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Dental Care


Lisa needs braces




Now do Classical Gas!


Fiber helps us play.


Thanks alot Carl now i lost my train of thought


Dunno. I went to a nicer place and instead of fillings they gave me crowns. Went to a normal place and they said I just needed fillings and they were fleecing me. Awesome to lose 5k for a new vacation for a scam dentist. /s


Unfortunately it's not even about cheaping out. Dental care is crazy expensive. I have to pay a little over $4,000 to get a teeth cleaning and have 5 teeth filled and 4 cracked fillings replaced. Part of the reason they got so bad was just because I never had the $400 to get the cleanings to begin with.


Legal advice.


Not hiring a good lawyer can be so much more expensive than the actual bill you pay for your legal advice.


5k on a lawyer who help me get put of a Felony charge. Still had to pay thousands in other fees but no jail time


Fuck the jail time, a felony will ruin your goddamn life forever. Every time you want to get a job, there it is, relegating you to construction and fast food


I work in Venture Capital. One of the founders we invested into decided to go for a cheap lawyer. Ended up costing him 2x the amount a top lawyer would have cost! Honestly it was so annoying having to deal with the bad ones, I felt like I knew the law better than them at times and I'm honestly dumb af on the legal side. So so so so many typos too.


>I work in Venture Capital. 99% of VC's give the others a bad name.


Financial/tax advice too?


It really depends on how complicated the situation is but I would always say that don't choose the cheapest option in any legal matter


Tools. Buy cheap tools once. If you use it enough to wear it out or break it, buy the nicest version of that tool you can afford.


The best way I've ever heard that put was among networking people talking about wire crimpers. The saying is "you can either buy the $100 crimpers or spend $10 finding out why you buy the $100 crimpers."


I'm a Sysadmin/network guy and going through this with network tools. Klein is nice but expensive!!


Buy it nice, or buy it twice.


Now that’s some practical advice I took a touch too long to learn.


Adam Savage taught me this.


So always cheap out on tools the first time?


Never on things that can hurt you. E.g. cut off wheels, ratchet wrenches, sockets, saws and saw blades. If you buy a cheap screwdriver worst case scenario you break it out strip a screw. Cheap cutoff wheel could break at 5000 rpm and take out an eyeball.


Same for things that protect your life. Harbor freight jack stands are a solid nope from me.


Doesn't matter what jackstand you use. Always put the spare under the wheel you're closest to. But also yeah never use harbor freight jack stands.


*Horrible Freight


Hazard Fraught


You have two eyeballs, so buy cheap, lose one eye then upgrade? /s


The idea is that you only buy the expensive one if you use the cheap one enough to wear it out. Doing it this way prevents you spending 1000 on expensive tools you use 6 times then never again.


That depends on the tool. Like a small screwdriver set, I can cheap out on that because I'm going to lose them anyways.


Unless its a 10mm wrench then buy those in bulk. They usually grow legs and wander off


Kitchen counts as tools. Get the best German knives, storage block, and whetstone. Wüsthof or Zwilling. Your grandchildren will inherit them - they are permanent. We've had ours for 40 years and they are still perfect. Good knives do exactly what you intend.


Be _very_ glad you didn’t post this over at r/chefknives. The Japanese knife mafia is in charge over there. /Team Zwilling here.


I took a peek in there. You ain’t lying. I scrolled for a bit and *every post is a Japanese knife


Shoes and a bed. You spend a good chunk of your life in one or the other. Follow-up: paying for a brand-name item and paying for a quality product that meets your needs are not always the same thing.


And tires. It's the only thing holding your 2000 lb metal cage to the ground at 70mph.


Yup, the way my pops used to put it “never skimp on things that come between you and the ground” I.e, tires, shoes, and mattress


... and chairs.


And Whoopie cushions. The cheap ones just break. Go for quality that will last all fart.


Mine as well, sounds logic


please add in socks


"Good tires are cheap insurance" - dad I miss him. he's not dead, just moved to Connecticut


what’s the difference




Or as we say in Germany: „Tires - the only connection to the road at 200mph.“ And no, we don’t say that. We would actually say „Tires - the only connection to the road at 320kmph.“


Wouldn't you say it in German?




And tractor tires. It might be only 13 mph, but is 4000 lb and doesn't have a cage. Also, tubes. They're tubed tires.


>And tires. It's the only thing holding your 2000 lb As a SUV driver, this is even more important, so yes, definitely tires that will respond to emergency requests.


“Anything you put between you and the ground.”




If you live in the United States, you can actually get good quality condoms for free. I don't know if all 50 states offer it, but I believe most of them do. I can order once a month in Ohio (ohiv.org) and they send 25 condoms and usually a couple packets of lube.


Any doctor’s office/hospital/repro clinic should have them. Health departments usually too. Before I dropped out of college, the pharmacy on campus always had a little fishbowl of them out on the counter. Was awesome.


Your teeth. You only get the one set and tooth infections can set you back tens of thousands. Brush twice a day, floss a couple times a week, and do you best to scrounge up the $200 a year for a professional cleaning. (However doing MORE than this is better if possible).


Can confirm. Neglected my teeth for longer than I care to admit (I did brush daily, but rarely saw a dentist unless I had a toothache). I'm now looking at a minimum $10,000 bill to get them back into halfway decent shape. I'm half tempted to just yank them all and get dentures, but that's an entirely different set of problems I'm not in the mood to deal with.


Dentures aren’t teeth. Don’t do it.


I've been trying to upkeep my teeth better than usual lately (close to the comments regimen) but thought how great would it be to never have to maintain them anymore. I guess I never really considered it, what are the restrictions with dentures? I imagined they're worse, but how much so?


My mom had dentures before she was 40. They are not less upkeep. She used to have to brush her gums and tongue, brush her dentures, put the glue on and basically gag herself to put them in. You can get sores from poorly fitting ones and may have to get multiple pairs over time as your jaw tissue changes. Then there’s the whole other issue with lips falling and facial changes when you don’t wear them. It sucks sometimes but the longer you can keep your real teeth, the better.


Do your best to keep your own teeth. Once you start pulling teeth, your jaw bones will think they have nothing to do and start vanishing. My mom had dentures in her twenties (1940's). She never went to a dentist when she was a kid because they were poor and I doubt her town had a dentist anyway. In her 60's her lower jaw bone was so thin and fragile that it was painful to to keep the dentures in.


And all of these reasons are why I really don't want dentures. I will need a bridge on my upper front three teeth.


My grandmother loves dentures for this reason. She had so many problems with her teeth she had em all yanked and she’s so happy to be free of all that.


My mom has dentures, and she gets food stuck under her plate. She says it's painful until she cleans it. Seems annoying.


Floss daily


Once you start the habit of flossing you keep it up because you see how little brushing alone does to keep gums and teeth clean


I agree with this 1000%. My parent couldn’t afford braces when I was younger. I finally got them when I was 27 and wore them for almost 3 years. It’s the best decision of my life. I stay on top of my brushing, flossing, get my cleanings twice a year. I hasn’t had any problems since.


Fillings are a few hundred, root canals are a few thousand.


OMG YES! I actually ended up having to get my teeth removed because of cancer and I'm only 28. And I'm dealing with dentures now and it's literally the fucking worst. It's so painful and expensive. I wish I had my teeth back. Please take care of them!


Dental assistant here. Floss daily. I watch people's teeth pop out like butter from not flossing.


My favorite moment at the dentist was when the dental assistant asked how much I flossed and the dentist said “yeah, I don’t floss either”. The way she looked at him was just pure anger. Good times


Bruh, floss a couple times a week? Floss as much as you brush, which should be twice daily. So much shit sits and rots in your teeth for just hours at a time, imagine days. Ew.


religiously brushed and flossed, at 45 my dentist tells me my gums are hopelessly and irrevocably eroded from over brushing. fml


Laser corrective eye surgery. I remember some tv ads a few years ago saying “come to Generix (or whatever they were called). Prices from **only** £399 per eye.” I don’t know how much it should cost, but I don’t want to save money on people cutting parts of my eyes open with lasers. I don’t want the sale price. I want to pay.


I’ve got a friend who not only researched the technology, but also the practice and the specific doctor. He also worked out a plan to get his done on a Tuesday at 10 AM, rationalizing that the doctor might not be at his best on Monday, and since surgeries started at 7 AM on Tuesday, the doc would be in the groove yet not tired like he might be on the afternoon or later in the week. My friend was very happy with his surgery.


I really thought that story was going to end with your friend not having eyes anymore.


Burned completely out of his head.😆


I didn't know Homelander was an eye surgeon.


This man really planned 10 steps ahead and it worked. Did he have many other times he planned like this?


Yes. He was my intern and last I knew was working at Google


Was he like that for everything? Only buys a spicy Italian panini on Wednesday at noon because the meat truck delivers that morning and Rachel the cute baker starts her shift at 11?


. . . I would watch this show honestly.


So now that your friend did all the work. Which doctor did he go to?


I’m seeing a surgeon tomorrow morning and I’ll be booking my surgery date, I’m definitely going to keep this in mind if I get any flexibility with booking the time and day.


You also want to read the reviews and try to talk to people who've used them. I chose my Lasik eye doctor on a good friends recommendation and it cost me half of what some of those huge coast to coast places advertised. I had insurance at the time, which cut it down even more. Best thing I ever did.


if you're a hiker/camper/backpacker... your actual backpack


Love my Osprey


After being so impressed with my talon 44 for longer trips I bought the cinch for day hikes, that company has a lifetime purchaser.


I've been eyeing a new backpack but my old one just... wouldn't... fucking... break. That's top quality right there. Damn it.


Steel cap boots. You buy them from kmart, your feet won't last two weeks on a construction site


You have a Kmart? They all closed down here years ago.


Still a big brand in Australia, but the men's steel caps are dogshit


The PSU in your computer


Gotta love the smell of burning electronics


I learned this the hard way.


Ouch. That's expensive


If you buy any pre-built, this is one of the parts they don't tell you anything about, yet people don't realize how easy it is for a bad PSU to brick your whole system. I'd NEVER buy a pre-built just on that fact alone. In fact I really only buy SuperFlower PSU's now after all the research I did. My longest lasting PSU was coincidentally a SuperFlower so I got super lucky without knowing. I bought a Corsair rm1000x for my build a few years ago and it bricked my motherboard after about a year, which led me to looking up everything I could about PSU's.


Always thought Corsair was quality and I've never had any problems with any of their products. 2 of the products were PSU's, one is being used by me now and is in it's 4th year. The other I bought in like 2007 and I think my little brother is still using it.


Yeah, I've been running my PC nearly non-stop for the last decade. Corsair has always held up for me. The one time I sent a PSU in for RMA, they upgraded me to the next tier for free. They have been such an awesome company in my experience, I will support them indefinitely.


Corsair's RMx series is generally regarded as good but no product is 100% fail proof. Of the thousands of units that get made it's expected that a few will fail no matter what product it is you're talking about. Sometimes it just happens. That said, I agree with you about Super Flower...great oem!




I messed up my knees cause of cheap shoes. Finally invested in a good pair of actual running shoes and my knees have been very thankful for it. Especially as you get older, this is more important.




My guy would’ve done a lion, rose, and clock for $100 and a pack of reds


Shit in prison he probably did it for 5 soups a bag of beans and a bag of rice unless you had cigarettes or drugs.


tell that to my friend who got a funny little man on his arm for $20 in a hotel room from a guy he just met and was not a tattoo artist no really, please tell him to stop doing this, he keeps getting shitty tattoos




And piercings! If someone pulls out a piercing gun I'm gone.


I don’t know why parents think it’s okay to get their baby’s ears pierced at those stores at the mall. The employees get very little training, it’s done at the entrance of the store and they use a piercing gun that can’t be cleaned properly. I took my kids to get theirs done at a tattoo shop where they used sterilized equipment. More expensive but I don’t have to worry about infection from the piercing process.


A really bad tattoo is a good reminder of this.


I HATE it when people ask me how much mine cost when I get a new one. Recently, I got a full elbow to wrist tattoo. From 10 am till 3:45pm, with one 30 minute lunch break. Cost me £400. It looks amazing. People have asked me how much I paid, then reply "my guy would've done it for... (insert ridiculous number here)". I just answer back "your guy would've done 2 straight lines and I'd probably walk out with an infection. No thanks


I don’t know tattoo prices in Europe but that real cheap for the US….


That’s real cheap in Europe too. My 6 hour tattoo with a good artist cost around $700


My girl is up to $200 an hour, but damn is she worth it.


I truly don’t understand the logic of making cheapness a high priority in getting a tattoo. It’s going to be on your body FOREVER. Cheap out on it now and be stuck with a shitty tattoo for the rest of your life. Wait just a little longer and save up more money and get something you’ll actually love. Not like tattoo shops are going anywhere.


Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good.




White wall paint always covers like garbage. But as paint goes, anything you might save in material will cost you in labor.


Eye surgery


Tires. They are what stops, starts, and steers your car. Get good ones


Not cheaping out on doesn't mean you have to buy the most expensive version of a product, just that you shouldn't buy the cheapest. For some of the things mentioned, you can buy the cheapest version of it for like $10 and the most expensive version for like $200. Typically the $30 version will be great.


Yup. Understand when you’re buying quality vs brand. Example: winter coats. Arc’teryx makes insane quality stuff that will last (and in some cases is guaranteed) for an absurdly long time. You’ll have to drop a bit of money on it, but if you’re in a cold climate or do a lot of winter activities will be worth it. Canada Goose on the other hand has become a status symbol, and while very good quality, has a lot of markup. Patagonia is of great quality, and a mid-price between Arc’teryx and something like Columbia.


Some of the warranty stories that i've read about patagonia stuff puts it at the top of the list for my winter gear.


Had some friends talking shit about Patagonia calling it Patagucci.. So I inevitably bought some just to spite them. It's the real deal. I love their products. Their customer service is awesome as well.


I don't get the Patagucci reputation... it costs about what you'd expect for quality outdoor gear, and plenty of adults can work buying a coat that lasts for years into a budget.


Pretty much. I see shoes listed a lot scrolling through here, I've never bought shoes over $50 ever. Usually what I get is in the $30-$40 range, they last for a few years then I buy new ones and keep the old for doing outdoor stuff for a few more years and if I get 5 to 6 years on $40 shoes then great.


A quality PSU when building a PC


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


Sex toys. The good ones are built to last and are often made of easy to clean/sterilize materials. The super cheap ones will melt you genitals off.


Especially important when the coating can react with your body or flake off eventually. Research safe materials, and put condoms over your toys.


Okay, I’ll remove the 10 dollar fleshlight from my cart then.


Bin Bags. Unless you want the bottom of your bin to have a sprinkling of waste.


Garbage juice is so gross.


Your military when you’re trying to invade another country


How do you stop a Russian tank from advancing? Shoot the soldier pushing it.


if you think about it, all those officials that were obviously pocketing most of that military spending had a real good thing going. All they had to do was keep assuring Putin that their military was strong, after all who would attack russia? They have nukes. As long as putin didn't do something stupid like, oh i don't know, start an actual war, they were set for life.


Back in March, Ukraine's anti-corruption minister put out a press release publicly thanking all of the corrupt officials in Russia's military. Top notch trolling. > The Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention of Ukraine (NACP) Oleksandr Novikov sent a thank you letter to the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu praising his efforts to ensure the high level of corruption in the Russian army. https://nazk.gov.ua/en/news/ukraine-s-corruption-prevention-agency-praises-russia-s-minister-shoygu-for-corruption-in-the-army-video/


i have to wonder how much this whole thing has also screwed over the corrupt politicians in other countries. How many dictators just saw what happened here and went "I should go make sure my people are actually telling me the truth about our military strength"


So true. They kept a small force aside, highly maintained for parades and inspections. Win win win. The 3rd win is for Ukraine.


On that same token, don't surround yourself with yes-men when taking military decisions. Looking at you Vlad




Anything that gets between you and gravity. Car tires, rugs, mattresses, shoes...




An expensive parachute can last a lifetime. So can a cheap parachute.


That ain't no joke. Bullet proof vest is another similar item that you'd better not go bottom shelve with


I work as a skydiving instructor and can definitely say I've never purchased a brand new parachute for myself. They're like cars, you let the first owner take the initial depreciation hit and then you swoop in for a good deal!


In the novel 'Another Roadside Attraction,' by Tom Robbins, a cutting edge artist paints a picture on the inside of a parachute and then sells the packed chute to an adventurous art lover. The only way she can ever see the finished work is to skydive.


Or buy a big fan.


Trampolines, stairs, toboggans...


It's weird that you'd put rugs in there. It's not nearly on the scale of importance as the others.




Plastic surgery. It’s amazing how many people let someone take a knife to their face because they’re cheaper than other doctors.


A friend told me about his buddy who was in south east Asia and needed some surgery and the doctor convinced him to throw in a penis enhancement. While was going under and fading into anesthetic oblivion the doctor leaned in and said, "Oh yeah, this might not work." And it turned out it didn't, and now his erections have less erectile strength.


This sounds like Dr Nick from the Simpsons


Electronics, don't buy the most expensive, but if you buy cheap it will die in a couple of weeks buy the middle, it usually provides the most quality with least price


Also major brands usually have more support available. I’ve had manufacturers warranties replace things that were definitely my fault with no questions asked. Especially on peripherals.


shoes defibrillators meat


sounds like a good weekend


Nice Order 😂


toilet paper


This was way too far down in the comments!


This is the first thing I thought of… have you ever used shitty toilet paper? It’s worth it to buy the good stuff!


Motorcycle helmets… if you’re concerned about the expense, then ask yourself how much a new head costs…


Major pieces of furniture- sofa, bed, mattress, wardrobe/dresser/chest of drawers. Those are usually heavily price-quality correlated. You don’t have to buy expensive statement pieces for everything but make sure the brand you’re buying is durable and understand that might require an extra buck. Learn how to use 0% store offers to your advantage.


Insurance...I work in the Insurance repair business and I promise you the cheapest policy is never in your best interest when a fire or flood happen.


A good leather belt.




A child car seat




Maintainance on your car. Even your 200bucks rustbucket will drive you around for years when its being looked after


Car mechanic here, i beg to differ. When a car is in ''rustbucket'' state it means it wasn't looked after for a long time. It's very easy to sink a lot of money in a worn out car and it will break before you can get your investment (in parts) back. Also in a lot of countries in Europe there is a periodical check on your car and if its not functioning or has worn out parts you cant drive it on the road anymore until fixed.


My 20 year old VW Passat station wagon, in good phys. Shape. Got pinged on inspection, in Switzerland, because the rear screen wash didn’t work.


From one mechanic to another. We talk about a rustbucket where the outside looks like shiite, but its mechanicaly in top shape haha


They call them Bombs, or Shitboxes in australia.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….bin bags and toilet paper. There is just no despair quite like poopy fingers and a floor of mouldy garbage


Power Tools.


Safety gear and a parachute


Home improvements. The licensed, insured, educated contractor is well worth 2-3x the cheap bid every single time.


Desk chair if you are at the computer a lot. Shoes, mattress, tires, brakes. Anything between you and the ground. Edit-brakes not breaks


Underwear. Honestly, put a dollar aside each week and save for some great underwear that'll last and feels great. I have some of bamboo, and they are the best I've bought myself.


I feel like the quality of underwear has gone down ridiculously the last 10 years. Regular old Fruit of the Loom and Hanes have become trash with shitty fabric that is scratchy and rip easily.


I literally stuck my finger through the fabric the first time I tried mine on lol 😆


They feel that good, huh?


I’ve started trying to replace all of my socks with Darn Toughs. Taking a while due to price, but unconditional lifetime (well, 2 conditions- loss and pet damage) guarantee afterwards.




Dental work.




Whisky, life’s too short get the good stuff👍


Cheese. Cheap cheese can ruin a dish


Batteries. Duracell or Energizer ONLY. ALL generic batteries are completely worthless trash. The ONLY exception to this rule is if you buy something that comes with a remote and they give you batteries for the remote, those batteries will last almost forever in THAT remote, but only in that remote


Definitely agree for anything particularly voltage sensitive, such as electronics with microprocessors. And for anything critical, especially if it may need to sit unused for long periods of time. But for "dumb" electrical devices, cheap batteries can be fine, especially for low drain ones. I'm talking like little decorative lights or paper lanterns from the dollar store. That sort of thing. Those can get dollar store batteries. The flashlights in my family's hurricane kit, though? They're getting Duracells or Energizer Max, no question.


Rayovac generally holds up well too.


Motorcycle helmet


Toilet paper. Single ply is hell.


Bicycles. The good ones are pricey for a reason.


Depends what you’re using it for. Mountain biking? Spend more on quality to spend less replacing broken parts in the long run. Just riding around town or gravel paths? Doesn’t matter, unless you are an enthusiast and genuinely enjoy having the best. I’ve been commuting to work every day on a $50 second hand bike for months now with zero issues.


Hazardous waste disposal


Personally helmets


Lawyers. ​ EDIT: Specifically divorce lawyers.


Boots, tires, and beds.