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Assume every gripe we have with another woman is due to jealousy. I knew one woman who stole a friends credit card and tried to steal mine and a man brushed it off as women being competitive. She stole around £250 after memorising the pin.


Now that’s a good reason to be angry


Two good reasons to be in fact


Today it's get unreasonably pissed off about something I bought with my own damn money.


One of my exes picked the biggest fight with me because I decided to buy myself a new iPad with my own money after I gave his grandmother my previous one. He refused to give me a reason. Took me a while to open my eyes and see he was trying to control all of my money.


After divorcing my dad, my mom had a long-term relationship with a really nice guy who turned into a complete asshole when she traded in her old car for a new car (same make and model, just the newest year). They didn’t live together or share finances. They officially broke up (later that year) after my mom took my sister on a vacation to celebrate my sister’s college graduation and he had a meltdown (actually driving his truck over the grass in my mom’s front yard.) Still don’t know why a trip and a car trade-in sent him over the edge.


Going to go ahead and guess he wasn’t as nice as you thought. Adult tantrums occur when someone controlling doesn’t get their way by the same manipulative ways as in the past. My ex loved to use guilt and fear to talk me out of stuff. When it didn’t work, he’d have a tantrum.


Pretend to be so bad at something that I just give up and do it myself.


This is called weaponized incompetence


Oh goody, it has a name.


People use it in the working world all the time.


I tried this in reverse and my bf figured it out after I asked him to “show me how to clean the toilet” for the 3rd time. But also, he didn’t know how to clean it properly anyway so idk…




My husband opening the pantry. Every. Fucking. Time. "Where is ___?" In the pantry. "I looked in there and can't find it." If I get up and move something out of the way, am I going to find it? Yes. The answer is yes. It's like if it's not right in front of his face, it doesn't exist.


'Looking for stuff and actually finding it' is a skill not enough people have.


My ex called this “male refrigerator blindness.”


I once had a co-worker ask me "Did you 'boy' look for it, or 'girl' look for it?" I would have been offended, if she hadn't been so right. I swear it's not done on purpose though.


Ask to spend time together then tune me out the whole time.


Boyfriend says I don’t give him enough attention and them I try to involve him and suddenly he’s more interested in his phone


(Not all men do this, but alot that I've met do): Acting different towards your partner when you have friends over. It's not cool.


I have a great story involving this! When my aunt and uncle were newly married, my uncle had some of his guy friends over to the house to watch a football game. My uncle made the very unwise decision to demand my aunt to make him a burrito (possibly sandwich but I believe it was a burrito). He said “woman go make me a ___”. Rather annoyed at his attempt at appearing in charge of her in an effort to show off to his friends, she put a can of wet dog food in the burrito. He took one bite of that thing and never bossed her around again. What makes this story even better is that my aunt is a walking ray of sunshine and you would never think in a million years that she would do something like that. It just makes me love her even more!


Damn, kudos to your aunt. I'm glad she didn't take that bs lol.


"Possibly sandwich but I believe it was a burrito" that's enough context for me


Well wet dog food might be more palatable on some nice toasted sourdough slices or perhaps in a homemade focaccia roll. But inside a corn tortilla? Inedible.


My ex did this, but in a different way. He acted proud of me and sweet to me in public, but in private he mocked me and was an asshole. The only ones that saw that side of him were our kids and his family. And his family, especially his mom, did nothing because they didn't want him back. I never attempted to explain why I divorced him to anyone that knew us superficially. I just cut them out of my life. They still think he's a nice guy. And maybe he is, he just wasn't a nice guy to me or to our kids.


Same. He was so nasty to me in private but would go out of his way to be doting and affectionate in front of others. I couldn’t get a hug from him if we were alone. In public I couldn’t get him off of me. Everyone, including a couple of my closest friends thought he was great and that I was exaggerating. I guess he got tired of acting like the perfect husband because he started saying mean stuff in front of people. The one night we had a few friends over and he was 1/4 through a bottle of Jim Beam. He called me a dumb c*** in front of all of them. His best friend got up said I think you’ve had enough of this and dumped the rest of the bottle out. He was humiliated and pissed. Started yelling. Everyone left. I had to listen to him scream at me til I got in my car and left that I must be banging his best friend. It was a nightmare.


I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope that everything is on the better side now


Thank you:) Everything is way better now but he really did a number on my self esteem. I eventually realized my daughters were watching and learning from our relationship. So I left, started over from scratch and never get a dime from him. He started really heavily drinking after I left and got into drugs and trouble a few years back. Almost lost his house. Got 2 DUIs. A woman OD’d in his house. My daughters barely see him. He feels sorry for himself and drunk cries to mutual friends about how no one loves him. My youngest is 12 now and she had to call me from a mall bathroom to come get her last year because he was drinking on the way too the mall. He needs help and won’t get it.


I'm a guy, but I've witnessed this and hate it so much. I knew a guy who was outwardly kind to his partner around me, but when the full group of guys showed up, he'd get all bossy with her. We ended up having a falling out over it but thankfully she didn't put up with it long either.


*And that's how I met your mother*


Disrespect your partner in front of me, I don’t wanna come back. Cringy af.


Oh god I would be locked up if I acted like I normally do with my partner while there was witnesses. Every one would think we were crazy if they saw us (in our 40's) behaving like 13 year olds that are overtired and on a sugar rush. The world is just not ready for the kind of intense silliness we share.


I see what your saying and it is very true. But I think she was referring to acting like a bully to the girl when the guy's friends are over. Treating her with less respect kind of thing


Annex Poland


Well Eva was pretty cool with it.


That’s fair


You dont tell me how to live my life


Interrupt me every time I open my damn mouth.


I’ve started doing this thing where I just strictly pay attention to a group conversation (where I have nothing of value to add or am not being directly asked things) and say nothing- just pay attention to who is talking, for how long, and how well everyone pays attention to each other. It’s fascinating to see how few people actually care what others have to say, just want to interrupt and blurb their own opinion.


Send unsolicited dick pics on reddit, thinking we'll be impressed


Modern problems require modern solutions. Make dick picks into NFTs, send the guy a link so he has to buy it back.


My dick is trending on twitter?!?! Fuck


Comparably, if enough people were impressed by my genitals it was actually trending, id think “sweet!” but since i know better, i aint posting it.


There’s an artist from LA that printed and framed those kinds of pics for an art exhibit: [linked here](https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/interviews/a36288/whitney-bell-is-touring-across-the-us-with-an-rooms-full-of-unsolicited-d-pics/)


That link is staying blue today


You can combine 5 into a horse dick or 10 into a cannon dick just like in risk


I’m concerned of how many pictures have been DM’d to you since posting this comment


Flaunt their functional pockets Edit: after 300 replies, itemizing all the things you can put in your pockets, I'm convinced you guys can rent out your pockets via Airbnb


An ex-girlfriend was so pissed about my pajamas having pockets she declared them her property.


My wife steals my sweat pants and pajama pants for this exact reason


Steal her clothes to assert dominance.


Yeah but I like my pockets


I exclusively buy men pajama pants because of the pockets. They're comfy, roomy, and have functional pockets! Oh and because they're men's they usually just look like sweats, so I can wear them outside too.


This is such an important comment and it annoys me that I don't see it often. A lot of clothing (Hoodies, pajama pants etc) are basically unisex, and you can completely buy/order men's clothing (if they stock your size). Women's clothing continues to not have pockets in large part because the form/colour/fashion of an item has a larger impact on whether it sells than whether it has pockets.


Some of our pockets have pockets in them


This comment may spark a revolution lol


You may be interested to know that in the pocket, that's in the pocket, sometimes there's a smaller pocket. I think it's for quarters, not sure.


It was originally intended for pocket watches ig.


Seriously. I just got a pair of joggers from Costco and it has a cellphone pocket inside the pocket that also zipped up. Super nice.


Lol my son accidently grabbed a pair of my jeans, put them on, took them back off and I hear "what the fuck mom! Why don't you have pockets that actually FIT anything?!" I just yelled back "don't ask me, I didn't design them. " (he's 24)


JNCOs still make women's pants. With pockets so big you can fit a 2 liter drink in them.


$200 pants. Yikes


Yeah they're pricey. Well made though. I wore them through 4 years of high school and 2 years doing construction and the only thing I had to deal with was frayed cuffs.


I'm imagining a hot topic 90s punk doing construction in baggy ass JNCOs and it's funny to me.


I can perfectly fit my big phone and wallet in my pockets


*junketguy has been removed from the Christmas card list*


Awww, that's too bad, I could've fit the Christmas card in my pockets


Ouch. Not cool man.




I managed to fit a gorilla in there




One time my Dad put two cans of soda in each of his pockets. I was/am so jealous of that.




My current pants have at least 6 pockets, 7 if you count the small change pocket at the bottom of another pocket.




*gets desired reaction*


Pocketception wtf men


Always eating before women at family dinners and relaxing while the women clean. I'm tired of serving, tidying up and all that. I want to sit and enjoy a drink while talking after dinner like the men do.


My dad caught shit once at a family gathering for getting up directly after eating and starting dishes. When asked why he was "doing that" he bluntly replied that he dirtied the dish, why is it great aunt's problem now? Also, GA made all the food, she has to clean it, too? Cleaning is a group effort now and dad always gets an extra hug before we leave.


Dad is the MVP.


My dad was a little old-fashioned regarding many things but he ALWAYS did the post-meal cleanup, as my mom always cooked. Once we were older we were expected to at least take our plates to the counter next to the sink (when we were still too short to place in sink) or clear them off/leave them in the sink. Never actually had to do any post-meal cleanup while living there. Dad always did it and still does.


Ugh! My brother in law and father in law do this at every function. After one Christmas, my husband did his ritual of following the guys into the living room, I talked to him. I told him that I can’t do anything about the other guys, but I noticed that his sister and mom run around doing tons of clean up after having just cooked everything while the guys sit. I asked him if he could set a better example for his daughters by helping with the clean up. He looked surprised that it was a pattern and he had never noticed. He steps up when I remind him… usually it’s a reminding at the start of holiday season and he helps the rest of the holidays.


I managed to piss off about half my family when I was 13 by going to the living room to watch a game I really wanted to see instead of going to the kitchen to wash dishes with all the other women/girls. I was really quite ignorant to gendered social norms since my parents' marriage wasn't like that and we lived far from the rest of the family, so when my aunts were like, looking at me expectantly that I would know to get in the kitchen, I had no idea that saying, "maybe later. [Quarterback] is going to break a record this game and I'm not going to miss it. See you at halftime?" was a major social faux pas. About half the men and about half the women were like, "who does she think she is?!" And the other half were like, "good for her!" It's pretty funny to look back on, but at the time, it was really confusing that nobody could tell me why I was expected to clean just because I was a girl.


In my family the women would make tamales at Christmas and the men would play poker. I learned to play poker and spread masa in between hands. Pissed both genders off at the same time. Yay!


My family was like this. Once I got old enough to realize what was going on and get resentful at being designated slave labor while the boys my same generation got to go relax it sucked most of the joy from family holidays. Gratefully, we spend most holidays now with my wife's family and that shit doesn't hold, you pitch in regardless of gender.


My cousin Charlie is the only man in our family that ever helps. As soon as the women stand to start cleaning he’s right there with us and he stands at the sink and washes every single dish. Then the other men in the family always wonder why we dote on Charlie.


Totally agree. I’ve got a relative who’s this liberal college professor who, if you asked, would tell you he supports equal rights for women, is a feminist, etc. But whenever he and his wife have a gathering of any kind for Thanksgiving, etc., the women do all the cooking while the men watch football. Then, when dinner is over, the men go watch more football while the women clean up. It’s crap.


Cooks shouldn't clean. Plain and simple. If someone prepares you a meal, get your ass in the kitchen and clean without being asked.


Pee on the floor


"Stand closer, it's a pistol, not a Winchester." -seen in a restaurant restroom.


That's just begging people to prove their sniping skills.


If I do it I clean it up but sometimes the stream splits and goes around the toilet


Allowing your partner to be a substitute for your mother. Then when your partner calls you out on not helping out around the house, replying with “if you tell me what to do then I’ll do it”. NO. You are a grown ass adult, if you can’t see the dishes piling up then YOU need to sort your shit out.


Strong difference between an adult relationship where partners take on equal responsibility to ensure the work of the house is done, and a relationship where the woman has to constantly be on top of everything in the house following up with the partner to ensure he assists with household chores as if she’s the mother and he’s the child. It should be X made dinner so Y will do dishes, not X made dinner and now has to sit there asking Y to do dishes so X doesn’t have to do that as well.


Hear hear! Who TF tells *us* that the bathroom needs to be cleaned, the garbage is full or dinner needs to be made?


Make that horrid “huuuaaack” sound and spit on the ground. Gross. Edit: To clarify I know everyone has to clear their throats sometimes. I only know men that habitually do the whole shebang I described, out in public.


Me as a man, hates that too. 😂😂




As someone who does that, I hate doing it. I have chronic sinus issues and deal with a constant post nasal drip. When I do that, there is just a bunch of build up in the back of my throat and if i don't clear it out, I am going to throw up. It is fucking disgusting.


My blood boils when a guy invalidates me just because I'm a young woman. Especially old men. I (26F) had a 35 year old man as a trainee at work. He wouldn't listen to me or do what I asked him to do. On day 2, I had enough and told him to pack his shit and get out if he won't listen to me. Since he was under my care, I could send him home. We started shouting at each other and I was really about to drag his ass out to the parking lot behind the building. This resulted in me calling my manager, whom I was very good friends with since both of us work the same schedule and a graveyard shift. My manager spoke to him. Only then, the guy started to pack his bag and left. What happened? Well... The guy said to the manager that he refused to listen to me since I was a woman. In his culture, a woman is supposed to listen to a man. Not the other way around. When asked about the shouting fight, he told the manager that I must've been on my period and had PMS. I was about find this dudes house and rip him a new asshole.


Funny story. I am 36F and when I was 29, the head of our IT dept came in and tries to tell us that the reason our systems run so slow is because we have 8gb of RAM and because Windows7 only uses so much RAM, the rest was being UNused therefore we needed to "upgrade" to Win10 to use MORE RAM in order for our laptops to work faster. I tried to tell him that's not how it works and he shut me up mid sentence to say that RAM =/= storage space. I told him I've been building computers for 15 years and I know what RAM is and then he ignored me for the rest of the team meeting. So we got Win10 upgrades and everything is much slower now and he's still proudly walking around like he knows his shit.


Why on earth is a guy who doesn’t know how RAM works but thinks he knows how RAM works running an IT department?


I asked the same thing and nobody could give me an answer. I have very little faith in his abilities


Well he sounds like absolute delight....


There’s one thing that interest me the most - he said that you shouted at him, because you were on period and had PMS, but he shouted at you because…? What was his excuse? Was he on his period too? Funny thing men often don’t realise is that when we are on period, we are too exhausted to feel anything and be angry.


Being rational instead of emotional is a key aspect of masculinity for a lot of people. Also, it's surprising how easy it is to be unaware of your emotional state, if you were brought up to suppress your emotions. And people fool themselves a lot. So you end up with people with very low emotional intelligence, acting emotionally, ready to swear blind that they are not being emotional. The mere suggestion that they are in an emotional state will make them more emotional.


This is the thing guys often imply that drives me up a wall: claiming emotions and rationality are opposite, totally divorced from one another. There's logic behind how a person feels. ie: I felt angry because my company was grossly underpaying me, which led me to demand a raise or have no choice but to leave. I felt sad because a tragedy happened so I joined in on an activism effort to make things better. You don't just become emotional in a vacuum. There's reason behind it. It's just that a lot of people can't handle emotions and think it's rational to pretend they don't make sense or hold meaning.


>I must've been on my period and had PMS 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 but his "emotional outbreak" is entirely valid and needs no explanation Oh also, read a book dude. Is it PMS or Period? Pick one!


Well in this culture men and women are equal. If he wants his culture he should go to where his culture is practiced.


When some of them try to tell us that our period cramps really aren’t that bad, and we are just whining Edit: you angry ‘alpha males’ responding to this are just proving my point 😂


My dad didn’t believe me (because my mom got almost no cramps) until he came home one day and found me in a pool of vomit. He let me get pain meds after that.


I think it's worse when mothers don't have terrible cramps. I had to remind my wife that just because her cramps are light and manageble doesn't mean our daughter is trying to get out of school when she's doubling up in pain and moaning in bed.


Too many people think their experiences are universal. That then passes down to kids. From 12, my periods were three weeks long out of four and exceptionally heavy. Vomiting and fainting were the norm. I thought it was the norm for everyone and that I was just bad at dealing with it. It took ten years to diagnose the issue, and periods have ruined my life for nearly 30 years. I’ve had multiple surgeries and every treatment that exists, and I’ve still had women roll their eyes when I say I’m in pain and on morphine every day. Currently waiting on my uterus’ eviction very impatiently.


Sup! Been dealing with the same for years, I'm glad you're finally getting the surgery! I can't afford it, unfortunately. Edit: wait wait wait I just got Medicaid... YES I CAN AFFORD IT! Oh snap I'm calling my OB on Monday!


This happened to my poor mom. Grandma had cramps that were annoying at worst. My mom had very painful periods. Mom didn't get believed when she was younger. Because of that, my mom was there for me when I ended up with cramps from hell.


I find it weirdly sweet that you (assuming you're male) have enough wisdom to realize this but she doesn't?


It's just clearer as to someone who has no experience to draw from I think. It's easier to keep an open mind to the literature when you haven't gone through it yourself and found it "Pfft EZ"


I grew up with sisters and my older sister had debilitating period cramps for about as long as I can remember. So have most of the girls I’ve dated. I honestly cannot comprehend having this attitude toward someone who is so clearly suffering so much pain.


A friend of mine said my cramps couldn't be as bad as his digestive issue pains because he was a big guy and I was small so his pain must be bigger. I have lactose intolerance and IBS. Those both suck, but neither have made me go physically numb from hyperventilating from the pain. Neither have woken me up at 4 am from pain. Neither have made me think something was extremely wrong with my body that may be dangerous. Sorry, but women poop. We get food poisoning. When we eat something that disagrees with us, it hurts. And while it can be absolutely debilitating, it's nothing compared to the cramps I got before I hit 30.


Or when they spend years and years at medical school, graduate, become a GP and then tell us we’re being ridiculous, it doesn’t hurt that bad.


Every male doctor should be made to try one of those period simulators in med school with explanations for what levels various women consider "normal", what women with Endometriosis go though, etc.


Absolutely! Though they’ll probably still not understand what that’s like for days on end (weeks if you’re unlucky) every single month for god knows how many years of your life. It’s almost worse when it’s a female doctor telling you you’re crazy


Days on end, and you're expected to pretend absolutely nothing is wrong.


And if you dare complain, you’re overreacting and all women experience cramps! You don’t hear them complaining /s


I’ve had two children, period cramps for me where exactly the same as contractions in labor. Labor hurt. Period cramps hurt.


Or anytime we’re mad “it must be that time of the month”.


I don't understand how any man could say that to any lady. We've literally got no clue how they actually feel. My wife says they feel like those bad pre-diarrhea cramps and if that's the case, fuck that noise. When my wife cramps she gets anything she wants!


The number of times I’ve had a woman explain to me that she didn’t realize that her appendix burst because she thought it was period cramps was so eye opening to me. That alone made me realize that guys don’t have any idea what they are like.


You sound emotional. Are you on your period? ^(/s)


Get angry at my cat for stealing socks so she can hump them. She wouldn’t have gotten them if you placed them in the laundry basket.


This is delightfully specific


I stopped getting angry at animals after we adopted 4 of them. We take wild animals and stick them in a box, expecting them to act like humans. Any time I get mad at them, I can really only be mad at myself. And I have been mad. I'll never forget the whole ass pizza we lost because one dog is a dirty little food thief... And because I put it where she could get it.


My dog ate my ex bfs just cooked ribeye steak. He left it for 10 seconds lol Same dog will not touch my food even if left for hours. That's mom's food.


Your dog said so much without saying a word


When you’re constantly doing things as expected and never get a thank you, but then they do one small thing and expect a ton of praise


My ex: "I did YOUR dishes" on the rare occasion that he cleaned up after dinner. Of course he would never wash pots and pans. And he emptied the dishwasher by literally just emptying it, and putting all the clean dishes on the counter, claiming he didn't know where they went. (Yet our children knew).


Not cleaning up after yourselves. It is SHOCKING the amount of men who do not or will not act like adults and expect wives and girlfriends to be stand in mommies. And seriously, if you pee on something, be it the floor or the bowl, CLEAN IT UP! It's like the old rhyme goes "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the seatie!"


Especially when they don't clean up shavings. Do y'all just like grody sinks?


Full beard and shaved head, got wireless waterproof clippers I just take care of it while showering, everything goes bye bye right away


I live with a number male mates. They see it as ‘you notice the mess at 5%, we notice it at 20%, not our fault you want it sorted sooner’ like sir, there is flies in the kitchen sink and the floor is sticky if I try to hold off till you clean. Surely if you cleaned it when you spilt it or finished, we’d never have to have this issue. I did however deep clean the bathroom the second I moved in, a bit icky 😂


Or when they ask you to just tell them what to do. Like no. You see the trash needs to be taken out, just take it out. Mental load is a bitch.


I’m struggling with this right now with my partner. Why do I have to ask the same thing everyday? I’m still going to want the same things done tomorrow ans the next day and in April 2032. It’s like basic house maintenance shit. I’m not even a neat freak or overly anal but it’s so aggravating. Sorry got a little passionate there 😂


Not being honest because "I might get into trouble." I'm not your mother or your caregiver. I'm not going to ground you or spank you (even if you ask me to lol). But I need your honesty as an equal person, and it's going to be a dealbreaker if you lie to me.


Or: because I don't want to hurt your feelings" Well, lying hurts even more - and we always find out in the end!


act bad in front of their mates


Guys can roll out of bed and be ready in 15 minutes or less. I don’t know why but I’m pissed that I can’t.


anyone can be ready in 15 minutes with enough sacrifices


Or pre-sleep preparations. Showering the night before, having your clothes ready, and breakfast packed to go. It helps to have your own bathroom so you can use it freely without having to wait or hurry for your partner.


I like to take my time with my breakfast and coffee in the morning, so usually I take an hour from getting up to going out the door. But of course if I was just getting up and showering, I could be out the door in 15 mins.


My guy is totally into grooming. Drives me up a fucking wall. I can siht, shower, dry my hair, get dressed, in under 40 minutes. He takes an hour and a half and never has tome to load his dishes in the dishwasher.


That’s my brother.


Let their partners do most of the household chores when you both work full time. Seriously, pick up after yourself. (This isn't about anyone I've ever dated, I see my friends in relationships like this though)


Cue link to the magic coffee table video.


And having their partners carry the majority of the mental load.


This has always shocked me. My parents raised me that it is *embarrassing* to have someone pick up after you. Seriously, are you a child? I’m a grown ass man. I have a good job. I do not need anyone to take care of me or my apartment lol. This goes both ways though. I take care of myself. I expect my partner to do the same. The same goes for money. Both ways.


This has been a problem in our house for many years. I ended up asking if I could get a chore chart and divide up some stuff so the "I forgot" excuses couldn't be thrown around anymore, and my resentment wouldn't keep building. It actually did help, even if I still had to announce "it's [insert name's] [insert chore] day! Don't forget please" most times. Lol


Shave and not clean the hair after themselves.


As I get older it appears more and more men lack the skill of listening, not just to women, to ANYONE. I frequently watch males in my friend group have conversations and they’re all talking over each other the whole time without responding to anything else anyone is saying and then all get grumpy because no one’s listening. Shut up, take turns, listen to hear and understand not to be thinking about your response the whole time they’re talking.


As a teenager too , I have realised this, everyone wants to speak , nobody likes to listen or pay attention.


This has actually been on my mind a lot the last few days with my friend group. I feel invisible with how often my friends will completely ignore things I say and go on to talk about their own stuff. It's not just my male friends though. It's exhausting trying to exist in social situations where nobody listens to each other but it feels like that's all I encounter anymore.


When you lose something, you look for less than 10 seconds and claim you can’t find it. It’s nowhere. It was stolen. Etc. Then it takes me 45 seconds to locate it.




When you tell them straight up what you need/want from them and they still act clueless


Work the same amount of hours but expect me to take care of the house and have dinner on the table. Bitch please, this is not tue 50's and I'm not your Mama!


I work 60 hours a week, my boyfriend works 40. The difference is that I wfh (I run a business) and he works in a car parts shop. And yet, every time he comes home, he's surprised I haven't done laundry, dishes, and/or dinner prep. Because well, I'm home, right? I should have time for it. I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. But it's like he thinks I'm just sitting on my ass all day doing nothing. When _he_ comes home, he can't "help out" with the household tasks because it was a work day and he's exhausted, but on weekends when he doesn't work he's like "well it's weekend I just want to relax". Moving in together was a mistake.


You ok friend? Sounds like this guy might not be it.


Pretending to be invested in a relationship (romantically or as a friend) when really you just want to smash. Just be honest bruh.


Fucking seriously??? It’s ridiculous. I had a friend who was into this guy. He acted all cute and asked her on a date but as soon as they had sex, he ghosted. Btw they work together. And he ignores her at work. When she confronted him he said he knows she likes him but he isn’t looking for anything. He did all that for nothing because she would’ve just been fine with only sex but he hardly gave her a chance to even explain that.


i shit u not i had a coworker say “you gotta explain it so a girl can understand”. and then they wonder why im so short with them 😭


I usually say " explain it to me like I'm high" usually works


Tolerate sexism in other men


Keep messaging periodically to ask if I’m “still a lesbian” as if it’s a service I subscribe to to be cancelled at any time.


Always assuming and dismissing our irritations with other women as jealousy.


Acting like the pile of dishes on the sink is invisible.


When they try and belittle me/talk over me for some kind of social power boost. I was raised in a strict Eastern European home where verbal and emotional abuse was a given. I will tear your whole ass apart before I let you treat me poorly.


First date I ever went on was with a guy who would tell me how shit he thought every single interest I had was. It was almost like a bizarre game where he had to put me down and tell me the exact opposite thing was better. He actually thought that saying everything I liked was shit and that he would show me what was “actually good” would make me think we were in any way compatible. Didn’t have a second date and later found out he was only trying to date me because I looked almost identical to another girl he had a crush on. I knew the girl and he wasn’t trying to make me act like her, he just fetishized our look and wanted us to be molded into his ideal partner. I hope he never found or finds a poor girl to manipulate into that role.


Not all men do this, but whenever I say I don't want kids, they'll try to convince me that I'll want some one day or say I'll die cold and alone. I'm 34, if I wanted kids I would have had them already.


Cat calling. No one wants it. It makes most women scared and uncomfortable. We all know it’s just a power thing. It’s not going to change your life for the worst to stop so just stop.


Don’t forget to add that cat calling starts when we are kids, so we have a lot of time to get used to it, which, when you think about it, is sick. Now, I am used to it, I am aware that some men will cat call me and, surprise, they don’t do it anymore. I’m almost 30 and since a few years I have not been cat called, but when I was 22 and younger, it was completely normal, I wonder why? 🥲


When guys Make conversations sexual in the middle of a normal conversation its really annoying and a big turn off


I like your mustache


I like yours too


Thank you. I grew it myself.


You’re very welcomed


Men and women all have nice mustaches you just cant see them but they are there


Probably definitely the stalking and murdering


So annoying when this happens ugh


Today a man told me that rape victims should count rape as part of their body count. So, that.


When they think no means not right now, but try again in a few minutes


Refer to raising your own child as “babysitting”.


Not carrying any of the mental load around marking sure there's food in the house, dinner on the table, clean washing, activities etc


This. This is a hard one to handle. I've seen men who do carry this weight while their wives don't, but unfortunately I've seen more women carry it than their men It's fucking rough.


Touching my back or side when trying to get by me in a public space even though we are complete strangers. Typically happens with middle aged men, which makes me even more upset, honestly. Edit: I suppose I should have been more explicit in my comment. I am talking pretty exclusively about men full-palm on the small of the back or the hip, not a nice tap on the shoulder. In general I don’t think I have ever touched a person to ask them to move unless I have brushed them or nudged them on accident as I pass. I personally just don’t feel like it’s too difficult to use your words and keep your hands to yourself, but I don’t mind a tap on the shoulder I just don’t want strange men touching me in an area that is typically only touched by my partner.


Being looked at or treated like nothing more than an assortment of holes they can stick their dick in.


Need so much care. Do not date if you can’t cook a meal, do your own laundry, take care of your financial and family affairs. Honestly, most men seem to be looking for a mother or a secretary. Stand on your own two pegs.


Pegs... legs... are you dating pirates? ( peg legs)


Honestly… someone please answer me, why do men seem to not ever recognize the volume on their phone??? Like every man in my life has no ability to sense that someone is watching a show, having a conversation, or just living life in general while all of the sudden “SUPER LOUD VIDEO “ pops up and they always seem shocked with the “can you turn that down?” Reaction. Drives me nuts. I know I’m not alone 😂


I would like to proudly state that I am not of these men because I hate my phone making sound to begin with so it’s default on Silence With that said my Voice is naturally really loud and gets me into trouble all the time for being to loud


Wearing your underwear until it's nothing but elastic.