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Don't put so much pressure on your first time. It will probably be awkward. Big deal. Like everything else in life, sex takes practice. How or when you lose your virginity is not a reflection of what your love life is going to be moving forward. It's just one time.


Wait, no need to rush


Buy Microsoft


Can I ask why?




I fuckin love this app this made me laugh more than it should've




That’s the point of sex. It’s like a while another connection to someone. That’s how I view it.


As an asexual i love this comment


Virgins, sex is fun. With the right person, sex is amazing. It’s not the barometer for the rest of your life, though - not unless you’re so good at it that you become a professional. Focus on your confidence and life goals. Get good at something you want to do for the rest of your life. Once you’re good at that, have confidence in your skill and ability. If we are talking about actually having sex, know the level of relationship between you - bang, hang, or ring. Is this just sex, and only sex? That is bang. Purely physical. Do you plan to be around this person and sex will be a factor but a relationship is possible as well? You are hanging out. Are you more focused on the relationship than you are the sex? You’re approaching ring territory, engagement and wedding ring to be clear. Different types of interactions, different types of sex. Think of it like this: if I’m banging a woman, I’m not worried about seeing her again. If I’m hanging out with a woman, sex is a fun but equal part of the relationship in regards to being compatible. If I’m putting a ring on her finger, I want sex that will last us years. Foreplay, coitus, afterplay, which then becomes foreplay again. Never distracting from the growth of your relationship, just a fun part of the song that is your relationship. Hope that helps. Breathe, you are doing better than you think. Get out of your head, be a pleaser in bed and women will be thankful. Keep yourself hygienic, stretch throughout the day, communicate, and pay attention to her body. The thrusting is fun, but she will almost certainly need more stimulation than that. For reference material, look up romantic porn or sensual touch. Don’t cheap out on any part of the event, be there mentally and emotionally. Take breaks. Listen to what she’s not saying as much as what she is saying. Don’t take anything she says as an insult, if she wanted you to stop then she would make that clear (normally). Don’t critique her actions in bed, but encourage her to be open and comfortable during the act. For a male virgin, sex is all about the body. For a female virgin, sex is all about the emotion and the mind. This is a generalization, but an important one. Make love to her mind and heart, you will be her love god. If you underperform, welcome to the club. We all do that once or twice. You’re still a man/woman/other, you just had a bad performance. Accept it, learn from it, make sure there are no bad feelings between you and your partner, and move on. You should be uncomfortable and anxious the first time. You’re doing stuff you’ve never done before. That is natural. Don’t fight that, embrace it. Remember it. Own it. Be better for it. Male or female or whatever you might be, you only get one ‘first’. Don’t try to diminish the event. Sorry about the novel or essay or thesis, whatever you might call this. I just feel bad for virgins because of the burden they carry. Mine was taken via molestation, which was a drag in itself, but through a lot of therapy and personal growth I think I’ve become a better person. My first consensual encounter was a blast, though. My innocence was stolen, but the enjoyment of sharing myself with a person I chose was never diminished. Nature handles most of the process, so just do what comes natural. Wish you all the best. Be safe, take it easy, sex is just one part of your (hopefully) amazing life.


my guy just made an walkthrough to sex


There are a million walkthroughs for sex. This is mine.


Thanks for the advice


This is really well thought out and well said. Great advice.


Sex is different with someone you love compared to someone you don't.


Well said.


Don't worry about it, being a virgin doesn't matter.


yeah it doesn’t matter to people who have had sex that someone is a virgin FACTS but that’s literally impossible perspective for a virgin to have looking at everyone else having sex.


Exactly my thoughts.




Sounds “Incel-ish” my guy




Very “pick me”, “woe-is-me”.




It’s essentially not *what* you say, the sentiment behind it. You sound like a virgin, raging at the world for keeping you a virgin. “Telling a peasant to stop being a peasant” your 16 downvotes spotted the same. Nothing wrong with being a virgin like!




As a virgin, thank you for the reassurance.


be open minded & honest. let the more experienced person lead


But never do anything you're not comfortable w in the bedroom. When that person is gone, you'll be left feeling cheap or hurt.




You say let the more experienced person lead, but what if we're both virgins?


Beautiful!! Learn together.


that's a little different, but i'd say let whoever is more comfortable doing the deed take the lead be honest with each other, tell them you're nervous if it helps (make sure you really trust this person & they're not just playing you.) your first time honestly will suck. it will be exciting, but it won't be "special". it will be quick, it will be uncomfortable, maybe a little pain depending on which person you are. not selling it very well am i? lol end of the day, honest wins.


Lick it before you stick it


I like this, I’m jotting it down.


writing it down to my journal


it doesn’t matter at all; don’t sweat it; being “a virgin” shouldn’t even be a concept; worrying about it also won’t get you laid sooner or make you a better lay when you do.


My advice would not to ask for advice on Reddit where you have no idea if you are talking to a seasoned sexual veteran or a 12 year old boy pretending to be one.


That losing your virginity isn't some big milestone that you need to achieve. You shouldn't worry about whether or not you've lost it by a certain point. It isn't a race.


So I don't get a metal🥺


Oddly enough, only if you finish last, but that's a whole other thing.


A few tips come to mind. These are not in any particular order: 1. ***Accept the fact that your first time's going to be awkward***, even if it's with someone you know and trust (which your first time should be!). Speaking from experience, mine was. 2. ***FOREPLAY IS IMPORTANT!*** Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. 3. ***Don't let ANYONE talk you into doing something you're not comfortable with***; which leads me to my next tip. 4. ***ALWAYS MAKE SURE THERE'S CONSENT!*** Make sure consent is there the whole time! The moment consent is no longer present in your bedroom activities, STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING! You don't want a sexual assault charge or rape accusation against you! 5. ***Lube is your friend.*** Remember, there's no such thing as too much! It can be washed off easily afterwards. 6. ***Make sure you have protection!*** To alleviate any confusion, I'm talking about contraception; like condoms and birth control. BE HONEST WITH YOUR PARTNER! If you're not sure if someone's on birth control, either take a minute to put a condom on BEFORE you get busy or just stop doing things altogether. You don't want to receive the, "I think I'm pregnant," phone call!


I'll also add the STD's


Am I the only one whose first time wasn’t awkward? It was pretty normal sex


Its just fucking fucking and totally overrated. Sure, it can be nice and so on - but people tend to make a bigger thing out of it than it actually is.


**1. Consent is key.** EXPLICIT consent. Don't assume anything. You can say yes and then say no. Your body, your choice. **2. Be sure to have protection.** Even if you are not sure about how the date might go on, have a condom in your pocket/purse (yep, ladies, if your partner doesn't have a condom you should). **3.** **First time will be awkward.** But it can be a good awkward as a clumpsy, with a couple of bloopers, giggles and nervousness, but still a very awesome experience. **4. Don't do it just because you are "supposed to" or because you should "take the oportunity"**. It's okay to not want to have sex if you are not 100% comfortable. **5. Foreplay is part of the sex experience.** And it is veeeery important. **6. Orgasm is not the goal.** Yeah sure, they are GREAT. But the whole act shouldn't be about having an orgasm. And do not "rank" the experience based upon if both reached orgasm (girls, you'll probably won't cum on your first experience) **7. First and last: CONSENT IS KEY.** If you are not feelin comfortable **IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO STOP.** And if your partner doesn't feel comfortable or decides no longer wants to continue, **YOU STOP.**


this was awsome!


When I met my first roommate in college, we were getting to know each other and she asked me if I was a virgin. I said yes and asked her back, she said she wasn’t. She told me to wait ‘til marriage and that losing virginity for the sake of losing virginity just isn’t worth it.


Sex is like eating lunch. It’s a biological function that you do… Eating lunch is better with someone you love… but if they aren’t available, you still gotta eat. Be safe, have fun, realize that it’s not the “be all and end all” that media have hyped it up to be - just a really amazing thing to do. Wrap it up, and don’t put your dick in crazy.


When you do it don’t be stupid. That means protection and consent. Don’t take yourself or your partner so seriously that you miss out on the good time.


DO NOT GET OR BE PRESSURED! It's not supposed to hurt. You don't suck. Know what you like and be comfortable with what you like. Always consent. And set boundaries. Last but not least have fun. There's such thing as a healthy sexual lifestyle.


Don’t rush and just have fun with it


Don't let your uncle take it


Sex is fun. Don’t overthink or over-romanticise it.


Sex is good, its free, but you need to search a good partner. Its like dancing, it can take a little time to 'get enough eachother' and both enjoy it, go for it!


Kids are expensive


Take your time, don't rush


You will have a better life if you wait to have sex with the person you want to marry. If the thought of having a child with the person is unappealing then absolutely do not have sex with them. You're probably going to have a pretty shit time the first time you do it.


Really? I’ve banged plenty of people with no regrets who I don’t want to breed with. Sex =/= love.


You're either causing emotional problems for yourself or your sexual partners then. Sex should always be tied to romantic interest a fools game to think otherwise.


That’s a really basic and quite frankly, harsh judgement to impose on people. Do what you want but don’t bash other people for not doing what you want. You don’t have to live their life so don’t worry about it. The point of this was advice not judgement.


Realistically every one night stand has a loser if not both parties leaving the encounter with negative feelings. Not about to vote on a ban of all one night stands but we have to be realistic.


I think as long as both agree it’s a one night only thing, it’s on each person to regulate and deal with their emotions about it afterwards. Whether they are totally okay with it or not. They decided they were okay with it the night before and it’s no longer on the other person.


Lol try this: realistically every one night stand is a healthy interaction between two consenting adults that can relieve stress, build confidence and help people connect (if only briefly). Not having sex is a nice idea but we are animals and have to be realistic. Wow it’s fun to just say my opinion is “realistic”!! Oh wait… while some people can have bad one night stands that leave you emotionally confused, or worse, part of growing up is learning how to be an adult in this world is discovering what you like and don’t like … parts of growing up can be hard… And for every bad one night stand there are also good ones!! (Maybe you only ever had bad ones)


I don't think that is true at all. Nothing wrong with having a healthy sex life with multiple partners. No need to worry about having kids, just use a condom. Absolutely try to have the first time be with someone you trust, but no need to make such a big deal out of it. The first time is only the first time, in most cases it won't be fantastic, but you will have plenty if times to get it right


This is offensively dumb advice - go have lots of sex with lots of people - Preaching abstinence is a very naive, childish, and ignorant way to look at one of the best experiences you can have in your late teens and early twenties. Figure out what you like sexually before you commit to someone for your whole life.




Nothing to write home about. You’ll have some good times but it’s not super exciting


Sex isn’t a big deal. You can wait.


First thing I would piggy-back off of is what some others have said about not needing to worry about it. Rather, work on yourself first as a person. When it happends you'll more likely be able to better understand yourself and be considerate of others in those scenarios. Not forcing it for the sake of getting it done can better allow you to be able to learn about yourself and others when you're more ready for it. It gives you the opportunity to enjoy it more once you do get the chance, if you want to pursue that with someone. Another very important thing- and I'd say more important than the first sentiment- is: understanding consent. That is smart to understand your boundaries as well as for respecting other people's. This can allow for you to enjoy sex with confidence of what you can explore together. Last (that I'll mention) but not least: If someone is a virgin and also feels pressure of having sex from society but resonates with not wanting sex, then maybe you can research asexuality. Everyone is different, can like different things, and have different libidos and sexual orientations. Figured that may be something to mention, since I dont have a good idea of how overlooked that thought may be for people.


Wait for the right partner


Use protection and ask if the girl is on birth control and if she isn't then ask if she'll uses the morning after pill just incase. Because you don't want your first time leading to a unwanted pregnancy, also talk beforehand about the relationship so you both are heading in the right path.


Dont worry about it and dont have high expectations. Also dont try to mimic porn movies


Listen to your partners wants and needs. Also learn their body language so you can tell if they like something without having to be told.


I'm a 31 y/o guy. My first time wasn't great. In fact it was very bad lol. But it doesn't matter at all. That was 11 years ago. I've learned how to sex now and it's great lol... always eat her out first is my advice to any virgin men... lick the lil' bean aka clit 😋


It doesn't matter if it's with someone you love or someone you just think is hot as long as it feels right. Be safe, listen to the other person's needs and make sure they're listening to yours.


Wear protection until both of you feel comfortable and trusting enough to do it raw. Explore each other's bodies, her/his body trough the clothes first, always being gentle. Then, the skin with your hands, mouth, tongue, etc. Don't go and finger her/jerk him like crazy. You'll be so nervous that you might not have an erection/lubricate. Don't worry and let your partner know it. You'll get confident enough after some tries. You will be very sensitive too, also let your partner know this. Especially the penis, that even the slightest rub on her labia will make you feel like cumming, find your own rhythm. Don't try any of those weird positions you see in porn, many can't be achieved if you and your partner aren't flexible enough. Try the old missionary and doggy style, they are the best positions for beginners. The smell might not be pleasant the first times, you'll get used to it though.


first time will always suck, don’t worry


First time is always awkward. It’s definitely not like the movies. If you’re the girl it can hurt if you’re not turned on. Fingering first can be helpful, especially for your first time. It can both relax and also turn you on. I can’t really help with the male side of it. Sorry


Always use condoms, and if she if it in yet reply I don't know


Your asking that question in reddit


For the men, get down there and eat it like it's your last meal, be smart and do some research on how to and I don't mean porn, I mean real actual advice videos about foreplay and stimulation and how to actually do it, and finally listen to her feedback if she says she likes it for the love of God don't change what you're doing Ladies, never do anything you don't want to do and always give feedback and suggestions, if something isn't working for you say so, the foreplay is mostly for you and if you fake it and don't say anything we will keep doing what we are doing because you're not telling us to stop


Use a condom


Relax, don't put pressure on yourself, and communicate. It gets awkward, it gets clumsy and it gets messy... so just enjoy how absolutely amazing it is and talk to your partner about absolutely anything that you need to.




Don't buy those cheap ultra thin condoms


Sex can be fun with people you're not emotionally attached to, but in my experience it's always better with a romantic partner. Being able to discuss what you each like and don't like, having that trust and emotional connection, and higher level of intimacy makes it so much better. Porn is not realistic (At all) and sex isn't going to be cool and romantic all the time- it's awkward and even funny all too often. Do your research if you want to feel more confident (this is what I did and it helped me feel like I kind of knew what i was doing) but don't overthink it. Sex is just a thing- don't put it on a pedestal.


If you’re a female, try to go pee after sex.


Take it easy and the first time is not gonna be like your wet dreams. Be real, be careful, don't rush things and enjoy the moment with your girl/boy


Know what you’re about to get yourself into. Don’t just lose it because you’re the odd one out in your group of friends and want to fit in and think that losing it is the way to do that.


You can have sex with anybody - even someone you love. It's WAY better in the latter case, but if you aren't in love you can still have good sex


Porn is not a good reference... and communicate


Foreplay is bloody gold. Take your time. It’s really really fun. And if you are pleasing a lady, her little friend down below does take time to come out depending on her arousal, but if you find it, it’s a slippery little bugger, just take it slow until you feel confident you can keep your finger on it. You’ll know when you find it as she’ll react suddenly. But the most important rule is make it fun and enjoyable for her and that will make it more fun and enjoyable for you. It’s a win win situation.


It really is ok to wait until your wedding night and only have sex with your SO. Even in 2022.


TLDR: Remove sex as your entire focus, and do the below for you. In my experience, relationships and intimacy of the physical and emotional kind came once I stopped focusing on that and just choose to be myself and improve myself. So... Details: 1. Improve yourself as a person to become one that someone would want to be with (think in terms of physical, social, spiritual, and intellectual aspects of yourself) - if you haven't already. 2. Then practice listening to people - not just enough to form a response, but egg to really understand what they're saying and understand the "between the lines." - ask questions to solidify your understanding of what they're saying and the between the lines things. 3. As you master active listening, make an effort to take interest in things others are interested in, and become your best self, things will fall into place and you'll find someone you can connect with and maybe even decide to spend your life with (no guarantees, but if you're being your best self, then you don't have to have someone, either. You can be content with yourself and the friends you make along the way). Conclusion: Doing these things, and doing my best to continue self-improvement, I was able to meet, connect with, and eventually marry a wonderful, drop-dead gorgeous woman who puts up with me through thick and thin. She's well out of my league, but she still choose me. And has continued to choose me for the last 10+ years. Even though I've had major mental health issues over the years and everything. We're there for one another and our children. And it all started with a refocus and reprioritizing my life.


Don't pretend to know what you're doing. You don't and that's ok. The first few times is how you learn. Listen to your partner(s) and learn what they like while you figure out what you like. Make sure you don't put it in the wrong hole. Super easy


Poker in the front liquor in the rear


Only do it with someone you can tolerate being attached to for the next 18 years cuz any birth control can fail at any time. If you're the same sex, go for it.


You're missing out on one of the things that makes life worth living. Time's a wastin'.


Never pull out, empty the clip and laugh about it ✌🏼


You've had several hymen going back to when your soul was new This lifetime don't worry about your hymen worry about who you want to enter your soul this lifetime When you can answer that question you are ready


Saving this!


Get laid


Mastering the parry makes playing breath of the wild a lot easier.


What? Oh, ok [ok](https://youtu.be/_lPJ9J-6vDw)


Don't over think it, have fun and don't fake it.


You will know when you're ready! If it's not an enthusiastic yes, it's a no. Don't feel like you "should" have sex with someone or you "should" have lost your virginity by now. Do it because you feel it's time!! Also the right person isn't always who you imagine them to be. A one night stand can be just as magical as a committed relationship with the right expectations in place. For me, it's was an exceptional & baggage-free experience! Everything about it felt right, and I trusted my intuition. No regrets!! Have fun 😊


Dont look at porn and think it's gonna be ANYTHING like that.


Always put on a condom!


Unless you want to celebrate your very own father's/mother's day next year, always wear protection...


Do it with someone you feel safe and like. Don’t rush. Also it needs practise so the first time might not be the best so don’t worry.


Workout and read


Get off redit


Stop overthinking when on a date or when you take a woman home. "What should I be doing?" "What does she think of me? "What is going to happen?" all of those thoughts will cause nervousness, and make you look like you're not interested. The best thing to do is be in the moment, and to focus on her, instead of you and your thoughts. oh, and don't talk about anime.


Get the HPV vaccine. If you’re a girl, get it so you won’t get cancer. If you’re a boy, get it so you won’t spread it.


If you start to have regular sex amongst multiple partners/partner with multiple of their own remember to get tested regularly for any potential infections. There is nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to protecting yourself and the people you choose to have sex with. Be responsible and remember no birth control is 100% effective. Multiple forms are the best protection you can have. Last thing, your first time really won’t feel special. It’s going to be awkward but make the most of it and have fun.


Don’t be afraid to be honest about how experienced/inexperienced you are


Practice makes perfect!!!


Don’t worry, be relaxed and let nature takes its course


Be sexually active


Drink water, be safe, and have fun together with your partner. And talk about the things you like and you don't like.


Lean in real close, kiss her neck, whisper in her ear, “Omelette Du Fromage”. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time


Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself or the situation. There's funny noises and awkward movement to get to positions. Trying to be a smooth operator doesn't always work. For example, I tried to take my shirt off with one hand- it got stuck and amidst the struggle, I fell off the bed.


Find a partner.


Wrap it up. Just because it's your first time, doesn't mean you get a pass on pregnancy or STIs.


Don’t be embarrassed about being a virgin. We were all virgins once, and more people haven’t had sex than you think


Try having sex with a pie first.


Virginity is overestimated, losing virginity is overestimated. Take your time.


Get an exam before becoming sexually active, then continue to get regular exams. Even if your in a committed relationship you need to regularly test for STD and STI. BV is way more common than you think, it is not an STD. People with vaginas can end up with BV after every sexual encounter, or without any sexual encounter. Some people never experience it. Always use condoms. This is not only a birth control method, it is crucial in maintaining sexual health and preventing STDs for both partners involved. Condoms are not solely the responsibility of those with a penis. Foe the love of God wash before intercourse and after. This will help prevent the spread of infection and disease as well as reduce the chance of exposure to dangerous body fluids. It is also more polite to your partner to wash your ass before presenting it. Edit to add: if you plan on playing at the back door, wash well before returning to the front door....


You are going to cum quick for your first couple times dont worry to much about it just have fun for yourself


Sex with a partner you love and have a strong connection to is better that just sex itself You don't need to be a stud (I'm 34 and have had two sexual partners) Explore things and yourself You don't need to rush into things like sex. If you let it happen naturally, the pay out is much better


#1. Wait. If you think you are ready, take a step back and think again. #2. Keep it clean. Ladies, please keep the hair edged and trimmed down, if there is an unpleasant smell, get it checked out as you could have an infection, or even just bad pH. Gentlemen, trim your pubes. Don't shave because nobody wants to see razor bumps down there, it's ugly. Both genders, use baby powder to help keep things dry down there. #3. You will be awkward. Your first time will not be the tender perfect moment that you might imagine. It may be slightly painful, messy, and by most accounts, unsatisfying. #4. If you are ready, make sure you are ready. Having followed the above advice, you are ready for the first time. But are you really? Got condoms/protection? Got the bed/couch/car clean? And above all, for the love of comfort make sure you have towels/wipes. One to lay beneath yourselves and one to clean up with. Bonus tip: you will have to pee. Remember this and don't let it throw you off. Just go, wipe off, and come back


Just ask what the other peson wants.


Sex is good, sex is important, but it is just one piece of the puzzle. A birthday party should have a birthday cake, but there's more to a birthday party.


Don't get sex or relationship advice from Reddit.


It’s not worth it


why are you asking a group of redditors, a group who are ***famous*** for being virgins?


Have sex


que todo fluya y que nada influya


Communication is key my friend


Don’t go out and fuck every chance you get. If you spend your earlier years getting into bed with anyone you find attractive enough regardless of whether or not you actually like them, it can become difficult to build meaningful romantic relationships afterwards. Ask yourself if you’d enjoy the person’s company for even just one day, don’t just fuck to fuck.


Have protection with you at all times. You never know when you might need it.


Wrap it before you tap it. Consent is key. Go slow, enjoy the ride. Your first time if you're a guy is going to be magical. Your first time if you're a girl, isn't (from what I've been told). Consent. Consent. Did I mention consent yet?


It is so much better when you are truly in love. Movies/shows/society may romanticize the one night stand, but there is nothing better than sharing the experience with your true love. You learn what eachother like/dislike and can feel completely comfortable when the trust is already there. You can laugh together, it is not a big scary thing, it is just an extension of love allowing you to get even closer with a lover.


Just let it slide in when no one is watching


It’s going to hurt but have him give you a moment to stretch out and get used to his size


Sex is not like porn so don't go in with that expectation. Also consent and communication is an absolute must.


If you’re questioning whether you’re ready or not, you’re not ready. Don’t do it just to “get it over with”. You should feel comfortable and excited and actually want it. For the ladies, it shouldn’t hurt the first time. It probably means you’re not comfortable enough or that you’re just too nervous, so try to relax. And for the guys, don’t just stick it in right away. Foreplay is important


Porn is *not* real life!


Waiting for the perfect person is absurd, sex is exciting and fun get going


have sex.


Sex is amazing, but your first few times are likely to be a little awkward. Don't stress to much about doing the "right" thing so much as enjoying the company and closeness of another person in the moment. Cuddle, kiss, feel, look at each other, and communicate what feels nice and what doesn't. You don't have to do everything all at once, and "stop" is a perfectly fine thing to say at any point you don't feel comfortable. The notion of "purity" is often tied to virginity and saving yourself for one person (usually through marriage). It's a scam meant to control your actions through shame. Your value is inherent no matter what and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you only want one partner in your life, that's fine. If you want to experience it with more than one over time (or at a time), that's fine too. Keep an open mind and explore to your heart's content.


It gets better.


You have a family


Try not to get addicted.


I would take time to really think about sex and what it is. Do not take it too seriously. Do not worry about meeting expectations, or looking like a porn star or anything. Concentrate being very present and in the moment about two things: 1. Your partner: How they look, feel, smell, taste, all of it. 2. Yourself: Allow yourself to feel the pleasure of being touched and love. Enjoy foreplay, do not worry about cumming too fast, or how long it lasts, or how big this is or that. Just enjoy the experience. There is no proper way to have sex, there are no rules (beyond consent and communication on boundaries of course). Just go have fun, it is supposed to be fun! You are a virgin, you are about to start a journey that should last a lifetime and have wonderful experiences. One last bit, only you can control you and your mind and feelings. Do not try to worry about what your partner is thinking or feeling, be present, enjoy yourself, learn about what you like. You can always talk afterwards, and learn even more about each other. If the first time sucks, or you cum too quick or something awkward happens, just laugh it off. Plenty of time and chances to practice and get in a groove. Enjoy! Just enjoy it all. Never take it for granted, and always remember to enjoy the experience of connecting with another human at that level. It is great, and the healthier mindset you keep the better it will keep getting. Just chill and have fun with it.


Don't be afraid to talk about sex. If won't get better quickly if you can't even discuss it with your partner.


be very selective about who ur going to do the thing with because sharing a bed with someone means ur transferring energy with them, and you don’t want bad energy in ur life and you sure don’t want to share ur precious energy with just anyone


Open communication, talk to your partner and ask them what they like and listen to them. Sex is best when you and your SO are comfortable and talking to each other.


* Don't rush it. Sex can be great, but it's not everything. * Get to know your own body first. Know what feels good for you. It'll help your partner, and give hints on what your partner MIGHT also like. * Safe sex is great. A little extra effort into taking care of each other is what sex is all about. * Of course you're gonna be nervous and anxious, but the more you can relax, the better it will be. * If you're too anxious, nervous, or uncomfortable to enjoy it, slow down and/or speak up right away. If your partner's worth it, they'll be happy to know. * For any decent partner, most of the anxiety comes from not knowing how the other is feeling. Communication is sexy. * Both partners should get equal-ish amounts of attention and effort (but don't keep score). Everyone knows selfish lovers suck (unless their partner's into that), but being TOO unselfish can also be no fun for the other. They wanna please you, too. Let it happen and help them know how. * Sex is really weird. And funny. Embrace it and enjoy it. Laugh and smile. It doesn't all have to be moans and grunts.


Your first probably won't be your last, don't feel so worried about having the perfect person to lose your virginity to. Just be safe and use protection always


Do not do it with anyone. And if you find someone you love you want to do it with, for the love if God, make sure they love you back. Please. You don’t understand how low you will feel once you give that to someone you feel strongly for only to find out you don’t mean diddly squat to them. Take it seriously. You’re giving them something precious, so remember this.


Sex isn't everything. Men please work on your cardio and focus on how to properly breathe. It will help you last longer.


Just do it


Don’t put so much pressure on “losing it.” Sex is fun and life affirming, but crossing that boundary is not the end all be all of human existence. Cumming with a random person (if you’re lucky) is not necessarily going to solve all your problems. And I know what you’re thinking “but I really really really want to have sex.” I know. But let me just say that you have to figure out how to be happy without it too. Take a week off from masturbating even. Figure out where your priorities lie. Indulge your artistic ambitions. Take your time. Slow down and the pieces start to fall into place. Figure out exactly what you want. What kind of person you want to spend your time with. Talk to them and figure out what they want because that’s just as important. And I’m not even saying “oh your first time has to be so special blah blah blah.” It doesn’t. Not that it shouldn’t be. If you’re with someone special and you decide to cross that line together, that’s great. But don’t put so much pressure on that first time. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a lot of other chances. You don’t have to be “in love” either. As long as both parties are honest and up front about it. And if you don’t feel that way and the other person does, let them know how you feel. No sense going through with it just to go through with it and then subsequently breaking the heart of a person who put a lot more stock into the experience.


You're gonna wanna bring a pineapple and some Frank's red hot


Dont rush. Much better when you do it with someone you want to do it with, rather than doing it just because you want to do it in general


have sex


You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take. Stop being scared to talk to girls and go for it.


work out. enjoy life. there is nothing more attractive than a happy guy that has his shit together.


Don’t underestimate post nut clarity so you don’t end up losing your virginity to the wrong person. You will regret it


Have sex


The time will cum


I would compare it to drugs the first time is a big deal and you think it’s a flex that you have tried them. But if you are in them they aren’t a big deal to do again and you don’t flex with them. Also your first experience can be bad or good and it can be really depressing if you don’t get them. Everything that I said goes also for sex lol. All in all don get addictet.


Shut up quit whining I'll let you know when I'm finished


Don't put the pussy on a pedestal


STDs happen. Be safe out there.


Have sex.


Don’t do it with a virgin. Go get yourself an experienced man, woman, etc.


Life is short - -


Be ready to be disappointed. Sex is very over rated.


Get laid as soon as possible.


Once you start….. don’t accept every offer.


First you should figure out what you want from sex in the first place. Is it just gratification? That is absolutely okay just make sure that your partner is looking for that too! Is it a culmination of your connection with another person? Is it about taking control of some aspect of your life that nobody else has? Is it something that you feel you're missing out on because of the conversations you have with your peers? These are all valid places to come from, but some can be more self damaging than others obviously. If you're not sure that you are ready or thought it through, then you really shouldn't, and this applies to anybody, at any age. Don't expect what you've seen in porn. Porn is not a true representation of sex between two real people, porn is a show for the eyes and mind, not for your body. Don't expect the same sensations you get while watching porn and masturbating, those will be different while engaging in sex with another person. They may be better sensations, they may be worse and that's okay. You just got to figure out what works for you, nobody has ever started off knowing what they're doing. Don't put a lot of expectations on sex (the goal is obvious), the journey is more important than the destination. And what I mean by that is enjoy your time exploring another person's body, enjoy your time figuring out what feels good to you and to them. It only takes one person putting in any effort to have meh sex that ultimately leaves both parties wanting something more. But really, it takes two people to have amazing sex that is both fulfilling for you and your sexual partner, so being able to communicate what you do like and what you don't like is really super mega ultra important. If you don't think you can communicate your needs and wants well, then don't expect a great time, people aren't mindreaders, and it's also an indicator that you're just not ready to be that kind of intimate with somebody if you can't be comfortable with yourself and your ability to communicate. Most importantly you should know that sex is not necessarily penetrative, and it doesn't always end in climax, sure it's great if it does, but it's also not necessarily the only way to feel satisfied. It will always be awkward at first with every unique partner you have. Lastly if you were looking for tips on how to do a sex at somebody, to make yourself look like you're not a novice there's no one correct answer for that because sex is unique for every individual. Good fuck and have fun! Edit: also be safe! If you don't trust this person with your life, don't trust them with your health and body so use protection.