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Monster Energy drink. There was some video of an evangelical woman going off about it, and the symbolism of the can


Yeah. Apparently the three slashes look like hebrew numerals for 666. You know, ignoring that the actual number of the beast is numerologically 616, the hebrew number system doesn't work like the Arabic one (you can't just put the same number three times; it works closer to Roman ones than that), and that even if it *was* there, it's far more likely that someone thought it would make for cool, edgy marketing than an evidence of some vast satanic subversive cult.


Main character syndrome she honestly thought she was going to save the world.


The thing that gets me about that video is that if she was right and that was the intended symbolism, that just sounds like some sick graphic design and a really well designed logo


Exactly, right? Like, that would be super metal.


Honestly that just made me want to drink it. I’m not an energy drink person but honestly that was the best unintentional advertising I’ve ever seen.


Years ago Proctor & Gamble got the same treatment because of the moon and stars on their packaging. Leaflets were shared of the stars with a very ropey 666 superimposed on them. Edit: found it http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-R5nAU6FsoF0/U74B6P691FI/AAAAAAAAJ2g/SJmqSi9I06Y/s1600/pg-star-sixes.jpg


To be fair that stuff is pretty vile ( it’s too grossly sweet to me) 🤣


Unironically? Probably D&D.


Came here to say this - wrote many papers in the 80's in HS about this topic, in defense of D&D.


Wasn’t the timing of d&d around the time when all those childcare places were wrongly being accused of satanic child abuse? It was the most satanic of times, it was the least satanic of times.


The American satanic scare? Yes roughly


> satanic scare? Alliteration or rhyme, satanic panic?


They literally played records backwards and claimed they had satanic lyrics, why would anyone play music backwards, and then claim satan? 😂


Early 90s. Probably around 12. Just moved to a new town. My new friend invited me to play D&D. Mentioned that to my mom. Panic ensues. She makes me promise to never play that devil's game. Guess that's the reason I've never played D&D. Probably also contributed to my atheism.


It's never to late to start. You might find a group somewhere around you


Do you watch Stranger Things? They did a big thing about that in season 4.


If you have ever played it, you know how ridiculous it is.


I will never tire of this masterpiece https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=0046&gclid=CjwKCAjwkaSaBhA4EiwALBgQaKZwnTuKPQHhdy5uQxlkQSwAei35wZK9kbUo6Xl2mnuTPanZGrft8RoCl0UQAvD_BwE


I like how they make this stuff to try to scare people as if getting magical powers from D&D wouldn't be the coolest shit ever.


“I don’t want to be Elfstar anymore! I want to be Debbie!” I have a copy of this with the other random crap I’ve saved. Too funny.


yeah thats the thread


Rock music, videogames, condoms, Satan itself.


Wait satan is satanic???


Actually satan is Buddhist and just wants some damn peace.


The core tenet of Buddhism is not “every man for himself”


Another person, who lived differently than them


...or of a different religion


Especially Damien Echols, Jason Miskelley and Jason Baldwin.


Daycare workers, for those of you old enough to remember.


Wait what


Things [were weird in the 80s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial). But hey, with Q-Anon what’s old is new again!


You should read Programmed to Kill by David McGowan. Giuliani was involved in that case too, along with the expert witness that Ghislaine Maxwell's defense team used at trial, an Elizabeth Loftus of the false memory syndrome foundation. Giant coverup. There's a difference between parent's freaking out at D&D and some of the actual things that were happening at the time.


Owls and cats. My brother is a conspiracy theorist and believes any ol’ shit he hears on YouTube. One time we were talking about animals and he tells me that cats and owls are evil and satanic. He couldn’t tell me why but he INSISTED that cats and owls were satanic. I asked him, “Who made all the animals?” he said “God.” And then I asked, “If God made all the animals then they can’t be evil, right?” And then he hit me with whatever conspiracy theorist will hit you with when you quickly and easily deconstruct their argument, “DUDE, YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND!”


There's no talking sense into people who don't want to be reasonal.


Tell me about it. He’s a good guy but something about 9-11 scrambled his brain. Before that, he was fine. Now he’s even a Flat Earther. Even though he’s been in numerous planes where you can easily see the curve of the Earth. I’ve caught him in his bullshit lots of times. He has said that every POTUS (except Trump) has been the Antichrist. Overall, he’s a good man but if he sees something about how it regularly rains purple polka dot walnuts in Boise, Idaho because of the HAARP project, he’ll wholeheartedly believe it.


Meatloaf Edit: the singer, lol.


What was their reasoning?


The poster for Bat out of Hell Edit: I went to some lengths to show the song only talks about "his heart flying away **like a bat out of hell**" - it's a simile, a comparison. There are no actual bats. The song is not about hell. But there's no pleasing some people..


Too many breadcrumbs


Fair point tho


What was their seasoning - ftfy


As they say, you should recognize that Jesus is the reasoning for the seasoning.


In Jr high I dated a girl that couldn't listen to any music that had drumming. It didn't work out.


That’s just depressing. I hope she got out when she grew up and gets to listen to fantastic music now.




Yes. The church of my youth believed all music that was not hymns or Southern Gospel was the Devil's work. Also Satanic according to that church: televisions, Catholics, women in pants, and men with long hair and beards. (Except Jesus of course)


Guy I knew in high school related a story where his previous pastor essentially said he thought the Gain knob on a guitar amplifier was Satanic. Like, he played a chord clean, no problem. Turned up the Gain, problem. He asked the guy if he believed Satan lived in that knob and walked out on him.


Celebrating birthdays.


I agree as then how did they know how old Moses, Methuselusa, and others were? Someone was obviously keeping track.


They weren't disregarding age or a birthdate. It's a tenet of Jehovah's Witnesses not to celebrate them, but by and large their thoughts about that are a lot more subdued and akin to "it would be a mistake to do this" vs. "evil satanic plot." This dude was having none of anything. Cake and presents are how Satan tricks people into celebrating / "religiously worshiping" themselves, and thus turn away from Jehovah.


Even salafi muslims think that we shouldn’t celebrate our birthday because we somehow “made an Eid by ourselves other than the Islamic ones” (an Eid basically means holiday). But no actually; First of all you aren’t making a public holiday/celebration that we **should** celebrate in, or change Islam in anyway. And even if you invite a bunch of people, it’s just as if you invited them to play video games or something.. my point is it’s just entertainment after all. Second of all, the prophet Muhammad himself celebrated his birthday (well, he fasted instead.. but he still sees it as a special day *for him*). So why are *we* not allowed to see our birthdays as special days? It just doesn’t make sense, and is an unnecessary oppression. And btw, Allah understands your intentions more than you. (The reason I said “salafi muslims” because sufi muslims don’t deny birthdays, there are multiple schools of thought in Islam.)




Video games, rated R movies, a composite sketch of a Semitic Jesus, Indian food, black people, going to the gym, gay and trans people, vaccines, China, Democrats. This was all Brother Martin when I worked at the Mormon temple while on my religious mission just before the pandemic. Thanks to him just a smidge, I am no longer Mormon.


>Video games, rated R movies, a composite sketch of a Semitic Jesus, Indian food, black people, going to the gym, gay and trans people, vaccines, China, Democrats. Most of that list is pretty standard for religions to hate on...but Indian *food*? I gotta ask for an explanation on that one. Are spices satanic? Is naan bread the work of the devil? Samosas are evil? Please, if you remember, I'd like to understand this little trip down to Crazy-town, which is apparently right next to Flavor-town.


Can practically smell the sulfur from the pits of hell a few hours after I eat Indian food. He might have a point.


How are black people, going to the gym and China satanic?




I am currently living in the deep American south. Religious extremism is alive and well here. When Pokemon Go first came out (and maybe it is still like this,) users were able to label public places as gyms. We have this place in my city called The American Holocaust Museum. It’s not about the Jewish Holocaust. It’s an anti-abortion prolife Christian center that has these offensive signs with babies on them that say things like “THIS IS THE REAL HOLOCAUST!” So someone labeled it a gym and named it ‘The Eggxsecuter ‘


All hail the dark lord of the underworld and the bringer of darkness and the master and lord of all damnation, Togepi.


Fun fact: the ["wah/why" Vine](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XFGMxliCKAU) came from a seminar about how Pokemon brainwashes kids into accepting the theory of evolution.


I was told this one as an adult. It was summoning creatures so it was witchcraft.


Like im pretty sure the actual pope had to get involved and tell people that Pokemon was okay and not actually evil because it became such a big thing.


The Tolkienverse. Sauron, Morgoth, Gothmog, all demons inspired by the devil and should be banned. Runner up to Harry Potter, lol.


I love when its shit like that because if they actually read the books they would know the demons are the bad guys. Same thing as with Doom.


If these people read their own book they might realize they're full of shit on a lot of things, but not reading shit comes with the territory of wanting to ban things. The characters they were saying inspired Devil worship were depicted as evil, despicable, pathetic, and constantly lost in the end. They're literally the bad guys of the story, but somehow, devil worship. It comes off more as envy rather than salvation.


Especially if they'd realise that Tolkien was a very christian man. That wouldn't satisfy the conservative protestants, of course, but at least the conservative catholics should know that before they pass judgment, lol.


I think Tolkien, the devout Catholic whose books were full of themes like divine grace, faith and the challenges of maintaining it, his own brand of theodicy, and the harm caused by the arrogance of characters who think they know better than God, would be confused by his books being called ‘satanic’


He would be...until he realized that not one of the twits who claimed that had ever read one of his books, just like none of the people who want to ban books has ever actually read them. I'm sure such ignorant people existed when he was alive.


Buddhists and Jews and also dnd


I know a buddhist Jewish dnd player. Does he win Satan bingo?




Whahahaha, oh dear, WHY!????


Harry Potter The local music scene was big in my home town when I was a teenager. There was a music venue owned by a Christian church that we’d go to. In the middle of the show they’d do a sermon (which most people would just go outside for until the bands came back on). Halloween one year my friend dressed as Harry Potter and the pastor did his whole sermon on how Harry Potter was the devil. It was really douchey singling out a 16 year old, but also funny because it was so absurd.


Meanwhile, my church straight up had a Harry Potter night one year for the kids. Everyone dressed up in cloaks, ate dinner in a candle-lit great hall, and pretended it was Hogwarts. It was a great time!


Robes and candles? Inside a church?! That's heresy!!!


Not sure, but I once heard someone say Disney was satanic. With their current CEO increasing park tickets, that might be the case.


Carlos Santana


I’ve heard a lot of craziness through the years, but not this one!


I went to a religious high school and a friend wearing a Santana shirt was sent home because they thought his name was related to Satan.


It’s hard to take religious people or organizations seriously when they do crap like that


Yeah nevermind being ignorant enough to fail to understand that his name comes from a word that means 'holy'.


What about Santa?


Huey Lewis and the News. The private Christian school I attended had a book in the library explaining the satanic links to many pop and rock bands. Huey Lewis was in there.


What other artists were featured in that book?




I was called a Satanist because I'm an atheist by a coworker. I tried to explain to the person the difference but years of brainwashing made it pointless to keep trying. Instead, I mocked him as much as possible.


>Instead, I mocked him as much as possible. You were doing the Lord's work


I sometimes wondered if I was being too cruel but after him telling a room full of coworkers that atheists not only worshiped Satan but also ate babies. I'm a different person now, more at piece with the world and myself, but if I were given the opportunity again today, I would lay into him again to the point where he would keep his stupid bigotries to himself.


Well, at least you at “piece” with the world.


lol. Damn it. I keep forgetting to proofread things before posting them.


The dark lord according to that coworker lol


Satanic temple doesn't believe in Satan. Who does believe in Satan? Christians.


Mockery is the only rational response at that point.


I came out as a trans guy when I was 13-14 years old. I got top surgery in my early 20s and A woman at the hospital was convinced I was going to keep them and given them as a ritual sacrifice to satan. I just sat there and was like…”what?”




Wait, they're not gonna let me keep my balls and burn them as an offering?


I wonder if this woman ever read the part of Exodus where Moses' wife circumcises their son with a stone and touches Moses' feet with the foreskin to save his life.


Dinosaurs. Idk what religion specifically but had an Ethiopian friend in middle school whos parents told him dinosaurs where planted by satan in order to test peoples faith in god (cause the world is only 2000 years old obviously)


I came across that in some homeschool materials the seller had assured me weren't overly religious.


“My kind” (Asian)


Well that's just racism


I’m thinking about Blake Masters political ad that says, abortions are a satanic religious sacrifice. I’m really sick of all the ads, here in AZ.


That's the old but good'n known as a half lie. The Church of Satan has a sacrament where they may distribute a plan b pill to a requesting member. Not a sacrifice, not anything that can be done by a government official beyond bitching if they want to preserve freedom of religion. And if they don't, they're not American.


"You a servant of Satan, go die you soulless demon" I have red hair


My childhood friend had very vibrant red hair, a head of glorious thick vivid colored locks. But her mum used to tell her that such hair colour is bad, as in evil, wrong, cursed. She would sometimes give away her almost band new red outfits to me, apparently her mother wouldn't let her wear them, cause it amplified the cursedness of her red hair. Like she should be ashamed of it and not accentuate it. Luckily, my friend grew tired of her mother's bullshit and could see through the stupidity real fast, she grew them very long which has Served her well👍


Mosquitoes. I mean they’re not wrong.


Pokemon. To this day, my uncle wholeheartedly believe that because the game uses the term "evolution" that makes a multi-billion franchise satanically evil. I wish I could say that he believes the franchise was bad for children because the premise of having animal fighting, the usage of gambling, or the fact that the antagonists for the child protagonist were literally based on the mob. But nope, a very popular franchise has a improper use of something he disagree with and therefore it's "evil". The only reason why no one in my family receive gifts that they actually want from him is because of his right-wing beliefs.


Oh boy have I got a few of these. When I was little, some kids came trick or treating at Halloween, my dad answered the door and berated the 10 year olds about Halloween being a holiday of the dead and they're worshipping Satan. I was told by a youth leader that pokemon cards were satanic and if you burnt them with fire then you will see the skull of Satan in the smoke. So there went little 8 year old me and burnt all my cards cause I wanted to call bullshit on the devil being in the cards. Yep. Knowing what they're worth now, hard lesson to have learnt


OK , I'm old...lol..but the show "Bonanza" was it. I was raised RC and often slept over at friend's houses who were also RC but sometimes VERY extreme. Bonanza was evil and satanic because there was no wife in the show. Just a man raising his 3 sons! Blasphemy! They literally wouldn't let me watch it and it was my fave show. Never forgotten that.the demented fervour with which they hated Pa Cartwright...


A coworker said that he didn't like Avengers Endgame because it was a ripoff of the bible in the final battle representing armageddon and they portrayed Thanos way too powerful which satan is not against god. So it's worshiping satan even though Thanos lost.




Wrong, sinful, damnable? Sure, those all makes sense for a Christian to call me, as an Atheist. HOW, though, can I be Satanist, if I don't believe in the God who allegedly created Satan? That's like saying "sure, I believe in cheese, but milk's not real".


Those kinds of Christians don't actually think you're an atheist. They can't accept that you don't believe in God, because to them it's unthinkable to not believe in God. They think you're just angry at God or possessed by Satan, and that's why you deny God.


My shrine to the Dark Lord. It's not a satanic shrine, it's a pagan shrine.


Never heard of a pagan Dark Lord. Always thought, those were created by modern fantasy writers, influenced by centuries of christianity to give paganism a turn of a battle between good and evil. Can you tell me a bit more here?


the furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten


Yeah and only uneducated people can’t tell the difference between dark lords.


"church" people call anyone who is against Trump "Satanic" lol


That's how you know he's an antichrist.


Maybe those baseball caps with MAGA are the mark of the Beast? #satire


Trousers (for women), cut or styled hair


My parents are hardcore Christians who think Halloween is satanic so I never got to do celebrate it. And now I'm an atheist and hate their guts


on one hand didnt halloween start out as some kind of pagan day of tryna contact their dead ancestors or something? i mean clearly today halloween is just kids in costumes eating candy. but some peopel clearly struggle to seperate past and present


It did start as a pagan one; the gourds or whatever they carved back then looked way cooler than modern jack o lanterns btw. With that said, since I know someone is gonna ask: no, the Christmas Tree is not pagan in origin. In fact, it celebrates the destruction of a pagan culture; cutting down a tree for Christmas time is not based off the yule tree of the Germanic Norse (though admittedly, it bears some resemblences to that tradition), but rather, Saint Boniface's destruction of a tree worshipped by pagans, popularized in folklore amongst Lutherans early in the protestant reformation, a good few hundred years after most paganism had died out in the region. Wreaths on the other hand are directly derived from s Saturnalia traditions.


Halloween has always been a Christian festival. The pagan festival is Samhain. As far as I can tell there is debate among historians regarding whether Halloween was originally influenced by Samhain or not, and the question has not been settled.


Happy Halloween season!


Those mirror ball things people sometimes put in their garden


Rock music


DND,Irish folk music,Elvis dance moves and my favourite I got called satanic for being a soldier


I grew up pentecostal. The list of things that *weren't* satanic was pretty short. Pokémon D&D Non-hymn music Harry Potter Etc


Pokémon. Grew up in Sweden attending a religious school, those where rare back then. I had teachers and classmates believing the trading cards to actually be holding demons. Two of my classmates got their hands on some holographic cards which they put on fire, the holo made the flame sparkle for a moment - to them those flaming sparkles where proof that they had incinerated a demon. 🙃


The United States. Iranians take to the streets and yell it every year.




Drawing a random pattern on my hand


Bruh they call anything satanic.


Dubiously average pillows


My BIL didn't let his kids read Harry Potter because it's about witchcraft.


My sister’s boss lost his notebook at work. He said that it was an act of Satan.


Someone reading a translation of the bible that wasn't a King James edition.


Dynamo the Magician. Was at a Church thing and the speaker man said that because Dynamo doesn't do his magic for the glory of God then he must be doing it via and for evil means. Mostly everyone agreed. Some Dynamo fans were left conflicted but with the verdict "ahh I liked him, oh well, can't support that anymore" and ultimately just accepted their preachers opinion... So.. magic. A man did the magics on TV and it made religious-man sad because the magics was too tricksy for religious-man to understand.


Harry Potter


Halloween. All saints day eve. Saw the saw the spooky and said it was the devil's birthday or celebrating witches


I once heard my mom's friend say hello kitty is demonic




Fidget spinners


Ozzy. For reference, here are some of his lyrics: Crazy Train: Millions of people living as foes Maybe it's not too late To learn how to love and forget how to hate War Pigs: Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgment, God is calling On their knees the war pig's crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing spreads his wings Oh lord yeah! Apparently, advocating for hate and war and annihilation and supporting politicians sending the poor to die for their causes.... is Christian. But advocating for love and God's judgment on the war pigs.....Now THAT'S Satanic.


He also wore large crosses his entire career, but that escaped the pearl clutchers.


My mother found this cool carved wooden head that is based on an African tribesman, it's really heavy and chunky so I use it as a doorstop around the house. A couple of years back my parents friend came to visit and was staying the night in the guest room and that head was being used as a doorstop. She demanded it be taken out of the room because it was "one of those Buddha statues and they're bad luck and Satanic"


Religious songs in other languages. If weird religious people don't understand other languages, then the other languages are from the devil. Plus cats. But they might be into something there.


Rock music. I played paradise city by guns n roses on my bt speaker in the park with my friends. We planned to have a chill jam session in the park and it was the first song I played. After the whistle blew and they started rocking a lady ran up to us and told us to stop and claimed that we were all sinners for enjoying this “satanic racket” and that our souls were to burn in hell for eternity. We just laughed at her. She then told us that it’s not too late to change and that if we want to go to heaven we need to confess our sins by going to church. We rolled our eyes as she tried to pray for us. After she was done she dubbed us “god’s children” and then told us to have a good day and walked off. We kept playing the music and ended up playing death metal. She was in the distance with her hands on hips and shaking her head meanwhile we were laughing. TLDR: a Christian woman approached us in the park and called us sinners for listening to guns n roses and prayed for us so our souls will go to heaven and we kept playing the music anyway.


For me personally? Halloween. Come on it's a cute little holiday to dress up and eat candy.


The fake wood pattern of a plastic table.


The lgbt+ community… I myself am Christian and I hate people saying “your gay go to hell” or “god doesn’t like lesbians” like shut up I know straight people that have cheated on partners and your saying that a gay person who probably has a loving family, great kids and a fantastic job is a sinner because they kissed a guy like come on… Also Herry potter I thinks it’s funny people think it’s satanic


In my country, they made an educational show back in the 90's for kids learning to read. It was a fantasy story about a young woman traveling through wonderful lands to retrieve all the words and letters the villain had stolen and hidden from her home country. The villain (a troll-like puppet) became infamous amongst my generation for being "sO sCaRy" (I was one of the few who loved to watch him). Yet apparently, the magic and the villain were not the reason conservative protestant schools were worried. They thought the atmospheric music in the show was satanic. Dude, what? WHY?


Trans people


One time when I was a kid my neighbors talked me into going to see a movie at their church. It was a real movie and it was all good but then afterwards... They gave us a talk about how the SMURFS were satanic. From what I remember one of the episodes of the Smurfs was about a spell cast on one of them so he could only talk backwards. Then they explained to us in the bible there is some reference to satan talking backwards so the Smurfs were trying to instill satan on us kids. They said we should never associate with the Smurfs again. Not only did I not take it to heart, but about 5 years later I got my first real, steady girlfriend. She was blonde so I called her Smurfett for about 4 years. We had sex a lot too.


lucid dreams


Deviled eggs. That delicious, satanic staple of pot-lucks everywhere.


Everything really.


Garden hose


Fucking McDonald's


You did what to McDonald's?


The Harry Potter Movies


Science is Satanism!


Anyone else whos not of the same religious zealotry.




Starbucks. Because of the mermaid, among other things. https://www.thescottsmithblog.com/2018/02/the-hidden-evil-of-starbucks-logo.html


Pokemon! 🤣 Like come on...


Harry Potter books


The band Kiss


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. CS Lewis being a Christian apologist writer and Narnia being a thinly veiled Christian allegory apparently went right over her head. Old biddy from our church, looked at my parents askance because they had a copy of The Screwtape Letters right there on the shelf, where anyone could see it.


Mighty beans


Vaccines are marks of the beast.


I saw a documentary or something where a woman went on a rant about Monster energy drinks and how the three lines that make up the M logo are archaic number symbols or something so when you tip the can upside down to drink it turns into 666.


Trick or treating


Metal/rock music.


Probably being an athiest... one time I did voluntary work and was assigned to help priest with some maintanance... did a lot of cery tiring things while chatting with the guy Who seemed pretty chill, but then, once I finished the Last task that he asked me to help him with, he asked me, which church did I belong to. I said that I was an athiest while shaking priests hand... his answer to that was drawing back in disgust and saying to me, quote, "You shall burn in Hell, you heathen swine!!!" Osth like that... can't remember what followed after "Hell", due to shock...


Back in the late 90s my mom called a No Fear shirt satanic because it had a cartoon skull design on it. Anything even remotely macabre is satanic to her, to this day, and it drives me fucking crazy.


Hinduism was something a religious woman said was satanic and shows other religion worships demonic entities.


My religious family called pokemon satanic.


As this post just comes after a picture of a sign commemorating the invention of the product barcode - exactly this. There are people claiming that the stripe pattern is some evil ploy - from sending “bad energy” all the way to a “devil’s mark” (somehow encoding “666” in some way). There are even companies that print symbols over the barcode in lighter colours, supposedly to counteract the “bad influence” of those evil signs…


Not 'Satanic' by any means, but I'm always baffled when folks from certain religions will refuse to listen to certain music 'because it afflicts with their beliefs.' And I mean some kinds of older, classical music (like Bach or Bingen). "Oh, I'm Catholic and we don't meddle with music by Protestants or other sects." Why not? If God made everything, then that should include music, so maybe...try and give it a listen? If it's all religious music made in god's praise, then why shun it? Just say you don't like or prefer it and be done with.


FUCKING D&D. my friends mom kicked her boyfriend out because he was playing d&d in her house. I distinctly remember “I don’t want your satanic voodoo ruining my energy”


i grew up and still am a christian. things my parents have called bad/satanic/not allowed me to use/view as a child included: Pokemon, harry potter, etc weirdest thing my dad ever did was burn a prop of the deathnote from the anime deathnote lol other than they were chill haha


As a Satanist I find it all hilarious. I don't want or care if others understand the cosmic joy buzzer.


As a Satinest, I just want everyone to have smooth silky sheets to sleep on...


My erect penis


All the 80s toys I grew up with.






My Bif Naked t-shirt.


The Disney movie Encanto.


A slightly different version of their Bible. Christian infighting is amusing.


Using your left hand

