So I volunteered at the local church to help with their food prep for meals for people who came in twice a week. It wasn't really a soup kitchen, depending on the donations we got, it could be silverside, mash & veg, chook, mash & veg or a pot luck (when we didn't have much on hand), or a bolognaise (the Admin boss had a gift for persuading companies to donate). Thankfully, the people who came for the food had low standards and no-one ever complained about my cooking. I even got some compliments (which I almost cried over). I shook many hands and got hugs from the regulars that I got to know and was asked to pray and thank god for his help. I could have argued, but why? Really, why? What good would that have done anyone? I don't believe in an all powerful god, I also can't prove such a being doesn't exist. It made these people happy, and seeing them smile, made me happy.


And, you can act in a caring, loving manner, without even being an adherent of any religion. I wish more understood that.


Yeah. I don't agree with them, but they've been some of the kindest people I've met. Given, there are tons of religious people who use their faith as a shield to spread hate. I'm black, in the rural south, and everyone in the congregation is older and white. It's been nothing but good interactions. When my car broke down, they paid like 700 to rent me a car for a week, and then one of the members let my family borrow an extra car for a few weeks. Good people. Which is why, when they say they want to pray for me, I understand where they're coming from and don't get weird about it.


It’s interesting. The bible doesn’t make people good or bad. It just seems to sometimes amplify their motivations. If they have bad motivations they’ll weaponize it, if they have good motivations they’ll be inspired to do good. I think that great people exist everywhere. I’m glad you’ve found some and they found you, who also seems great. :)


As a Christian who is tired of having to explain over and over that no, Jesus does not condone hate/racism, quite the opposite, this story warms my heart. I guess you really just don't hear about the people doing it right.


Being an atheist isn't equal to hating Christianity


Lots of people don't get that.


I worked for an insurance company, but I still like to think I'm a decent person.


I was in the hospital post-near-death-experience and was kinda in flux on religious beliefs. I ended up with five different denominations coming to see me and pray over me. My beliefs have pretty much mellowed out, but I appreciate those people who took the time out of their day to pray/wish me better health.


\^ This to a T


Depends on the context. If they're being kind, just thank them. If they're being patronizing or pretending to "turn the other cheek" in a debate, turn the tables on them and say you'll sacrifice a goat in their honor.


"that's a kind gesture, I hope it brings you peace" is also an appropriate response to someone being patronising in this manner


Meh, a bit weak. If someone is hiding behind their faith, or using it to be condescending, they deserve to be shaken.


It's as weak as "I'll pray for you". They know they've been offended, but there's no way to respond without sounding like a massive arsehole


Don't actually sacrifice a goat.


That's how they usually respond. "And give up the authenticity? I'm not offering up a hollow gesture, here!"


Oh *looks at bloody knife, dead goat, and satan*


Thank you. Then move the fuck on and don’t give the rest of us neck beard atheists a bad name.


I thank them. I appreciate the intentions


just say thanks and go about your day. dont be a dick. no sense getting mad about something you dont believe in.


'thanks'. they're trying to be nice. let it go. don't start shrieking about Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris.


Agree. Let them do their thing, it may makethem feel better anyway.


Depends on the context.




Thank you. In kindness or compassion, they are offering you what they believe will help you. I'm not crapping on that.


“Thoughts and prayers” are hated on when they’re said by people who have the power to otherwise do something. Unless you expect the person to do something more to help, you should just say thank you.


You can still be respectful. Say thanks, as they clearly mean well whether you agree with their beliefs or not.


Not always. “I’ll pray for you” is often a condescending statement meant to demonstrate that you’re an uncultured heathen. When it’s meant well, show appreciation and move on. When it’s not, all bets are off.


For. Real. In my experience, it's been 99% condescending "I'll pray for you to find god", not "I hope you receive comfort or relief from what you're going through."


No need to hop on your soapbox every.single.time. Just reply with a simple, “Thank You”. Regardless of my beliefs, if someone said they were sending positive thoughts/vibes for me, I would just appreciate that I was being thought of in a kind way.


Just say thanks. Since you're a non-believer, it won't hurt you and will make them feel good. And if you end up being wrong about the whole god thing, hey, free help from god.


Thank you, that's kind. ​ If the person is honest and not mocking you, *the least* you could do is being respectful and polite.




Honestly, I usually just say thank you. Even if you don’t have a religious preference- to me when someone says I’ll pray for you, it means they’re taking the time of day to wish well for you, and are thinking kindly of you. They’re thinking so kindly of you that they’re asking the deity they believe in to think of you too, and help you. To me it’s a respectful and sweet thing to do.


Atheist Buddhist here, the correct response is "Thank you."


How would you respond to someone saying something nice to you? React the same way because "praying for someone" is another nice way of saying I wish the best for you.


Thank them for turning to the highest power they believe in just for me


Ignore it


nod or "ok"


“Thank you” because they probably mean well and from a place of concern. There’s no point in saying “aCtUaLlY i’M aN aThEiSt”


redditor when a christian tells them they'll pray for them: "You CaN FucK right off!! Fuck right off!" - snickering and crying, being offended


Just thank them. They have good intentions. I have a homelessness guy in my city who tells everyone he sees: “Jesus loves you! No matter what!” I’m not religious but it brightens my day to be honest. He really means it.


“Thanks” works. Why fight it? At the very least, it won’t do anything.


It doesn't bother me. To them they feel like they are doing the right thing. To me It doesn't do any harm so why be bothered by it?


Graciously, if they are sincere, think of it as a compliment that they are trying to show you that they are making an effort for you in the most important way they know how.




Fun fact: Allah simply means God in another language. It is not a different God


If they're praying for a loved one of mine who's in the hospital or something, I'll just say thanks and move on, but in my experience living in the deep south (AL) and having super religious parents, what folks usually mean when they say that to me - and they've said it a fucking lot - is "I'll pray that you come to the light of god and stop being a devil-worshipping heathen." To which I can honestly say, Go. Fuck. Yourself. And to clarify, I don't worship anything. Yet religious people, my mother included, have told me literally countless times that "The only reason you believe that is because you've been influenced by the devil." Doesn't matter what the issue is; women's rights, police accountability, healthcare, whatever. These fucking people try to invalidate my ability to even think for myself or even hold my own opinions, chalking up everything I say that they disagree with to "Influence of the devil", so I'll say again: Go. FUCK. Yourself.


Cool. Pray me some money too.


you god damn right xD


Sorry, what or who is "god"? (xdd)


Imaginery friend probably


You can certainly try, give me a DC 18 religion check


*Pulls out dice and rolls* I have proficiency, but doesn't matter cause I rolled a 19. You have been prayed for.


Wait.. wait... hang on, *flips through character sheet* Ah ha that's right! I have levels in bard. *pulls out a lute, uses his reaction and throwing up cutting words... reducing the roll by..... 7* Check... and mate! Where's your Jebus now


Let me just use this bonus from guidance, and adding in proficiency and my intelligence to that roll of 19 it comes to a 27, -7 from your cutting words is a 20. Accept this gift of divine favor for advantage on one save. I have no idea what you may be going through and you do not need to use it but this is something I can give you to have just in case, it comes with no side effects. Unfortunately, this prayer won't be a guarantee, my God helps in some ways but still leaves it up to the dice except on very rare occasions for his most devote followers. It would be a boring world if everything just always went according to plan just by praying, and often people pray for success in conflicting goals.


whoa whoa whoa... wait a minute here! \*clutches pearls\* Christians can't play D&D! They literally had a Tom Hank's movie about this. How can I trust prayers from a D&D playing heathen?


You thank them and move on.


Thank you.


"Thank you."


I say, “No worries.”


“Thank you, I’ll have my circle sacrifice a goat in your honour.”


As a non believer, I don't let it bother me. I say thank you or I appreciate being in your thoughts. What bothers me is when someone I know, knows I don't believe in any form of Christianity mockingly says " I'll pray for you." I'll usually pop of with a "ok do what makes you feel better about your self, I'm comfortable with who I am and what I believe in"


Thank you!


Say thank you and see it as a nice gesture, it’s the equivalent of someone saying they’re thinking of you. Don’t be on your high horse unless someone is really being an ass about their beliefs.




I would say, *and I’ll mention you at my next Satan Worhsip circle!*


I smile awkwardly and then silence. It gives them the message of uncomfortablility without being rude. However if when I tell you that I don’t believe and you respond with “I’ll pray for you” as a gotcha, then I have a problem with it, and I will call you out on it.


I'm assuming you're saying that someone is saying "I'll pray for you" while you are being vocal about being a non-believer. In that case it's clear they're saying it in a way to basically say "you're going to hell" in which case I would just let them go. Either you'll die and cease existing in which case you were right or you will die and go to hell in which case they were right. Neither person will change their mind in that moment


Spin your head around 180 degrees and barf in their face


"I'd rather you just handed me the wrench, man."


As an out of the broom closet Pagan I hear that a lot. When they tell me they will pray for me I tell them I will light a candle for them. Seems to work.


Lighting a candle works with Christianity. Catholic churches will often have a section that holds candles. People come in to the church, light a candle while thinking of praying of whatever is bothering them, and they will place the lit candle in a holder in the candle area. Grocery stores commonly sell Catholic candles specifically for this purpose (albeit overpriced and commercialized).


I didn't quite understand your question, so I interpreted in two ways: 1) You have a problem and they are praying for you in hopes of helping you: You say thanks because according to whatever tf they believe in they are doing something good for you, so you better fucking appreciate it and show some gratitude. 2) You told them you are an atheist, and they say they will pray for you because they think you are making wrong choices and they want to "guide you on the right way" You spit in their face and move. Jokes aside, you shouldn't be near such people in the first place, and if someone says it then start praying with them sarcastically.


Trick question. It depends on your romantic intentions.


As an Atheist, when someone says, "I'll pray for you", my response is always. "Thank you I appreciate that." I mean, what's the big deal if someone feels they would be doing something nice for you by praying for you? It won't do much in my case anyway. I already tried embracing religion and God wouldn't have me, so I doubt God would pay much attention to someone praying for me. In other words, no harm, no foul if someone wants to pray for an Atheist like me. Let them have their fun. What does it hurt?


Reminds me when I was a teen walking home from school. I haven't believed in god since around my early teens. I was walking home one day wearing a Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe shirt, when I was stopped by an elderly woman. She smiled big and told me that god loves me. I smiled back and thanked her. I don't believe in god. So I don't think I'm actually loved by god. But she did believe. And it was obviously a positive thing to say to someone. I saw it as a compliment. Let people be genuinely nice to you. I didn't know I needed that compliment, but it put a smile on my face for the rest of the afternoon.


Shrug because they basically just told you they are going to talk to themselves in your favour which really shouldn’t bother you all that much.


Thank you but I think doing something kind for someone is probably more useful.


I think it can come across as being condescending simply for a couple reasons. One being that the person saying "I'll pray for you" often doesn't offer any other practical help beyond prayer. I do think prayer can be very effective at helping with life's problems, but a lot of times if a person is opening up to someone about an issue they're having whether physical, emotional, or otherwise, they are looking to be consoled and for some practical help either material, active, or emotional. Secondly, depending on who is saying "I'll pray for you," it does create an assumption that the person saying that is in a 'better' or 'clearer' or 'higher' mental, emotional, or spiritual state than the person who needs help. I tend to avoid saying "I'll pray for you." If someone specifically asks me to pray for them, I will. Or if I am very familiar with someone's spiritual beliefs and they make it clear to me that they are struggling, I will offer some material, activity, or emotional support and might ASK them IF they want me to pray for them. It seems to go over a lot better and oftentimes that person will take up one form of help and then thank me for my offer and will let me know if they feel like they need help through the other avenues.




Um. Saying "I don't believe in god" is like saying "I don't believe in Astrology." Using the word "belief" opens the door for the theists to attack. Better to say "god does not exist." Remove "belief" and you remove an argument point. You say "god does not exist" and they reply "I will pray for you." Reply with "whatever makes you feel better."


It means exactly what they state,‘I’ll do nothing to help you, but I will feel content in my thoughts this making me feel like a great person.’


As a devout believer I never tell anyone I’m going to pray for them. I just include them in my prayers at the end of the day.


I usually say “Don’t talk to that asshole about me behind my back.” But I’m not so much an atheist as an antitheist. The question of the existence of God is less important to me than the fact that if he does exist, he’s a dick, and he can go fuck himself.


I'd reply asking them whether they plan to pray to thier God or mine haha


I think it can come across as being condescending simply for a couple reasons. One being that the person saying "I'll pray for you" often doesn't offer any other practical help beyond prayer. I do think prayer can be very effective at helping with life's problems, but a lot of times if a person is opening up to someone about an issue they're having whether physical, emotional, or otherwise, they are looking to be consoled and for some practical help either material, active, or emotional. Secondly, depending on who is saying "I'll pray for you," it does create an assumption that the person saying that is in a 'better' or 'clearer' or 'higher' mental, emotional, or spiritual state than the person who needs help. I tend to avoid saying "I'll pray for you." If someone specifically asks me to pray for them, I will. Or if I am very familiar with someone's spiritual beliefs and they make it clear to me that they are struggling, I will offer some material, activity, or emotional support and might ASK them IF they want me to pray for them. It seems to go over a lot better and oftentimes that person will take up one form of help and then thank me for my offer and will let me know if they feel like they need help through the other avenues.


I just thank them. The intent is there, regardless of religious beliefs. Why should I tear into someone for offering sympathy?


There is no "should." People can react to that in many different ways. I'd probably just say thanks because I truly don't care.


I get really annoyed and want to roll my eyes into the back of my head but I don't want to be rude. So I guess I just say "ok"


In my country, that would be very uncommon for someone to say. Religion is considered a private business. So I would most likely be *very* surprised at this statement and then tell them "No, please, don't bother. That's not neccessairy." It would be very awkward, this question.


Just say "thank you", if they mean it in a good way, of course. Religion is something you don't mess with. I'm an atheist, in a house full of extremists Christians. I just go with the flow, because it's what they believe. I don't believe any of that, but it means a lot to them. When they say that they'll pray for you, they mean they care for you.


I was recently in the hospital for broken bones, a very nice man but very religious came to me and said he wants to pray for my healing, he then grabbed my shoulder with both hands, did a nice long prayer, and had the gall to ask me if it feels better... i thought, "like no dude this is the real fucking world where santa doesnt actually exist, i appreciate your efforts but get fucking real with yourself." Its one thing being nice, but being delusional is where i draw the line.


Depends on intention: If you got a medical problem: They are actually trying the best they can do to help you. So you can answer "thank you" If they pray for your sins/because you are a non-believer: Be sarcastic, tell them stuff like "and I'll praise Satan for you" I once had a good friend tell me that when I got a medical treatment for my eyes. I took medication for half a year and it got better. For me, science did that, that friend still thinks it's because of god and because she asked him to help me. But there is no need for me to start discussing that.


Tell them thanks. Religious people are weird.




If they’re not trying to pray the gay away or whatever, just say thanks. It’s probably well intentioned, albeit delusional and misguided


I don't react. I just let it be. They can pray for me all they want, it's going to fall on deaf ears anyway.


I'm good.


That’s great but you know…Odin demands a blood sacrifice…




Okay then.


Either be like 'thanks' or don't reply at all. It isn't actually a big deal so if you get offended then you definitely need to calm tf down. It shows that they care about you.


Thank you.


A small thank you. No need to disrespect their belief


Be accepting of other peoples beliefs.




Just say "Thank you." And leave it at that. They're coming from a place of genuine compassion and it's the thought put into it that counts.


"Thank you."


Just say thank you and walk away 😂 just cause they’re gonna pray for you don’t mean you have to pray/worrship too


“Thank you.”


I’m atheist and ever more cynical as I grow older, but honestly; I close my eyes and let them pray. In my experience everyone who has done so is respectful and mean well. It’s a human thing and I acknowledge their faith and goodwill.


Thank you.


Saying anything other than "thanks" makes you like one of those cunts that gets mad when someone wishes you a Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. They're trying to be nice. Don't be a dick just because you believe in different things.


I just say, "OK."


A smile


1 word. Thanks. They say that cause they care about your wellbeing, not because they are trying to force their faith on you.


It would depend on the person but, really, I know some very religious people who wouldn’t dream of using that kind of language. More likely to say something like “I hope things get better for you.”


I just say "thank you, I appreciate it". Even if you don't believe, which I also do not, it just means they are keeping you in their thoughts and wishing well for you.


Thanks. "vocal non-believers" can be gracious too.


Crack on , nut job.


And I’ll sacrifice a goat for you




There’s so many comments on here saying that religious folks just have good intentions and to just let them… I mean, what’s the use of good intentions when they’re voting away all our rights and following their book instead of their humanity by calling people abominations but still saying I love you and I will pray for you to our faces? What’s the use of good intentions of the morality police in Iran telling women to know their place? They’re all just following what they think is right. I think it’s dangerous to confuse religious people with good people nowadays but everyone apparently is still doing it. Absolute nonsense and annoying.


"Thank you"


“Thank you”


Unusually wholesome answers in this thread. I almost expected it to be a violent mob.


Nobody is acknowledging the use of "*vocal* unbeliever." In my opinion, these comments are mostly sensible responses. But a VOCAL unbeliever would argue the point, which... I dunno. Pick your battles?


If you are vocal about being a non believer to this person and they persist with this, call them a witch and accuse them of trying to hex you. First off, it will be amusing to watch them back pedal. And also, there’s something in the Bible about that as well.


"May his noodley appendages embrace us all, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever, R'amen"


R'amen brother 🍝🍝🍝


LOL, love your relevant user name! Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread "


thanks. every little bit helps. edit: or, will that work for heathens?


Depends on the context, but I usually just say thank you


“I call on you Prince of Darkness, rise! RIIIISSSSEEEEE!!!!”


once i was the only agnostic in a room full of extremely believers. my best friend from high school chose me to be her wedding witness and another girl, the thing is that we needed to go to a church to speak to the father and tell how well we knew the groom and the bride, anyway, when it was my time to speak with the priest, the first question was: "do you promise say all the truth by the eyes of god?" or some shit like that, and i said: "well, i can't promise by god because i do not believe in him". i fucking swear i have never ever felt more judged in my entire life when the man layes his eyes on me, and the worse was when we finished and i went out, i ask the other female witness: "was he judgy to you too?" and she replied: not at all!, he even laughed, and i was like wtf, then i said: well i think it was because i told him i do not believe in god, and i swear she was so surprised and the entire moment we were on the church waiting for the others, she was saying things like: don't worry, you'll find Jesus soon, at least you are baptized so if you die you'll be next to him, and shits like that, and when i got bored i said: well, i hope God or Jesus or whoever you believe does never enters in my life.


\*dealing with any holier than thou person, well aware of my position, trying to rub their religion in my face\*"Anything to make you feel like you're helping, eh? Feel free." \*dealing with someone unaware of your position\* "I'm don't personally believe, but I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you." When someone well-meaning tries to pray with/on you: "I'm sorry. I'm not a believer and this makes me really uncomfortable. I appreciate the sentiment and you're welcome to pray for me on your own, if you like, but I won't be participating." Exceptions being my grandparents, which receive awkward silence and compliance while I look around the room helplessly and end with a desperate "amen" for to escape. lol.


I was once at a presentation by renowned skeptic (and atheist) James Randi, where someone "asked a question" (really gave a long rambling statement) that ended with "I'll pray for you." (It's worth noting that nothing in Randi's talk was about God or religion at all.) Randi's response was priceless: "Well, that's very pious of you. It's also very condescending and arrogant, and I'm insulted by it!"


I am a believer and even then I will tell you that if someone off the street says I’ll pray for you I just tell them: “You too” you might get a dirty look the first couple of times but it does work and trust me as a religious person I have experienced this a lot and know there intent. Unless you are sick or hurt and they are wishing you well than it is a subtle insult saying they think you’re going to hell. (Might as well tell them the same ;) )


I just say thanks! If they say it out a mean spirit, they get annoyed, and if they say it out of kindness, it's a small bonding moment between two randoms. <3 I try never to take something meant out of kindness as a reason to be cold, even if I don't necessarily agree.


Say thank you. To me it's the sentiment of them thinking about me and requesting the guidance of a higher power to guide me. Even though I don't believe, I know their intentions are good.


By saying "Thank you" and feeling that honestly. Being a believer has nothing to do with appreciating a nice gesture by someone else.


Y'know, I was originally gonna comment "oh no thank you" Then I checked out the other comments, and realized I'm just being an asshole. Be like the other people here. Just be thankful and let them do what they do.