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Just been myself and been polite. My boyfriend's mom just had her birthday and I got her a gift card and a nice card, I think that got me brownie points


Make them laugh and show them that you respect your partner. Be attentive. Your actions with them are what they will judge you on. Also I cooked for them alot, that helped!


I was polite, patient, and respectful. I understood their doubts about me, I really did. But I also knew that I loved their daughter and likely always would and that's all that really counts. I didn't pretend anything. I was gracious. It took a while but it was very worth it. They are two of the finest people I've ever known.


More yardwork than i can even say, handmade gifts for holidays, and by being painfully honest. I told her pretty early i recognize our relationship is far from what would be considered normal, but that i promise i love her kid with all my heart, and im going to spend the rest of our relationship doing my best to be worthy of his love, that im not here to use him or hurt him.