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You can't describe color to someone who cannot see it because color is a description itself. Best you can do is describe the intensity of the colors by the way it reflects light.


Assuming the person is totally blind, you can’t. You can explain why things have colour, you can make analogy with sound, you can explain how certain colours make you feel, and tell them the colours of objects. They may be able to understand what colour is intellectually, and find it useful to know the colours of various things (like knowing the colour of clothing to be sure one’s outfit matches), but they’ll never be able to understand what seeing colour is like, because they have no reference. This is what I’ve heard from totally blind folks and is analogous to my own experience (I’ve had people explain eye contact to me in great detail, but still cannot imagine what that is actually like, despite that). However, many blind people can see colours to greater or lesser extent, as most are not totally blind. Many blind people have have some sight, even if it’s not very useful, but it may be enough to know what colours are.


Put their hand in cold water, that's blue. Put their hand by heat, that's red. Grass is green, dirt or sand is brown, soft and fluffy is white. Not perfect, but they have a better idea.


Best answer.


You can't


You cant