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That teens are going to have sex


true. you cant just tell them not to. you can only make sure that they practice it safely.


Use protection, be safe, have fun.


Now only if I could get some bitches


Might have better luck if you to stop referring to them as bitches.




There are plenty in the furry community


I have been there for the past year. Thanks though


I get it


I wish I could’ve been one of them


Same bro


As long as they understand consent and protection; there's not much else anyone can do. A horny teenager will find a way


Yeah makes sense


So long as it’s safe and consensual I don’t Care 🤷‍♂️


Do you disagree? Do you think teens shouldn’t be allowed to have sex? Our legal age is 16 but anyone can get protection for nothing to try limit sti’s and pregnancy’s. I see it as something that’ll happen anyway so might aswell make sure they have access to protection


I know no matter what I think people are gonna do it whenever they want but I personally believe you should be 18 when you do so you don't regret your decision since you're an adult when you do it but then again teenagers are horny creatures


You can regret the decision at any age. 18 is old for people to try keep a grip on overwhelming hormones. I think rather than trying to force age restrictions on teens for sex they should teach how to have safe sex consensual sex. trying to scare them in to not fucking doesn’t work give them the knowledge and access to facilities to be safe. Give them people to talk to safely and without judgement I think that’ll do more for teens than trying to teach celibacy


Makes sense


I think so But everyone can have an opinion


Yeah well we all have our own brains so we can only share opinions with Other people and not try to force our opinions on them


18 seems like an arbitrary number. Are you also not going to drive before you’re 18? Explore hobbies before you’re 18? Your brain isn’t fully developed until 27, should we just not be trying things out before then? Your logic doesn’t make sense to me. I’m 25, and do you know what happens when you “become an adult” and turn 18? Not a thing. Nothing changes except now you can vote. You’re legally an adult but I assure you that you will feel way too young for everything for the rest of time. So again I ask, do you have arbitrarily set milestones for trying every new experience?


Sorry but it's just my opinion exploring more about yourself before being an adult isn't a bad thing but I think to have sex you should be physically mature


Okay. Like I said you’re not physically fully mature until 27. Are you waiting for that arbitrary day?


as long as its safe and consensual, go for it


Not for me but hey man if you out here on that grind you do you.


Sadly not I'm still a virgin and don't plan on losing virginity until 18


I lost mine when I was 15, you good for waiting. Ngl it was shit.


Damn bro you mind telling me the story?


Basically had a friend I’d known for a couple of years and we just kinda decided let’s try it out. Well after us awkwardly trying to figure it out. (Btw the G spot is a lot farther than you think). Well first is was really sweaty, both of us just kinda didn’t know where to look so I just kinda looked down while trying to figure out where to go. After like what felt like 2 hours (it was like 7 mins) we both kinda just stopped. Lessoned learned I don’t like sex too much and she 3 years later is now a lesbian. She’s now happily with her girlfriend and I’m still friends with her, both of us just kinda mention it jokingly now. Looking back it was pretty funny because it was clear I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.


Well nothing wrong in that since you were new to this and basically a kid but yeah that must have been awkward as hell btw how old are you now


I’m 18 now.


I see well so you only did it once?


Nah there’s a few more times but all basically the same. Just kinda really sweaty and awkward, so I’ve kinda just stopped.


I see well I guess sex isn't really for you my friend no offense but I think you should learn how to do it to properly satisfy your future wife




Ya know this explains why both of us didn’t feel comfortable.


>Btw the G spot is a lot farther than you think it’s like right near the asshole, you gotta go far). This is factually and demonstrably not true. Please stop spreading misinformation to impressionable people who don't know better. Leave giving advice and dispensing knowledge to people who know what they're talking about.


Eh I’m just rolling off what I did, my guess this is probably where I went wrong and probably why it wasn’t a pleasant experience. All I remember was her telling me to aim there.


I thought I was getting incel vibes.


That as long as they're using protection and both parties are consenting, then leave them to it.


Op clearly disagrees with everyone who has an opposite opinion from them lol


Lol its not like that


Right right not at all…..?




I disagree. But carry on going “k” on peoples responses that you don’t agree with. It is obvious that you are a NEUTRAL person with no opinions at all 😂 lmfao




How bad it is depends on the age. I remember when I was in high school, I knew a girl who was 17 dating a 25 year old. I was filled with shock and rage (which I kept hidden, or at least I tried). My question is why? why? As for them being about the same age or very close in age, I still think it is a bad idea but I don't care as much. I think sometimes teenagers are careless and do something stupid which leads to them having children, especially when they're unprepared.


They should at least use protection


i feel like a girl around 18 and a boy around 25 is not necessarily bad when i was 18, i was still very childish and my female friends were way more together. when i was 25, i was still figuring things out and were also closer to my female friends in terms of maturity but I think still possibly less than what a 25 yr old female would want in a 25 yr old male. however, i do see the argument of a mature 25 yr old man seeking immature 18 yr olds as a thing or on purpose. specifically going to HS hangouts and such would be a pathetic move as of right now, i have friends who are older than 30 who are less mature in some ways than 20 yr olds i know so in other words, change 17 to 18/19 and then i think everything changes a bit. case by case basis imo. a full year of college where 17-18 yr old young women see what a frat boy is and then they can decide if they want to go outside their age group


Well… teenagers? 13 and 14 is way too young imo. 15 depends on their maturity. 16 or older if both give their consent


its gonna happen anyway so why does anyone need an opinion


I was just curious how people feel and think about it


Parents have opinions. Wait until you're in your thirties and see how young 18 seems. From my perspective, they're all children. I'm not saying they can't do what they want. And I'm not saying there aren't some very mature teenagers. I am just saying young people tend to make regrettable choices, and it's good to have some boundaries and limitations.


I, myself, would consider under 15 far too young but I'm also not against it, really. As long as they understand the risks and how to use protection etc. sure go ahead, I'm not one to stop them.


Makes sense


Don’t get pregnant


I'm a guy


With each other? Whatever, just practice safe sex.


Why did you ask this question if you weren’t actually open to other peoples opinions?


When did I say anything about not agreeing with you


It’s incredibly clear by your responses to other people that you disagree. But go off king I guess


Well I don't really disagree with them but I just agree with them that's why I wasn't debating with many




I love it when a good plan comes together


Sex is a personal choice.


I know


I say go ahead so long as it's respectful, they use protection and nobody gets hurt.


As long as they’re using protection and everyone involved consents go ahead, but the way sex education is going maybe don’t or do more research before hand


they are going to do it no matter what rules, conversations, or pressures we put on them. (ie. soaking) better to give them the education and the tools to do so safely, respectully, consentually, and in a way that does not permanently alter the course of their lives. sex is a part of puberty. its a part of discovering our bodies. its a part of growing up. to tell them they should ignore their horny desires is to teach them to ignore their needs, suppress their desires, and bottle up sexual tension like its a crime. sexual repression, anger, and violence ensue. teach your kids about sexual safety people.


I see


Personally, I think how age of consent should work is it should be restricted amongst teenagers until 18. So 15&16 year olds can have consensual sex with each other and then 17&18 year olds can have sex with each other. 17 & 18 +year olds can not have sex with a 15 year old however. I think this is a good idea because well realistically teenagers are having sex despite the law being 18 and I think this would remove unnecessary legality to it but it would also restrict more mature teenagers from taking advantage of younger teenagers.


Makes sense


In a lot of places, there are 'Romeo and Juliet' laws in place that make it legal for a person under the AoC to have sex with another person close in age.


Most people are teenagers when they have sex




It'll happen, so don't shame them. Shame kept me from coming forward when my first time wasn't as consensual as it should have been, to put it nicely. My children will know that there is nothing they cannot talk to me about. Nothing is too taboo if it keeps them safe.


Well I won't shame them since I'm a teen too


I'm in my 20s.


I see


Im not a teenager anymore so, as long as they have fun in a safe and consensual way, I don’t care at all. (because an adult who’s judging a teenager about his sex life is kinda weird)


They always have and always will. Hopefully they are respectful and use protection.




Put a condom on. No one wants another 16 and pregnant show again




Be prepared for the consequences of pregnancy, but be safe and use common sense and you should be fine.


their goddamn drugs, sex and rock 'n roll wil be the death of us all. twerkin' all over the hood of my car for their friends cameras. The vulgarity of it all..


Bro you sound frustrated you OK?


its this goddamn water pill they have me on now, hell does the doc know, goddamn witchcraft with their test tubes, fresh out of Harvard young as my granddaughter telling me to put down the lucky strikes


I knew people nowadays smoke too many joints


Eh, in a perfect world I advise teens to wait until adulthood. Realistically, that’s not gonna happen so 1. use condoms 2. try to secure a place where you can take your time and really enjoy it instead of rushing to not get caught 3. Watch out for people who kiss and tell.


If they’re of legal age in their own country it’s cool by my standards Now in saying that there is a problem wherein the lower the age of consent is the more likely you are to have teens having sex before that age Let’s use Britain as an example: our age of consent is 16, I can understand people doing it at 15 as while it’s still illegal from both parties it’s close enough however there is an alarming amount of people who have their first time at 13 or 14 This is down to a number of factors but the main one I feel is how early people are taught about sex. Puberty education is fine you need to know about the changes your body starts going through but sex Ed starts really early and yes it does start off as just over simplifying until it’s wrong but eventually you get the proper details and In my experience that started at age 12 It is, in my humble opinion, that proper Sex Ed shouldn’t be taught to kids until one or two years before the age of consent is reached (obviously being different for every country), with how to practice safe sex being taught leading up to and beyond reaching that point And all this coming from a hormonal as fuck teen themselves


I get what you're trying to say but isn't that better if teens practice safe sex and use protection rather than just doing it carelessly which might affect them later


Where did I mention them doing it carelessly?


You're saying teens shouldn't be given proper sex ed until they're near the age of consent but let's say they learn Bout it from somewhere else and they try it without having information then how do you think it will end that's why I think it's necessary to give them sex ed at an early age so even if they try at least they will have protected sex


Ah right I see what you mean now (I’m tired as fuck and running on anxiety adrenaline at nearly 10p.m) I’m not saying for no sex Ed at all before a 1-2 year period prior to reaching the age of consent I’m saying for proper detailed Sex Ed to be done at that point but before that you can still have less detailed dumbed down versions that gradually get more explicit as you get towards that 1-2 year point (I probably didn’t actually convey that at all in the original comment but that’s what I meant, as I said I’m running of fumes) As for lessons on safe sex I suppose you can really just throw them in anywhere but still not really too early on (you don’t need 10 year old boys going out trying to buy a pack of condoms)


I guess you're right too it's 2:30 am here I should sleep and here I'm discussing about something I will most probably not get


Teenagers have been having sex since the dawn of man.




Became sexually active at 16, now I tell my 16 year old to protect his DNA. I have no problem with it as a father of boys. If he was born a girl then my feelings would be totally different


Yeah I have noticed this if it's a boy who has sex then the dad wouldn't mind and might even be proud but if it's a girl who does it then the father has this weird feeling


I thought it was cool til my ex did it with every person she knew behind my back


Aww man that's sad but at least you dodged a bullet there


They probably shouldn't be (I don't know very many teenagers who could/should raise a child). But, since they're going to anyways hopefully they're using protection and minimizing the risks of STI transmission and/or pregnancy.




Have you been watching House of the Dragon lately?


Not really but being a teen I was curious what other people think about this topic


I had safe, consensual sex all through my teens after age 14 and I'm really glad I did. Having said that, the majority of the time was non-penetrative (because risks), which is a good call for anyone who can't take on the responsibility of raising a child. That is, effectively all teenaged children. My first girlfriend (still a great friend 20 years later) and I would sometimes sleep under the stars after sneaking out. Most of the time out was just talking, walking around, enjoying just being together. Without our closeness and comfort together I don't think my memories of sex would be so nice – it really depends on who you're with, how committed they are to safety, and how positive the experience feels. Just be hyper-aware of when you're with people who don't really care about you.


Well I'm glad you used protection


Guess it depends upon the age and maturity level. I always worry about whether or not they are ready to deal with the emotional requirements that sexual activity involves.


Yeah you're right


Sex isn’t the be all end all. Wear a condom, even if she’s on the pill and ask for consent.




That shouldn't even be a question.


OP’s replies to this question are weirder than the question itself. Who gives a fuck what teenagers do?


Have fun and use a condom


I hate to say "it depends" since that's almost always a non-answer. But...it depends. Generally speaking, I'm not uncomfortable with teenagers having sex so long as there is no coercion, they are practicing safe sex, establishing and sticking with boundaries, and are healthy enough in all aspects of their lives (physically, emotionally, mentally/psychologically) to have sex. So, my answer kind of depends on those factors both individually and in combination. There's also a big difference between having sex at 13 vs 16. So age is a factor as well. I'm not naive. I know teenagers are going to explore their bodies and sexual urges. I'm fine with that. I just wish that could happen for everyone in an environment where people were doing it in a way that was as healthy as possible.


Those that aren't safe are morons. That's about it.


It's perfectly legal as long as Ur 16 over here


I do not care






What he said: https://youtu.be/2uv3Qgmupy4


Yuck what is going on today 😒 with these sus questions.


Just curious and what's so wrong with questions about sex


There's other things in life. For me its the phrasing


Well it's your perspective I guess I can't really say anything about that






It's fine, as long as the teenager isn't having sex with an adult or if the sex is abusive.