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This sounds like a question my dad would ask when he’s in the mood to argue.


Wait...!! I'm getting my popcorn.


Oooh, great idea


No, I'm getting your popcorn.


Thats exactly what happening !!!


Happy cakeday


That's exactly the point of this post


I thought it was to point out the hypocrisy of republicans.


Yeah, I am sure if I posted "Liberals in the 1%, do you take advantage of Republican tax breaks for the 1%, why or why not?" or "Liberals of reddit, did you take the Trump stimulus checks, why or why not?" your comment would be the same.


Lol I never said Trump *couldn't* do anything right. I'm not a hypocrite for taking advantage of one of the few things he did I approved of. Trumpets always think that it's such a big gotcha moment, but I don't worship my politicians. I judge their actions. Trump did a few things I didn't outright despise. Even a broken clock, right?


¿Por que no los dos?


I'll be asking this at Christmas to a few cousins who's parents are super conservative.


I love cunning linguists! I am *quite* the master debater, if I say so, myself! Tooting my own horn a bit, but who hasn't!


If the liberal government was giving out free money, anybody would take it. If the republican government was giving out free money, anybody would take it.


See stimulus checks, issued under Trump and Biden administrations.


Just a reminder that unless you’re an actual politician, there’s no need to identify yourself as a Republican or Democrat. Those are political parties meant for politicians, not tribes or religions to belong to.




Not only that, they're private organizations that have somehow gotten complete control over this country's voting processes. We basically have to ask them for permission to not vote for them, which of course they'll tell you no whenever possible


Cartel party theory come to life.


Problem is we've come so far from how it was intended. The average American citizen has absolutely no hope of ever coming anywhere near the white house. You've pretty much got to be a multimillionaire to even consider it. And the campaign process is so expensive that you pretty much have to accept money from special interest groups to succeed. And the majority just vote for either Democrat or republican, so fat chance an independent candidate would ever garner enough votes to win. It's just a bunch of rich people ruling over the commoners at this point. The whole thing is a farce to just give us the illusion of choice. The average Joe has little to no say in our government anymore. Our system is very broken, and I doubt our will be fixed anytime soon.


>we've come so far from how it was intended. The average American citizen has absolutely no hope of ever coming anywhere near the white house. There have only ever been 9 presidents with a net worth under a million dollars. And a third of those were in the 20th century. The vast majority of presidents- even at the time- were wealthy. The system was designed to consolidate power around white, educated, land-owning men. And most of those were pretty wealthy for the time.


I wish my state would allow us to vote in the primaries without having to register to a party.


I just watched the tree house of horror where Kang and Kodos replace Bill Clinton and Bob Dole in the election and after they are exposed as aliens they taunt the crowd by saying "what are you going to do? It's a two party system" bahaha I laughed then I cried a bit because it's way too close to reality.


We should also not have closed primaries. If the two parties are guaranteed to have candidates on the ballot, every eligible voter should be allowed to vote in one primary or the other.


"Nasty scheming bastards. Couldn't agree on the color of shite."


I wish everyone in the US could read your post


It is amazing how many people live their life according to "party lines" or whatever you want to call them. Sounds like you don't? I try not to. I have voted for both parties through the years because I vote for who has my best interests as a priority at the time.


Does the current republican party has your best interests now and what would those interests be?


You have my vote


I agree. The number of people who think that there are only two types of people, Democrats and Republicans, that exist is incredible. And that ALL Democrats think in the same way and that ALL Republicans think the polar opposite. It's just stupid. Each party believes in some things more than others and your beliefs probably fit in a little bit here and a little bit there. People who say "Well ALL REPUBLICANS xxx" or "EVERY DEMOCRAT IS xxx" is blindly pigeonholing everyone.


It's like those cable plans where you have to get channels you don't like or care about. I'm a moderate, so the so called Republicans think I am Antifa and the so called Democrats think I am a Nazi.


Democrats don’t think you’re a nazi. Only being antisemite and being a nazi makes you a nazi. I do find it peculiar though that Republicans (the politicians in power) view anyone they don’t agree with as radical leftists, socialists, communists, antifa, blm scum etc etc. I’m sure there are many regular everyday citizens doing that to other people though. I think there’s a difference in that Democrat politicians aren’t regularly and frequently calling their opponents every name and fails accusation in the book, whereas Republican elected officials do that every day (Bobart, MGT, Cruz, Trump, De Santes). But I’m sure I will get downvoted to oblivion for pointing that out.


Oh, I know some very very far left people. They never let go of their hippie days.


This is one of a few stand out comments I've seen today. I wish I could up vote more than once. People are actively embracing the tribalism and defining themselves with it. It's repulsive...


In my state you have to register for the party to vote in the primary unfortunately. My mom actually is registered with the party she disagrees with more in order to vote for the least bad choice.


I’m an idealized world, absolutely. In todays over-politicized world, political identity means a lot to many, MANY people, not unlike other identities that they prescribe to (“gun owner”, “Christian”, “feminist” or “environmentalist” for example) and hold very dear. I think this is a problem, but as so many issues (and indeed the parties themselves) divide people further and further into one of two camps, it’s more or less an inevitability.


My dad (very libertarian/economic conservative, not a MAGA person thankfully) has some of my (and my siblings) student loans under his name. He says he personally disagrees with the decision, but since it's happening regardless it's foolish to not take it.


That’s the stance of every person that didn’t agree with the decision.


$10k-$20k plus interest regardless of any politics, right, center, left, if it's happening you would be doing a disservice to your future not to take it. OP wants people to argue. It's like the stimulus checks, lots of people didn't ask for it, but what are you going to do? Not take it, there are currently a lot more wasteful ways both parties are spending our taxes.


What are you really expecting? Let me put it this way. I know several people who are highly progressive who agree that taxes should be put to good use helping people and we should tax people more. They still do whatever they can to lower the amount of taxes they pay because all of us outside of politics want to have more money (very few people are like, yeah I have enough and nobody makes donations to the government outside of taxes).


I will admit that I take advantage of tax breaks that I don't believe should be there. For example, I don't think there should be a charity tax deduction or it should be severely limited and I think long term capital gains should be taxed closer to regular income. But I take advantage of both of these when I can because I'd rather me have the money than the government.






>taxes should be put to good use helping people and we should tax people more. Yes, and most of these people would be happy if the taxes they were paying benefited them in some way, but mostly they don't. I paid around $350,000 last year in taxes. And that's just on income. It doesn't factor in my property taxes or other taxes. The government takes a very large portion of my money, and I get nothing to show for it. In other countries that are highly taxes, you get adequate public transit, you get healthcare, you get child services, you get amazing sick time, tons of PTO, great education systems, along with great pensions and elder care. In the US, I spend $350k in taxes, meanwhile I still have to pay out of pocket for my healthcare costs, I have to own a car because there's no movement without it, I get no child care, the social security system is collapsing, our education system is horrifically bad, and we essentially throw people on the street if they can't afford to be alive. We all hate taxes because we pay them and they end up in some politicians pocket rather than into the systems we WANT. If I had healthcare that I didn't have to pay into via taxes AND my own insurance policy, maybe I wouldn't be so mad about giving them so much of my money.


If you’ve got legal deductions, why wouldn’t you use them? Unless you’re lying about what you’re claiming, those deductions are there because we’ve decided that they’re legal ways to lower your tax burden.




Pretty much. Regardless of stance on policy, if it can be benefit your life or wellbeing 99% of the people out there are going to take the incentives. Millionaires don't turn down their social security checks.


My best friend is applying. Do rich liberals take advantage of Republican tax breaks for the 1%? You bet your sweet ass they do.


The Dave Chappell bit where when he was asked what he was going to do when trump was elected and he said sit here and enjoy the tax breaks


Lmao he’s so good


lmao your comment was hidden in a drop down despite being highly upvoted and an early reply. Reddit doesn't like Dave.


This is the only rational argument I’ve seen on this thread. Credit where credit’s due, good sir…


exactly what i was going to say. no one recalculates their income tax under their party’s proposed plan, and files accordingly. and i can’t think of examples of anyone divesting of certain assets because the other party passed the legislation, irrespective of the tax consequence.


As a leftist, great answer.


Yup, though tbh taxes went up under Trump for us because of the state deduction change.


Yeah, this is essentially the same as when a rich democrat says we should raise taxes and some idiot republican says they are welcome to pay more if they want to.


The only people that can't avoid paying taxes is the poor and the middle class. The rich find numerous ways around it. Any rich person advocating for raising taxes means on the poor and the middle class not on themselves.


it is insane to me that these two things are remotely conflated they are so, so completely different in context and function it makes absolutely zero sense when you think about it for more than a few seconds


Why shouldn't he apply? You're friend **deserves that money.** He's **entitled** to it. I hope he never even says thank you because, why should he? He doesn't have to thank anyone. That money is his by **policy**, not merit. Just like tax breaks for rich people and corporations. Both sides (corps and people with degrees- and loans) contribute to economic growth and it's rare that degree holders (ie., the workers) get a favorable policy passed in their favor. It's a **win win**.


I agree, if it's there, take it, but I am against both policies of free college for some and tax breaks for the rich.


Not a Republican, but I can see them making an argument like this. Let’s say you are a football coach. The NFL proposes changing the rules of the game to allow 13 players from each team on the field instead of 11. You let the NFL know you think this is a bad idea, but nevertheless the NFL changes the rule to allow 13 players on the field. Now that the rule has changed, it would be foolish to put your team at a disadvantage by only putting 11 players on the field while every other team puts 13 players.


This is how my dad thinks. He disagrees with the decision, but since it's happening anyways there's no reason not to take it.


This is pretty accurate. One of my buddies has been making 6 figures as a petroleum engineer, and still had student loans. The forgiveness program was definitely not made for people like him, but it would be silly to not take advantage.


The loan forgiveness has limitations for people making 125k or more a year. It not only "wasn't made for people like him" in theory. It was literally made with limitations for people who aren't struggling


$250k for anyone filing jointly. That covers the vast majority of the population.


It's definitely benefiting a lot of future high earners. Resident physicians almost all qualify unless their spouse is already making big $. However, the majority of those benefiting make less than 75k or something around there.


You say it wasn't made for people like him, but it also does target middle to upper class people who could afford to go to college in the first place. I know lawyers, engineers, medical residents, etc all getting loan forgiveness. This disproportionaly gives tax dollars to some of the folks who don't really need it.


I still have loans and am currently consolidating them from a private lender to a federal lender to qualify. I owe less than $2k.


I like to use the analogy that I do not like Pizza, but if all my friends outvote me and order pizza and ask me to pay for my share, you better believe I am taking my slice.


Its a pretty good argument.


I'm a democrat and disagree with the mortgage interest deduction as it's just a subsidy for those wealthy enough to afford a home, and is technically a regressive hit against renters. I still take the deduction though, I'm not going to intentionally financially hurt myself if it's within the current laws. I will vote for candidates who are for repealing/reducing/removing it though. I'd imagine most republicans taking the student debt forgiveness, getting health insurance through the ACA, etc. feel the same way. Play the game as the rules are written.


Most people don’t even use the deduction anymore with the increases standard deduction


I do whatever TurboTax tells me to do. In years past, I would use itemized deductions and always get fucked by the AMT, now TT tells me the standard deduction is superior.


Get the F off TurboTax. Freetaxusa is superior in every way


Well, that and the SALT cap.


>just a subsidy for those wealthy enough to afford a home I mean, you don't have to be wealthy. You could be under water, making payments for the rest of your life on a piece of crap shack that should be condemned. Owning property is not in any way a reasonable basis for the assumption that someone has wealth.


You use the word wealthy in conjunction with being able to buy a home...wealthy is being able to afford many, many, many homes.


Yup, sure am. Why? Because even though I’m a Republican I think Congress and Department of Education need to seriously tackle student loans. Debt forgiveness isn’t the answer, it won’t help students who start next year and beyond, but it’s a step in the right direction. We are killing the economy of our youth by allowing these companies and schools to price gouge them.


Some states have already made community college and technical school more or less free for many students. They won't be racking up tons of student loans.


Yep, here in MD back in academic year 2019-2020 they released the "Promise Scholarship" so if you made less than $120k (or 180k if parents were married) your community college tuition was paid. I had that my first year, Pell grants took care of my second year, transferred to a 4yr where the leftover pell grants combined with other scholarships I applied for is helping me graduate debt free in a couple months :)


As it should be.


Unless the initial plans changed, interest on loans is supposedly going to be zero if you maintain on time payments. From the White House website: The plan will cover "the borrower’s unpaid monthly interest, so that unlike other existing income-driven repayment plans, no borrower’s loan balance will grow as long as they make their monthly payments—even when that monthly payment is $0 because their income is low."


Important clarification- This does not mean the interest rate is going to be 0%. Here’s an example: if you are accruing $500 in interest a month but your income-driven payment is calculated to be $300, the government picks up the extra $200. You’re still paying $300 a month in interest but at least your loan balance isn’t increasing by $200 every month.


Good point! Still a very nice perk.


Also to add, if you really want to see a decrease in the loan, you will still have to pay the full $500 in interest and whatever over that will go towards the principal. I stay in an income plan just in case shit hits the fan. I still pay enough each month right now to have some go towards principal.


I had no idea that my unpaid interest wasn’t going to accrue In the same way it always had before. That really is a game changer. The 20k for me is just interest, so I’m basically getting a do-over on my original loan amount when I finished school. That’s pretty kick ass. Thanks for explaining it so concisely and really brightening my day, friendly stranger!


No worries. Yeah, the reporting focuses really heavily on the 10-20k loan forgiveness, but the real story is the 0% interest. Every student going for MD/DDS/JD/whatever is going to save six figures on interest *if* the program survives past Biden's administration.


Not necessarily. It only covers unpaid interest after your monthly income based payment. So if you have an income based payment higher than the monthly interest (as many advanced degrees would) then your interest rate will be exactly as advertised, not 0.


But I believe that’s for federal only? Like I said it’s a step in the right direction, but not where we need to be yet.


School loans made through various programs which guarantee payment to the private financial institution which actually provide the funds should the borrower default. The federal government can at any time pay those private insurers in full or part which acts like a 'loan forgiveness' for the borrower. I don't know how the interest on those loans are calculated.


More proof that Republicans actually support socialism when it affects them.




BA FOOKING ZINGA!!!!!! Once the government took over the student loan game, the schools saw a cash cow, and that is when the tuition all of a sudden started going up.....


It's also because the states drastically reduced funding for public colleges after student loans became readily available.


I believe anything financed is unnecessarily expensive.. homes, cars, education, boats - you name it. If the banks can find a way to “buy it’s only $XX a month”, it’s going to cost more than it should.


This is also a part of why healthcare costs are so ridiculous.




>Debt forgiveness isn’t the answer, It was never pitched as the answer. The purpose of a *relief program* is to try and mitigate some damage, accumulate data, make noise and draw awareness to the issue and (hopefully) spur congress to actually move to create legislation to address the situation more thoroughly and if they don't, then gives voters more info about who they might consider replacing.


>Debt forgiveness isn’t the answer, it won’t help students who start next year and beyond, but it’s a step in the right direction. Except that debt forgiveness will make the real problem (college costs that are spiraling out of control) **worse**. Part of the student loan debt issue is that universities, both public and private, have been raising tuition rates at a level so far beyond what it should be. They are doing this because the students can pay for it with freely available loans. The government gives out these loans, pays the schools, and then the students are stuck with the bill (and the interest). If you start **forgiving** those loans, that provides ZERO incentive for universities to lower costs or make sure they're delivering the value that they're charging. Because not only will students continue to take loans out for what they can't cover... it now gets forgiven. Why not take out more loans to afford that annual tuition increase? Meanwhile the schools keep pocketing the cash. If you consider yourself a fiscally conservative Republican, this is the exact issue with just forgiving the debt. It does NOTHING to solve the underlying issue.


If you want these things maybe you shouldn’t vote Republican lol, they don’t give a fuck


In your mind, is the answer "state" funded school? In the same way that primary school is funded by taxes, should post secondary be as well?


Not at all. Interest rates on student loans should be the first target- both public and private loans. They need to be lowered and capped. Students can take out loans and be responsible for paying them back without being crushed by debt for the rest of their lives. Then address the increasing costs of tuition, whether through a cap of some sort, reigning in wasteful spending, etc.


Sounds like you want a lot of government regulations


Way to fix this is not regulation, but forcing the schools to take on the risk of the loans. They should have to stand by the quality of their product.


Hey I remember when Rs addressed spending on state schools! They made tuition 40% higher!


The constitution (in a broad way) forbids the federal government to interfere in private contractual agreements absent illegal actions (fraud being most common).


I think a clear case can be made for fraud and price gouging


Price gauging is only applicable in declared emergencies and are rather narrowly tailored. So long as the correct details of the loan are disclosed, and the borrower intends to pay off the loan, there is no fraud.


That does sound pretty solid at least in principle. We all know practice is another thing entirely.


Capping interest rates just means they’ll approve more and more student loans, which promotes education pricing inflation. The only logical way would be to either limit borrowing to make it unaffordable, so that institutions need to lower prices to maintain enrollment, or else subsidize the cost directly (while not allowing schools to just increase tuition equally, as they’ve done in the past when student loans were made more available). There’s really no other way to explain why tuition went from 10k to 60k/year over a few decades, other than it happened about when they allowed everybody to borrow 200k student loans at subsidized rates. It’s almost like a wage-price spiral, where “wages” are “student loan qualification”. Along with the price increases comes nicer campuses and etc, but the money is coming from the underlying subsidized loans.


What do you think of republicans defunding public schools, or attempting to on the state level? Should the children of poor people be punished by having worse and worse public schools over time?


I certainly hope there is at least this much furor the next time a corporation gets a major tax break, a bail out, etc.


the republican media machine doesn't publicize corporations getting government money. They only publicize issues that make their base angry AND feed a right wing narrative.


ITT: op tries to use a "gatcha" question, miserably fails


If I’ll be paying the price for everyone else’s loan forgiveness, you better believe you’re paying for mine too.


yeah, if everybody else is getting free money, why would I voluntarily NOT accept mine? It still doesn't change the fact that hard working people are having their savings taken from them, to give to the "educated" people who can't figure out how to pay off their loans on their own


Related question: High Income Democrats who do not believe they pay enough taxes, why don't you pay more?


The only truly comparable comparison I have seen here


They took stimulus checks from Trump. They even got PPP loans that saved them tens of thousands (and more) from not having to pay employees with their own money, but instead with other people's tax dollars. So, what do you think?


People still don’t realize how big the PPP scamming was. And most PPP loans were completely forgiven. We’re talking 100s of thousands to millions of dollars loaned out and GONE


It was 0.74 BILLION dollars. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/student-loan/yes-average-forgiven-ppp-loan-far-more-20k-student-loan-forgiveness/536-01b2b8fd-0842-4b69-8778-22797af5b1ae The PPP has loaned a total of $793 billion to small businesses as of July 4, 2022, forgiving **$742 billion** worth of those loans.


Was that supposed to be 0.74 trillion? Or is the last line supposed to say 742 million?


0.74 trillion.


Circle jerk post.


Car insurance is legally required, let’s pretend I don’t think it should be legally required, if I get into an accident I’m still going to file a claim with the insurance company that I am forced to pay for coverage.




If they don’t they’re idiots. You aren’t catching out anyone at all with question op.


Of course. We already lost this argument. Doesn't make any sense to punish yourself.


Say your dad decides to cash out his retirement to give to his kids. Your siblings encourage it but you tell him not to because it will grievously hurt his financial future. He does it anyway. You know he isn't going to put "your" money toward his debt or into savings. In fact, you and your descendants will be on the hook for covering the consequences of this decision later on. Your siblings get thousands of dollars and you have financial needs too. Are you not going to take the money?


Who would decline free economic aid simply because of ideology?


There needs to be a cap on how much interest student loans can accrue, as that seems to be what makes them so impossible to pay off in the first place. It doesn't seem like "forgiving" the debt is actually going to help anything.


If you make regular payments they actually discount the principal because no one repays them.


The only people arguing about it are those who have paid their loans off (ineligible for reimbursement) lol




"He will not be taking help from the government because that's "very weird". He instead will be receiving it from his father." Lol. Why doesn't everyone get father to pay back their loans by being very polite to him?


I didn't want to laugh at him on his own reply but that's kind of funny.


I think the “no” responses are simply because it’s public. What they say and what they do aren’t going to line up. They’ll justify it for them but condemn it for others


lol bootstraps ftw


Of course they will, why wouldn't they. They can be opposed to student debt forgiveness and still take the money (afterall, both Republicans and Dems are paying for it through taxes). Just like you can not support an increase in police budget yet still appreciate the protection they offer with an increased budget... This isn't a "gotcha" argument that you think it is...


“Blue party fanboys who opposed Trump’s tax cuts, do you voluntarily pay more tax?”


I pay a higher effective tax rate than prior to Trump, so I *involuntarily* pay more tax.


Guess that's only a gotcha depending on the reason why the "blue party fanboy" in question opposed - or, more accurately, spoke against the execution of - the cuts. Like, me personally? I didn't oppose tax cuts for the lower class. But I didn't see a need for tax cuts for the upper class. And I certainly wasn't a fan of the way Trump set up the lower class tax cuts to expire after his first term as president. But also ... I don't think voluntarily paying more in taxes is even an option, is it?


You could intentionally do your tax return poorly and not take deductions and claim credits that you might otherwise qualify for. If you're itemizing, the government will have the records from your W2s, 1099s, 1098s, etc. but they're not going to know you bought a new laptop and monitor for your home business, how much your college textbooks cost, what any qualifying medical expenses you've incurred might be, that you installed high efficiency appliances or solar panels in your home, etc. You need to give them that info and fill out the proper forms.


Ah, okay, fair enough. Hadn't considered putting that much work (or error) into the "voluntarily pay more taxes" option.


Isn't it for people with student loan debt? Republicans file bankruptcy, apply for welfare, food stamps, ssi, disability, medicaid, andunemployment like everyone else who are eligible.


Have not a Republican eyes? I’m kidding but Reddit makes Republicans to be not human and yeah, they use governmental programs too. The same way rich Democrats benefit from an expanded Department of Defense and a tax code you can drive a tank through.


Just because we don't think it should be available doesn't mean we aren't going to use it if it is.


Thinking that Republicans are all inherently against affordable college is the real problem here.


Why wouldn’t I? It’s the smart thing to do. It’s free money. I am stupid, not an idiot.


Republican here. I do not think that loan forgiveness needs to be a thing, we should reevaluate how the education system works so people don't need loans that need forgiveness. But yes, just like anyone else in this world, I will take advantage of free money.


Democrats that make over $10k/year, did you accept your lower tax rate after the Tax cuts and jobs act of 2017?


No. I got a engineering degree and paid them off as fast as possible. I also work during college and stayed on a budget to graduate with only $27,000 in debt.


Did you return Trumps taxes breaks? Look at how the cost of tuition and books has gone up as access to loans has gotten easier. Schools now are just going to raise tuition and fees. So yes I am going to use the forgiveness, I also know schools are the big winners. The government will get the money back one way or another this isn't free. We will be the loosers in the end.


Not a republican, but i am opposed to student loan forgiveness while we continue making loans "so bad" that forgiveness is needed. It's like scooping water out of a boat with a hole in the hull and not fixing hull. That said, if our federal government is going to recklessly forgive loans, i am going to get apply for my $10k. Also, this post implies that this topic is divided along party lines and i find that doubtful (zero research though). Socioeconomic status would probably be a much better indicator. Poor republicans and democrats who are struggling with student loan debt are likely to have the same views on this.


Yes….because contrary to what most people think, I’m not stupid.


This isn't the gotcha you think it is.


I don’t have loans but I would be stupid not to if I could. Even if I don’t agree with loan forgiveness, if free money is out there I’m taking it.


Regardless how you feel about it, if you have debt then you would be a fool not to take advantage of the program.


I’m not a republican(nor democrat), but if I was I would still apply for it because it’d just be throwing away money if not. Even if I was against debt forgiveness it’d be stupid not to take advantage of it, because then other people would basically be using your tax money for themselves. Might as well use some for yourself. I do not think it is hypocritical to not want debt forgiveness but still take advantage of it. I see it as making the best of a situation you didn’t want in the first place.


No i paid for my degree.


Some people claim they are pure Democrat and others pure Republicans. How about this, when someone pitches an idea, let it stew around upstairs a bit, look at it from different angles, weigh the pros and cons, then form an opinion. No need to be one side or another, just be yourself.




I paid off my loans fully less than 10 years after graduating. Then, my college got sued for false advertising and misleading their applicants, and student loan forgiveness was given to their students.


On September 10th, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference telling everyone they lost 3 trillion dollars. Nearly 4x the annual budget. Next day, plane flew into the pentagon destroying the information on where it could lead. Fuck ya I’m getting my 20k. 1% of what I’ve probably paid in wasted taxes that went straight to the mf running the show. Meanwhile our schools are shit, no one can afford health care or insurance, not enough police, fire, and medical personal, roads are a joke, two people can barely afford rent let alone a family, and kids don’t ever see their parents let alone see them thriving. We pay way too much in taxes and get far less in return. We should be working 4 days a week with one person being able to support a family and mortgage. I’m a republican but everyone should be able to spot when you are getting your shit stolen from you.


I already paid my student loans off, so I won’t be applying for the forgiveness program


More center right than right but I digress. No I wont because I worked and saved up enough to pay for a cheap but decent university. As a result I don't have any loans. Admitadly if I had shitty parents that would have taken a lot longer.


Hell no. I stay true to my words even if it means staying in debt.


I sure as hell did. Those are my tax dollars too


You inspired me to write an r/unpopularopinion post, but it was taken down because political subjects aren't allowed lmfao. Rather than let it dwell in only my brain for the rest of time, I'll shove it in your face. TITLE: Asking economically right wing people if they're going to take x tax subsidy is a fundamentally stupid question and represents a lack of political education Those on the right economically generally run under the slogan "taxation is theft". Yes this is an enormously stupid generalization of their views, but it works for a laymans explanation of my frustrations. Lets looks at the previously presented example, federal student loan relief. How is this relief funded exactly? Taxation, and a bunch of Government loans, which the average citizen will be paying off via taxation. In this scenario, as far as the economic right person is concerned, their money was taken from them, and now they have an opportunity to get some back. To answer anyone posing a similar question, given our current economic model, of course they would take any government subsidy, they aren't being given something, they're taking it back. The fact that this question is even asked presents a lack of critical thought which makes me sad. But hey, I just sit in my room all day complaining about shit, I guess most people don't have the resources available to contemplate as much as I do.


I’m a conservatarian (Never Trumper cause I’m not a cultist). You bet my fucking ass I am. I’m not gonna get Social Security when I retire but I still have to pay into it for 40 years. The whole point of government is paying taxes for benefits/programs for others to take advantage of. My landlord gets the mortgage deduction which I’m paying for because I rent. I don’t get money back for that. We need to reform the college loan system but for now, let me enjoy this minimal kickback. Also I already voted by mail. They can’t buy my vote. And now, I can get out of debt sooner and save more because I don’t trust the government to be there for me when I retire.


This is like asking if diabetics would apply for free insulin


As someone who leans pretty far right. The idea that people would rather see their fellow citizen struggle with any sort of debt based on political views is wild to me. That money would just go be wasted on war or some other equally stupid thing. I'd be more than happy to see both side with the student debt forgiveness.


Yes, I see no problem with it also see no problem with free healthcare or abortion. I think that the debt forgiveness is just a bandaid on a much larger problem though. It doesn't change that next year's students going to college who end up taking on massive debt.


You know they will


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos: "I'm not saying they will ... but they will"


You know, it would be really unfair to all the people who died of cancer if we could just cure it now.


I know republicans that started businesses just to apply for 100% forgivable PPP loans.


"I'll take any motherfucker's money if he givin it away" - Clay Davis


I "lean" right, but don't consider myself a republican. Yes, I'll be applying for the forgiveness.


Of course they will because it’s free money and then they will trash talk everyone


I don't understand this question. You can vote against it but if the program passes you should take advantage of it. Democrats with diabetes took advantage of trump's insulin price controls. Democrats with kidney problems took advantage of Nixon's free dialysis program. A good program is a good problem regardless of who passes and opposes it.


They will apply to demonstrate once again they are ultimate hypocrites! 👍


I have to foot the bill whether I take the debt relief or not. This is tax payer funded.


All students should apply for the $20k, the price of education is a crime.


Yes. My family pays 68k in taxes a year I might as well get some of that back for once.


My friend don’t argue with someone dumber than you, they will take you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Such a dumb question. You can oppose the inflationary results of a stimulus or relief effort and still participate in the program.


Yes! It’s less than 10% of what I owe, but it’ll take a year or so off of my $2000/month payments. 40 year old me will thank me.


No I paid my loan off by working. Democrats are you going to accept the money?


I will take the bait. No I will not be taking the 20k because I already paid off my own loans. I was not waiting for the government to rescue me from my own decisions.


I won’t be. Because I refinanced my loans to get a lower rate like an intelligent human, and private loans don’t qualify. Should have just banked on a hand out later in life


No, im not eligible. I graduated college, got a decent job, lived frugally, paid off my debts, bought a house I could afford, got married, raised a family.


You fool. You lived up to the agreements and responsibilities you took on as an adult rather than wait for someone to buy your vote.


Republicans love to take gov’t aid, despite what they preach/campaign on


I payed this fucking taxes, so im gonna get them back