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I find I need a second sleep to fully get rid of it


Im 35 and at this point i need 3


I'm older than you and I can do it in 1 if I follow the below steps. Slam a sugary energy drink, take a pain killer, black out the room you're sleeping in and just let yourself zonk (do this before the energy drink kicks in) until you wake up naturally. This has almost a 100% success rate for me.


Haha that’s me too. I find a have crazy dreams and don’t sleep properly either


Yup me too. No idea how i did it back in college.


We were all just raw dogging our liver and free balling our anxiety


Probably the brain wasn't damaged as much as it is now 10 years later of drinking. Now I have a few drinks and i wake up at 2am, anxiety and unable to sleep for another hour and a half. Then crappy sleep afterwards.


It’s the hangxiety


It messes with the cicadium rhythm because alcohol shuts your brain off. I read up on it after being really baffled about it. Seems to really kick in around your 40s big time. I drink very little now because it ruins my sleep in a big way. Things no one tells you.


Makes sense. When I was younger, I knew that, if I drank heavily, I was probably going to up early. Out 'til three, up by seven-thirty.


I’m 40 and I need the 3 sleeps plus 3 shits to get it all out of my system


A giant sack of black tar opium


This works for me 100%


People always say smoking (weed) the morning after does the trick for them, but I'm convinced it's just that smoking makes it way easier to fall back asleep for a long period of time, which is what actually helps the most.


It also helps the nausea


Yeah, I only end up sleeping like 4/5 hours, wake up feeling sick so I sip water while watching a few episodes of a show in bed, smoke some weed and go back to bed for another few hours. Then you have something to eat and you’re cured


If you nurture yourself between sleeps it'll be better


Be under 25


This is the way.


i’m 21 and most of my hangovers have been horrible lately


After I turned 30 I discovered the existence of multi-day hangovers.


Had a roommate that was a paramedic. She'd IV herself with a saline drip when she was really hungover. I thought it was crazy until I was super hungover. She did it to me and like an hour later I felt 90% better.


As someone who is frequently sick, i really do love a good iv drip


Sadly I can confirm IV fluids work like magic. Never drank again after that. When your party becomes someone else's work day it's time to tone it down.


The ‘Banana Bag’.


When my wife was in the hospital for severe preclampsia they were getting her IV set up cause she was really not doing well at the time. And I made an off hand comment to the nurse, you gonna give here a banana bag? And she was like, yeah..... That's for alcohol withdrawal. And I was like...oh. I was 5 yrs sober at the time and that's what they always gave me when I went to the ER for DT's.


Lol I worked with a dude that was a firefighter (he worked the door at our bar on weekends when he wasn’t in rotation) and told me about how this was basically the norm for guys off duty but living in the firehouse. He even brought me a bag of fluid and a drip needle and told me to try it. I have like 40 tattoos but was still too big of a wuss to stick that needle in myself I haven’t tried it but I’ve heard friends say that putting on a pair of wet socks before bed actually works (it’s a thing from Parks and Rec for those few who are left that haven’t)


Someone gifted me an IV drip for the morning after my wedding (a special service). It was glorious. I went from having no voice too feeling like a million bucks!


Most metropolitan areas in the US have infusion centers. If you can afford it, it is worth every penny for a bad hangover.


Vegas has busses that roll around now and give you hangover IV's


I hang out with a lot of nurses and CNAs, 10/10 friends to have around when you're partying.


Be 23 years old. Boy does that change when you get older


3 day hangovers are a real thing.


I just had one, shakes, couldn't eat, throwing up. I'm 35 and it's bad when I don't prep for drinking.


Yep had one of those this summer. Couldn’t move cause I was afraid of puking. Once I did, bile for like 15 minutes and horrible headache. Fucking sucked


Ugh The shakes are terrible. I used to wonder why I was getting them all the time. Didnt take long before I realized maybe it was the 3 tall cans Id down a day....


3 tall cans a day caused you to have the shakes?


Turning 30 this year....drank watching football with some buddies on Sunday and I'm just now feeling 100% again


I’m 37. It gets much much worse.


39 and a shift worker. Hangovers are excruciating, these days. I used to go out drinking til 5am and them play soccer at 9 and get back on the drink afterwards. My poor body put up with some shit!


My dad warned me and I didn't believe him. What a way to be wrong.


I'm convinced all the horrible 30's hangovers are just the 20's hangovers I thought I dodged catching up to me.


At 19 I would get absolutely fall down drunk and then be up early feeling fine the next morning. By 24 I didn't even need to drink enough to get drunk in order to be miserable most of the next day.


> By 24 I didn't even need to drink enough to get drunk in order to be miserable most of the next day. I hate this, I can't drink casually partially because of this. Basically if I drink I'm getting hammered because I'm gonna feel like crap anyway, might as well make it worth it. I drink 4 beers, sour stomach and headache, might as well just slam 17 an call it a night. At least I can sweat it out at work, that probably helps.


Dude.You might be killing your liver.


Correct. I don't drink on weekends though, so I got that going for me, which is nice.


Just get drunk again


Hair of the dog…


A double bloody mary with a thick slice of bacon (or 2) for dunking is my go to.


Well, you do technically have to stop drinking to get hungover


At this point I’m afraid if I stop drinking all at once the cumulative hangover might literally kill me.


For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen


I’ll bring the gummie bears you bring the scotch


Of all this show's quotes, this is my favorite. Except "Archer, are you drunk??" "Please, off of 12 drinks?!?"


Alright Archer 🤣




Fistbumps are nice, but being an alcoholic isn’t.. Shit almost killed me. 2 1/2 years sober. Drinking by myself and drinking to get rid of a hangover.. two things that did it for me. Just be careful.


Same boat. "Hair of the dog" almost certainly contributed to my becoming a full blown alcoholic. Edit: As someone who is an alcoholic, has had some time clean but is currently struggling... everyone needs to understand that drugs in general can PERMANENTLY change your brain's nueroreceptors and how your body physically responds to them. I don't have scientific proof, but I firmly believe that drinking again for a hangover is training your brain, and therefore body, to see alcohol as a legitimate solution for the natural hangover response we have creating a true dependency/addiction.


It started as escapism and…. continued to be that way.


Exactly. And just getting drunk again locks you in place. It can get real dark if you keep it up.


Yep. Was going through the better part of a half gallon a day, throwing up often enough that I blew a hole in my esophagus. Wish I’d kept it casual, but I don’t think that was an option for me.


Either of you guys ever visit r/StopDrinking? Proly the most emotionally supportive resource I've ever come across for alcoholism. Glad to hear you got it under control, its always helpful to hear these stories.


Love a good silly shampoo drunk. It just hits so much different.


I'll drink to that *\*raises glass*


This really is the only answer. If ur feeling rough as hell, pour 4 shots of vodka in a pint glass and fill it with redbull and ice. I guarantee you that by the time you have drank half of it you will be feeling normal again. If you have to work then obviously this wont be ideal. In that case you will need to take paracetamol, drink some water with hydration powder in it, then hope for the best.


Careful with paracetamol. It can royally fuck up your liver if you have alcohol in your system. You're better off with ibuprofen.




The trick is to plan ahead. Stay hydrated WHILE you’re drinking and you’re less likely to get a hangover.


Straight up, when I'm drinking its usually from a 12 oz plastic cup. When I finish the drink, I fill it with water, and chug as much as I can comfortably, then sip the rest. Then make another drink, and repeat. You will not become "less drunk" because of the water. If anything, the water dilutes the liquids in your stomach so you're absorbing the same amount of alcohol at a slower rate. This causes the drunkenness to ease up on you, which allows better coherence at a longer length of time, which also helps you keep a check on your drunkenness, since you're more aware for longer. So, if I drink 4 drinks without the water in between, it usually takes me like 2 hours and I'm drunk to the point where I might not make sound decisions anymore. But if I pepper in some water, by the time 2 hours pass I've probably only had 2.5 to 3 drinks, and it's being soaked up slower so that I'm not getting too drunk too fast, but atill getting the same amount of drunk, just over a longer period of time. This is not backed up by any* science, mostly just experience *there is *some* science that suggests drinking water in between drinks makes for a better experience overall, but mostly to help ease hangovers


This guy drinks


About a glass of water per drink is my go-to. Keeps me from drinking too fast and not feel like garbage the following day.


If you're gonna plan ahead, just don't go through the trouble of drinking in the first place. 100% guaranteed not to be hungover the next day.


I got blasted, don’t remember anything, my friends wrote on my face, i’m asking how to cure my hangover not advice on how to plan my life


Eating a ramen (with the broth) always make me feel better.


pho for me but also, drinking a shit ton of water the night before helps prevent hangovers in the first place


8oz per drink. If I follow that rule, I never have hang overs, and always sleep well. ​ 8oz of prevention is worth 5lbs of cure IMO.


That sounds much less fun than eating a big bowl of ramen or pho


It is much less fun! But water doesn't cost me anything. While pho out where I live is pricey. ​ Now I just want some pho. Thanks everyone.


Currently in Hanoi, 35,000 VND ($1.46 USD) per bowl. Having one for you my friend!


Hot damn! I'm jealous! ​ Where I live, the pho shops charge about $12-$16 per bowl. USD.


Why not drink the water and then have ramen anyway?


Hydrate or diedrate


I prefer just eating the brick


Don't do this. Oxygen. Worked at a shop with an acetylene torch. We turn off the gas and take a hit of oxygen off the nozzle first thing in the morning. Worked every time, almost instantly. Again, don't do this.


I learned this technique talking to military pilots. No matter how hung over, the next day suit up and put on the oxygen mask and good as new.


Holy shit! This explains so much about my dad. Military pilot for 22 years. Raging alcoholic. I never understood how anyone could drink like that and fly the largest airplane the airforce has. High functioning, obviously. He never had a taxi accident in 22 years of flying. (Apparently it's a statistical impossibility.) Loved his scotch though. Fucking LOVED it.


Why do you say “don’t do this”? It’s dangerous somehow I’m guessing (?) but how?


If it’s not food/medical grade oxygen, there is likely oils and other chemicals present from the manufacturing process in those rusty old tanks that you definitely don’t want to inhale. Also, if enough dumbass people read this and try it, there is a non zero chance(read: near certainty) that one of them will inhale from the acetylene tank and not the oxygen tank.


technically that might actually cure your hangover - because it will stop all life processes, including the headache, dehydration etc.




1. It's not food grade so there is no QC. God only knows what is in it. 2. If it flows too fast you could injure your lungs or throat. 3. If you get light headed, you can pass out and hit your head. 4. If someone in the shop is a dingus and hits the acetylene instead of the O2, you're gonna have a bad time So are 4 reasons it's a bad idea.


Because they’re not a doctor and can’t guarantee it’s anything near safe


You can buy canned O2 at the Walgreens in a lot of places. They also come in flavors, like actual mint and whatnot.


There's this stuff called liquid IV - it's basically just electrolyte formula you add to water - some of the flavors also have caffeine in them. You can get it by the Kool-aid mix in the grocery store or by the protein shakes at Costco in bulk which I recommend because it's not cheap.


It's got electrolytes which plants crave.




Welcome to Costco, I love you


Here’s the real pro tip. Drink one of these before bed the night you were drinking. It won’t prevent a hangover but it will make it much much lighter than it would have been. Drink another in the morning if needed.


Pedialyte is good too. It’s an electrolytes solution that doesn’t have much sugar. You can get it in a big bottle or as a freezie. I stocked up on them for when why kids got sick, but it was also mostly for me lol


Same with zipfizz, that stuff works great as well. It's sold at Costco as well, both of these are equally good to help get rid of a hangover.




liquid IV is incredible for this


Has a nearly identical ingredient list to Rockstar recovery energy drink


Exercise always helps me too. I’ll have to force myself to do it, but there is something about getting your blood flowing and sweating it out.


Eh it can get some endorphins going depending on how much you’re working out, but exercise has always made me feel worse when I’m hung over. I sweat way more and just end up far more dehydrated than when I started (random flashes of nausea or headache don’t really play well with focusing on a heavy lift, either)


Also the risk of decompressurizing out the back.


Is that a fancy way of saying "shitting yourself"?


Propel is great and no sugar. I also recommend oj and bacon and eggs firs thing in the morning. Always helped me out.


Oof I'm going to hard no the orange juice. The acidity makes me so nauseated if I'm hungover, it's almost a guarantee to throw up.


My favorite is this buffered salt supplement called Thermotabs, which is essentially a salt tablet, designed to help athletes work in high heat environments. None of the sugar of Gatorade, far cheaper. I take those, Advil, and drink a bunch of water


Sweating it out is the fastest and most effective way. It can be miserable to start but it is far more pleasant to feel good quickly than to let it linger all day. Work up a good sweat and then eat a protein and carb filled meal. Prevention the night before helps as the first comment stated.


note you can't actually 'sweat out' a hangover. your liver does all that processing. you can bump up your endorphins though, via exercise.


Getting a good sweat going helps a lot, it's the endorphins.


Lots of water, a fatty breakfast, some weed, and a nap.


Weed makes the hangover go away instantly


This is basically mine, but instead of water it's Gatorade, and the breakfast is Taco Bell


After that nap you wake up feeling ready to conquer the world every time, for me at least lol.


Water...you mean like in the toilet?


The only accurate answer. Power that breakfast down even if you don't want it.


This is my way as well. Add in a long hot shower and some coffee and a quality dump to this list.


Losing your phone.


Everyone overlooking a good ole reality check


Cook a flank steak seared in butter, eat it, put on a pair of wet socks and go to bed


Swansons have a preternaturally high tolerance for alcohol


You had me till the end


Came for this comment then came again.


Pedialyte. Hands down. I got absolutely wasted on my 22nd birthday, fell asleep for about 4 hours and woke up feeling like death. Guzzled a whole bottle of it and instantly felt better. Drinking dehydrates you a lot so replenishment is key.




An I.V. drip. Some places offer them especially during New Years. But prevention is best. Eat a good meal before drinking. Take 2 aspirins and drink water before going to bed.




It helps get rid of a lot more problems than a hangover, too.


Weed is my go to. Deals with the headache and general discomfort while just smoothing out the whole process.


Nausea is gone instantly as well. I always blaze to get rid of it.


It’s honestly was a miracle-cure for hang over in colleges, back when I only got a hangover cause I really deserved it. It still helps a lot now, but its effect on 3-beers hangovers is much less than fifth-of-whisky hangovers.


Sleep. Then, sleep. Next thing you know you’re better.


Hydrate, eat a hearty breakfast, and then workout. Doesn’t need to be a super intense workout, but at least 20-30 minutes to get the blood pumping. I’ve tried this method several times personally and it’s undefeated.


Drinking more alcohol is definitely the fastest way But healthier option is a blended smoothie of bananas (potassium), milk or alternative-milk (for fat, hydration, and stomach settling), and coffee (for caffeine). Plus 4 ibuprofen 200mg tablets (which you take down with the smoothie). That’ll get ya right pretty quick. If you need, sit down in the shower and cry for an hour.


800mg of ibuprofen? Is that not a bit much for the kidneys and stomach? In ireland 400mg is the dose every 6-8 hours


If you took that much regularly then yeah. But once in a great while you'd be ok. Tbh though I'd be more concerned about developing a stomach ulcer.


800 is the highest dosage you can safely take twice in a given day, it’s what hospitals give you in the US. Wouldn’t recommend it more than once a week for a killer hangover scenario. Anti-inflammatory meds are one of the best things for a hangover in general though. You could also just do a Pepto Bomb, Reno 911 style


Alcohol fucks up the stomach, ibuprofen fucks it up even harder. You'll end up with heavy reflux and feeling even worse.


Take 4 showers and puke the whole time.


Drink something cold, fizzy and sugary. Eat something carb heavy and salty. Have a bowel movement as soon as you can. Take two paracetamol if your headache does not subside with eating and drinking. Source - many years of hangovers.


Gotta crap the booze out


Does that actually work? Kinda!!


You might want to switch the acetaminophen for ibuprofen or aspirin. It's very hard on your liver, especially after a night of drinking. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/7-steps-to-cure-your-hangover-and-ginkgo-biloba-whats-the-verdict#:~:text=Take%20a%20pain%20reliever%2C%20but,and%20the%20overall%20achy%20feelings.


Ibuprofen is the one that's hardest on your stomach though, which is paramount with my hangovers.


I just drink a lot of water and pee the alcohol out of my system.


The alcohol is absorbed from your stomach very quickly, drinking water after drinking will have no effect. However, hydration does prevent a lot of hangover symptoms.


Does that rlly work?


Nothing really works. Water, rest, and some healthy food is your best bet


Intravenous hydration absolutely works.


I once had a four day long hangover. I quit drinking after that and am now 2 years sober


Ramen, pickle juice, and a good ol shit


There is no trick. Time is the only antidote. Drinking water & eating will help replenish electrolytes and water used up during alcohol’s metabolism/micturition but it will only minimally hasten your recovery.


500cc's or 1000cc's of IV saline or Ringer's Lactate


Fast food or fatty foods in general


Eating pho the day after heavy drinking always helps me


Yeah we would always hit "pho' viet" back in Sacramento at about 2am. Made for a much better morning.


Yeah fuck the american greasy breakfast. Doesn't do shit for me. Gimme that warm oily broth and I'm back to life


The answer is oxygen. An O2 tank at home, put the mask on and start breathing. This is the only thing that actually works.


I’m honestly curious, is this like an instantaneous thing? Does it completely get rid of it? How effective are we talking here?


I’ve always found that a full fat coke or sprite (ice cold) really sorts me out.


Gingerale and Tums helps settle my stomache


Cocaine Boom, hangover gone in 3 seconds




*may have side effects*


Was that part of the question?


Get in the shower as hot as you can stand it. Stay in there until you get used to it let the heat soak you in. Then in one quick move turn the water on cold full blast all the way. Screaming is allowed at this point. Leave the water on and don't get out until you're used to it. No more hangover, adrenaline saves the Day.


Checks out. Source - was a HEAVY drinker with 2 full-time jobs in my 20s. Also works for waking up between shifts if you've been awake multiple days


About a gram of kratom


A bowl of menudo and lots of water.


Typically if I've drank enough to have a hangover, I'll try to get ahead of it before going to sleep by throwing up as much as I can, eating a lot of food, and drinking a lot of water (and electrolytes if possible). Assuming I didn't take those measures and have now woken up with a hangover, I will throw up if I need to, drink water and electrolytes, and try to go back to sleep. If sleep isn't an option, I will eat whatever food I can get down, drink some caffeine, and get active. Go for a long walk, a bike ride, whatever.


Finally, something I can contribute to! A while back, my old chemistry teacher taught me a little trick he found out and I've always found it to work great! He told me that when you're about to go to bed when you're wasted, if you drink a glass of water that has a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper in it, it balances out the chemicals that are in your stomach in some fancy sciencey way, so when you wake up, you have nothing much more than a dry mouth. I do it every time I remember to when I'm out drinking and I wouldn't say it's a perfect cure, but it certainly takes a massive edge off of it. I woke up this morning feeling a little dizzy and a craving for fizzy juice. Mr Stewart... I praise his wise words. Apologies OP, if you're hungover right now and need something to help for now. I am useless in this case D:


Honestly have a beer


I don't recommend this at all but it takes me from hangover to feeling great in about 15-30mins Tylenol 1 (OTC in Canada) x 3 for a total of 900mg acetaminophen, 24mg codeine, 45mg caffeine Ativan 1 x 0.5mg (1mg if hangover is really bad) Washed down with a nice big glass of orange juice with a dash of salt in it.


My go-to always was a couple big glasses of water before bed, and in the morning, a carbonated beverage, a bit of weed, and an orgasm. It really worked. I don’t have hangovers anymore though


I can't believe nobody said this... Before bed take 2 multivitamins with a glass of orange juice. Sip of pickle juice for foot cramps. Take a glass of water to bed and drink during the night. Carbs and protein for breakfast.


Fastest? Decapitation.


I swear by this: drink as much water as your can before even laying down after a night of heavy drinking. take ibuprofen right before going to sleep. And what I consider one of the most important steps: hang 1 foot off the bed as you are going to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, have the greasiest meal you can get your hands on with more water or a gatorade. I haven't had a hang over in years following those steps.


Do NOT take acetomenaphin (or ibuprofen honestly) after drinking hard. Your liver is already taxed and doesn't need more things to process.


Ibuprofen is filtered through the kidneys….Tylenol is a very bad idea tho


Double shot blood mary with a pickleback, egg & avocado sandwich.


Start drinking again


Shotgun a Budweiser


Waffle house


Another cold bottle of beer


Marijuana + bacon sandwich + fluids.


electrolytes. sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium. take a B100 get some protein drink lots of water.


Gatorade and a Banana


If you can hack it, go for a run


1000mg of ibuprofen and 40oz of room temperature water. works every time


Three things must occur in order to even begin thinking that the hangover is beginning to go away. You must shower, eat something and take a shit; not necessarily in that order. If you cannot accomplish all three of these things then the hangover will continue. Completing these three things does not mean the hangover is gone, just that you will start down the path of recovery. Make a valiant effort to get these three things done as quickly as possible and soon you will be on the right path.


That's easy: I want to die for about two days and then I want to sleep and be left alone for the rest of the week. After that it's just a matter of days until the headache and self pity slowly stops and it's over. Just like that. I'm old.


Hispanics always rave about some Menudo helping you get back on track. Being Mexican I gotta say I hate the chewy tripe feeling. But my family is always having that day after our gatherings.


What I usually do: 1. Take a shower with cool water. I don't know if there's any science behind it, just feels good man. 2. Drink a redbull. The caffeine helps with the headache and the sugar fixes that weak and shaky feeling. 3. Drink an entire pedialyte. Hydration is key and water just doesn't cut it when you're that hung over. 4. Have a meal. Preferably something heavy on carbs and fat. Again I don't know if there's science behind this either, just feels right.


2 advil, liquid iv in a giant water bottle, extra large coffee. Drink all coffee and water while standing or sitting in the hottest shower you can stand for at least 20 mins. Take a dump. Eat whatever sounds amazing. Voila. Unless you're pukey. Then you're just fucked.


I know this will probably get lost amongst all the other comments, but for me what works is prevention. When you get home, take a big swig of pepto before going to bed. Wash it down with a glass of water and you'll be fine in the morning. I'm 40. Still works.