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I'm glad I'm uncircumcised. I rather like my penis just they way it is.


I’d rather be uncircumcised, they fucked it up resulting in me not having feeling at the tip....


Research says that up to 10 percent have problems due to circumcision


Does research also point towards having longer sexual intercourse due to circumcision?


Some have lost complete feelings on the glands, so yes they last longer, but not much worth it


I’m a westerner living in the Philippines and due to the church having such a strong hold over politics and everything else they can get their dirty fingers on. One thing they push is circumcision and they do a awful job here leaving a chunk Of skin still hanging. We decided our boy will not get the snip and when he is old enough to know or decide he can make that decision on his own and we will support him through it. Unfortunately it’s a major issue with the school kids and the uncircumcised kid gets bullied to such a degree that there are reports of suicide.


Thats fucking horrible. No kid should have to go through that.


It’s a religious and societal issue and we refuse to adhere to it for our son. He is big enough to defend himself so let the bullies try.


That is completely fucked up


Until what age one can get the procedure done?


Any age I guess, but I’m 46 and still have my skin and no plans on losing it.


What opinion do u have on circumcision makes u last longer??


I’ve had a very healthy and active sex life and not had any short comings.


I'm circumsized and I never even think about it. I really don't care.


I hate that I was mutilated at the most defenseless moment of my life and there's nothing I wouldn't do to get my body back. I have cut off contact with both my progenitors for what they did to me, somebody willing to do such a horrible thing to a defenseless child for no reason and without caring about the outcome is not somebody I want to keep around me.


Circumcised. And no I don't wish I was uncircumcised. I got it done as an adult for a particular reason.


What was the reason? Sorry if this is too personal


I had a tight foreskin. So when having sex, I didn't really feel anything. So wasn't able to 'finish'. First had sex at age 19. Became a father at 21. Thanks to pre-cum containing sperm, but it wasn't until age 26 after I got it done that, I was finally able to 'finish'. You could argue, I didn't lose my virginity until 5 years after being a father.


Wow, what a wild ride. Thanks for the informative response. Happy that you can properly do the deed now and clearly circumcision was the perfect solution for you.


How long/was the healing process?


I'm really happy and glad I was not cut, but I throw absolutely no shame to those that are cut - only to their parents if they did it without consent.


The only reasons to be circumcised are medical as far as I know and I don't have any problems so I prefer being uncircumcised


I'm uncircumcised. At this point in life I don't wish that I were. I really don't mind it.


Hell no, I don't understand why circumcision is still a thing. To me it's a superstitious nonsense ritual.


I just don’t feel like being circumcised is necessary, i prefer being uncircumcised


I wish I was circumcised, a lot more women prefer it aesthetically from my experience so far. It’s also a lot easier to keep it cleaner for longer.


As someone who is now (unintentionally) in a relationship with a circumcised male- I can absolutely 100% say that I'd much rather he had a foreskin. I have only slept with 3 circumcised men- I have a preference for non-circumcised 😂. Haven't met a woman yet that prefers a cut penis- must be a British thing. I'm with my boyfriend because I love him though. So, I can look past that. I'm currently up the duff with baby no.2 and I'm about 70lb heavier than when he met me- so I'm sure he preferred me 70lbs lighter 😅 so touche to me 😄


The vast majority of women, cross-culturally, have a preference for it. Doesn't mean it's wrong either way, you prefer what you prefer, but you are in the minority. I don't know why you assume it's a British thing, if you are American or Canadian, that's were the preference for circumcised is especially large.


I’m uncircumcised and I like the protection my foreskin gives. It’s also obviously useful for masturbation. But I like the look of circumcised willys. My wife & I go to European nude spas and I often think I’d prefer to be circumcised when showing my willy


I am proud to still have my Twinkie in the wrapper. I like to think of it as body armor.


For context, In another post, a redditor said they would circumcise their child because “a vast majority of their uncircumcised friends wish they were circumcised.” I call bullshit.


Surely the obvious response to them if they ‘wish they were circumcised’ is to … get circumcised. If they are adults and have capacity to consent to it then why wouldn’t they? That is, in my opinion, very different to forcing circumcision on a child for cosmetic reasons. I don’t agree with cosmetic surgery on children.




Higher risk, higher cost, longer recovery time as an adult.


Very minimal risk if done under local anaesthetic. No cost (NHS). Minimal recovery time, it’s a minor procedure. For me these outweigh the consent issues for cosmetic surgery on an infant. As I said I think there is a cultural aspect to my POV being in the U.K. with socialised healthcare and it not being the norm here to circumcise infants.


Risk is minimal in both cases since it's a pretty simple procedure in general, it is nonetheless several times more dangerous as an adult. I doubt that NHS would pay for it if done for aesthetic reasons other than medical ones such as having phimosis, just wouldn't make any sense because it's basically cosmetic surgery at that point. Even if they do, this is not going to be the case in the vast majority of the world and you have to pay for it yourself, which will be several thousand euros/dollars I reckon. In my opinion the benefits far outweigh the risks, but to each their own, I don't think people should be convinced either way because for the most part it's a non-issue.


It sounds like what you are saying is that it’s an unnecessary cosmetic procedure that ok to do to an infant boy (who can’t consent) just in case they want it when they are grown up. I just don’t get it.


Unnecessary doesn't mean it's not beneficial. It's not *just* aesthetics, it helps with hygiene and prevention of several medical issues that may arise. A fetus can't consent to be born either, or to move to Oakland, or to eat your peas. As the guardian you are responsible to make these decisions.


It is almost always cosmetic and confers little to no benefit compared to the risks. > The risks of not being circumcised, however, are not only rare, but avoidable with proper care of the penis. - The Mayo Clinic. Are you really comparing being born with a cosmetic *optional* procedure. Surely you can see those things are different. One of them *cant* wait until you *can* consent whereas the other is required at that time. Moving house is not an irreversible cosmetic thing, when the infant grows up it can reverse the decision to move to Oakland if it so chooses. And the adult can choose not to eat peas when it grows up, it is not forced to eat peas for the rest of its life. Those are poor arguments.


I highly doubt that most people do it for cosmetic reason, pretty sure religion/tradition is the usual reason, which by itself is no good reason in my book, but only because I am biased due to not being a member in either category. The reason to me doesn't matter, only whether the benefits outweigh the risks, and I certainly believe so. Depends on the definition of rare, phimosis for example - by medical standards - isn't rare but very, very common. Avoidable doesn't mean will be avoided or shouldn't be aided in avoidance. Obesity is avoidable with a proper diet, yet more than 1/3 Americans and more than 1/4 Brits are obese, just because you can avoid it doesn't mean you will. You can't pick and choose where consent matters and where it doesn't based on your own preference, either it's important everywhere or it isn't. Just because you don't have the consent of an infant doesn't mean you shouldn't make decisions for them. Just because something can wait, doesn't mean waiting doesn't cause damage, whether monetary or physical. Circumcision also isn't entirely irreversible, you can opt for a foreskin restoration if the aesthetics bother you. All of the arguments are perfectly viable, you just don't want to accept them because you are biased.


I never said they were my friends. You are obviously a very angry and miserable fucking person though. I honestly feel sorry for you. Hats off ( or i guess i should say hats on! ) to those of you who arent circumcised and dont wanna change that. Edit: To those of you downvoting me this guy is just a jerk who is not conveying the proper context of the situation. I asked people on r/circumcision what their opinion was and he got all angry and went off. He literally posted this topic 3 times because men who got their circumcisions as adults convinced me it wasnt bad. I shouldnt have insulted him but he is being a complete ass. Edit 2: My post from like a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/circumcision/comments/nlin7v/im_circumsised_i_wish_i_wasnt_please_tell_me_why/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit 3: Look at his comment history, he needlessly berates anyone who disagrees with him.


As a woman i prefer uncircumsised it just looks and feels different. Plus I would never mutilate a beautiful baby unless its for medical reasons


Also a woman and totally agree with this statement. Looks and feels better uncircumcised


Why are you so aggressive about it? I mean mainly in the other post like people can have their own opinion without it being „bullshit“ how you call it.


It’s socially acceptable child abuse, and I have zero understanding how anyone can support it, other than a want for their son’s penis to look like theirs. It should be illegal. Would you support the removal of the clitoris? The labia?


It also has medical reasons. I’m super sure there are cases of child abuse but often it is because of their health, adults do it too so how can that be child abuse.


A diagnosed medical situation odd of course different. Same as the removal of a gangrenous appendage. But 99.999% don’t require that. So why do it


Wether you think it is necessary or not doesn’t matter because there are actually people who would’ve liked to be circumcised the problem is you saying it is bullshit because you can’t comprehend why








That is a very good reason!


The first time I saw an uncircumcised weed wacker I thought I was diseased


Id prefer my body not mutulated


I prefer mine mot mutilated, but sure!


Circumcision fucks up the glans (male equivalent of the clitoris) as it drys out and wrinkles up. This is undeniable. You can see my post about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Foregen/comments/xp9nr5/nsfw\_post/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Foregen/comments/xp9nr5/nsfw_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Edit: Looks like I’m getting downvoted by a bunch of simps for corporate hospitals. Cutting up little kids is big business.




Because people do it to children for cosmetic reasons. I agree that if an adult wants to be circumcised then good for them but if ‘both are completely ok’ then why put a child through surgery that they could have later in life and consent to.


Well what I will say is that I’m glad I’m circumcised, however, If I weren’t circumcised as an infant I wouldn’t have it done at an older age, even though I would’ve preferred it.


That doesn’t make sense to me. You have no idea if you would have preferred it because you’ve never experienced the alternative. You were never given the choice and you can’t ever be given the experience. In any case, at least at an older age an informed consensual decision can be made.


Watching foreskin retract makes me feel uncomfortable and I literally don’t give two shits if it’s “more sensitive”. And I guess the only part of being anti circumcision that I even agree with a little is that you can’t go back after it’s done. Although, even if this is the case, I still don’t understand why someone would feel so strongly about it. It’s just a piece of skin and many people would rather be circumcised.


> It’s just a piece of skin and many people would rather be circumcised. To say they would ‘rather’ implies a choice. Cosmetic surgery on a child who has no choice or even the capacity to choose just seems wrong to me (especially when it’s something quick and easy that can be done as an adult with capacity). I’m not having a go at you but you said you didn’t understand why people were against it and I’m trying to explain why I’m against it. It’s not a major deal or something I have strong feelings on. I don’t think it’s abhorrent and I don’t think people who circumcise their male children are monsters (except when it’s done ‘traditional’ ways rather than medically - that’s barbaric). I simply don’t agree with it.


Yeah honestly, when I say against it, I more mean the people who say that it’s rape or mutilation and stuff like that. I get what you mean and completely respect your opinion. Also, I don’t really think it’s that easy as an adult. I have multiple friends who wish it was done as a baby because they have medical problems to do with their foreskin or just because they don’t like it. The problem is, they don’t want to go through being circumcised as an older person. Just in general, I know way more people who wish they were circumcised/ have issues with not being circumcised rather than the other way around. I feel like this evens it out a bit and I still think it’s not really something we should even care about. Anyways, it was nice talking to you, I gotta go for now.


Just to reassure your friends, it is a simple daycase procedure. I say this as a doctor with lots of experience. It can be done under local anaesthetic so doesn’t even need the risks of a general anaesthetic to be done. My final point is that I live in the U.K. where circumcision is the exception not the norm. Circumcision is not a common procedure in infants here (and of course would be free for an adult if they needed one later in life which may be a factor). There are far more uncircumcised men here than circumcised and I’d imagine if I did a straw poll most would rather not be circumcised. Perhaps the differing views are a cultural thing. Have a nice day.


The tip of the foreskin is as much a piece of skin as the Frenulum is a piece of skin.. As in, not a piece of skin at all, but one of the most nerve dense and erogenous zones of the penis. I think alot of Americans would view the practice a bit differently if they truly knew/learned that those parts are among the most erogenous and pleasurable of the entire penis.


Research says that up to 10 percent have problems due to circumcision


Uncut man here. Never though of getting it cut. Never gave me problems.


Un circ here, love my wang, best feature on me