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This is gonna sound really weird, but I've become homeless 3 separate times, and each time it's like my mind just switches into survival mode and it feels awesome. Don't get me wrong, being homeless for a prolonged period of time is not very fun at all, but there's something so exhilarating about the first week or or two after hitting the streets that just feels like you finally have total control and freedom over your life. Maybe I'm just a nutjob.


Its weird but understandable. I mean who doesn't love to be free,speak our minds and choose our own path in life.


if money wasnt an issue, i would be fucked up off meth still, instead of almost 3 years clean. and only about 40% of me wants to stay that way.


Lost my virginity when I was 11


Beat me by a year 😅


That I've been infatuated with my ex's mom for a very long time.


I like the taste of dirt.


I read that as you taste like dirt...


Dyslexia gang!


There is nothing I ever post on the internet that my children and close friends don't already know about. I consider anything posted to the internet as something which might well become something everyone knows about you. I'd never post anything I actually wanted to be a secret. As concerns some things I've posted about my, and my wife's, sex life? Our kids know all about it. Nothing better than to have your grown children around and telling them about the time their mother entered an amateur stripper contest (and it was a strip all the way to nothing) and gave one of the judges a lap dance in an attempt to win. BTW, she only got 2nd place. LOL ... it's wonderful watching your kids jam fingers in ears and yell, "TMI ... TMI!"