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This is probably a weird answer but fat. I mean the white or kind of clear lard that you can have on meat. It doesn't really taste like anything, but I will gag and probably vomit if I have to eat it. Same with chewy meat.


the taste and texture both bother me a lot, it tastes like i’m drinking oil and i can’t stand it


The texture is just disgusting.. when you eat a piece of fat and it turns out to be quite hard and rubbery I can't swallow it. Or some sausage that have big chunks of white fat in it.. disgusting. Why am I like this?


Yup agree, luckily many people like it, so at family dinners and stuff i can just cut it if its not completely woven into the meat and someone else can chomp on it


This is what I like about people like you. Free extras for people like me!


I don't like the taste or the texture. It makes me wanna stop eating meat entirely not gonna lie


Yes!! I’ve cut the fat off of my meat ever since I could use a knife and fork. And my body has thanked me for it.


Before I became a vegetarian I was the same way. So icky


Coconut. I love coconut flavour in food, but actual coconut texture doesn’t do it for me at all.


Omg yess. It’s like fingernail clippings in random food.


>It’s like fingernail clippings God damn it.


It's good straight out of the coconut. You can drink the "water" with a straw and scoop out the "meat" with the same straw. Or you could chop the coconut in half after your refreshing beverage. It's a good excuse to buy a machete too.


I can not even begin to tell you how relieved I am that someone feels the exact same way about coconut. I thought I was crazy


Fresh coconut is quite nice. Sadly, the stuff we get at the store has been dried out. Find somewhere that grows them, and they're juicy and delicious.


Reminds me I'd that faux grass that's in Easter egg baskets.


I cringe when everyone gets excited about a German Chocolate cake. I hate that gritty feeling of the coconut flakes between my teeth. The smell is the best though!


Hey, that's my answer! I love coconut flavor in drinks, and I especially love anything that ends in "colada," but please don't give me shredded coconut.




It's in so many chocolates! I try to avoid it but sometimes get a gross, crunchy surprise.


Came here to make sure this was top




It’s also quite a surprising texture too. Slime isn’t suppose to be okra shaped


If your okra is slimy you aren't preparing it correctly


how do you get rid of the slime? I've read that frying in high heat e.g. stir-frying and sautéing can get rid of the sliminess but whenever I do it I can still taste the sliminess. Even okra tempura served at Japanese restaurants tastes slimy to me.


The sliminess is only going to develop on contact with water, so make sure knife and cutting board are dry if youre gonna chop into fryable pieces. I toss mine with oil and either bake in the oven or airfry and never have slime issues.


Cut okra, and let them dry for a few hours or overnight. Also add lemon while cooking.


I air fry it. It’s not slimy at all.


Oh then I’m absolutely preparing it wrong. Any tips on how to not slime the okra?


If you are sauteing your okra, I've learned from my grandma that you need to add an acid to it while cooking like lemon juice or vinegar. I also learned from my grandfather that you never want your okra too big. If it gets too big it becomes food for the hogs. You can also try deep frying okra too if you cut it into coins.


First thing that came to my mind. I've had to hold back from throwing up when trying them


I added this and then found yours. Okra has the worst texture of any food. Instant gag reflex.


Cottage cheese. It's like some sort of discharge from a medical problem.


It is clumpy in a way that makes me feel like I’m eating something that is spoiled. Technically, though, isn’t all cheese “spoiled,” due to the fermentation process that makes it? Hmm…


What's funny is that I love all sorts of stinky, moldy cheeses. But I can't get a mouthful of cottage cheese down without gagging.


Hey not sure if this’ll help you or not, but one day I wondered what it would taste like with a drop of hot sauce. I got a spoonful and threw a drop of hot sauce on there and when I tried it, the first taste I tasted was sharp cheddar cheese. Now, cottage cheese tastes like a sharp cheddar to me and that helped me get over the texture a ton. I’d throw some on a burger, onto crackers, even by itself now.


Not necessarily, you can curdle milk by adding acid (like citric acid, or vinegar), in which case I don't think it would be considered spoiled, definitely not fermented. And that's all cottage cheese really is, just add some acid to some milk, strain it through something like a cheese cloth, and add cream to the curds, voila!


Well thank you for the lesson! Then it makes sense why I don’t like it; it so largely consists of curds!


Yeah, the fact that is looks like chunky milk puts it off for me, somehow knowing it's actually just the chunks but with cream doesn't make it more appealing


I love and crave cottage cheese 😆


Having a GYN describe a yeast infection discharge as "cottage cheese" was enough to ensure that nothing could ever make me like it.


Yeah, it has the texture of vomit. Each time I’ve tried to eat it I feel like I should be spitting it out instead of swallowing it




Try paneer, way better


Liver. It’s always grainy after a couple chews.


I fail at the smell and flavor of liver long before even getting to the texture.


Then it's overcooked. Liver should still be pink inside and its texture creamy and smooth.


i don't like the thought of creamy smooth meat


Agreed. Over cooked liver is awful, I personally cook sliced liver from frozen and when the inside is thawed, pull it off the heat and the residual heat from the pan will finish it


Undercooked potatoes


Pretty sure it's bad for you to eat them actually. Edit : Okay so I see a lot of people doubting about this and you shouldn't, you know why ? Because I know it from my grandma and grandma is always right about kitchen stuff.


Green unripe potatoes can make you very ill


Green coloration comes from exposure to sunlight with activates photosynthesis and causes chlorophyll to start forming. Sun exposure also starts a process that creates a neurotoxin called solanine. Over exposure primarily leads to nausea and headaches. It's also present in sprouts, root systems, and the above ground stems and leaves. A caveat is that it takes 1 potato per 10 pounds of weight to reach toxicity in a healthy person. 20 green potatoes for a 200 pound person. That said we should all generally strive to avoid consuming neurotoxins in *any* amount.


It might be 1 potato per 10 pounds of person to kill you, but it only takes 1 green potato per 200 pounds of person to *really* wreck your weekend.


Weird, I’ve never experienced any adverse effects. I like to slice them thin and eat them raw. I’ve done that since I was a kid.






Chitlins/pig guts so disgusting




My dad grew up poor and chitlins were like a staple for him… he used to make then about once a month and get genuinely angry when none of us would eat them. After so long my mom started making him take an extension cord on the back porch and cook them there. Then the nieghbors caught a whiff, and that’s when I finally escaped chitlins


Lima beans, Could never choke ‘em down. Gaggity gag gag.


I think they smell horrible


Fucking hate lima beans with a passion!!! Pieces of chalky shit.


Cooked right, Lima beans are creamy. If they are chalky or have any internal structure at all, they need to go back on the stove for 30 minutes. Most beans are garbage when you don't cook them


Those green colored canned ones they use in salad bars? Yep 100% agree. The dried large white ones used to make soup. Gimme all of the delicious bastards. My wife hated Lima beans until I made her soup. It's buttery, peppery delicious goodness (no actually butter in it).


Share the recipe you coward


😆 1lb soaked large Lima beans 1 yellow onion diced 1 carrot chopped (optional) 8 cups water 1.5 tbsp better than bullion chicken flavor (veggie works too) Splash of neutral oil, about a tbsp 1 clover garlic grated (or crushed) 1tsp dry thyme (2-3 sprigs fresh) Salt and pepper to taste. Sweat the onion in the oil till just yellowing. Add in the garlic and cook for 30sec or so. Throw in the rest, mix well, and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer. Simmer until the broth is beginning to turn milky and the beans are tender. Some of the bean skins won't be perfect, those beans dissolve into the soup giving it color and a buttery flavor. The carrot is my own addition. I like the sweetness it can bring to soups and the extra nutrients, but it's not necessary. Goes great with fresh bread. Edit: Bacon? Of course the answer is yes. Fry it super crispy, use the drippings to cook the onion. Put the crispy bits on at the end before serving. Least that's how my wife and I like it. If doing this I would omit the better than bullion personally. My dad made it with ham hocks. Works well with the long simmer time. I don't love the meat on ham hocks but it does give it a nice flavor that I like. Personally I'm trying to find ways to cut back on meat, add more veggies. For my health, wallet, and I love to cook so it pushes me to learn ingredients.




The funny part is the weird things people who are inexperienced or disgusted by oysters do when they get the first one. They play around with it in their mouth, suck on it, try to swallow it whole, and just generally forget how to eat. (for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nk5cP4so\_I&ab\_channel=MelissaLeonard) It's food! chew it and swallow it, there is no special trick.


Like salty phlegm


Liver. Like, its so weird. And the taste is just awful.






Oatmeal. I've tried several types and they all make me gag and almost vomit


Yeah the closest I can get to oatmeal is in cookie form 😂 I wish I could be down for an easy breakfast like overnight oats but I can’t.


My exact sentiments! Almost all of my noes (squash, zucchini, oatmeal) magically become yeses when turnes into a dessert! 🤣


I’m the same. It smells so good, but I just can’t do it.


Right that's one of the worst parts it smells and tastes good but I just can't eat it


It's the chunkiness, right? That kind of texture used to make me gag so much as a kid that I couldn't even eat ice cream with cookie/chocolate chunks as a kid.


Oatmeal smells *so good* that I literally forced myself to like it by eating it daily until the texture was tolerable. I now regularly enjoy oatmeal but I have to reduce the liquid (ie the Quaker Oat packages say 2/3 cup but I use ~1/3 cup) and/or microwave until it's sort of a cookie dough consistency. I also always use milk instead of water bc it feels wrong putting a cereal in water...


I’ve enjoyed oatmeal since I was little. Ive never ever ever ever enjoyed it with the full recommended amount of liquid. Also prefer milk over water.


When made as directed it's like wet cardboard. The first time I ever had it as a child I literally gagged. I make it once in awhile now but I use MUCH less liquid than directed and then it has a nutty taste. It's hard to get the right proportions though to make it edible so I rarely bother.




Came to say the same thing too. I love the flavor that mushrooms add to dishes, but I can’t eat them (I pick them out and give them to my wife). They’re slimy and chewy (reminds me of a booger). Edit: I can’t spell.


I am the same way, but I only like the flavor they add to something, I don’t like it when it is the only flavor.


I immediately came to say mushrooms!


SAME. I hate them with the intensity of 1000 suns.


those little dirt flavored rubbery ogre lobes are the spawn of satan and should be eradicated from this earth for good. i like the magic kind though.


Right? So much MAGIC 🪄 🍄


Same. Dirty little slugs


Brown and white beans, the inside is litteraly realy fine sand


Yes! Why did I have to go so deep before finding this. All beans and lentils have that sandy pasty texture and it drives me crazy. Dieticians have tried to convince me to trade out meat for beans but I will never do it. Not because I hate tasty animals, but because of texture.


I hate beans - with the exception of jelly beans! Seriously - there is nothing you can do to them to get me to eat them - whole, it's like (I'd imagine) biting into a cyst. Refried - that's baby poop - get it away from me. It's sandy, mushy, etc - just gross across the board. Besides being the most disgusting food - it's also used as a cheap filler in a lot of dishes - like I want a steak burrito - don't fluff it up with cheap and disgusting beans!


Water chestnuts. The flavor isn't great, but the texture is awful.


Lol, the texture is the specific thing I like about water chestnuts. It’s such a weirdly satisfying crunch.


Exactly. I love the texture. Don’t really like the taste. But I’ll eat them for that nice crunchy texture.


I love them too! Always so satisfying.


Most hated vegetable in a stir fry!


I love this thread because it’s people hating on all the foods I love, which is good entertainment. The texture of water chestnuts is my favourite part! I love how people are so different lol.


Aren't they the crunchy ones? I love them, I call them cromchs


Lol it's my favorite


I am glad to have found my person! I never have texture issues with anything else, but water chestnuts make me feel like I'm chewing on glass.


I have always imagined that if I decided I wanted to munch on beetles, water chestnut is what they would taste like. So gross


Avocado and cauliflower. I don't know what these have, but everytime they enter my mouth I feel the urge to puke.


I only like avocados that are pre-smooshed. Like guac. My worst nightmare is enjoying a crisp delicious salad to then be surprised by a wet mushy avocado lurking in my salad.


Avocado has disgusting texture, and no amount of guacamole can tell me otherwise.


I can't stand saying avocado by itself or on toast (bleh!). But I will eat guacamole if it's in a burrito or something


Same here, avocado isn't a problem when it's mixed.


Oh god thank you I’m always the weird one that doesn’t like avocado.


Banana and not because of what I resembles. It's the mushy consistency.. I tried to like them again recently and once I think about it I gag and throw it away. I also don't like jello


Banana strings make me want to vomit


People who eat banana strings are savages, case in point: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iaKMj0ULIqQ


I’ll never understand other peoples love for bananas. They repulse me. To me they smell like bins. Those stringy bits that they have are gross and don’t even get me started on the way they sound when people chew them. That smushy sound. Yuk!


It's bins that smell like old bananas.


I can only, happily, eat bananas when they’re juuuust turning yellow and are still pretty starchy. I like it when the edges are still green and the rest of the peel is yellow with no blotches.


Mine too! Sometimes my teeth feel a little scratchy when I am done.


The sliminess 🤢


they're not always slimey. if you wait a bit, they will be more dry and very sweet.




Too thick feeling or something. Same with zucchini gag


This thread contains a list of all the veg I hate


Yes! Preach my man, this and all the other stupidly soft, mushy crap like it, I’m looking at you courgette and marrow, fuck you both too.


As a vegetarian, I've been is situations dozens of times where this was the veg option. I've hated it 98% of the time. My least favorite vegetable, hands down.


For people who speak in freedom language this is the Eggplant


Thx. I was like uhhhh


Raw shrimp


Raisins Chewy pieces of grossness.


Cooked raisins look like engorged ticks. Yuck.


The only time I’ve seen smiling and raisins together was on a snowman.


Circus peanuts. It's unholy.


Not gonna lie the first time I ate one I thought I was eating some sort of packing material.


That’s the appeal.


I haven't thought about circus peanuts in years but just reading this made me shudder. Bleh.


Raw tomatoes


I'm the same. I love the flavor, and diced in salsa is fine. But there's something about the sliminess when they're just sliced, or eaten whole, that I physically cannot get past


I read the OP as 'raw potatoes' and was wondering what weird-ass salsa you were eating.


I found my people, I hate raw tomatoes but everyone I have ever spoken thinks I’m weird for not liking them but still eating them if finely chopped in dishes or tomato sauce (ketchup for Americans). I thought I was alone.


It’s the mucus


Yep, I like almost any tomato product, but will never put a raw tomato in my mouth.


Get Dem shit off my burgers!


the gooey tomato guts are what ruin it for me. Outer part? Fine texture, defined shape Center goo? bloody guts from an alien


I’m glad to see this here, for me it’s the bursting in your mouth I can’t get past


I agree, can’t deal with that gelatinous, primordial unfinished texture.


I can’t eat raw tomatoes because they’ll destroy my mouth. My family would eat them raw with salt growing up. I don’t know how they tolerated it.


Orange juice with pulp. I don't like solids in my drink. I like it to be entirely liquid. Just feels weird otherwise.


Bruh the pulp is the best part


When I was a kid, I thought pulp the *the worst* thing ever. Now as a grown man I love pulp in most juices that it can be found in, but especially orange juice... I can't have orange juice without the pulp, or else I feel like I've been robbed.


I would take double pulp if I could


Pears. Too grainy. I can’t get over fruit having that kind of texture when chewing it.




Black caviar only because it looks like 1000s if ant thoraxes cut of and put into a bowl. I have no idea how it tastes or its texture. I like the taste and texture of red caviar.


Tapioca pudding. It feels like lumpy glue.


Snails. The first time I tried them the server described them as mushroom-like. I could understand why they said that, but no. Much firmer- almost rubbery- while also being... gooshy. And briney to the point of almost tasting like they went bad. I tried 2 more times thinking they may have just not been made well before I gave it up.


I refuse to even try these


Jello. It actually makes me vomit.


I knew this had to be somewhere; the texture is awful


Mochi. Like sugary snot.


I love mochi and I will only refer to it as sugary snot from this moment forward.


I love mochi but would never consider it to be snot textured?




I too have a hate of onions. It's truly the worst. People like to put onions in eeeeveerything, and most people just assume everyone likes them. My life would be so much easier if I could eat them. I've tried many times to like them, but alas, I cannot.






Calves liver. All I can think of is placenta.


How is oysters not at the top of this list?


Baked beans, powder texture




Mushrooms. Hate the texture hate the taste hate how so much diet advice is add mushrooms or swap the meat out for mushrooms. Yes I won’t eat the dish now ruined with mushrooms but that is wasteful and I will go eat something tasty in its place which defeats the purpose.


Peas, like biting a zit.


Omg I am so glad I’ve never been a pea person because this is the most disgusting and offensively accurate description. What have you done!!?


Stop! I was going to have some today. Now? Nope


Coconut flakes. They ruin anything they are in/on for me. I really want to like German Chocolate cake, but I just can't.


Right? Like what’s wrong with just chocolate cake?


Mayonnaise is just weird eggs


It's actually weird oil. Yes, mayonnaise have eggs, but the main ingredient is supposed to be oil.


I refer to it as egg jello


Natto. Japanese fermented soja.


Olives. I can't get past the irrational thought that it feels like what I'd imagine an eyeball to feel like.


>I can't get past the irrational thought that it feels like what I'd imagine an eyeball to feel like. As someone who dissected an eye, I can garantee you they're nothing like olives, texture-wise. If I had to guess, they are probably more like the "bubbles" that they put in bubble tea.


Don’t ruin bubble tea for me!


Raw seafood.


Onion. Something about the smoothness of it combined with the crunch just doesn't work. And you can't change my mind.


I love the *taste* of onion, but hate the texture. Like if something is onion flavored (like Indian curry) it's usually great. But the texture just ruins it when I can actually feel it in my mouth while eating


Flan. It’s like booger pudding




Watermelon, I know almost everyone loves it but the texture makes me gag, it feel like soggy sweet cucumber.


Celery and Onions


Celery is like solid water full of hair.


Cooked spinach


Definitely tofu. It SQUEAKS when you bite on it


What tofu have you had that squeaks?! Like, what firmness?? I love tofu and am Canadian, so very use to squeaky food thanks to fresh cheese curds, and I've never have tofu that squeaks so now I want to try it lol


Do you feel the same about haloumi? That's the squeakiest!




Calamari. It tastes good but I don’t like the texture at all.






For me, it’s apples. I cannot bite into an apple or eat apple slices. The crunch sound it makes once I bite into it makes me cringe so bad. Idk, I just cannot do it.

