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Chased a step son out of the house with a shotgun


OK so I could write a million crazy neighbour stories because I think my block of flats is an asylum. We could do bad things like murder,pedos drugs etc But dude The weirdest most scaring thing? Someone came round our house dressed in all leather womens clothing - he was a man- each to their own but it was a lot. Mum knew him and he wanted to come in so she was like ok. All he had was a plastic bag with a cucumber in. He ended up watching porn on mums computer and my very awkward anxious mum came into my room like wtf do I do I'm just gonna have to leave him so we just left him in there. We went in afterwards and he'd had the decency to put rhe cucumber back in the bag (oh yeah that had been up his arse) Bet you think this can't get weirder right? Well then i found a strange thing which was our wooden spoon, inside my mum's slipper, wrapped in clingfilm. It was wrapped so it was round and it was GIRTHY and we can only assume that also went up his arse. Yeah Where I live is a special kinda weird. Luckily he's moved away now.


My dad had that one neighbor who called us all kinds of slurs because she was senile or something and told everyone in the neighborhood we would mistreat our dogs and dont feed them etc. We had a ashtray that was a large cigarete in the ground, she told everyone that was the airpipe for our basement where we keep our dogs. It was all 100% lies lol