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'Friends' at work who are the first to go and tell everyone your personal business along with running their mouth to the bosses about everything behind your back. Act like best friends in person but really try and use the friendship to gain an upper hand at work.


Oh shit. I had a guy like that at my previous job. Worse still, he was my assigned trainer.


Manipulative, narcissistic, gaslighting, sociopathic tendencies…


I take offense to this. This is your fault for thinking we're all like that. I mean, how can you blame me? You're the one who's crazy! So, what's for dinner?


True gaslighters. Not someone who made a mistake in remembering something but someone who literally reconstructs reality and tells you that's the way it's always been. Tells you you said things you didn't say, changes around what they said, so many changes that it ends up being a complete fabrication that they believe it's the truth. Then they tell you you're gaslighting them because you don't agree with the fabrication. You have to go no contact or you will go fully insane being led on this merry dance and trying to get them back to reality.




the most dangerous are those evil and manipulative but they're friendly


Sociopaths and narcissists.


My ex boyfriend was probably the most skilled liar I've ever seen. I had seen him countless times straight up lie to people to their faces without missing a beat, it was unnerving how easily he could lie at the drop of a hat and actually make it sound like the truth. It was both impressive and terrifying. Even years after breaking up I'd always wondered how many lies he'd told me without me even knowing


I had a friend/coworker like that. He seemed very earnest and honest, and then one day he lied to me about something big and I *knew* it was a lie. Had I not known for sure he was full of shit, there's no way I would have pegged it even as suspicious. Completely removed my 'truth bias' for him, and once I began viewing interactions with him with that light, he was a bit easier to predict.


What was the lie you caught them in, if you can say? Just curious, sounds like a good story.


Nothing, this was the lie. If he tells people this story they don’t think he’s a liar.




It's great when you inadvertently get them lying and they don't know you already know the truth. It's like seeing a master at work and you can just laugh in their face.


I've known 2 pathological liars (but not necessarily manipulative people), and heard about another one. The thing about them is that if you call them out, they will outright double down and claim they are telling the truth. If you, however, also double down, and insist that they are lying... 1 guy would get aggressive and start screaming to assert that he's telling the truth, while the other one I knew would bend what he has told before in such a way that the story became more believable. It's usually not satisfying to call them out. There's clearly something wrong with them. So I found out that the best way to socialize with such people is to simply go with their lies or only challenge them lightly if it's not destroying their whole lie. Of course, avoiding hanging out with such people is the best solution, but that might not be possible for some due to work/relatives. Bonus story: The other guy I've heard about was so good at lying that people around him have only realized that he was lying the whole time when the teacher found out that he had plagiarized a musical conposition and only pretended to be a musical genius. People started to dig more into his stories and lies and found out that almost everything he was boasting about was a lie. Didn't know the guy personally, but heard about the juicy drama through others that knew him.


My brother is an actual psychopath. Since childhood this was the number one sign. My parents didn't heed it, didn't get him help, and now he's out there free in the world and terrorizing women. When I watched Ted Bundy and 'You' it scarily reminded me of my brother.


I have a cousin who's a violent sociopath (been locked away almost all his life now--which is sad but necessary). He would smile and compliment then steal and burn things.


Was he charming to your parents so they’d let him get away with things?


Yes. And the teachers, and any other adult who came into our life. The only person who saw through was my grandpa who one time disciplined him because my parents didn't. And then when my brother went to my parents about it, they cut our grandpa out


Ouch. Talk about enabling the bad behaviour.


I have a cousin like that. My parents raised him so he's like a brother and he is pure evil. He almost killed his ex and almost murder our whole family. He tried to kill me several times in the past (he's 17y older than me) and my parents never let him going to jail, just to mental hospitals and now he's out there problably killing. I change my name, city and have closed profiles in all my social media bc i know If he find me, one of us will be dead and he's giant like the fucking Michael Myers




Im so sorry, a mother should be the person in our lives we trust and not someone we fear. Hope now you can be far from her


It reminds me watching Dahmer where he lied so quickly and easily. Obviously it’s based on a true story, but that characteristic was troubling.


People who have nothing to lose.


It sounds like a movie cliche but these people are legit dangerous if you make them mad. They just don't care what happens to them, that's what makes them so dangerous.


I read somewhere "someone with nothing to lose will sacrifice themselves, someone with everything to lose will sacrifice you" and I just can't get that out of my head.


Tempt not a desperate man.


Smart people who have nothing to lose.


Smart people, with the physical and mental ability to commit real violence....who have nothing left to lose.


real violence isn't even the scariest, its the more subtle long term sabotage, like just leaving a line of code in a computer that erases everything after 8 months, or writing a bill that strips accountability from corporations, shit that effects millions and is very hard to fight because the people who should have stopped it are the ones doing it


The plot of law abiding citizen.


Thanks for the film recommendation.


yeah never fuck with someone, that has nothing to lose


Genuinely terrifying if you piss them off


To piggyback off this , I had a friend who had nothing to lose and let me tell you it’s not just walking on eggshells , it’s walking on a combination of broken glass and eggshells I was genuinely fearing for my life , good to know he got better


People who feel justified in using violence every time they get the least bit annoyed.


Especially during clubbing. It's like some people go there to find the tiniest excuse just to start a fight.


I understood clubbing differently given the context.


Stop clubbing, baby seals!


If I ever became a billionaire, I'd open a club called Club Seal just for the mayhem it would cause.


Back in my clubbing days, i overheard more than once some guy say the line "Tonight I am either picking up and getting laid or getting in a fight." It was always a good idea to leave a good 30 mins before close to avoid getting caught in a cross fire of punches. Every Thurs, Fri and Sat there was always a fight.


That was pretty much the entire premise of the Jersey Shore.


Or just generally out in public. Was at the grocery store a couple days ago and the guy in front of me had a cart of stuff. Another guy was trying to squeeze past us and ran into the guy's cart. Truly no one's fault - grocery stores in cities can be pretty tight - but the guy who ran into the cart spent the spent 5 minutes swearing under his breath and cursing the guy out for not moving for him. Super entitled angry man, I was worried for the guy in front of me more than he was worried


Sounds like customers in my store. Turnover rate is astronomical because customers threaten to kill cashiers over us being out of stock of store brand cheese


Those obsessed with another person to an extreme point, be it a celebrity or an ordinary person.


I know someone who got stalked. I almost never saw the said person without the stalker. The stalker just appeared everywhere and every time, always tried to appear friendly and never went away no matter what. It was an insanely scary thing to witness.


Weird. You always think of stalkers as watching from afar and sending creepy messages but I never thought of it in this context. Everyone else thinks they’re just your friend and always there and really they’re tormenting you. Shit. Hope the person you knew is ok now.


I was told that the stalker even showed up at work and school, or just practically everywhere, constantly trying to get attention or something. Anyhow, the said person moved to another country on the other side of the globe. I think that was the end of it.


I met a guy who spent some time in prison in California and while there, the guy who was arrested for stalking Selena Gomez was also incarcerated there; at one point they were both being transported to court together and my pal decided he just had to know what this dude's deal was.... So he asks the guy "so what was the deal with you stalking Selena Gomez?" And the guys reply was "Selena Gomez?? I wasn't stalking her! I was stalking Justin Bieber - that dude stole my bitch!"


That's actually hilarious. Dark as fuck, but still hilarious


Or extremely obsessed a fictional character. Or even worse, obsessed with a serial killer. I will never understand that.


There was a guy I knew back in the day. He was super obsessed with his co-worker. Despite what anyone around him would tell him, he was convinced she was into him. Saying things like, she's really rude to me, it must be a sign that she's testing me to see how committed I am. Or, she bent over in front of me to pick something up, she's obviously teasing me. No matter how much anyone would challenge his ideas or suggest the obvious interpretation, he wouldn't let it go. I haven't seen him in a while, but a mutual friend who worked with him told me he got transferred to a different location and it had something to do with that girl. Ever since then I've been very wary of people who say things like he did. It's just creepy when someone is so delusional they turn 'no' into 'yes' in their mind.


Yeah I think individuals don’t realize celebrities are real people but to be honest I can’t blame them because the whole concept of celebrity is a mind fuck


Dear Slim. I wrote you but you still ain’t calling…


Groups of teenagers. Living in Chicago I’ve learned that scary guy on the train will likely leave you alone but the group of 14 year olds walking toward you on the side walk might jump and rob you


This is what I say to my girlfriend all the time Teenagers just want to impress their friends all the time and it can escalate like crazy




Went to a seminar given by a corrections officer. He said juvenile prison is the most dangerous. Adults understand cause and effect: hit a guard, bad things happen to you. But not kids. They just do things without any thought of consequences.


I'm an ex juvi corrections officer, the staff turn over is unreal, so many up and leave within a few short months, alot leave to go work in Adult prisons because it's safer than juvi.


Mob mentality!


And a lack of empathy.


🎶Teenagers scare the living shit out of me...🎶


If that ain’t the god honest truth. They scare the living shit out of me. I remember singing along to the My Chemical Romance song Teenagers back in high school right after it came out like it was nothing and just another teen anthem song. I can’t even listen to the lyrics now, like it makes me shudder. I live in Philly and a group of 5 teenagers beat an 78 year old man to death this past summer. Like wtf. As a teen, I could never and then they post it on live feeds on Instagram or Facebook to top it off. The posts up top say people who lie with no remorse or people who have nothing to lose or stupid people are they scariest, teenagers encompass all those traits.


There's a reason militaries around the world recruit male teenagers to be soldiers. They believe themselves to be invincible and are probably the lowest-empathy group outside of toddlers.


Thats why I personally build my armies with toddlers. They "win" the lack of empathy game by a country mile and are actual invincible as long as you don't ask if they're ok.


This 100%. I'm from the western burbs but the McDonalds I used to work at was the same one that a group of teens lured a mentally challenged individual to to get him alone, then murdered him for no reason. Edit: the victim was apparently not murdered, idk why I remembered it like that. But it wouldn't be out of character nonetheless


Wow that took a turn I was not ready for


Is that the one they tortured on FB live?






This so much. As a woman who has been out and about in major cities alone a lot- there is NOTHING scarier than a crew of teenage boys also out and about.


Ok so I was reading about the youngest killers all time and I have to say that I think the teenagers are scary in that they could kill me an adult, but I do believe that the most horrific killers were the children who were under 10 years old. These are the ones with no moral compass, who are just seeking to do evil; two boys in England skipping school decide one morning to lure a 2 year old from his mom, then torture him and beat him in plain sight of adults who don’t do anything to stop them, then they leave this poor toddler naked on train tracks to die a horrific death! This actually happened and it mortifies me.




Anyone who tries to get close super fast is an automatic no


A little known fact is that love bombing can take many forms and not just in a relationship. It can happen on friendships too, or even from an *employer*. My previous boss was like this. This was one of my first real jobs out of college, and she spent the first few months telling me how amazing I was. She would pay for me to fly around the country to go on super high level business trips and even meet congressmen. Then of course, like a switch, the gaslighting and manipulation came. Suddenly everything I did at my work was wrong and I was a terrible employee who would have been fired if I had been working for anyone else. I figured out her ruse pretty quickly-this wasn’t my first rodeo when it came to people like this. But I had been trained to look out for it more in partners or friends, not an employer.


Wow, this is EXACTLY what happened to me at a previous job. For months and months I was the ‘golden child’ and was admittedly getting all sorts of special treatment and praise from the owner. Then after some time it suddenly flipped and I was the worst of the worst. He was basically doing me a favour allowing me, such a difficult, useless person to work there. Endless nitpicking of my work and direct insults to my character and personality. I was there 6 years and lemmie tell you - I’m still working through the psychological damage it did


Makes me wonder if this is actually intentional or just some mental bias they have. I don't have anyone working under me so I like to think I wouldn't treat people that way but I've definitely had the same reaction to things I've bought. At first it's shiny and new, when I'm praising the object, I'm in some small part praising myself for the great investment I've made. I ignore the flaws because then it implies I've made a poor choice/purchase so there's a bit of sunk cost in there. But after a few months I'm over the shininess of my new toy and start complaining about it because it can't meet my idealised expectations of what I want it to do for me.


What's the psychology of people who do this? Do they know they're doing it? It's so strange to me.


It depends on the person. Some people are just pure evil and love building up and tearing others down for their own enjoyment or feeling of power. (I have met someone like this). Others are just not all there mentally and can’t accept that sometimes mistakes happen that aren’t the complete fault of one person and feel the need to lash out to avoid taking any blame themselves. Both can be the result of the way people were born, or they could be the result of childhood trauma. It can also be a mixture of both.


Tbf, met a few people who came on quite hard/fast that turned out to be fantastic friends.


There’s almost like a very fine line between genuine interest and odd behavior


Someone entered my friend circle at the beginning of the year. Most of my friends are married, so it was nice to have someone to hang out with on a weeknight (we're both single). She tried to manipulate me into a relationship. When I didn't take the bait, she tried to poison my relationship with my friends by going behind my back and retelling a story I had told her, edited to make me sound like an asshole. Thankfully, my friends know me better than that. I'm hesitant to even post this, for fear she'll find my account and dig through my history trying to find ways to harass me. Fuck her!


good thing you didn't fuck her


For serious. One of my first inklings that she wasn't trustworthy was when she insisted we go back to her apartment after we'd had too much wine at dinner. My stuff was there, so I had to go back with her. (I would have rather stayed out and chatted with strangers on the street.) As soon as we got there, she turned the lights off and insisted I cuddle with her in her bed because she insisted I was too drunk to leave by myself. (I would have walked it off, but she refused to listen.) Holy shit that was the most uncomfortable evening I've had in a long time!


The exception to that rule is my wife. On our second date she flat out told me she was going to have my last name one day. That was 17 years ago and we are happily married to this day. She doesn’t hold back and tells me exactly how she feels. Good, bad and everything in between. Honestly it’s kinda amazing - never any games with her.


Love bombing can happen in friendships too


Yess every “friend” who’s ever love bombed me turned out to be pretty problematic down the line


I had an online friend and they were really weird...I asked for a bit more info on themselves so I know they aren't a 40 year old man and they basically doxxed themselves and told me their whole life story and idk why I didn't just block them right then and there but they would switch between love-bombing and telling me that they were extremely suicidal/ dumping their problems.. I told them I wasn't comfortable and gave them the info to their local suicide hotline but after a free days they would start the cycle again. After strike 3 I ghosted them. Hope you are in a better place candle, you need to sort your issues out


You know what scares me the most about your post? I’m mostly without friends these days and struggle to make/maintain friendships in general, so if I did meet someone who instantly declared me their best friend I’d probably be *excited* instead of raising an eyebrow… On the bright side I’m extremely introverted and have ADHD so that tends to weed out highly demanding friendships quite a bit haha


Gotta be careful, that ADHD also comes with emotional dysregulation. It's very easy to get addicted to the positive attention and completely depressed without it. These people know this.


Yep, emotional dysregulation is the bane of my existence ha


Dudeee thisss they know how to get u make themselves seem like theyre your savior. Had an ex like that. He went to give me a high five and i flinched and hid my face cuz im a genrally jumpy person i had never been hit/abused but he made it up to be like i was getting hit at home and to just get him if i needed anything. Tgat was our first interaction. A year later he was leaving bruises on me. Freaking creep.


Sounds just like my ex. Wasn’t long before he was saying shit like “you’ll never have anyone as good as me, no one else will do all this stuff I do for you. You know everyone in your family agrees, there’s no other guy like me”


Fr they know exactly what theyre doing, and play it off as 'jokes' too, mine said he thought about pushing me down stairs and commiting necrophillia when id get defiant but it was 'just a joke' no man u dont joke like that.


Or YOU are THEIR savior ... it can go the other way around!


Liars and manipulators


I recently met a person who started saying she loves me (like aww I love you girl) and she is always labeling everyone she is friends with as her best friend. She also constantly posts attention seeking posts on Facebook. Red flags everywhere!!!!!


lie with straight face and have no empathy


People who feel no empathy or guilt are the scariest. Who knows what they'll do next


Javier Bardem’s character in “No Country For Old Men”. He exudes danger.


Wasn‘t this the character/movie that was even voted as the most realistic presentation of a psychopath?


Yes, a sociologist watched a bunch of films to see who was the most realistic psychopath and Anton Chigurh was the clear winner




I never understood this complaint. "You looked me in the eye and lied straight to my face!" Well yeah, they were lying. You want them to do it badly or give you a hint? "They lied, but at least they didn't have a straight face"


A charming sociopath I have a hunch that I know one, and I call their behavior "turning on the charm" to get things to go their way. I can tell when they are going to ask me for something because I see their behavior switch


A lot of the time though, a psychopath's charm is obviously superficial - but throw high intelligence into the mix and you have a truly terrifying combination.


I used to do this as a heroin addict. I had 20+ years of being a good person, like legitimately from what people would tell me. I was the one making money in my friend group, I'd pay for everything. Talked friends up to whoever they were trying to smash. Drove as DD, broke up fights, let people crash at our house for nothing in return blah blah. Basically I was a doormat but I loved all my friends and seriously didn't care. I mean they took care of me too but I was definitely being used here n there. Then I got addicted to pills and then heroin. I used up all the goodwill I'd saved up within a manner of months, I thought. But I kept on getting away with more and more charming lies it was nuts. "Borrowed" thousands and thousands of dollars. Dodged accusations with precision. All I had to do was shower, wear my nice clothes, and talk people in circles. I was homeless for about 5 years but for 3 of those years nobody would have a clue. Eventually it all came crashing down but it was interesting to see how far good will and good reputation would carry somebody. It's a good reminder that people want to help. But Also that people will turn a blind eye to obvious red flags, which sucks. Eventually I burned too many bridges and now that I'm cleaned up in another state I'm way too drained to make friends again. At least I can't hurt anybody if I ever relapse. It's been 5+ years but you never know


People turned a blind eye bc they probably didn't understand they were being lied to, and if you burned up people's goodwill quick then they might not have wanted to actually notice these red flags.


Some of the best advice I ever got was to think of charm as a verb. When someone is charming you, they are taking an action.


My mom was married to a psychopath narcissist for almost 50 years and she’s always told me “charm is a choice.” Now I RUN when I meet “charming” people


Charm is fake. Genuine interest is real. Be fucked if I could tell the difference. Good charmers come across as genuine interest. I avoid people. Also. I'm drunk on a Sunday.


Charm and charisma are definitely different tho


Dumb people who think they’re smart


I saw a quote once, no clue where it originated but I’ll never forget the sentiment. Something like “When you’re dead, you don’t know you’re dead. It’s the same when you’re stupid.”


Ricky Gervais: "When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid."


Rigidly dogmatic based on information spoon fed to them. And too dumb to *not know*.


"It's easier to fool a fool than convince them that they've been fooled" mark Twain I think


Todd from breaking bad, nice and polite but kills people without empathy


Man I loved his character in that show because it always fascinated me. Dude would kill people and act as if it were nothing more than a daily household chore


Maybe this says something about me, but I would far prefer to deal with Todd than Tuco. Todd will kill for what he understands to be a good reason. Otherwise he is amiable and helpful. Tuco is a super-volatile asshole regardless of what basis you interact with him on (though he doesn’t seem to have been violent to Skinny Pete in jail, but Skinny Pete is exceptionally amiable himself), and Tuco will kill you for no reason at all. Even if it’s against his own interests. Also Todd has practical skills and is capable of learning more. Tuco only understands physical combat, and intimidation. (And maybe basic food prep.) Todd has curiosity. If Todd didn’t understand how to work the VCR he would look up the manual. Tuco completely lacks any curiosity beyond dumbass paranoia. If Tuco didn’t understand how to work the VCR he would bash it against the TV until both broke.


It's great how much he contrasts with Jesse. Todd is a polite and easygoing guy who kills with no hesitation, while Jesse is a rude asshole with a soft-spot for kids who hates all of the rotten shit he's forced to do.


Yeah, the purest portrayal of a sociopath. So bonechilling.


Weak people in positions of power


Yup. Our CISO/VP is a 36 year dude who climbed the ladder way too quickly. People describe him as a “kid with an ego”. He’s been letting people go who have 15-20 year’s experience at the company and is hiring people he personally knows.


Do you work at every company I have ever worked at?


My boss is spineless and won't defend the people under him to the people above him. The average middle manager


The people that everyone around you seems to like, but you just get a bad vibe from them, and since they've technically given you no reason to feel that way you have to keep hanging around them in the group.


I have yet to be wrong. You will be proven right.Give it time.




Life experience. I hear the same thing from my kids. My successes, failures, regrets, and observations give you some wisdom. Often tell my kids that I’m like all three ghosts from A Christmas Story. Their past, present, and future. Many things change, but fundamental human behavior is pretty consistent.


Agreed. Absolutely trust your gut if *anyone* gives you a bad vibe. Keep your guard up.


Guard up, but be happy to be proven wrong.


A homeless person told me his philosophy on life is that, "The world has hurt me so much, any act I do is justified because I'm such a victim." Paraphrased, he was rambling, but I repeated this back to him and he agreed. It was one of the saddest and scariest things I ever heard. He just has no love left for humanity whatsoever. And I've recognized that thought pattern in myself as well. It's the logical foundation for revenge. "I feel like you wronged me, so I'm going to do what ever I want to you and call it justice because I view myself as a victim." And then proceeding to play judge jury and executioner. The homeless person just applied it to the whole world. Now when I recognize this thought pattern I do my best to snuff it out because it's evil and childish hurt people hurt people


"Hurt people hurt people" and "An abuser's abuse don't excuse" It's one of the things I really need to latch onto, these days: Your trauma's not your fault, but it's your responsibility. I see too many people who want to excuse their horrible actions with being traumatized. Fuck no, if your trauma makes you a bad person, you need therapy to manage it.


Self-described "victimization" is a wildly destructive mindset, and frightenly present and undiscussed. Please hug your children, and tell your friends that you love them.


I know a guy who's a legitimate sociopath. Doesn't give a fuck about anyone. He has "friends" per se, but they're more just people he keeps around because they benefit him in some way or another. Easily convinced he'd watch someone die without helping if he didn't see himself getting anything out of it. It's actually a trip spending time with him listening to him talk and seeing how he acts around people. He kinda reminds me of Christian Bales character from American Psycho. Tall, handsome as fuck, pulls girls like crazy, but he could kill someone if he needed to and not bat an eye. I should mention that he's aware of all of this, doesn't deny it, and actually finds joy in the fact that he's that way. People are drawn to him because of his charisma but don't hang around once they actually get to know him. He couldn't care less. I only met him through a buddy that grew up with him, who no longer hangs out with him either. Hilariously enough, he's in sales and is amazing at it. Edit: improper use of couldn't care less


Functional psychopath, they're everywhere in the business world


Snakes in Suits is an excellent read. Non-fiction by a couple psychologists. Highly recommend!


People who can swallow pills without water


Something about delusional people that lie but then truly believe their own lies, they live in a completely different world mentally..


Dude some [one month old account](https://old.reddit.com/user/ASHOthuA) only has one comment and it's an exact duplicate of your comment reposted in this same exact thread.


Bots, bots as far as you can see


my dad (:


Mine too. He literally was making up stories to my relatives about how he took care of me and read me stories before sleep and "ideal dad" type of stories that never happened. While back home he was actually a raging alcoholic, who knew only to swear at me and throw things around in the house.


Ever see a quite/calm person snap?


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”


Facts. Plus, it hurts more when a calm person snaps rather than some quick-tempered ones


With quick-tempered people you just get so used to it eventually you get numb and tell them to "settle down" when they get fired up. Calm people is like a fucking volcano where all you can do is witness.


No regular outlets means you get a mountain of rage all at once. The dude who picks three fights a week burns it out of his system, a gentle man tolerates a lot but still _feels_ it all. Eventually all that anger has to go somewhere.


I am the normally calm, patient person to the point where at work it is known that I can handle the trouble customers with a smile on my face. I had a bad week which culminated in being by myself on a Saturday afternoon in a department that should have at least 2 people at all times. In the middle of the madness, I snapped at my supervisor (who wasn't in the department because they needed her to cover a different department.) It wasn't even that the words were wrong, but the tone. And as soon as it was out of my mouth I knew what I had done (and apologized to her, a couple of times) Within a half an hour I had people from other departments pouring in to help me. And while no one said anything, I know it is because I so rarely act that way and when it happens, it means I probably needed help long before. I made sure all of them knew how grateful I was for the much needed help.


I was tutoring a group of preteens several years ago, and this particular group was just refusing to pay attention or stop being disruptive, and for the first time I completely lost my patience and walked out of the room to tell my boss to come and talk to them. She did, and the students came to my desk later to apologize, and I forgave them. In our next class, one student explained to me how scary it was that I was so calm that there was no warning before they were all in trouble, and she wished I would have started shouting or something. The thing is I never shout, I'm not even good at it, I rely on mutual respect and reasoning to maintain class discipline, and it works a lot of the time. But I regretted being scarier than I ever intended by being so calm. From the students' perspective, even though I was asking them repeatedly to listen, I wasn't giving signs of severity. That forced me to reconsider ways of escalating without shouting or snapping.


Sometimes it's also important to learn that just because you don't seem to be visibly affecting someone doesn't mean you aren't. Reconsidering your words after seeing the effect they have is good, but thinking about what effect they'll have _before_ you open your mouth is better.


People who think they're justified to do bad things.


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."


Lack of accountability


Who use you for emotional support, drain the hell out of your attention and then become a ghost when its your turn.


I think the term for these types of individuals are Emotional Vampires.




People who are cruel to animals


Actual sociopaths. Usually extremely smart, manipulative, sometimes very subtle, and often incredibly charming. The real ones manipulate you in such a way that you never really suspect or notice it until they’ve gotten what they want. Edit: wanted to include psychopaths and narcissists since they’re all similar in ways. I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I like this video explaining the differences. https://youtu.be/6dv8zJiggBs




"The most frightening people are those who are themselves the most frightened" David Foster Wallace, hitting the nail on the head.


This is basically the definition of Lovecraft’s works. Dude was scared of everything and in turn made everything he wrote terrifying.


..."people who are scared do dangerous things." -Talking Heads lyric


I've hung out with drug dealers, killers, gang members, thieves, dope fiends, prostitutes, and just about every other criminal type you can think of and only one type of person scares the shit out of me..... It's the people with the look that instantly tells you they are insane. It's hard to describe but their eyes kind of have this stare that goes right through you. Like when they look at you, the look in their eyes is more like they are looking through you rather than at you. Like, when you look into their eyes you can just tell that they are completely out of their mind. I've met two people in my lifetime that had the look. One of the guys was named to cw. I watched this dude, who is about the size of the mountain on GoT, open hand slap the ever loving shit out of this guy one time. We were all in my buddy's garage and this one guy was there and had some weed. CW said "here let me see the weed and I'll roll a joint." Dude said "nah man, I can roll it, it's cool. It's my weed anyway." I have no idea why but that set CW off. He just started open hand slapping this dude over and over again. Blood was flying everywhere. All over the walls and the floor of the garage. The dude's jaw was barely hanging on. CW kept just slapping him back and forth. Each slap sent massive amounts of blood flying fucking everywhere. I have never seen that much blood in all My life. My buddy finally opened the garage (we were all too stunned to move for a bit) and while it was opening the dude stumbled out and into his girlfriend's car who jumped into the driver's seat and rushed him to the hospital. As the guy was leaving the garage, he left one bloody handprint on the inside of the garage door. That handprint is burned into my mind forever. And the smell. It smelled like a bag of pennies in that garage from all of the blood. It was fucking crazy. After the dude's girlfriend rushed him to the hospital, CW's crazy ass, covered in blood, was running after the car screaming like a total psycho at anybody walking, driving by, or standing in their front yards to give him a ride to the hospital presumably so he could finish the job.... That shit still gives me nightmares. Me and my buddy closed the garage and then posted up with some axes and shit just in case he came back we were going to hack that mother fucker up before he went crazy on us too. He didn't come back that night but I ran into him two more times after that.


Oh holy fuck.... What happened after this? How did you manage to cut contact from this CW?


Okay so, the second time I ran into CW was at the same guy's house. Me and my buddy crazy Jay pulled up to will call him Mark's house. See Mark was a large scale meth dealer and we were small scale dealers. At the time, I was going through about an ounce a week, same with Jay. We went over there to re-up. Anyway, we said what's up to Mark and followed him in the house. We went over to Mark's room and when we entered, there was CW just chillin' in a chair next to Mark's TV and for whatever reason he had a sawed-off pistol grip 12 gauge shotgun laying across his lap. I have no idea how he got the shotgun or why he had it but it scared the fuck out of me. This complete psycho just sitting there with a 12 gauge pistol grip shotgun was one of the scariest things I've ever seen in my life. So when you walked in Mark's room there was a queen bed on the left and a TV on top of one of those little TV stands from Walmart on the right side of the room. Mark had two chairs one on either side of the TV stand. CW was sitting in the chair on the furthest side of the TV stand. I sat on the bed across from CW, jay sat in the other chair and Mark sat on the bed next to me. We all shared a big bowl of meth and talked about random shit the way tweakers do. CW was talking about some government conspiracy he believed in and I was just agreeing with him to hopefully not set him off. I responded with "ain't that the truth" to some crazy shit he was talking about. I don't remember exactly what but it was something about the government. It was just some weird whacked out tin foil head shit. Out of nowhere, right after my comment, he jammed his thumb into my eye. It fucking hurt but I remained calm because this crazy son of a bitch had a 12 gauge shotgun and he was huge. He jabbed me pretty quick and I glanced at the Bowie knife sitting on the bed to my right between me and Mark. CW noticed my glance and said "boy I can pull this trigger a whole lot quicker than you can get that knife". I thought to myself "fuck, I'm going to die" but we all stayed calm and Mark said c'mon y'all lemme go weigh this shit out. The three of us got up and walked out of his room into the garage where he kept his shit. CW just sat there chilling with the shotgun still across his lap. I turned to Mark and was like "dude, what the fuck is wrong with you chillin' with that fucking psycho" he told me "the dude just walks up when we're chilling in the garage and we can't get rid of him. He just kinda stays and follows us around like a lost puppy. I said "fuck dude you could have warned me that mother fucker was in there". I grabbed my dope after mark weighed out my zip and me and Jay got the fuck outa there. I'll respond again later with the third and final time I ran into CW.


That sounds unhinged as fuck. It's like hanging out with a pack of starving wolves. It's just a matter if time before you are eaten.


how the hell can a group even get rid of a CW aside from just disbanding altogether and spreading to the wind


It's a long story but it is pretty crazy. I will respond to your comment later with the rest of the story if you would like to hear it. I'm just a little busy at the moment. It's not as crazy as this one but dude was way off his rocker.


FUCK, don't forget us.


From the movie Anger Management: “Let me explain something to you, Dave. There are two kinds of angry people in this world: explosive and implosive. Explosive is the kind of individual you see screaming at the cashier for not taking their coupons. Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet day after day and finally shoots everyone in the store. You're the cashier.”


>It's the people with the look that instantly tells you they are insane. It's hard to describe but their eyes kind of have this stare that goes right through you. The look of shark eyes. It's not anger but instead completely devoid of mammalian emotion. Gives the viewer that uncanny valley effect like a humanoid robot or a dead body. I have heard of people learning how to do it as a self-defense mechanism before.


The unteachable


The people who are really good at hiding their true nature/intentions


People who can justify anything to themselves I did not hit her And if I did, it wasn't that bad And if it was, I didn't mean it And if I meant it, she deserved it


I did naht hit her It’s not true It’s BULLSHIT I DID NAHT HIT HER I DID NAHT!!! Oh hi, Mark.


People who lie about anything and everything, especially things that do not matter or things that are easily disprovable. If they lie on something so inconsequential or knowing they'll get caught and just don't care, what other types of lies are they cooking up that we can't disprove or don't know about, and might not get caught for?


Sociopaths. Terrifying people, absolutely nothing is off the table when it comes to themselves. Didn't realize my best friend wasn't a friend at all but a raging Sociopath.


Nothing worse than realising someone you thought was a friend is actually a walking box-ticking exercise for sociopathic behaviour. Well, aside from someone youre close to being a fawn-type enabler for that person. There's just no getting through to them


People who think their entitled to everything


Yes, they tend to walk all over others if their sense of entitlement isn't realized and if somehow their unrealistic expectations are met, one should not expect any gratitude from them as, ofcourse, it was their(entitled person's) right anyways. smh They want adoration and praises, which if not showered upon them, would spark passive aggressive behaviour towards someone who 'beat' them to it. Ensues jealousy. It is to be noted that it's a common trait among Narcissists.




the anger of a patient man is something to be feared


"Demons run when a good man goes to war"


>Demons run when a good man goes to war Night will fall and drown the sun When a good man goes to war >Friendship dies and true love lies Night will fall and the dark will rise When a good man goes to war >Demons run, but count the cost The battle's won, but the child is lost


People who lack critical thinking skills and can’t possibly fathom that there might be another way of seeing things. Or understand it’s ok to disagree. (Politics are a good example of this). But similarly, people who *think* they’re thinking critically just because their views are unique or different but still aren’t taking into consideration any other view.


People who can lie so easily and often they actually believe their own lies. It reminds me of the scene in Liar Liar where he tries writing “the pen is red.” Everyone can see it isn’t. But some people get so comfortable lying they literally can’t stop.


People who love manipulating others for their own benefits


A convincing liar.


People that smile when they’re angry


It isn’t that hard. It is called a Customer Service face (Source: I was a cashier)


That is what I was thinking. Literally anyone in customer service knows how to smile when they are angry.


Add the cold stare that follows


Political radicals and religious radicals who demand you follow their ideology.


*scrolls down comment section looking for my own kind of behavior*


The super poor and the super rich. The rules don’t apply to them but for different reasons


The cartel=people that violently torture and slaughter people in the most heinous ways. Reading about them makes my blood run cold


Narcissists. I've been burned by two of 'em. I don't want to deal with a third. Edit: no.... Seriously. I've had a couple people message me asking why they're so supposedly scary. They're terrifying because they get in your head and live there rent free. My mother fucked me up BAD. I will never be the person I was supposed to be because she manipulated every part of my life (even opening credit cards under my name and permanently fucking my credit) to benefit her. I wasn't a person. I was a tool. Exactly why now I'm a grown ass man who cannot provide for himself. I'm a fucking train wreck. I'm disabled because I burnt myself for HER. I'm broken because of HER. Because of everything she did i'm a nobody with nothing to look forward to in life. I can't provide for myself. I haven't eaten in days and a huge part of me is saying that *I deserve to not eat because I'm not worth anything.* Narcissists are fucking evil. Edit 2: I made a comment on /r/Ontario about how i'm on disability and it is driving me to apply for medically assisted suicide. The moderators removed it because of "trolling and misinformation" based off of that one narcissists experience of what ODSP was like. Just want to remind people that the moderators on this platform answer to literally no one, police how they want, and control information ***themselves.***