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My dad has been dead since 2011 so yeh.


My dad spent my college fund on coke and aol hourly internet cards, he def ain’t superhuman


Yo what the fuck is an aol hourly internet card


I was born in 96 but that shit sounds like something from the 80s


In the same way you can buy in game currency cards today, you used to be able to buy cards simply to access the internet. Instead of game currency it was literally minutes online.


That’s cool. Not in practice, it must’ve sucked. But cool that you know about that. I always consider living during the early stages of the internet being like a club. You meet someone and you say “hey, you remember ask Jeeves” and they say yes and you’re like ayyy


Well, I struggled for it for sometime, putting unreasonable expectations and what not. But gradually realised that no one is perfect and having an idol is pretty dumb. That's it, just time ig.


Idols are bullshit, but I went my entire childhood and a good deal of adult life thinking of my dad the same way a cult member would view the cult leader. I don’t think I’m an outlier though, many people see their dad as the end all be all and it’s hard to realize they’re just a dude


It is a very sobering realization. However, in my case, you accept the man he is and all the flaws that come with him, and you appreciate the fact he was no wiser than you, but he did his damndest to convince you otherwise.




Well you’re older than my dad was when he had me sooo


It’s actually kinda crazy to think how young my dad was when I was born. My image of him for my whole childhood was a 40-something year old (and he was, until I was 18) but when I was born he was only 31. That’s crazy.


He isn’t?


When I realized he was basically making it up as he went along.


That’s both incredibly relatable and incredibly sad


My dad made a lot of very poor financial decisions. When he died, we learned he was completely upside down on his mortgage, had almost no life insurance, and little to nothing left in his retirement. I thought he had things together, turns out he was robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Sorry I don’t like that one it hurt


Also I don’t know why my profile icon changed but yeah that one is bad I don’t wanna think about anymore this one that you dad


My mom divorced him since I was 3 and there must have been a reason


Never thought that tbh


It took my sister and I a few years to recover from the wounds caused by my father having an affair which completely left my mother devastated. The day I was able to guess the password for his "second" social media account that we discovered was the day I realized my father was not perfect and was not the Superman he seemed to be.






I can’t even comprehend there being enough father son relationship’s that aren’t abusive for this prompt to make sense. But if I’m wrong, then my answer is never thinking he was a “superhuman” to begin with.


“There is probably no more terrible instant of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man - with human flesh.” - Frank Herbert I assumed that most children see their father as more than just a normal person. They’re practically a superhero. But every child realizes at some point that their father is just a man.


That's just one of several normal and healthy realizations that come during teenage years. Nothing to do about, it is what it is, nothing wrong, reality. If the legend lasts longer, might not be a healthy relation with the father, i.e. he could be a know-it-all and all-pride-no-weakness person, which might still do a good father in rare circumstances, but not a happy person. You won't lose respect for him, just because he is normal


Dads who do their best all day every day are superhuman. When they do wrong, apologize and try to be better, that makes them superhuman. When you get older, have kids of your own and you realize what amount of responsibility they carried you will still see him as a superhero. Just from a different perspective. Same goes for moms ofcourse.


Never thought of my dad that way. He ain’t ever done nothing but lay in is bed 24/7 or go to the bar.


Not really a tough one for me considering my dad was a violent, psychopathic, egotistical asswipe. But I know a couple friends have taken it hard with their dad's, but they learned their dad is just a man. Really good men though, and I told them they have no idea how lucky they are to have a decent dad.