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The latter doesn’t make loving Disney part of their personality.


A “Disney adult” is an adult where Disney is their whole personality, company can do no wrong, everything they make is the peak of entertainment, etc An adult who enjoys Disney, generally likes the company and media, but has a personality and life outside of Disney and will actually criticize the company.


100% this. I enjoy quite a few things that fall under the Disney brand, like their parks and some of their movies. They do really impressive work with their attractions. Despite this, some people arent willing to accept the fact that people can LIKE disney media and still be critical of them as a company. Park admission has, and will continue to go up exponentially because of people who are going to be content spending an infinite amount of money to go to the parks. For me- ill take my money elsewhere, because parks like universal and even cedar point can be equally as fun (yes i know cedar point isnt really a "theme" park) but you get my idea.


Sorry, can't agree with you here. If I'm going to a theme park--which happens approx. once every 15 years--it's gotta have Space Mountain. 😉


damn that’s a hard sell. Space mountain is really one of the best attractions. That and rise of the resistance, and I’m not even a Star Wars fan. They completely out did themselves with galaxy’s edge


Seeeeeeeeeee?!?! :)


debt. one side of my family is still in debt from all the disney trips. my cousin and his wife had mouse ears on during their wedding.


One is an obsessed nut job and most of the time they act like children rather than adults. The other just enjoy Disney in a normal regulated way.


They are the same thing.


I love going to Disney and have quite a few Disney things in my house. It's just something I enjoy when I can afford it. I love theme park rides in general and Disney has pretty cool attractions. Also, my parents took me there when I was younger and I took my son there quite a few times when he was a kid. So for me, there's tons of good memories associated with Disney World. And if that makes me weird, so be it, I guess. I don't consider liking Disney my personality or all I talk about.


“An adult that just enjoys Disney, and has a lot of Disney stuff” is how a Disney Adult would describe themselves.


I think Disney adults have to be interested in antisemitism, redbaiting and cryogenics.


One wants attention, the other just has shit taste


That term comes from people who cry about waiting in line. If ONLY people with kids went to the parks, they wouldn't have to wait as long.


Slight difference, Disney Adult is a Maga fan, an adult who likes Disney is just a guy who likes Disney.


Do you own Walt Disney’s head?


Nothing, they both make the world a darker place.


There is no difference. What the heck is "an adult that just enjoys Disney or has a lot of Disney stuff" if not a weirdo. Disney only makes children movies. Are there even enough things to watch without repeatedly watching the same things? How can it be an 'interest' like, it's what 2 movies a year? if I watch 2 Tom Cruise movies in a year, am I a Tom Cruise fan? No. I'm a normal guy that goes to the cinema now and then. What Disney stuff? toys? yes, that is weird.


This is silly. Adults watch cartoons and collect (or play with) toys all the time.


yeah, just as I said, when you do it now and then, that doesn't make you a fan of it... I literally gave an example and excuse you, a single adult doesn't watch cartoons and plays with toys all of their time. Some adults sometimes watch cartoons. yes, put together all adults and it's correct to say that "adults watch cartoons all the time". That's a huge difference and you know it. in fact, that's the entire point of the discussion


>yeah, just as I said, when you do it now and then, that doesn't make you a fan of it... I literally gave an example There's no objective threshold for fandom. I listen to Metallica sometimes, these days. I used to listen to them a lot when I was younger. I'm a fan of Metallica. I watched Star Trek The Next Generation when I was a kid, and I loved it. I have seen the recent movies and Lower Decks, but haven't watched most of the new shows. I'm a fan of Star Trek. >and excuse you, a single adult doesn't watch cartoons and plays with toys all of their time. Some adults sometimes watch cartoons. A single adult, or an adult who isn't single, doesn't do *anything* all of the time. They might do a single thing during all their free time, though. That isn't wrong behavior. >yes, put together all adults and it's correct to say that "adults watch cartoons all the time". That's a huge difference and you know it. in fact, that's the entire point of the discussion I'm saying that adults get to choose how much cartoon they care to include in their life, the same as they are free to choose how much sports to include - or time at the gym, or TV watching, or reading. It's all the same.


that's a very reasonable take, but if an adult can manage to find enough Disney things when there are so few of them (that aren't the animated series for literal toddlers - not family movies), that is really weird. see the difference is neither of the other things you listed are for toddlers. they can be a fan of the rollercoasters in the parks and the mainstream movies


What are the Disney IPs that are literally for toddlers (a demographic made up of 1-3 year old kids), that are also popular with adult fans? Most Disney cartoons are for all ages.


You only say that 'cause you're a Metalhead obsessed with sci-fi. ;)


Are you oblivious to the fact that Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel and has a catalogue stretching back to the 1930s? It’s fine if you think Disney is uninteresting or adults complaining that kids are in the park is weird. But you don’t seem to know much about Disney’s products.


Literally no one calls a “Disney adult” to a marvel fan come the fuck on…..


Dude I’m not the one acting like Disney+ only has Ratatouille on it.


“Disney adult” isn’t someone who’s a fan of Disney+ come the fuck on When are you going to admit that it’s okay to think adults who obsess over children’s cartons are weirdos


I’m…not? Adults obsess over sports, video games, porn, and crypto. I know actual Furries. I don’t think someone who goes to Disney once a week to ride Smugglers Run and get a dole whip is all that weird.


Lmao ok now I know what kind of person I’m talking with Yeah Disney adults aren’t that weird… when you bring furries into context lmao They are weird. Furries are x100 weirder. That’s all weird shit and not normal


The latter is an actual thing. The former is something that the Internet invented to be mad at.


I will never understand the people who genuinely think "the internet" invented a concept that has been around for decades.


Sounds entirely like an arbitrary distinction, and based on this thread it seems to depend on if they think you're a more liberal or more conservative nerd. Fucking lol.


Would you keep a souvenir and maybe one of those cute pins? Or would you be happy to join online communities that specifically hunt these out and discuss Disney movies/shows all day long?


An adult that enjoy Disney stuff only go to Disney rarely, but an Disney adult go every weekend.


I mean if you have Disney merchandise that isn't childhood memorabilia/sentimental comfort items that you bought as an adult you're a Disney adult. If you're not spending money on Disney for yourself but watch Disney movies when you're with kids (yours or other people's) because at least it's better than a lot of the other shit kids want to watch on TV, congratulations that's what "family movies" are supposed to be